What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 605: Worry-Free Reunion

A certain reincarnation world.

Song Shi's thoughts followed the rules of heaven and earth and came across the world, preparing to crack the reincarnation seal of the creatures in this world, but found that the world was exhausted, as if it was at the end of the world, but there was a big tree reaching the sky in the center, which seemed to be full of vitality.

Near this tree, there is no life, a desert, no living things, and extremely silent.

The entire world fell into a death environment because of this tree, and the vitality of all living creatures was swallowed up by this giant tree.

Song Shi was a little stunned and immediately recognized that this was Wuyou's method, just like the sacred tree outside.

"As expected, she was not polite, and she directly attacked the world of reincarnation as soon as she had the opportunity."

Song Shi was thoughtful and immediately approached the giant tree.

His thoughts were protected by rules and were not destroyed by the devouring power contained in the giant tree. He successfully contacted the giant tree and entered its interior.

There are black and white lights beating at the corresponding positions of the giant tree, guiding Song Shi's consciousness to a unique space, with black and white fish flowing around him.

"You came."

Wuyou appeared with a smile: "It's much faster than I expected. It seems that you have also found a way to deal with it."

Song Shi chuckled: "Accidentally obtained, how many foundations of the reincarnation world have you swallowed?"

If Song Shi's method is to infect and control the Heavenly Venerable's authority without knowing it, Wuyou is purely destructive and forcefully devouring the vitality of each world, thereby paralyzing the world of reincarnation and weakening the power of the Heavenly Venerable.

"Now it's the sixth one."

Wuyou replied: "I relied on the support of the life and death jade from the outside world to destroy his reincarnation world. Fortunately, I brought this heavenly weapon here."

She told the general situation that the Life and Death Jade was a sacred jade that accompanies the universe when it was first born. It has special power comparable to the way of heaven, otherwise Wuyou would not be able to do this under the shroud of reincarnation and the way of heaven.

"Then it looks like you're doing fine."

Song Shi nodded. He has only secretly controlled more than twenty reincarnation seals in the reincarnation world, and his control over the reincarnation of heaven is only half.

"It's getting harder and harder. Not only does he use the power of heaven to suppress my power, he also specializes in cultivating strong men and bringing natives from different worlds to resist me."

Wuyou smiled bitterly: "Now I have become a demon-like existence in those worlds, and the whole world is resisting me."

"Oh, you became a villain."

Song Shi couldn't help laughing: "I have to go and see."

Wuyou was not angry, but thoughtful: "What, from your tone, it seems to be going well?"

"It's not bad. I've made a lot of progress in talking to you."

Song Shi said mysteriously, the more infected he becomes, the stronger and faster he becomes.

In the beginning, within the world of reincarnation, different creatures infected each other to crack the mark of reincarnation, and controlled a world for a long time.

Now he controls more than 20 worlds, and his speed has increased more than a hundred times compared to the original. It is also because he controls more worlds that he can find Wuyou so quickly.

"It seems that your approach is different from mine."

Wuyou was very smart and immediately guessed the general possibility: "You should start from the internal rules of heaven and earth."


Song Shi nodded.

"Then let's work together. I think we can escape soon." Wuyou looked happy.

"Not only do I have to escape, but I also have to pick his Dao Fruit. I will be reincarnated as Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi said lightly, with confidence.

Wuyou was stunned for a moment: "It seems that you have really made a lot of progress. If you can really take away his Dao Fruit, even if the Samsara Heavenly Way is incomplete, with the power of the Samsara Heavenly Venerable, it will be comparable to the ordinary Heavenly Venerable. When the time comes, It will be easy to avenge me. If you kill the immortal Heavenly Venerable, I can also be a Heavenly Venerable."

A Heavenly Venerable can only have one Heavenly Venerable. Nowadays, Heavenly Venerables in the outside world control various Heavenly Paths. They are very cautious and will not give opportunities easily. Anyone who dares to challenge will basically be beaten to death. Wuyou is a typical example.

But the Heavenly Way of Samsara is different. This Heavenly Way was destroyed back then. The Heavenly Venerable of Samsara should be dead. Even if it is not completely dead, it will not be as powerful as other Heavenly Venerables.

"I'm already doing it." Song Shi said confidently: "I still need you to help me attract firepower from the front."

"Haha, no problem, I was already fighting with him."

Wuyou laughed: "I have finally understood how strong he is after being entangled with him during this period."

"I can't suppress you more and more, I guess my power is limited."

Song Shi infers.

"Well, my characteristic is my strong resilience. As long as it doesn't kill me, I can be reborn again."

Wuyou turned around: "However, I have a feeling that the one I am fighting may be the spirit of the reincarnation disk, not the real reincarnation Heavenly Venerable, and has really fallen."

Song Shi's eyes lit up: "Why do you say that?"

"Without the reincarnation disk, his power will not be so strong. If it is really reincarnation Heavenly Venerable, it will not be like this."

Wuyou sneered: "In the outside world, his suppression of me is not as strong as here."

"You mean this is within the reincarnation disk?"

Song is unexpected.

"Yes, ordinary things cannot carry so many reincarnation worlds. Only Tiandao soldiers can. If the reincarnation disk had not been destroyed in the ancient war, the reincarnation world here would be much more complete and powerful."

Wuyou nodded.

"It's actually inside a weapon. I was still wondering where these reincarnation worlds are hidden."

Song Shi suddenly realized that if his thoughts could cross the boundary, they should go out through the broken part of the reincarnation disk. He thought of something and muttered: "So, the reincarnation of heaven and the reincarnation disk should be integrated."

"It must be true that the Heavenly Dao and the Heavenly Dao soldiers are one and the same. To be precise, the samsara disk is the concrete object transformed by the samsara and the Heavenly Dao, and it is the core."

Wuyou took it for granted: "It's normal that you don't know, but your Conferred Divinity List is a kind of heavenly rule. It should be the divine rule of the ancient heaven. It is mainly used to arrange the gods. It has little attack power and focuses on control. .”

After Song Shi heard this, he was surprised and said: "What is going on with this Heavenly Dao? From what you said, it seems that this Heavenly Dao is not just for Innate?"

"Haha, of course, the way of heaven is the supreme rule, which represents the state of not reaching the limit. Didn't I tell you about the sword way, one of the ten ways of heaven, before? To the extreme, he creates his own way of heaven and suppresses the way of heaven of gold."

When Wuyou said this, he sighed: "Unfortunately, it is too difficult to create the way of heaven. Let's forget it. Without that situation, it is impossible to induce the evolution of the way of heaven from chaos."

"Chaos Heaven..."

Song Shi's heart moved.

"That is the origin of everything. Chaos gives rise to ten thousand ways, with endless changes. In theory, it can evolve various ways of heaven."

Wuyou joked, "For example, if you want to create an immortal heaven, you can use the chaotic heaven to set a rule, that is, you can't kill it no matter how you kill it."

Song Shi's eyes narrowed: "You already knew my trump card?"

"Not satisfied with the speculation."

Wuyou responded cheerfully: "Of course, this is only limited to speculation. After all, there is no immortality in this universe, only immortality. No one can truly achieve immortality. If you really do it, you may become immortal. The way of heaven." At this point: "Don't find out in the end that you are the reincarnation of some powerful man who created the immortal way of heaven. That would be very annoying."

Song Shi listened happily: "What's there to be angry about?"

"How can I not be angry? I have worked hard for so many years to practice, and even after almost dying, I can become Heavenly Venerable and control the way of heaven. It's better for you. You have a powerful way of heaven since you were born. This way of heaven still seems to be very strong, the way of reincarnation. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

Wuyou glared at Song Shi.

"I do not know either."

Song Shi smiled helplessly: "If this is really the case, you will not be at a loss. If you become my woman, will your position of Heavenly Venerable be far away in the future?"

"You're angry with me again. I don't want to cling to others and become Heavenly Venerable."

Wuyou hummed, she was very high-spirited and did not want to become a vassal.

"Then let's work together to break this world of reincarnation and become Heavenly Venerable together."

Song Shi smiled heartily, "Do you have any ideas about the way of reincarnation?"

"I'll forget it. Not to mention that the Heavenly Way is damaged, but my own situation is not suitable. After all, I am not practicing this way in the first place, and my obsession is the position of Heavenly Venerable Immortality. There is no need to change it."

Wuyou looked at Song Shi: "This is your opportunity, there is no need to be polite. Besides, you should seize the opportunity and leave here. Any Heavenly Venerable will be difficult to seize after you leave."


Song Shi thought for a moment: "Since you don't want it, then I can't let you suffer. Come here."

The figure transformed by his thoughts recruits.

"What? Still mysterious?"

Wuyou rolled his eyes at Song Shi and walked over obediently.

Song Shi hugged Wuyou, lowered his head and kissed him.

Wuyou thought Song Shi hadn't seen her for a long time and wanted to get close, but soon her body trembled and she looked surprised.

The two are now connected, and Song Shi's various information can be communicated directly with Wuyou. It can be said that the two are connected like computers and can share various information.

And this information comes from the hundreds of millions of beings decoded by Song Shi. It can be said that it is their insights from cultivation. Even those who have not cultivated will have various opinions.

These insights and insights are nothing compared to the worry-free state. Even those who have a high state are far behind those who have begun to practice the law.

But I am afraid of too much of everything. When the number of these insights reaches a certain level, it will be useful to Wuyou.

No matter how powerful Wuyou is, no matter how perfect his Great Dao of Life and Death is, there will definitely be flaws. These countless insights can help Wuyou make up for the flaws, perfect his own Tao, and also comprehend other Tao.

Even if she doesn't control other paths, she can know herself and the enemy by knowing more about them, and be victorious in every battle.

"what have you done?"

Wuyou can already communicate directly with Song Shi's consciousness.

"Nothing, I just used the marks left by the reincarnation of heaven on the souls of those reincarnations. I turned these marks into mine, adding a middleman."

Song Shi said with a smile.

"So that's it. I focused on swallowing the life force, but I didn't pay much attention to the operation of the reincarnation of heaven."

Wuyou suddenly said: "No wonder you are so confident that you can capture the Dao Fruit. Doing so can indeed fundamentally control the reincarnation of heaven. Unfortunately, I don't have the chance now. The reincarnation of heaven is focusing on me. If you use the reincarnation seal, you will be discovered soon." "

"So you are in the light and I am in the dark. It's a perfect fit."

Song Shi responded: "I will give you these insights, you can use them and continue to fight him."

"Well, if you give me these rules that will help me get familiar with the world of reincarnation faster, it should become easier and easier from now on."

Wuyou said with joy, they were all within the rules shrouded by the reincarnation of heaven. What she did was to cause destruction. Naturally, the more rules she mastered, the more advantages she would have.

"That's it, you destroy and I secretly corrode."

After Song Shi communicated with Wuyou, they continued to work together.

If the two were helping each other unconsciously before, now after the exchange, the cooperation will naturally become better and better.

In a certain world, a group of people surrounded a giant tree.

The space around this giant tree was distorted, the wind was howling, and the thunder was beating, as if the whole world was rejecting this thing.

"We cannot let this magic tree grow, otherwise our world will be destroyed."

"This time everyone must work together to destroy this tree, otherwise everyone will finish eating."

"Deploy the formation. Its vitality is too strong. It can only be destroyed with the help of the power of heaven and earth."

Everyone talked helplessly. They didn't pay attention to the magic tree at first, thinking it was some kind of treasure, which caused a fight.

Finally, they discovered what kind of treasure this was, and it was a disaster. After learning that the threat was getting bigger and bigger, everyone gradually became afraid, and began to cooperate to destroy it.

At this moment, outside the crowd, a bird flying by suddenly stopped and looked at this scene from a distance.

"It's interesting. Outside, she is regarded as a sacred tree, but here she has become a demonic tree."

The bird had just invaded the world, and the Song girl who possessed the bird felt a little strange.

"However, if the sacred trees outside continue to develop, the gods will probably change their attitude if they find that they cannot gain much benefit."

Song Shi thought this was quite funny. He first thought it was a sacred tree that caused a fight, but finally found out that it was useless and immediately turned into a demon tree.

He couldn't help but see the future development of those guys outside, but if he controlled it quickly enough, that day might not come to pass.


The strong men in the whole world set up formations and began to attack the demon tree crazily. Unfortunately, the power contained in it was too powerful. The power of destroying the world and destroying the earth hit it, and it could not cause much damage for a while.

"What are you doing here? They will all die next."

Worry-free conscious response.

"The soul will still be taken away by the heavenly way of reincarnation. I will break the mark of reincarnation and leave my mark. After reincarnation, my power will be able to touch different locations."

Song Shi said.

"You are really a little crazy. You are probably all over the reincarnation world at this moment, right?"

Wuyou understood what Song Shi was doing, which was to follow the path of reincarnation and let the mark he controlled continue to reincarnate and continue to infect other souls. It was more convenient, more subtle and difficult to detect than deliberately spreading it by himself.

"Yes, but there is a world that I can never go to."

Song Shi named one exception.

"Which world?"

Wuyou feels that this world should be important.

"The world corresponding to the Celestial Way."

Song Shi said with doubts: "I have spread the mark of reincarnation on the other five corresponding worlds, but there is no reincarnation world corresponding to the Tianshen Dao."

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