Inside the furnace, several round and shiny pills lay quietly like sleeping babies. These were the fruits of his hard work, like bright pearls, emitting an alluring glow.

"This Dao Pill doesn't seem to be difficult to refine. This god-level alchemy level is so abnormal!"

Ye Mochen took out the pill and observed it carefully. After observing it for a while, he couldn't figure out what it was. He raised his hand and threw it into his mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth, like a fish in water, and turned into a warm current, drilling into Ye Mochen's lower abdomen.

Ye Mochen closed his eyes and silently felt the changes brought by the pill. He only felt that the medicinal power turned into a weak spiritual power, which was dispersed into the major tendons and veins of the body, and then disappeared.

"This... it's gone already? Is this pill really the Lun Dao Pill? How come it feels the same as if I didn't take it?" Ye Mochen muttered to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw another pill into his mouth.

The pill went in like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any ripples.

After taking two pills in a row, Ye Mochen didn't see any changes. If you really want to feel the changes, it's just that his spiritual power has increased a little bit compared to before. Ye Mochen's spiritual energy is like the vast ocean. The increase brought by the two pills is like pouring two bowls of water into the ocean, which is dispensable.

Ye Mochen carefully recalled the process of refining the pill, and was extremely sure that he had not made any mistakes.

During the process of refining the pill, he didn't even take it seriously.

"No wonder it feels so simple to refine, and it has no effect at all!"

Ye Mochen couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of this god-level alchemy level, and immediately called out the system

"System! System, come out!"

「Ding, the system is here. What instructions does the host have?」

"Is this god-level alchemy level just a scam? How come I can make a pill and eat it, but it has no effect at all?"Ye Mochen questioned.

System:"What kind of pill did you make?"

Ye Mochen:"The Tao Pill!"


Ye Mochen:"Is this god-level alchemy level real or fake?"


Ye Mochen:"Speak."


「Replying to the host, what is your current cultivation level?」

"Cultivate...cultivate?" Ye Mochen was confused and answered subconsciously.

"The Great Perfection of Saint Realm"

「The products of this system must be top-notch! You are a Saint Realm person, and you eat low-level elixirs that a Divine Power Theory Realm person eats. Do you still want effects? Tell me what effects can you expect?"

Ye Mochen was embarrassed when he heard this, and shook his head and smiled:

"Haha, that... Brother Tongzi, I wrongly blamed you."


"Okay, go and have a rest."

After Ye Mochen dismissed the system, he began to search for pill recipes in his memory to see what pills were suitable for him at this stage.

"Got it! Let’s refine it"

"Saint King Pill! It can help the Saint Realm Great Perfection break through to the Saint King Realm!"

Ye Mochen thought about the medicinal materials needed for the pill recipe, looked around the main peak alchemy pavilion, and found that two precious medicinal materials were still missing.

Then he searched in the system space and found that there was still no

"It's broken! Two herbs are missing."

Ye Mochen smiled bitterly and could only leave the sect to look for them.

Ye Mochen turned his head to look at the first peak where Su Wuhen was, and said through the air:

"Disciple, I have something important to do and need to leave the sect. You should practice well."

On the first peak,

Su Wuhen, who was meditating, heard a ethereal voice coming from all around him and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Disciple, I have something important to do and need to go out. You should practice well."

"You should practice well."



The echo lingered for a long time, and Su Wuhen immediately clasped his fists towards the main peak and said:

"Master, I will practice diligently!"

On the main peak, Ye Mochen nodded with satisfaction after hearing Su Wuhen's words. He took a step and stepped into the void.

Ye Mochen's figure gradually disappeared in the void. When he appeared again, he was thousands of miles away from Tianxuan Sect.

Ye Mochen carefully searched for nearby cities. After flying for several hours, he finally saw a prosperous city. Flying over the city, Ye Mochen slowly landed at the entrance of the city. There were many cultivators coming and going over the city, and a few people landed from time to time.

Ye Mochen's appearance did not attract much attention. Compared with other people, he had more extraordinary momentum.

A few passers-by couldn't help but look at Ye Mochen a few more times. Everyone just thought he was the son of a family.

Slowly raised his head and looked at the three big characters written in a flamboyant manner at the door.

"Holy Fire City! This name is quite impressive, but I wonder if there are any herbs I need in this city!" Ye Mochen muttered to himself.

As soon as he entered the city, he found that the city was huge, with tall buildings, spacious and clean streets, and a constant stream of cars and pedestrians.

On the streets of the city, many people were wearing gorgeous clothes, some were driving carriages, and some were riding exotic beasts, showing a prosperous business atmosphere.

Above the city, many cultivators were flying with swords, or riding monsters, or flying in the air.

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Ye Mochen.

""Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

Ye Mochen looked back and saw that the man was of medium build, slightly thin, with black but slightly messy hair. Judging from his appearance, he was about the same age as himself.

"Who are you?" Ye Mochen said calmly, looking at the newcomer with a hint of doubt.

"Daoist friend, you are also here to take part in the entrance test of the Holy Fire Sect, right?" The visitor smiled and said

"Sect entrance test?"Ye Mochen was puzzled and looked at the person who came.

"Ah? Aren’t you here to take part in the Holy Fire Sect’s entrance examination?" The young man seemed even more confused than Ye Mochen.

"Why should I take part in this sect entrance test? And who are you?" Ye Mochen said impatiently.

"Haha, don't blame me, I am Chen Hong, a casual cultivator! Seeing your extraordinary demeanor, I thought you were here to take the sect entrance test."Chen Hong explained.

"What is the origin of this Holy Fire Sect?" Ye Mochen looked at Chen Hong and asked

"Daoist friend, is this your first time in Holy Fire City?"

Chen Hong asked in return. Seeing that Ye Mochen did not deny it, he took it as a tacit agreement and continued:

"The Holy Fire Sect is one of the five great super powers, as famous as the Ziwei Pavilion, the Thunder Palace, the Frost Gate, and the Qingmu Hall!"

"The origin of Holy Fire City is because of this Holy Fire Sect. Today is the day when the Holy Fire Sect opens its doors and accepts disciples."

"Most of the people around here are here to take the test for joining the sect."

"As long as you can pass the test, you can join the Holy Fire Sect and become an outer disciple of a super sect." Chen Hong's eyes showed yearning.

Then Chen Hong couldn't help but smile bitterly, shook his head slowly, and then continued:

"Although the Holy Fire Sect is powerful, the entrance test is also extremely harsh. Outer disciples must cultivate their bodies by the age of fifty, and inner disciples must cultivate their supernatural powers by the age of a hundred."

"Oh? How old are you?" Ye Mochen asked curiously.

"Alas, I am not talented. I am exactly 49 this year. I have just started to practice body cultivation. I barely meet the requirements for joining the sect. Chen Hong said helplessly.

Ye Mochen was shocked. Seeing that this person was about the same age as himself, he didn't expect that he was already 49 years old. What

Ye Mochen didn't know was that on the Tianxuan Continent, 49 was considered relatively young.

"Since you have met the requirements to join the sect, why are you sighing?"Ye Mochen asked

"Daoist friend, you don't know! This Holy Fire Sect has a big competition every month, and the disciples who rank low will be disqualified from being disciples of the sect."

"I have just started to practice body cultivation, and my cultivation has not yet been consolidated. How many mediocre people can pass the requirements of the Holy Fire Sect?" Chen Hong said pessimistically.

"Why did you start to refine your body at the age of forty-nine?" Ye Mochen asked

"I am dull and untalented! I am afraid I will not achieve anything in this life." Chen Hong was sad.

Ye Mochen did not know what to say. He was just curious why Chen Hong had to cultivate until he was forty-nine to reach the stage of body refinement.

His apprentice Su Wuhen had already achieved supernatural powers when he was twelve years old, but what Ye Mochen did not know was that some people were in the stage of Qi Induction.

This stage of Qi Induction lasted a lifetime.

Seeing Chen Hong like this, Ye Mochen could not help but comfort him.

"Don't be so pessimistic. The low level of cultivation is only temporary. As long as you work hard and persevere in cultivation, you will have a breakthrough one day."

"Think about those predecessors who once had low cultivation but eventually achieved extraordinary success. You can do it too."

"The level of your cultivation at a certain moment cannot determine everything. You still have a long way to go. Keep your confidence and you will always have a turning point."

"Pessimism cannot solve problems, it is better to face them positively, accumulate experience from each practice, and gradually become stronger."

Chen Hong heard Ye Mochen's words and his favorable impression of him increased greatly.

"I don't know, what should I call you, fellow Taoist?"

"I am Ye Mochen"

"It turns out to be Brother Mo Chen, nice to meet you." Chen Hong clasped his fists and bowed.

"Brother Mo Chen, since you are not here to take the sect entrance test, then why are you coming to the Holy Fire City?"

"It's nothing big, just looking for some medicinal herbs."Ye Mochen said calmly.

"I don't know Mo Chen���What medicinal herbs are you looking for? I am familiar with this Holy Fire City, so maybe I can help you."

"Dragon Grass, Nine Sun Flower"


Chen Hong was shocked.

Seeing Chen Hong's reaction, Ye Mochen became very interested. Could it be that this guy knew where to find this kind of medicinal material?

"Brother Chen knows, can you tell me? I will reward you handsomely after the matter is completed."Ye Mochen asked.

Chen Hong smiled bitterly and said

"Brother Mo Chen, are you making fun of me?"

"Oh? Brother Chen, what's the meaning of this?"Ye Mochen asked puzzledly.

Chen Hong looked at Ye Mochen's expression and it didn't seem like he was joking, so he explained:

"I don't know about the Dragon Pattern Grass, but this Nine Sun Flower is the treasure of the Holy Fire Sect."

"This is no secret, everyone knows"

"A hundred years ago, the leader of the Holy Fire Sect entered a secret realm and found an object, which was the Nine Sun Flower."

"This Nine Sun Flower contains a huge amount of fire power, which complements the Holy Fire Sect's skills and is closely related to the"

"Practicing around the Nine Sun Flower can achieve twice the result with half the effort, so the Nine Sun Flower is regarded as the treasure of the Holy Fire Sect!"

Ye Mochen's surprise surged like a tide, and a brilliant smile bloomed on his face, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

Dragon Pattern Grass, Nine Sun Flower.

Has he found one of them? It seems that this Holy Fire Sect must be visited.

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