Wife Please Be Obedient

Chapter 375: : I go to work outside for half a month every year

The reason why dreams are called dreams is that it is really difficult to achieve them.

If you succeed casually, it is not a dream-no one would dream of eating fried dough sticks and drinking a cup of soy milk, because it is too easy.

Its meaning is not in realization, but in the process of hard work.

Chen Rui left, talked with Qin Guanglin for a long time, and promised a lot, about interests, about cooperation-this is a must. Qin Guanglin is different from him. He has a family to support and has to live. First, eat enough, and then Can talk about other things.

For the sake of a great ideal, like-minded people agree to worship without considering other issues. That is something that is only in the novel. The reality is much more complicated than that.

Qin Guanglin watched Chen Rui drive away. He sat alone in the shop for a while, drank half a pot of tea on the table, got up and went out, ready to go home.

Why not be there, only Qin Ma was sitting in the living room with Anya and playing. There were a few paper bags for clothes on the table. They were new clothes that Qin Ma bought for her granddaughter. They looked quite high-end.


Qin Guanglin put the key on the cabinet next to him and asked casually.

"I went shopping, not long after I went out."


Qin Ma watched him run into the kitchen to find out, thought for a while and waved: "Come here, come."

"what's happenin?"

"Anya is one and a half years old, so she will leave on her own... How are you thinking about the second child?" Qin's mother never forgot about it, and she said when she was not there, "It's just right now. Add a younger brother or younger sister, and have a companion, look at you, it's just a talent so unique..."

"It's impossible for a second child to have a second child. The daughter is so cute and sensible. It's very satisfying to raise her..."


Qin Ma looked confused.

"What does a one-and-a-half-year-old kid know? Talk about people!"

"Oh, I'll take a look, why don't you buy too much food to mention."

Qin Guanglin took the key again and turned to go out. Qin's mother refused to mention the second child, so she mentioned it exclusively to him.

What kind of baby...It's as simple as having a baby and eating.

He went downstairs and walked towards the nearest supermarket while using his mobile phone to send a Wechat. As expected, he was shopping for vegetables there. After going in, he walked around for half a circle and found her in the vegetable area.

"Leek, fried yuba."

Qin Guanglin took the cart and took her to the food she loved.

"There doesn't seem to be much yuba in the house," he said.

"Then buy it! What else is missing in the supermarket?" Qin Guanglin despised this silly wife.

Lu Xun once said that men will become smarter when they get married, and women will become stupid when they get married. He was really right.

The two of them pushed the cart and strolled around the supermarket half a circle. At night, Qin's mother was also eating here. There were more vegetables than usual. The cart was filled with half a cart. Why did they push to the exit and wait in line for the checkout? Qin Guanglin remembered carrots. It seems that there are not a few left, so I ran back to choose a few radishes.

Such a vegetarian diet can make you fat. It can be seen that it is indeed caused by happiness, and it has nothing to do with diet. Qin Guanglin comforted himself with a carrot, and when he came back, he found a thin and thin young man standing in front of the car that had nothing to do with it.

"Hey, buddy, line up."

Before he could speak, Qin Guanglin walked over in two steps, shaking his head to speak.

"Who are you?"

"I said, queue up."

Qin Guanglin repeated it again. The figure of nearly two hundred catties was poked there. The smile on his fat face was constricted, and his face was quite full of flesh. Why not smile and didn't speak, he reached out to take the radish bag in his hand and put it in the car. in.

The man looked at the two of them, and then looked at the fat man Qin Guanglin. He was a little bit embarrassed. He stepped back two steps in a half embarrassing manner, and stood behind him again, expressing concession.

Why not there was an old lady behind her, but her face that just wanted to show a smile became even more angry.

"Queuing... the meaning of these two words is very clear, right?" Qin Guanglin looked at him suspiciously, wondering how anyone could be so cheeky.

Really righteous and shameless?


"What am I? Line up!"


Qin Guanglin glared, his fat face looked even more fierce, and his figure was full of deterrence. The man turned his head and ran to another counter line. Many people looked at him and made him a little embarrassed, but he was honestly in line. Behind.

"It's so majestic." Why not hold Qin Guanglin's arm and laugh in a low voice, with a sense of security in his heart.

In fact, being fat is also good, at least scary.

"Do you know what I remembered just now?" she asked.


"That fat dad in Busan."

"Well... if they all suddenly become zombies, I will definitely be able to rush out with you."

Qin Guanglin went to the end of the bill with Why in a whisper, each carrying a bag of vegetables, holding them together in the afterglow of the setting sun and walking home.

The shadows stretched long behind them, joined together and obliquely reflected on the ground.


When Anya was three years old, she knew how to make soy sauce.

Of course, it was from the old street. I went to Uncle Pan’s convenience store, and looked up and shouted milkily: Grandpa Pan, soy sauce.

Then Uncle Pan, who has gray hair, will happily get up to find soy sauce, and pass her a candy from the counter, and then watch her take small steps back home, then take out the account book from under the counter and write it down. ——Of course, I won’t remember that piece of sugar. I will ask Qin’s mother to settle the settlement together at the end of the month. Everyday neighbors do not bring change.

Qin Guanglin taught Qin's mother countless times to use WeChat to scan codes. Qin's mother was always worried that her money would disappear, but she refused to use it, and she still uses cash.

Qin Guanglin stood at the window and watched the little kid come back with soy sauce in his arms. He went to the door to greet him, hugged him and kissed him as a reward.

"Daughter is very independent. This is a good godfather."

"I didn't teach it yet?" Why don't you sneer at it, this guy will teach you a fart, and you know it every day.

"I taught it." Qin Guanglin felt good about himself, struggling to grab merit.

"You two taught, you two taught."

Mother Qin took Anya over with a big scroll and urged the two to cook.

Now, except for her son and daughter-in-law, it’s half a pity that they don’t have a second child. She has all the other things she should have. Instead, she happily gets younger and younger. When her hair turns gray, she doesn’t accept her old age. She ran to bake oil and burned a wave. She became the prettiest old lady on this street.

It was July, the heat was rolling in the street, and the few people who had finished eating did not want to go out for a walk. They were resting in the living room with an electric fan.

"Mom, take Anya for half a month. We will go out in two days."

"Why are you going?" Qin Ma asked.

"Isn't this wedding anniversary? We went out for a walk and picked up the trend. I need materials to draw and write novels, so I don't have any inspiration at home." Qin Guanglin's reason is very good, so why not rub her hands with Qin's mother quietly. Explain, "I haven't been out for a long time after I have Anya. You see, I have made less money."

"Don't take her?" Qin Ma wondered.

"It's so small and troublesome. When she gets older, we will go together as a family."

The bigger the child, the less the world of the two of them. Qin Guanglin, who realized this, wanted to spend a few more years, so as not to have time to regret it-he was almost thirty-five years old in a blink of an eye, so why didn't he have enough happiness?

One more thing, taking a child for a long time does get tired.

"Okay...you have to talk to Anya."

Qin's mother was so happy to take her granddaughter, because she was afraid that she would cry when she couldn't find her, which would be troublesome.

"Anya is very good, it's okay, isn't Anya?" Qin Guanglin chuckled.

"Mom and dad go to work, not to play. Only by working to make money can they buy delicious and fun things, you know?"

He touched Anya's head and taught, "Listen to grandma at home, don't be naughty."


Xiao Anya nodded with big ignorant eyes.

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