After the major sects left the Tianxuan Sect one after another, they immediately began to carefully select outstanding children.

With deep expectations, they hoped to send these talents to the Tianxuan Sect for further study, in order to achieve higher achievements and deeper attainments on the road of cultivation.

The news that the Tianxuan Sect was opening up and recruiting disciples spread quickly within the border area like a spring breeze, attracting widespread attention.

For a time, the entire border area was in turmoil, and the major sects heard the news and began to prepare.

Countless independent cultivators and geniuses had already embarked on the long journey to the Tianxuan Sect the moment they received the news.


"The Tianxuan Sect has opened its doors and is accepting disciples. Let’s go there quickly!"

"Really? Is it the Tianxuan Sect?"

In a small mountain village, several monks were talking about it.

A young man in blue clothes, with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face, walked up to the monks and asked:

"Fellow Taoists, I wonder what sect the Tianxuan Sect you are talking about is?"

A cultivator looked at the young man in blue.���He showed some surprise and said:"You don't even know about Tianxuan Sect!?"

"Fellow Taoists, I am from Douyu, and it is normal that I don’t understand many things when I first come here. I hope you can enlighten me." The young man in blue said slowly.

The monk was a little surprised and exclaimed:"You are not from my border area! ? No wonder you don’t know the name of Tianxuan Sect!"

"I am not from the border area. I was forced to wander around because of my enemies’ pursuit, and that’s why I fled here.

"So that's it! Speaking of this Tianxuan Sect, it is really extraordinary. Just a gatekeeper can easily kill an emperor with a wave of his hand, which shows the terrifying foundation of this sect."

"And within the sect, the strength of those elders is even more unfathomable, and it is difficult to guess what level they have reached."

"What is even more amazing is that the words and actions of the leader of the Tianxuan Sect can actually determine the rise and fall, survival and destruction of a super power. Such power is truly breathtaking!"

"If you can gain the favor of Tianxuan Sect and become one of them, you will also be protected by Tianxuan Sect. At that time, your enemies will be nothing in front of Tianxuan Sect."

The monk patiently told everything about Tianxuan Sect, and the young man in blue was a little surprised after listening.

In this barren border area, there is such a holy land-level sect!

The servants guarding the mountain gate can kill the emperor with a wave of their hands. There must be a saint in the sect!

As long as I join Tianxuan Sect, maybe I can avoid the pursuit of that group of people!

Thinking of this, the young man in blue made a resolute decision. He decided to join the mysterious and powerful Tianxuan Sect.

"I am Li Dicheng, thank you all for your generosity! I see you are in a hurry, are you also going to Tianxuan Sect? Can I go with you?"


Inside the main peak of Tianxuan Sect.

Ever since Ye Mochen received a ten thousand times return of his disciples' cultivation, he has started to take care of his body. For him, even if he doesn't practice, his cultivation is improving all the time.

After the sect competition, the disciples all devoted themselves to hard practice, without any slacking off, which was undoubtedly a result that Ye Mochen was happy to see.

Therefore, he was also happy to enjoy this leisure time, sitting leisurely by the pond, and began to fish attentively.

Ye Mochen was immersed in the fun of fishing, but soon he realized that something seemed to be missing in the pond.

So, he lowered his head, his eyes slowly wandering in the pond, as if he wanted to find something

"Where did that bastard Gui Lu go again? He just recovered a little bit and he's not quiet anymore!" Ye Mochen cursed.

「Ding! A person with the Immortal Body Talent has been detected! The system can accept him as a disciple!"

Ye Mochen was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, another immortal body talent appeared! System, please tell me where he is?"

「Ding! Return to the host! This person is on his way to Tianxuan Sect!」

"Coming to my Tianxuan Sect? That's great, I don't have to run around anymore, I can just wait."

After learning about the arrival of the new disciple, Ye Mochen was in a good mood and started fishing more leisurely, no longer asking where Gui Lu had gone.


Inside the Back Mountain of Tianxuan Sect

""Brother! You're back! That's great!" Xiao Bai looked at Gui Ling with joy.

""Master Turtle! We miss you so much!" Tiger, monkey, dog, bird and other four beasts were already ecstatic and wanted to give Turtle a big hug immediately.

Turtle looked at the four beasts with disgust and yelled,"All of you, stay away from Master Turtle!"

Upon hearing this, the four beasts immediately stopped their running pace with embarrassed smiles on their faces.

"Huh? During the few days I was away, your cultivation levels have improved a lot! ?" Gui Ling said with a little surprise

"Haha, big brother, the master has rewarded me with the Soul Gathering Demon Pill, and now I have reached the realm of a saint!"Xiao Bai said proudly

"And us! We also received the reward from that master! The four of us have now successfully entered the high level of the emperor!"The four beasts also looked proud.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad! In that case, let's continue looking for good wine. Hehehe, Grandpa Turtle has been craving for it these past few days." Turtle said with saliva dripping from his mouth. When the beasts heard this, they instantly felt hesitant. Fear and regret intertwined together, making them feel even more scared.

Seeing this, Turtle asked in confusion:"What's wrong with you? Why do you all look like the little female beasts ran away with others?"

"" Master Turtle! You don't know, the master told us to stay in the back mountain, we dare not go out!" Xiaobai said dejectedly.

Hearing this, Gui Lu pondered for a moment, then approached the few people, lowered his voice and smiled:"What are you afraid of, we will go quietly, don't talk, and come back quietly.���The master can't find the ground!"

The four beasts' eyes looked empty and lifeless. They shook their heads unconsciously, revealing an extreme resistance and resistance.

"You're not going, right? It seems that Grandpa Turtle can only use some tricks!" Gui Ling raised his turtle claws and looked at the four beasts with an evil smile.

Seeing this, the four beasts wanted to turn around and run away, but Gui Ling was faster and quickly caught up with the beasts and beat them up!

After a while, the four beasts with bruised faces and noses reappeared in front of Xiaobai.

Xiaobai couldn't help trembling slightly when he saw the miserable appearance of the four beasts.

Big brother is still that big brother!

"Grandpa Turtle asks you again! Go or not?"Turtle Jing smiled and stared at the four beasts.

The four beasts were frightened by Gui Jing's stare, and when they saw Gui Jing's smile, they hurriedly shouted:"Go! Grandpa Turtle! Let's go!"

Xiaobai, I think you should have no objection to Grandpa Turtle's proposal, right?" Gui Jing raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes fell directly on Xiaobai.

"No! No! We'll go wherever Big Brother says!" Xiao Bai said anxiously

"Xiaobai, you still understand Grandpa Turtle!" Guiliang jumped onto Xiaobai's shoulder and patted him lightly.

Guiliang seemed to remember something and said,"By the way! Where is the chicken?"

""Master Turtle, Master Chicken has been assigned by that master to guard the mountain gate. He must not leave!" Hu Pi said hurriedly.

"Then forget about him, Gui Lu's team, let's go! Let's go find good wine!"

Following Gui Lu's order, the six beasts once again set out on a journey to find good wine.

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