What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 282 Destiny With Buddha

All the way east, Song Shi's true sun fire became more and more powerful, and the power of the sun within a radius of ten thousand feet was absorbed, showing a huge aperture, which looked particularly magical, like the sun god coming to the world.

Practicing under the sun can not only easily condense the true fire of the sun, strengthen mana, baby fire and physical fitness, Song Shi also found that it is helpful to practice the Unmoving Bright King body.

The yin and yang qi in his body are also growing vigorously, constantly refining and nourishing the body and strengthening the origin.

For a time, Song Shi's strength improved again, not by much, but steadily approaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

There are 80,000 miles from Youzhou to the Imperial City. In the previous life, it could circle the earth. In this world of cultivation, it is only the distance from the border to the Imperial City.

It takes a lot of time on the way, and Song Shi is basically practicing.

Bai Yu'er had nothing to do and tortured the True Monarch for some information to prepare for the next action.

After prying the True Monarch's mouth open almost, Bai Yu'er drew a map of the imperial city and handed it to Song Shi: "Young master, you can take a look at it first so that you know what it is."

The glowing Song Shi took one look at it and took note of it, admiring: "You are very cautious."

"Sir, Da Gan's lair is guarded by Spiritual Treasure, so we should not underestimate it."

Bai Yu'er was still quite dignified.

After hearing Spiritual Treasure, Song Shi paid more attention to it: "If there is danger then, you can leave first. I have a way to deal with it."

Bai Yu'er was about to say something when the leisurely sound of bells came from the distance.

Taking a closer look, I saw an ancient yellow ship flying in the white clouds. The clouds were so dense that it looked like it was floating in the sea.

A huge swastika is engraved on the bow of the boat, with the sound of Buddha flowing, and the sound of banging the alms bowl coming out rhythmically, with a peaceful charm that makes people feel peaceful.

The entire Buddha boat is carrying Buddha light, spreading in circles, sacred and peaceful, just like a giant Buddha passing by.

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet people from Buddhist Gate in this remote place."

Affected by Song Shi's Unmoving Bright King body, the owner of the Buddha Boat showed surprise and mistakenly thought that Song Shi was really a person in the Buddhist Gate.

Unmoving Bright King's body matches the brightness of the true fire of the sun, and it does look like a Buddhist Gate monk.

He glanced at it a few times and said in surprise: "I haven't seen it before. Which Buddhist Gate is it descendant of?"

Slightly changing direction, he looked curious and prepared to pay a visit to his colleagues along the way.

On the opposite side, Song Shi also noticed that the Buddha's light was shining everywhere and a Buddha boat was approaching him.

"It's the monk again."

Bai Yu'er frowned. She only caught one of them, so why did a bunch of them come directly? Maybe they were here to save people.

"It shows that we have a predestined relationship with Buddha."

Song Shi smiles with a meaningful expression.

The Buddha boat approached quickly. One of the old monks opened his eyes and saw Song Shi and Bai Yu'er clearly, showing disappointment.

"I thought I had met a fellow disciple, but it turned out to be evil people pretending to be Buddhas. I was really mistaken."

Bai Yu'er was unhappy: "Sheng Ming Bald Donkey, please keep your mouth clean."

She obviously knew this monk and secretly introduced: "Sir, this old monk is the abbot of the Great Brightness Temple in Sarawak. He once went to the Great Brightness Temple to cause trouble, and he was the one who took care of the guy who was eventually reduced to a watchdog. He has great light. Buddhism is very powerful.”

"Oh, the strongest Apex Level person in the world, I didn't expect to meet him here."

Song Shi was surprised.

At this time, a young monk from the opposite side walked out, clasped his hands and said, "Master, this man is the old ghost in blood clothes who caused a havoc in the Immortal Fate Meeting."

"No wonder he is so ferocious and full of blood."

The Holy Lord Shengming nodded, and Amitabha said: "Put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. How about you two follow me to the Great Brightness Temple to study Buddhism?"

Song Shi is speechless.

These guys like to persuade everyone they meet to convert to Buddhist Gate? Is it possible that there is any benefit to pulling people's heads?

"Sir, with every additional believer, their Dharma becomes more profound. The stronger the believer, the more powerful their Dharma becomes."

Bai Yuer answered Song Shi's doubts.

Song Shi pouted: "Why go to the Great Brightness Temple? It's more convenient for you to follow me and teach me Dharma every day."

"The donor is too cruel, how about cultivating yourself with me first?"

The Holy Lord Sheng Ming smiled and said: "If you wash away all the anger, you can become a Buddha faster."

Song Shi took Bai Yu'er's hand and walked out with a smile: "That makes sense. Just follow me and help me neutralize my anger. Yu'er, do it!"

"Okay, sir."

Bai Yu'er smiled coquettishly, no longer concealing her cultivation, and directly released the terrifying pressure of Soul Formation Late Stage.

However, the Shengming Zhenzhen in the early stage of Soul Formation twitched his face and said: "Amitabha, I remember that I have something important to do. I will discuss Buddhism with you two later."

He originally thought that Bai Yu'er was just an ordinary maid, and that no matter how powerful the old ghost in blood was, she was only Nascent Soul. He wanted to take advantage of the situation, but he never thought that Bai Yu'er was so powerful.


Song Shi grinned, and then exploded with terrifying strength that was not weaker than the middle stage of Soul Formation. The expressions of all the monks on the opposite side changed.


There was a loud noise, and the battle ended quickly. When True Monarch saw the extra people next to him, he could only lament in his heart.

I'm not lonely anymore.

A few days later.

Daqian Imperial City.

As the capital of a country, it is naturally visited by people from all directions. The atmosphere is extraordinary and prosperous. It seems that the wars in other state capitals have nothing to do with it and are aloof.

It was nothing when they were in the wilderness, but when they got closer to the imperial city, the commotion became louder.

On this day, the sky outside the imperial capital suddenly became much brighter. People on the road raised their heads in confusion, and their pupils quickly shrank, revealing a look of shock.

"What...what's going on?"

"Why do double suns appear in the sky? There could be some ominous sign!"

Wherever the light touched, people exclaimed, looking at the extra sun on the horizon, their expressions became uneasy.

This was due to Song Shi's practice making too much noise, which directly formed the phenomenon of a bright sun in the sky.

Because it is closer to the ground, the vision of the sun in the sky is more magnificent than the real sun. In fact, Song Shi is far from comparable to the sun.

Whoosh whoosh!

Among the guards of the imperial city, some monks flew out with a look of alert, waiting in full formation.

One of the people wearing golden armor landed on the city gate and said loudly: "I don't know which Fellow Daoist is in the sky. The imperial city prohibits outsiders from flying in the air. Please come down and get the pass before flying."

High in the sky, inside the Buddha ship, Bai Yu'er hesitated: "Sir, do we need to be so high-profile? Maybe they won't give us a chance to enter the city."

"Who said we were going in like this? Isn't that looking for a fight?"

Song Shi chuckled: "You and I will pretend, and we'll go in first. When the time comes, it will be light and dark, suitable for action."

"I understand. Young Master wants to use his public identity to attract attention so that he can act secretly."

Bai Yu'er guessed some of Song Shi's purposes and suddenly realized it.

The imperial city is heavily guarded. If they approach with their true colors, they probably won't be able to get in. If they sneak in secretly, any movement may attract the attention of the entire imperial city.

Nowadays, making a disguised identity can more or less divert some attention.

The next moment, Song Shi's flesh and bones squirmed and transformed into an old monk, exactly like the Holy Saint.

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