In the first half of the sentence, Awad was still smiling, but in the second half, his face became extremely serious in the blink of an eye, and even had a very aggressive sense of oppression.

Lin Yu didn't feel anything.

In two lives, he had seen more people than Awad had eaten noodles, and there were many people who were more oppressive than him.

Naturally, he could feel this sense of oppression, and at the same time, he was also curious about the position of this prince in Saudi Arabia.

After his eyes stayed on the other person for a moment, Lin Yu looked at Akoma opposite him.

After repeating this oppressive sentence in Arabic in a low voice, Akoma stood up, exuding a soldier's iron-blooded aura, and stretched out his hand:

"Your Highness Awad, one day in the future, when you think of the decision you made today, I think you will laugh out loud."

"Be happy with yourself for the decision you made today."

"Similarly, our mutual friend Lin Yu will also laugh with relief when he recalls today's negotiations one day in the future."

"Because he witnessed the self-improvement of a group."

As soon as he finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of Lin Yu taking out a notebook from his arms, and then lying on the table to write.

Seeing his action, Carlo, who was closest to him, leaned over, frowned for a while, and read the words on the notebook.

"March 13, 2003, sunny, southeast wind 3-4."

"Location, Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., East District, Lanling City, here, I facilitated the cooperation between the Milk Tea Party and Saudi Arabia."

"Milk Tea Party member Arkema said, I witnessed the sublimation of an ethnic group."

"I will write this sentence down, and ask the person who gets my notebook to supervise. If the Arabs have not sublimated, go to Arkema's grave and read this sentence aloud."

"Read it in various languages! Finally, carve a stone tablet with granite and stand it on his grave."

After repeating the contents of the notebook, Carlo's eyes lit up, and he stood up and hurried out of the meeting room, asked the person outside for a notebook, and started writing a diary in front of Arkema.

While writing, he read: "Arkema made a big promise today..."

His action made Arkema, who had just made a bold statement, completely unable to hold back. His old face turned pale and he asked loudly:

"Are you serious people? Who writes a diary every day?"

"I'm not a serious person!" Lin Yu had finished writing his diary and was packing up the notebook in his hand, responding with a smile on his face.

He put the notebook into his arms, patted his butt and stood up: "Then you can slowly discuss the specific terms. I will wait for you outside."

"Old Tang, let's go out first."

Standing at the door of the warehouse, Tang Yuanshan took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and put it in his mouth, then took out another and handed it to Lin Yu. He glanced behind him and found that no one was paying attention to the two of them. Then he whispered: "I found that you are very persistent in uniting the Arabs."


Take the cigarette, it's a Panda.

Lin Yu put it on his nose and sniffed it gently, then he gave the cigarette freedom and replied coolly: "Because my goal is the sea of ​​stars."

"Speak human language." After glaring at Lin Yu, Tang Yuanshan quickly chased after the cigarette that was flying towards freedom.

Unfortunately, he was a step slower, and the cigarette had already flown into the gutter.

Following the small stream in the gutter, it slowly moved towards freedom.

Seeing this, Tang Yuanshan returned to Lin Yu angrily, and Lin Yu's explanation also sounded at this moment:

"First, the united Arab world will bleed the Americans more fiercely."

"Second, we need their oil. Before the emergence of controlled thermonuclear fusion, oil is still the hard currency on this planet."

"After it appears, this thing is even more hard currency!"

"Do you understand?"

"I understand!" In response, Tang Yuanshan folded his hands and asked, "By the way, where is my book?"

"I warn you, if there is no book, I will personally bring people and take you to the Army Command College to give a lecture."

Seeing that this person was talking about something, Lin Yu rolled his eyes, walked to the conference room, lay on the door of the conference room, put his ear against the door, and eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

Beside the door, Awad and Carlo's bodyguards saw him like this, and they didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After eavesdropping for half an hour, the people inside finally opened the door and walked out of the conference room.

Awad walked in front, opened the door, and handed over the document written in Arabic:

"Here is the content, you help check it!"

Check it?

Lin Yu's eyes followed his fingers down, and the content on the document also came into view.

[1. The two parties signed the cooperation agreement based on the principle of equality and voluntariness. ]

[2. Saudi Arabia provides military equipment and agricultural technical guidance assistance to the Lebanese Milk Tea Party, and the Milk Tea Party responds to the assistance with Israeli heads. ]

[3. The aid equipment is purchased by Saudi Arabia and delivered by the manufacturer. ]

[4. Obligations...]

It took more than ten minutes for Lin Yu to finish reading this document. At the same time, he was relieved, not for anything else, but for the two sides. They were sincere and sincere in cooperating with the premise of subsequent cooperation.

Saudi Arabia did not set disgusting clauses in the terms, and the Milk Tea Party did not make excessive demands.

Of course, as a businessman, Lin Yu cares most about the third clause.

The procurement of aid equipment, I have it in my hands!

Whether it is for civilian or military use, you have it in your hands.

Handing the document back to Awad, he raised his hands and began to clap vigorously.

Bang bang bang!

After several calls in a row, he put down his hand and said cheerfully: "Guys, the cooperation is achieved, which means today is a day worth celebrating!"

"I propose that we go back to Rheinsteel and have a good meal, and then I will show you some toys!"

"Set off!"

At his call, a group of people got into the car in a noisy manner, and then the car started and drove towards the Rheinsteel base in a noisy manner again.

On the way, Awad turned into a curious baby and kept asking: "What good thing is it?"

"The hypersonic missile you mentioned before? Or the hypersonic missile equipped with a nuclear bomb?"

"Not these things?"

"Is it a hypersonic drone? That's a good thing..."

During his nagging questioning, the convoy stopped outside the gate of the weapons testing site. A group of people got off the car and walked into the weapons testing site led by Shao Xiaofeng.

At the same time, I also saw the little toy that Lin Yu mentioned.

car, a small armored vehicle painted in green camouflage.

Or, it can't be called an armored vehicle at all, because no one's armored vehicle will remove the front armor and expose the driver's seat to the enemy's sight.


These are not the point, the point is what is carried on the back of these cars.

There are six cars in total, four small and two large, and four small cars. At a glance, you can clearly tell that the scrawls must be things that have just been driven out.

Two big cars look much more pleasing to the eye.

From left to right, the weapon equipped on the first vehicle is a 12.7mm six-barrel minigun. Next to the machine gun are three large ammunition boxes.

Anyone who sees these three boxes will have no doubt about the firepower of this thing.

The second vehicle is a rocket launcher vehicle. The not-so-large cargo box is equipped with two 12-hole 107mm rocket launchers. Compared with the small vehicle equipped with machine guns, the wheels of this vehicle are wider and thicker.

The chassis is more stable.

The third vehicle is similar to the second rocket launch vehicle, with two launchers, but there are only 6 holes on the launchers.

There is also a sign hanging on the side of this car, as if it is afraid that others will not understand it.

[Portable anti-aircraft missile/anti-tank missile vehicle]

The fourth car has a somewhat weird shape, because compared to the previous cars, this car has six wheels, and the size and width of the wheels are also larger than those of the other cars.

The thing carried on the back of this car was a cannon, with the muzzle pointing diagonally forward.

Like the third car, there is also a sign hanging next to this car.

[80mm truck-mounted mortar]

Next to this car was a truck that was larger than the four cars in front of it combined.

The truck with four wheels has no paint color yet. On the top of the truck with a metallic color is a cannon.

A wheeled self-propelled gun.

With just one glance, Tang Yuanshan recognized the parameters of this gun, 155mm 45x caliber.

What attracted Tang Yuanshan, the dean of the Army Command College, even more was the fact that the barrel of this gun was placed above the head of the cab.

His eyes stayed on this strange artillery for a moment, and Tang Yuanshan moved his eyes back to the last car.

This is a rocket launcher. It should be the same type of chassis as the truck with the artillery on its head, but it has been lengthened and modified to adapt to the things that need to be shipped.

Above the chassis is a Mizi-type six-tube rocket launcher box.

The six round launch tubes equipped with rocket launchers are the left and right strokes of the word "rice", and the vertical one in the middle looks like a control signal box.

After looking at these cars, people standing at the entrance couldn't help but take a breath.

They all turned their gazes on Lin Yu, and the meaning in their gazes was very obvious.

Is this a small toy?

The most shocked person among them was undoubtedly Acoma.

If all six of these vehicles were given to him, he wouldn't need the sixth one. He would be able to overwhelm an Israeli battalion with only the first five vehicles.

If a sixth vehicle is added, he can easily kill an Israeli regiment!

That's six missiles!


Things that I didn't even dare to think about before, and the equipment that I could think of, were nothing more than some outdated tanks and small 107 rocket launchers!

Feeling excited, he carefully turned his gaze to the side and landed on Awad.

But he found that this fellow man was also looking longingly at the car in front of him.

Sensing the other party's desire, Akoma lamented in his heart, turned his gaze away, fell on the truck, and continued to admire it.

No chance.

At this moment, Awad spread his legs and ran quickly to the rocket launcher. He stretched out his hand to touch the big wheel and asked excitedly:

"Is this the rocket launcher we used before?"

When he ran away, Lin Yu followed closely behind him. When he heard his question, he nodded, stroked the rocket launcher body with his hand and said, "Yes!"

"We used containers before because we didn't have suitable launchers and launch vehicles."

"After a period of technology integration, we developed a new chassis, and this is our Jade Bird-1 rocket launcher prototype."

"Adopting a modular design, it can be assembled with two-tube, four-tube and six-tube launch boxes."

"Easy loading and unloading makes it easier for soldiers."

"The signal module is in the middle of the launch tube. The data obtained in Lebanon last time gave us a lot of help."

"We have reserved an area for the GPS module installation, and also made a corresponding GPS module. If you want to use America's GPS, just replace it."

After listening to the introduction, Awad pressed the side baffle of the launch vehicle with both hands and asked carefully:

"Can I test fire once?"

"No! This thing has a long range and can't be messed with." Rejecting Awad's idea, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the artillery next to him, and said softly: "But you can try this."

"155mm howitzer, the minimum range is several kilometers, can you try it here?" The person who spoke was Tang Yuanshan. When Lin Yu introduced the rocket launcher, others also came to the side.

Hearing Lin Yu say that this thing can be tested, he was the first to raise questions.

Weapon experiment, although this is a mountainous area, the mountains here are not big or high.

Once there is a problem, you have to bear the consequences.

The next second, an unexpected answer came from Lin Yu: "You can shoot horizontally!"

"Straight... Flat... Shoot horizontally?" Tang Yuanshan stuttered out a word, turned his head suddenly, and began to carefully look at the structure of the wheeled self-propelled artillery in front of him.

Artillery is the king of attack and a good partner of infantry. After World War II, all countries invested a lot of money to conduct further research on artillery.

Since then, artillery has basically been divided into self-propelled and towed.

Among self-propelled artillery, tracked, wheeled and half-tracked are divided according to the equipment used to transport artillery.

No matter which form of self-propelled artillery, it is necessary to extend the support legs to withstand the huge recoil generated during firing.


He slowly turned his head and focused his attention on Lin Yu, and asked solemnly: "Can it really shoot horizontally?"

After asking what he was thinking, Tang Yuanshan's eyes continued to stay on the face of the person in front of him. He wanted to know why this young man had so many strange ideas in his mind.

In front of him, Lin Yu raised his right hand and waved to Shao Xiaofeng in the distance.

When the leader of the weapons test team came to him with his people, he raised his hand and patted his chest, saying proudly:

"Of course!"

"When this gun was originally designed, it actually supports mobile shooting, but the materials are not good enough, so it can only be parked and fired for the time being!"

After explaining a few words, Lin Yu pulled a few people to the edge of the weapons test site.

And Shao Xiaofeng and others staggered past them and walked towards the five vehicles in front.

As the engine roared, the wheeled self-propelled artillery was the first to go out. Under the control of the driver, the wheel hub of the artillery turned, turned the direction, and aimed the muzzle at the hill in the distance.

The vehicle had just stopped, the co-pilot door opened, and two people jumped down. The two climbed up the artillery along the ladder.

With the help of mechanical devices, the loading was completed in less than a minute. The hemp rope was hung on the breech block, and the two jumped out of the car together and pulled the rope.


Fire burst out from the muzzle, and a black shadow rushed out in the fire. In the blink of an eye, it hit the hill at the end of the sight.


The dust was swept by the shock wave of the explosion, and a small mushroom cloud was formed at the explosion point.

Almost at the same time, Lin Yu's explanation sounded again.

"This gun has an auxiliary loading system!"

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