Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Direction of development

   At his current strength, he is no longer limited to the alchemy platform. The spiritual power captures the materials, and the magic power forms various magic patterns, synthesizes the formation method, and can refine and purify the materials directly in the hand.

   Duolai's movements were very fast, a series of actions flowed smoothly, and soon, there was a heart-pounding black liquid in his hand.

   Duola threw the medicine dregs opponent on the ground, held the black liquid in his hand, circled it, and said, "You always know this."

   The fifth-level wizards quietly pushed back a few steps, their expressions looking at Dulai were not correct.

   Several sixth-level faces slightly changed, but the black wizard who bought the black lotus became excited.

   He took a step forward, his expression was full of jokes, and there was a hint of seriousness, and he slowly said, "I have a formula, but I don't know if you dare to refine it."

   Duola looked at the black wizard, his expression gradually becoming solemn, "I don't care if you don't use it to others or who you use it."

   The dark wizard looked at Duolai, and said in his heart, this little guy is still too young. In the current world, there are more fights with people than with monsters, but the other party only needs to practice.

   He directly raised his hand and shot a flash of light towards Duolai, "This thing can't be made, level 7 potions."

   Duolai accepted the aura, and did not introduce his own spiritual power, but put it outside, and took a closer look. Who knows if there is a mental toxin in it.

   but there is no problem, he read out the information inside.

   "Demon Lingyu." Seeing the name, Dolay blinked.

   There is no introduction, only the name of the recipe, the refining method, and even the alchemy.

   Duola took a closer look at the formula, and he was shocked.

   This thing is probably a poison on the spiritual level. All the medicinal materials in it are related to one’s five senses, subconscious mind, and mental power. Also, depending on the formula, there are a lot of diffusive drugs, which seem to be poisons of mass destruction.

   If this is practiced, if it is thrown out by him, it may be what the consequences will be.

   Duola just thought about it for less than two seconds, then raised his head and said, "It can be refined, but after a month, many medicinal materials are hard to find."

   Hearing this, the people around looked at each other, especially the dark wizard, with a surprised expression on his face. Can he really refine it? In fact, this formula is not complete, he just tried a little bit, after all, this is a seven-level potion.

Duo Lai also saw at this time that this prescription was a prescription for level seven potions, but the alchemy skills in it gave him an inspiration. Because of the alchemy side, it was very detailed, how to integrate potions and how to match them. The power of the medicine, how to increase the power and spread of the poison, were all explained clearly, for fear that he didn't know the same.

   With this kind of alchemy method, he can try other formulas of the sixth-level potion, and try to see if he can tinker with the formula on the alchemy side.

   After refining the psychic potions and magic potions for so long, in fact, he also had some experience himself, but he didn't dare to start.

At this time, a wizard stared at him carefully for a long time, and then slowly said, "Little guy, you must be careful when refining this kind of thing." He looked at the black wizard, and said, "The thing comes from your hand. No matter who uses it, if it causes great killings in the future, this crime will still fall on you."

   Duola nodded, and then slowly said, "I believe in the character of this dark wizard. At least, with these two, he dare not use it casually."

   Hearing this, Alan and the initiator, the stall owner, took the initiative to cast their gazes at the black wizard, and their gazes were full of threats.

  The black wizard's figure trembled a little, the invisible face should be unpleasant, but he soon softened, he stretched out his hand and pushed another aura to Dolai, "This is the antidote."

   In fact, it contains the lower part of the formula and the real antidote, as well as a contact method. After confirming that Duo Lai can practice, he has completely believed in the other party.

   The wizard looked at a few people before nodding.

People who can cultivate to this level, talents, xinxing, and will are all excellent people, otherwise they would not endure decades of loneliness and loneliness day after day. They are smart people and speak briskly. They believe that there is The endorsement of the two sixth-level wizards, although the other party is a dark wizard, they should still be trustworthy.

He glanced at Duo Lai, noted his characteristics, and said, "Next time I will bring some special spar, everybody, see you next time." He slowly withdrew, and then his mental strength disappeared. Quickly disappear by the sea.

  As the first person withdrew, the others were also wary of each other, and then left silently.

   The dark wizard stared at Dolai, as if to remember him, and then disappeared into the night as well.

   At the same time, in Duolai's induction, huge qi and blood disappeared in the surrounding rivers, seeming to swim far away.

   The silence was restored all around, only there were some noisy noises from the market in the distance, and some people had not left yet.

   The river is surging, coming from a distance, and flowing to an unknown distance.

   Duola raised his head and looked towards the sky. He suddenly remembered something in his heart.

The world is very big, even vast. I don’t know that the river under my feet has gone through hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years of history~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and my own little experience of more than 20 years , Not even much.

   But after so many years, I have seen something.

   Terrans are strengthening themselves, exercising themselves in various ways, even if they consume each other, the winners are always improving, and the demons have always been taking their roots, the territory is constantly being compressed and occupied by the Terrans.

   This highlights the advantage of wisdom.

   The Glory Empire has always been reserving its energy, even consciously indulging the dark wizards, and even the adventure group is fighting for internal consumption. In essence, the dark wizards and other adventure groups are also helping to expand the territory of the Glory Empire.

   Those dark wizards who are unpopular among the human race always hide in some place and manage some territories. They are always consumed with demons. In the end, it is the human race itself that is cheaper.

   The black market is just a small epitome. In this wasteland that ordinary people do not have, there is a safe stronghold occupied by humans. Even if this stronghold is temporary, someone has set foot in it.

   The Glory Empire opened schools, opened academies, and set charging standards. It seemed to serve the wealthy nobles and screen civilians, but that was not the case. They did it just to expand the human race itself.

Human resources are limited, and it is impossible to cover everything. We can only take care of the wealthy merchants, nobles and other classes. After a certain level, they will be opened to civilians. However, there are still some martial arts in the empire for civilians to learn from, which is better than nothing. .

  Only when the entire human race is strong, can it be free from the oppression of other races and the ravages of beasts.

   During this process, Human Race did not know how many blood and tears it shed before it developed to this scale.


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