What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 291 Space Compression

The void around Song Shi solidified, and the terrifying pressure came. He was targeted by the Heavenly Demon again.

Looking at the Heavenly Demon with the fierce flames, Song Shi looked calm: "Are you a dog? Are you still biting me?"

Qian Mian, who was following behind, looked confused when he heard this. How dare this guy scold the Demon Saint?

Is it possible that I don't know how to write the word "death"?

"This guy...is really not serious."

Princess Wu Xi, who escaped with the Zhenling Guards, had a strange expression on her face.

"I admire his courage."

The Zhenling Guard next to him had his face twitching.

Not to mention their expressions changing upon hearing this, Emperor Qian and everyone present were all dumbfounded.

Originally, they were feeling heavy because of the birth of the Demon Saint, and they were in danger of annihilation, but now they were made dumbfounded by Song Shi's words.

"Is this the guy who caused chaos in the Langya Immortal Dao Club? He is very courageous. He dares to provoke at this time. Do you really think that this is an Immortal Dao Club protected by rules?"

When the strong men on both sides looked sideways at Song Shi's tricks, Heavenly Demon laughed instead.

"Interesting, a little Demon King dares to be so arrogant. Is this saint old, or are you crazy?"

With a click of a finger, a magic light suddenly flashed across the Shattering Void sky, piercing through Song Shi.

"The attack power is really strong, not bad."

Song Shi looked satisfied and was killed again, and his body fell downwards.

The Heavenly Demon opened his mouth and released a powerful force of swallowing, wrapping Song Shi's body in, ready to eat it in one bite.

Just when the food was about to enter his mouth, a strange scene occurred, and Song Shi's body suddenly disappeared.

This time, even the Heavenly Demon showed a look of astonishment, "Another substitute?"


Song Shi appears nearby, intact.

He looked at Heavenly Demon indifferently and said: "You'd better be honest. When I let you out, you must be obedient and be a good dog. Don't bite or bark."

Many people's eyes widened and they were almost stunned.

"Did I hear you correctly? A Nascent Soul monk actually keeps claiming that he calls a demon saint a dog?"

"Crazy, really crazy."

"There is such an arrogant person in this world. Even if he dies, he will probably be remembered in history."

A group of people couldn't bear it anymore and started to complain.

"Very good, I haven't met a damn person like you for a long time."

The anger in Heavenly Demon's holy eyes was released like a volcano erupting.


He appeared next to Song Shi in an instant, so fast that Song Shi only saw an afterimage.

Seeing the opponent slap him, Song Shi punched back not to be outdone.

The power of the six paths of reincarnation condensed on the fist, and the essence, energy and spirit were united, and the most powerful blow exploded.


Song Shi's power shattered like a bubble, and he was slapped to the ground, creating a sinkhole.

The terrifying force of the collision caused the entire imperial city to shake. Song Shi found that his arm was broken and the joints were dislocated.

The force of the collision shattered his internal organs, and before he could spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, the Heavenly Demon was already catching up.

"The bones are strong."

With a sneer, there was a click, and the Heavenly Demon crushed Song Shi's neck with one claw and lifted his head up.

When Song Shi was still alive, he grinned and said, "Your dog bones are pretty strong too. Grandpa's body is no match for me."

"Are you talking back?"

The magic light in Heavenly Demon's hand was strong, and the power of space cutting exploded, cutting Song Shi's Nascent Soul into pieces.

Using absolute suppressive power to kill Song Shi, Heavenly Demon was not in a hurry to eat it this time and stared at Song Shi's body quietly.

Soon, his pupils shrank and he saw Song Shi dissipate with his own eyes. His eyes were deep and he did not find any clues.

This shows that this person's methods are very clever, and it is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Waiting for Song Shi to be resurrected, Heavenly Demon asked: "Who are you?"

"I am your master, will you be my dog?"

Song Shi asked back, using provocative words to stimulate the other party to continue killing him.

"Don't think that if you have a way to escape from the golden cicada's shell, you can go against this sage."

The Heavenly Demon grabbed Song Shi, and a suppressing force came, freezing Song Shi in place.

He did not kill again, but sealed Song Shi with the power of space, and said indifferently: "Back then, that guy couldn't kill me, so he chose to seal it. You can enjoy this treatment today."

Song Shi was slightly shocked. This guy reacted so quickly, so he chose to seal him for the third time.

Even if you have Ragnarok and can temporarily get out of control and can control the opponent's speed, if you really fight, the opponent will probably catch the flaw and restrain it.

The last trump card, don’t use it for now if you can.

Thinking of this, Song Shi did not rush to escape, but carefully felt the power around him. This should be the power of space. As long as the strength is strong enough, it can be controlled or broken.

"Just use the Void Sutra to practice. If you can get rid of the blockade of space power by yourself, you will have more room for maneuver."

When Song Shi was forced to meditate on the Void Sutra, the Heavenly Demon grabbed Song Shi with a cold face. The void twisted and Song Shi looked like she was shrinking.

In the blink of an eye, Song Shi became the size of a doll, and finally shrank into a bead, which he conveniently put away.

"Space compression, this devil's ability is also average in the Void Refining realm."

Princess Wuxi saw the Heavenly Demon Saint's methods and thought of the descriptions in the ancient books, and her heart sank deeper and deeper.

Emperor Qian did not take action and stared at the menacing Heavenly Demon: "You have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years, and this world has declined even more. I suggest that you go back. There is no need to fight for the king in this remote place of ours."

"Are you qualified to say such things to me?"

Heavenly Demon walked over with an indifferent expression: "You are only worthy of being used as food. It just so happened that the food you ate down there just now were all Low Grade goods. Your high-grade food should taste much better."


Emperor Qian muttered: "Today I will show you how someone who is only qualified to make food can kill you, the Demon Saint."

"Create a battle formation and slay the demons!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a roaring sound erupted from the outside.


At some point, a hundred thousand troops had gathered nearby. After Emperor Qian gave the order, the morale of the troops soared, and dragon aura rose from all directions, just like hundreds of rivers converging and merging into a black dragon reaching the sky.

The power of the 100,000-strong army condensed into one body, shaking the heavens and the earth with such majestic momentum that the elephant, the Heavenly Demon, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qianhuang landed on the dragon's head in a flash, and the black dragon suddenly seemed to come to life. A pair of golden lights burst out from its eyes, and it immediately swam towards the Heavenly Demon.

"No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants!"

The Heavenly Demon was disdainful, his sharp nails shone brightly, he raised his hand and slashed hard, and the space was suddenly divided into two halves.

The cracked space was more terrifying than the sharpest spiritual sword. It cut the black dragon head-on. Emperor Qian was shaken violently and was instantly knocked out.

The black dragon formed by the fusion of the army shuddered, and when it was still ten feet away from the Heavenly Demon, it suddenly collapsed and fell into pieces.


Emperor Qian spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at the scars on his body, which was unimaginable.

Just now I saw that the old ghost in blood was fine provoking this devil casually, so why couldn't he mobilize an army of 100,000 to stop this devil's move?

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