Thinking back to the present, Su Aoyu had come to a grave in the backyard without knowing when.

Su Aoyu stared at the grave, his eyes showing deep tenderness and attachment, as if he wanted to pour all his emotions into this resting place.

Looking up, he saw a few big words engraved on the tombstone:"Tomb of my beloved wife Zhao Yaner".

Su Aoyu looked at the grave affectionately, and an indescribable tenderness appeared on his face.

He stared at the grave, whispering to himself, as if he was telling something.

"Yan'er, Hen'er has been naughty since he was young, and it gave me a headache for a while."

"Yan'er, our Hen'er has grown up. Now Hen'er has become a disciple of a master. In the future, Hen'er will surely welcome a vast world."

"I remember that whenever Hen'er felt wronged, he would come to you to complain, which made me, as a father, really jealous of you, haha."

"Although Hen'er is naughty, he is very sensible"

"I have seen him many times, and I envied other families who were enjoying themselves."

"He always acted like he didn't care in front of me, laughing and joking. But I knew that he longed for his mother's company."

"I know your family is very powerful, so I didn't tell Hen'er the truth. Don't blame me."

"I just hope that Hen'er can live an ordinary life. If he lives a healthy and happy life, I, as a father, will be very satisfied."

Su Aoyu said slowly, as if he wanted to pour out all the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time, and appeal to this quiet time.



A quick shout broke the silence.

Su Aoyu heard the voice, and his eyes, which were originally full of tenderness, suddenly became serious again, and he resumed his usual serious attitude.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"Su Aoyu asked in confusion.

The man looked flustered and said hurriedly:

"Patriarch! The people from Ziwei Pavilion are coming! There are so many people coming, and now they are almost surrounding my Su family!"

"What! Come with me to see!"

Su Aoyu was extremely anxious, and hurriedly quickened his pace, walking towards the door in a hurry.

When Su Aoyu arrived at the door, he looked up and saw a group of people in the air scattering everywhere.

Gradually gathering towards the direction of his Su family, forming an encirclement, approaching step by step.

The leader was an old man in purple robes, and beside the old man was Liu Ruyan.

The old man in purple robes closed his eyes, showing a master's demeanor, while Liu Ruyan looked at Su Aoyu with disdain.

Su Aoyu knew that the people of Ziwei Pavilion would never let his Su family go, but he didn't expect them to come so quickly.

At this time, just one day after Su Wuhen left, Ziwei Pavilion had come to the door.

Su Aoyu looked at the old man and said neither humbly nor arrogantly:

"Senior, what is your intention in coming to our Su family this time?"

The purple-robed old man slowly opened his eyes, his gaze as cold as ice, piercing directly at Su Aoyu, revealing a chilling coldness.

"A useless piece of shit in the realm of magical powers dares to question me!"

"Hand over Su Wuhen and the clues of the person behind him, otherwise today!"

"I will destroy your entire Su family!"

When the many children of the Su family heard this, flames of anger suddenly ignited in their eyes, and their anger was beyond words.

"Ziwei Pavilion is really bullying others by taking advantage of its power! They actually want to wipe out my entire Su family!"

"Ziwei Pavilion is so arrogant!"

Some people were indignant, while others were terrified.

"Having said that, Ziwei Pavilion is one of the five super powers, what should we do!"

"Yes, Ziwei Pavilion is not something that my Su family can compete with."

"Alas, it seems that our Su family cannot escape this disaster today."

Then several disciples spoke in a deep voice

"So what if they are superpowers! Since they have come to our doorstep, we cannot just sit there and wait for death!"

"Yes! We can’t just sit there and wait for death!"

"Well said! Even if Ziwei Pavilion is powerful! We will fight to the death to bite off a piece of flesh from them!"

"As a man of the Su family, how can I be cowardly without fighting?"

"We will defend the Su family to the death!"

"Defend the Su family to the death!"

"Defend the Su family to the death!!"

"Swear to defend the Su family to the death!!!"


Su Aoyu looked at this scene and was deeply moved. Then he released a huge fighting spirit and fully released his supernatural power.

Su Aoyu looked at the purple-robed old man with a sharp gaze, without a trace of fear.

"If that's the case, then fight if you want! No need to say more!"

The purple-robed old man seemed to have seen something incredible, his eyes widened, looking at Su Aoyu.

A person in the supernatural realm was going to challenge the existence of the realm of enlightenment!

At this moment, the purple-robed old man seemed to feel that he was being despised.

Then his eyes widened with anger, and a monstrous aura emanated, suppressing Su Aoyu.

Su Aoyu's legs were bent by the pressure of this aura, as if he was going to kneel down in the next moment!

He showed a look of pain, and struggled to fight against this pressure with great difficulty. His body trembled, and he forcibly withstood this pressure.

Liu Ruyan had a panoramic view of everything that happened from beginning to end. At this moment, she curled up a sneer at the corner of her mouth and looked at Su Aoyu.

At this moment, Liu Ruyan's heart was extremely satisfied.

The Su family must die today! Su Wuhen must die too! And the person behind the scenes must die even more!

Thinking of the humiliation she had suffered, Liu Ruyan gritted her teeth, but looking at Su Aoyu's miserable condition at this moment, her heart felt extremely comfortable.

She imagined Su Wuhen suffering all kinds of torture in front of her eyes, falling down in pain, looking at her with regret in his eyes.


That's the feeling!

This feeling is so wonderful!

Su Wuhen! Your pain really makes me physically and mentally happy~ Ah~

Let me feel this wonderfulness a little more!

Su Wuhen~



Liu Ruyan suddenly changed her morbid state and looked at Su Aoyu coldly.

Start with the Su family! Let

's start with Su Aoyu!

They all must die!

At this moment, Liu Ruyan's body and mind were extremely distorted, and no one knew what she was thinking.


The purple-robed old man was slightly surprised that Su Aoyu actually withstood his pressure.

He increased his strength and released it towards Su Aoyu.

At this moment, Su Aoyu felt an even more terrifying pressure sweeping over him, and he desperately resisted this huge pressure.

His face suddenly turned red, and the blue veins under his skin jumped angrily, like angry snakes.

His expression was extremely painful, and he was suffering from unspeakable torment and torture.

Perhaps he could not resist this pressure, and he couldn't help but spit out a touch of bright red, and his legs couldn't help but bend down again.

Bend a little, and there is no more progress!

At this moment, he resolutely withstood the heavy pressure again, and the light flashing in his eyes was exactly the same as Su Wuhen when he was a teenager, exactly the same!

That indomitable perseverance seemed to have traveled through time and space. The image of Su Wuhen slowly emerged in front of him and smiled at him.

The image of Su Wuhen came in front of Su Aoyu. At this moment, the father and son were like one person, shouldering this magnificent pressure together, shouldering the entire Su family!

The Su family members witnessed this scene and were deeply moved, with emotions surging in their chests.

"Head of the family!"


Liu Ruyan enjoyed this scene very much, panting heavily, with an extremely comfortable expression.

It was wonderful!

It was really wonderful!

The purple-robed old man was surprised again when he saw Su Aoyu withstand the pressure again.

This was a pressure that even the initial stage of the Theory of Dao could not withstand, but he actually withstood it!

The purple-robed old man felt that he seemed to have suffered a great humiliation! A person in the realm of magical powers had embarrassed himself again and again!

Forget it, first destroy the Su family, and then send people to wait here. I don’t believe that the mysterious man will not show up.

The purple-robed old man immediately decided not to hold back, he wanted to kill Su Aoyu.

The purple-robed old man slowly raised his right hand, and in the palm of his hand, a suffocating breath of terror gradually gathered.

As if drawn from the endless abyss. It was terrifying.

Su Aoyu's face was as pale as paper. He stared at the scene in front of him intently, his heart full of helplessness and despair.

He knew very well that the power of this attack was far beyond his ability. He had no way to retreat and could only let the wheel of fate crush him.

Although he was unable to resist, he was still determined in his heart. Facing the impending attack, he did not show any fear.

He knew very well that behind him was Su Wuhen, the entire Su family, and the entire Su family. He could not retreat!

Even if it meant death! He would bear the brunt of it!

The power in the purple-robed old man's palm had slowly condensed into shape.

He stared at Su Aoyu, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he let out a low and cruel laugh, and said

""Ant, die!"

The purple-robed elder raised his hand and swung it.

The surrounding winds howled, forming a violent hurricane that swept everything around.

A majestic aura followed.���It was as if the power of heaven and earth had gathered here, making everyone despair.

Everyone witnessed the fierce blow that was about to come, their faces were filled with panic and anxiety that could not be concealed, and they couldn't help but shout loudly

"Head of the family!"

"The owner of the house, get out of the way!"

""Master, run!"

Su Aoyu looked at the terrifying blow in the air, raised his hand and slowly wiped the red corner of his mouth. He resolutely raised his hand, wanting to resist the terrifying blow.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ruyan's face flushed.

It was as if she had reached a critical point in the paradise, above the clouds, which made her extremely comfortable.

Her face flushed, her expression was extremely distorted, and extremely sick! She laughed grimly.

A trace of saliva slowly flowed down the corner of her mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"The head of the family!!"


"Master, leave quickly!!!"


At this moment, thousands of miles away,

Su Wuhen, who was discussing the technique with Zhong Lixue, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Tears slipped down his eyes and flowed down his cheeks.

A strong sense of uneasiness spread in his heart like a tide.

""Brother? What's wrong with you?" Zhong Lixue asked with concern.

"Junior sister, don't worry, I'm fine, maybe it's because I didn't rest during the past few days of training." Su Wuhen looked into the distance while speaking, and this strong sense of uneasiness made his heart palpitate.

At this moment, he vaguely felt that it seemed that some important existence was about to leave him...

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