What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 272 True Monarch

The black old monster was captured, and the strong men of the Black Snake lineage could only retreat unwillingly, and the area around the underground palace quickly became quiet.

A few days later, a powerful aura surged out from the underground palace. It lasted for a while and then slowly converged. It was Bai Yu'er who successfully broke through to the Soul Formation Late Stage.

Half a day later, a portal appeared outside. Song Shi walked out of it, followed by two people, one black and one white. They stayed in mid-air for a moment and then disappeared.

In Youzhou of Qian Kingdom, war is raging.

Since the army of monks from the Qian Kingdom destroyed the home of the Tiangui Sect, the top power in Youzhou, more than half a year ago, the ordinary army also began to suppress the rebellion on a large scale, and the war entered its most intense stage.

In the sky where Tiangui Sect was in ruins, Song Shi appeared in a flying boat.

Behind him stood the black and white evil spirits.

The black clothes and skin are all black, and the face is depressed. He is the old monster who has not yet accepted his fate.

The white one is naturally Bai Yu'er. She clings to Song Shi, making people think she is Song Shi's woman.

Song Shi took a sip of the wisdom tea that Bai Yuer had brewed, and her eyes fell on the broken ghost pit on the ground. Many of the originally thick iron chains were broken.

However, deep in the ghost pit, the ghost mist is still filled, and the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves can be heard.

"It seems that it has not been completely destroyed. It has retreated to the land of ghosts."

Song Shi thought thoughtfully, Tiangui Sect has a special space called Ghost Land, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It is easy for the Qianlong Army to destroy the buildings on the ground, but it is still difficult to hunt down the Tiangui Sect monks hiding in the Ghost Land.

"Master, do you still want to help Tiangui Sect?"

Bai Yuer asked that Song Shi had been called True Monarch Martial Emperor by her several times in the past few days. She didn't seem to like it, so she still asked her to call him Young Master.

"I will naturally do what I promised. Besides, to me, with you both black and white, intervening in this kind of thing is nothing."

Song Shi smiled faintly, even if he didn't take action, with two Great Monsters, could Daqian still completely destroy the Tiangui Sect?

"Sir, how do we need to deal with this group of rubbish?"

The old black monster is disdainful. In fact, he has not accepted the reality and does not want to show up.

Otherwise, everyone will know that he has become a human subordinate.

"As you said, if we don't take action, how can we let the young master take action?"

Bai Yu'er said coldly.

"Okay, I will naturally take care of the things I promised, and you can just do the chores."

Song Shi waved his hand. After he broke through Nascent Soul, he did not have the experience of Soul Formation to use it directly. He needed to fight to improve his experience and strength. He would not sit still and rely entirely on perception.

He observed the outside of the ghost pit. A group of monks wearing armor were hiding and surrounding the place, but they were also guarding the outside.

"Interesting. You seem to be waiting for something. Are you waiting for the rabbit?"

Song Shi muttered and continued to explore the nearby situation. The army besieging Tiangui Sect was stationed not far away. The strongest one was at the Nascent Soul Martial Emperor level.

It seems that the top experts are not as good as them, but these monks can form an army into a battle formation. If they really make a move, Soul Formation will have to retreat three feet.

"I'll go down and check the situation."

Song Shi walked out of the clouds, Shrink the Earth to an Inch, and landed on the edge of the ghost pit in a blink of an eye.

The huge crack in the ghost pit opened by the battle is like a canyon, in which several invisible monk soldiers are chatting.

"Will the rabbits come again? I caught a few last time, but they are probably gone, right?"

"You don't care whether people come or not. Even if they don't come, we still have to guard this place so that the ghosts inside can't come out to cause trouble."

"I don't think they dare to come out. True Monarch is sitting here, coming out and killing each one."

Song Shi overheard the discussion and was thoughtful.

Are these people waiting for Lu Youyou and the others? It sounds like someone has already broken into the ghost pit. Do those guys want to save people or enter the ghost land?

His breath calmed down, and he raised his hand to draw an invisibility charm on his body.

This is the power of the Tongtian Talisman Technique. You can pick up an ordinary talisman at random, and you can condense the talisman through the air, or you can draw it on your body.

Even because of his physical strength, the talismans he drew were more suitable than those drawn on talisman paper, so it was very convenient.

As the invisibility charm takes effect, the nearby light is distorted and the whole person disappears into thin air.

He came to the ghost pit and took a closer look. The Tiangui Sect's formation here had been partially destroyed, and another formation was set up in the depths. Anyone who rushed over would be blocked by the formation.

You can break it open by yourself, but it will take some time, and there must be no strong people nearby to guard you.

Quickly taking the situation into consideration, Song Shi nodded with satisfaction.

This time I didn't just rush over and show off because I couldn't die. Instead, I explored the situation first, which was a lot of progress.

He turned around and came to his own Cave Mansion in the sect. It was also breached and Bai Xiaoqin was missing.

With what he left behind, Bai Xiaoqin should not perish.

Song Shi looked at the dilapidated house and sighed in her heart: "Hey, it's so difficult to have a place to stay. I haven't lived here long before I was given away."

Since he entered the path of cultivating immortals, he has changed several places, including the Song Mansion where he grew up, the Yaoyue Palace where he stayed for a few days, and the closest one is here. Now it seems that he can no longer stay.

When he was thinking about whether he could contact Lu Youyou and the others, a battle suddenly broke out in the distance, and someone shouted happily: "The rabbit is coming, catch it!"

A group of people immediately jumped out of the seemingly deserted ruins and surrounded several figures.

"No, they have an ambush, retreat first!"

As soon as the ghost demon True Monarch saw this posture, he knew that he was waiting for them, so he hurriedly used Law Treasure to break through the siege and try to escape.


There was thunder and lightning in the distance, and a golden magic pestle fell from the sky. It hit Gui Sha's Law Treasure with a bang and was stuck on the ground. The power of the most powerful thunder filled the air, blocking several people.

"Amitabha, please stay here and let me save you and others."

A burly monk flew out from a distance, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a ring scar on his head, and the power of thunder flashed on his golden skin, like a angry-eyed Vajra.

Gui Sha's expression changed and he sped up: "True Monarch is a demon-slayer, working for others, why should he be so dedicated?"

"It is our duty to eliminate demons and protect the Tao, so how can we be dedicated?"

True Monarch clasped his hands together, and a bunch of monks holding weapons appeared behind him, blocking the way for everyone in the Heavenly Demon Temple.

There were also ambushes in the ghost pit who rushed out and surrounded several people in an instant.

"These people have sinned so much, send them to hell."

True Monarch's evil spirit flashed in his eyes, he grabbed the demon-slaying pestle and blasted it at the evil spirits.

The battle broke out on the spot, and the army of monks who had been prepared for it cooperated seamlessly. In just one round, Gui Sha and others were beaten to the point of vomiting blood. They were no match at all.

"Damn it, it's been half a year, why are you still here!"

Gui Sha was the least injured, but he could see how dangerous the situation was. He might not be able to escape today.

Just when they were desperate, a sun fell from the sky, and the evil-killing True Monarch exploded on its head with a roar, sending it flying out, instantly breaking the siege.

"True Monarch, right? You have a rest today. I have something to do with them."

Song Shi's voice then echoed.

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