What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 307 Is There A Mole?

"What I call is maintaining the majesty of the royal family. What do you know? Call me brother and come and listen."

Song Shi responded.

Princess Wuxi pretended not to hear, "I will help Master Li kill the Heavenly Demon. If you have nothing to do, you can help General Ma."

She took out an emerald green jade hairpin, injected her magic power into it, and turned it into a green light to kill the Heavenly Demon.

At this time, Song Shi felt a strange force coming, and his whole person seemed to be pulled into endless darkness.

Among them, a message was passed on, ordering him to immediately support the Jinzhou branch. If he disobeyed the order, he would bear the consequences.

"It came in time. It seems that someone has notified the other side."

Song Shi sneered in his heart, but waited for a moment and still replied with confirmation.

He is already here, so he can use his eyes to support me.

"We have to find an opportunity to go to the headquarters and see what's going on with the Heavenly Demon."

The fact that Song Shi was transferred from most of the Demon Seeds is probably because the Heavenly Demon Saint wanted to eat the Demon Seeds to restore his original nature, which may be an opportunity for a sneak attack.

After receiving his response, the Immortal Transformation Demon Saint from the Heavenly Demon Temple headquarters sneered: "No matter how capable you are, why don't you just obey the orders of my leader?"

"Qingyi, launch an attack on the imperial city immediately. Without a Qianlong Army, their battle formation will not be able to fully exert its power. We must weaken their strength."

"Yes, leader!"

Qingyi laughed ferociously and led the team to attack.

"Using a bunch of trash aliens to attract an army of dry dragons and test the loyalty of a new dog at the same time will make a lot of money."

Immortal Transformation Demon Lord was sure of victory. He watched Qingyi leave and stroked the dark contract: "However, I would like to study the secrets of this dog."

Those who didn’t know the situation thought he was really talking about dogs.

While he thought he had this restless factor under control, Song Shi pretended to be Gan Wuji, and in turn mixed up with Da Gan, which can be said to be a repeated leap.

Qi Changying and Heavenly Demon were both in bad condition after being attacked. They looked at each other and said, "It's almost done."

When Princess Wuxi heard this, she secretly thought: "Be careful, they are going to run away!"

The two of them each took out a token. After activating it, the power of the surrounding formation was released, covering them and knocking Ma Deyao and Li Datong back at the same time.

"Hmph, there's no need to run away. I, Heavenly Demon Temple, have been operating here for many years. Do you really think you can go wild with a sneak attack?"

The Heavenly Demon is in control of the formation, with a calm expression and a smile of success: "It's so easy for you to attack, haven't you thought that it's not necessarily our negligence, but that the power here has been weakened?"

Song Shi looked at Princess Wu Xi: "I'll just say I fell into the trap."

"It's not a loss for us. At least we can destroy one of their important lairs."

Although Princess Wuxi was aware of some bad possibilities, she did not reveal them.

"A bunch of idiots, this is just a trap set up by us. Our goal is not the Golden State at all. Now that I, the Demon Saint, are here, do we still need to conquer the city a little bit?"

The Heavenly Demon sneered, with an arrogant look on his face.

"Oops, are they going to attack the Imperial City?"

Ma Deyao's expression changed greatly: "You are too courageous!"

"It doesn't matter if we take action. The Imperial City is protected by a large formation. The Heavenly Demon is already weak and injured. With the ability of the Heavenly Demon Temple, it is impossible to break through the Imperial City's defensive formation in a short time."

Wu Xi maintained a calm posture, "Destroy them now, and then go back to help protect the imperial city."

"Haha, naive."

The Heavenly Demon sneered: "You have the Eight Divisions of Qian Long in Da Qian, but I, the Heavenly Demon Temple, don't have millions of demons? Now you have one less Eight Divisions in the Kingdom of Qian, let alone attack the imperial city immediately and destroy some of you." easy."

"I just said that there are relatively few demons and half-demon here. It turns out that you want to put all your efforts into it."

Princess Wuxi's eyes flashed, and she figured out everything in an instant.

She still wasn't too panicked and seemed to be confident.

Song Shi looked impatiently: "Why are you talking nonsense to them? Kill them as soon as possible, but go kill the Heavenly Demon."

The Heavenly Demon looked at the disguised Gan Wuji and said, "You are too arrogant. At the Immortal Fate Conference, you were punished by the True Monarch for your arrogance. I didn't expect it to be like this now. Da Gan has indeed run out of energy."

He held the token, and the power of the formation changed rapidly: "I asked you to come here today, but I didn't think about letting you leave easily. You are all trapped in the mine and eating dirt."

The next moment, the power of the formation changed, and the earth suddenly shook. Amidst the rumbling sounds, a large number of cracks appeared in the mine, and all the exits began to collapse.

"Quickly stop him from controlling the formation!"

Princess Wuxi said anxiously.

"Don't worry, little sister, let's see how brother breaks his trap."

The light in front of Song Shi flashed, the void squirmed, and the three formation flags emerged, like arrows shot from the string.


After breaking through the sky, the formation flag was like a sharp arrow inserted around the Heavenly Demon. A circle of ripples was released, as if a gear was stuck, and the surrounding formation power suddenly stopped changing.

The collapsed channel also began to calm down and did not collapse further. The whole process came to an abrupt end.

The Heavenly Demon's face froze, and he increased the injection of mana, only to find that the formation's program remained motionless, and he couldn't control it.

"Damn it, how could this guy have such a powerful method? The formation here has never been leaked, how could it be broken by him?"

He cursed secretly and said to Qi Changying: "Try it quickly, they must be trapped."

"Neither can I. Most of the power of the formation has been blocked."

Qi Changying tried it and found that the results were similar, so he could only reply helplessly.

"His Royal Highness is amazing!"

Li Datong laughed. He thought that the royal family had been prepared and used special formation flags to directly destroy part of the formation's operation.

Princess Wu Xi didn't say anything. This person could even break into the prison he had been running for thousands of years before, and it was nothing to affect the operation of the formation here.

Her calmness proved to Li Datong and others that they were prepared, and even Ma Deyao believed it, even if Song Shi pretended to be Gan Wuji and joined suddenly.

"Don't flatter me, kill me!"

Song Shi threw out two more formation flags, and with a burst of shattering sound, most of the power of the formation protecting them was removed.

He coldly ordered: "Don't hold back, just beat him to death."

The three people blocked by the formation killed them again. Heavenly Demon Zi and Qi Changying looked ugly and were forced into danger.

"The formation is affected by him. We are no match. Let's run away separately!"

The Heavenly Demon son secretly conveyed the message that something unexpected happened now, and they could only choose to escape without any hope of trapping the entire Qianlong Army.

"I know, go to the back to get out of position."

Qi Changying fought and retreated with a cold face. This was their home court. With flexible avoidance, although he was obviously at a disadvantage, his life was not in danger for the time being.

The small space underground also really restricted the battle, so that Ma Deyao and Li Datong couldn't take it for a while.

Song Shi can't rush to do it, mainly because it will be easy to reveal his secret after doing it. After all, the appearance and temperament are similar, but it does not mean that the mana and Divine Ability are exactly the same. But he can just influence the formation from the side. This approach is actually more helpful.

The biggest reliance of the two Heavenly Demon sons is the formation here. Without the help of the formation, the two of them will be hunted down like bereaved dogs.

Seeing the two of them running away separately, Song Shi thought about it and continued to target the Heavenly Demon.

Since this man is the descendant of Heavenly Demon Temple, the value of capturing him will be even greater.

The two people who retreated skillfully could not use the formation, so they could only escape through the back door left in advance, and they did so separately.

"Please help hunt down that man. He is an important figure in Heavenly Demon Temple's research on demon species. If we can catch him, it will help us deal with the demon army."

Princess Wuxi sent a message to Song Shi anxiously.

"We can't capture them alive. They have a contract with them and it's impossible to reveal any core secrets to you. I think it's better to just kill them."

"Okay, then please help Ma Deyao kill him."

After Princess Wu Xi finished speaking, she followed Li Datong into a secret passage to chase down the Heavenly Demon.

Song Shi looked to the other side. Qi Changying was as if he had turned into a cat, his movements were extremely flexible, and he was about to get rid of Ma Deyao.

"This guy studies hybrids every day, and he is also a strange person."

He had been walking around here before, but he didn't just look at the monsters. He had actually studied the formation here. Now that he has cracked it, he can not only control it immediately, but also control one or two in a short time without any problem.

For example, when he formed a seal, the passage in front of Qi Changying suddenly collapsed with a roar, blocking his retreat.

"Oh shit!"

Qi Changying's face turned black. By chance, the passage collapsed at this time, blocking the way for his master.

He still didn't expect that Gan Wuji who was showing off there would be Song Shi.

What's more, he didn't expect that the formation here had already been partially controlled, and in turn tricked him, thinking it was just a coincidence.

"You can't run away, so die!"

Ma Deyao seized the opportunity and used a mace. With a bang, many stones were smashed into powder, and the terrifying shock wave collapsed part of the mine tunnel.

Qi Changying groaned and retreated to the edge. When he saw Qian Wuji chasing after him in the distance, he gritted his teeth and made a secret.

"The demon spirit changes!"

As he drank, his body squirmed, a burst of light erupted, his clothes were stretched open, a layer of scales appeared on his body, and his nails became sharp, like a wild beast.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a pangolin, lowered his body and raised his paws to wave quickly.


The stone was dug open, and with a special power in his body, he got into the collapsed rubble in an instant and passed through to the other side.

Ma Deyao hurriedly attacked again, smashing some of the rubble but not leaving Qi Changying behind.

Song Shi, who was following behind, was stunned: "This guy can also transform. Just now he looked like a cat, and now he's turned into a pangolin?"

"Your Highness, this guy has merged with the blood of many strange beasts and is known as the Demon King of Beasts. I guess he needs to run away now."

Ma Deyao was a little helpless. Originally, he was happy that Qi Changying's road was blocked, but now they were blocked.

"Who said that, this passage is blocked, we have other ways to get there."

Song Shi pinches the formula, and the power of the formation comes, directly forming a teleportation formation.

This is a basic function that many large formations have. Especially in large sects, it is convenient to have a teleportation array. The formation here naturally has this function.

If he hadn't interrupted Qi Changying and the others' control of the formation in time, the other party might have used this method to leave quickly, and if Ma Deyao and the others were trapped, it would be difficult to chase them down.

"His Royal Highness is so powerful. He has controlled some of the formations here so quickly, especially the teleportation formation."

Ma Deyao was overjoyed and hurriedly stood on the teleportation array.

The power of the formation formed a circular transmission range on the ground, and then the void twisted. The two people passed directly through the formation, crossed the collapsed area, and came directly in front of Qi Changying.


The two men appeared out of thin air, startling Ma Deyao.

The latter turned into a cat-like shape again, and the hair all over his body exploded, showing that he was really frightened.

"You... how could you possibly use the teleportation array!"

He was shocked: "It can't even be used by us, this is impossible!"

The authority of the teleportation array is the core function of a comprehensive array. How could it be controlled by these enemies?

Could it be that there is a mole? Otherwise, he really couldn't imagine how this situation could happen.

"Haha, old monster, you can't think of it, right?"

Ma Deyao felt a sense of pleasure when he saw Qi Changying's expression and couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, I really didn't expect you to have such great penetration into this place. We all underestimated you and thought we could make you suffer a big loss this time."

Qi Changying laughed angrily, his seals changed, and his whole body suddenly turned into a group of bats, flying towards the two of them.

"I want to run away again!"

Ma Deyao then changed Soul Formation and stepped on it. A huge earth wall rose up, trying to block all the bats.

But these bats were very fast and flexible, and a few of them broke through the obstacle and transformed into Qi Changying's on the other side.

"You alone want to stop this elder?"

Qi Changying was feeling proud when he hit a barrier with a bang.

This barrier was formed by a formation, and he was completely confused.

"There must be a ghost inside. Who is it? If you have the ability, come out to me?!"

He screamed somewhat irrationally.

If controlling the teleportation array makes him feel that the inner ghost is hateful, using the trap array this time is simply outrageous. It is outrageous to open the door for outrageousness. It is extremely outrageous.

This is definitely not something that can be done by temporarily breaking the formation. It must be done after research and even getting the formation diagram to achieve this level.

"Looks very angry."

Song Shi teased: "I only allow you, Heavenly Demon Temple, to install spies in E Dagan, but don't allow me, Dagan, to infiltrate your Heavenly Demon Temple?"

He followed the other party's words, which made it clear that there was a traitor, and said coldly: "General Ma, you have to seize the opportunity this time, and you can't let him escape again."

"It's the prince!"

Ma Deyao killed him, but Qi Changying was no match and could only avoid him.

He glanced at Song Shi, showed a crazy look, and rushed over.

Since you can't run away, you might as well kill someone to back you up.

Song Shi chuckled, folded his arms, and didn't look flustered at all.

A barrier appeared in front of him, blocking the latter with a bang, and then the entire mine was enveloped by the power of the formation, and Qi Changying completely became a turtle in a jar.

He roared angrily and could only fight with Ma Deyao.

Blood splattered. In the face of strength, no matter how he changed, he was no match for Ma Deyao from the Nascent Soul Late Stage. With a loud noise, he was smashed out of shape.

When Qi Changying was in a deadlock, the Immortal Transformation Demon Lord's face changed at the Heavenly Demon Temple headquarters and he took out a token.

Three large bloody characters appeared on it.

There's a mole!

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