What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 19 Dragon Elephant Prajna Magical Skill


Song Shi nodded. With his great intelligence, he was practicing normally. When he was not around, he would go astray and seek death.

"That's good!"

Da Congming took out an old book from his pocket. "This is the Prajna Gong that I practice. It belongs to the superior martial arts of the Buddhist Gate. It is extremely yang and strong. When practiced to perfection, it has the strength of nine bulls and two tigers. However, it is only the introductory part of another divine skill."

"What skill is it?"

"The Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong!"

Song Shi was surprised. Not only was there Iron Sand Palm in this world, but there was also Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong?

"There are advanced techniques in the Prajna Gong, such as the Dragon Elephant Gong, which is suitable for the Innate level. After practicing it, you will have the power of a dragon and an elephant. If you practice the complete divine skill, you will have the power of a dragon and can rival the immortals on land."

Da Congming explained, "Actually, the Iron Sand Palm that Dai Dou practices is also part of the true divine Sand Palm. But for us, it would probably take a lifetime to practice even the introductory part of these martial arts, let alone reaching the Innate or Transcendent levels."

Song Shi was astonished. "Are you saying that martial arts cultivation can also rival cultivators?"

"It is said that it is possible, but I have never seen it and I am not qualified to see it."

Da Congming smiled bitterly. "But there are countless martial artists, and there are always powerful individuals who can break through the limits of the acquired realm and cultivate to the Innate level. And among the Innate, there are also those who can transcend the mundane and be comparable to land immortals."

Song Shi was a little confused. "I thought cultivators were the most powerful in this world."

"According to Qin Lao, when cultivation reaches a high realm, whether it is cultivation or martial arts, they actually converge. It's just that the early stages of our martial arts cultivation are too difficult. But we are not limited by things like spiritual roots, which are ethereal and elusive. Effort is more important."

Da Congming didn't know much about these things either.

"Qin Lao?"

"He is an Innate expert worshipped by your Song family."

"We have an Innate in our family?"

Song Shi was surprised. He never had any contact with these things in his daily life.

"Yes, the wealth of the Song family in this Jinxiu City is enough to rank in the top ten. It is qualified to worship an Innate expert."

Da Congming said with envy, "But the potential of your immortal roots, Young Master, is even greater. Perhaps among martial artists, there is only one in ten thousand who can match those with immortal roots. But as long as you cultivate, you can easily rival an Innate expert. Qin Lao took decades to reach this level through cultivation."

Song Shi pondered.

Martial artists, acquired, Innate, Transcendent.

Cultivators, Qi Refining, Foundation Building...

This world was more exciting and complex than he had imagined.

"Enough of that. Teach me the Prajna Gong."

Song Shi didn't think too far ahead. Even if he practiced martial arts now, he was still at the lower Heaven Level, far from reaching Transcendent.


Da Congming handed the secret book of the Prajna Gong and the scroll of the Iron Sand Palm to Song Shi. "The True Qi condensation positions in the Prajna Gong and the Iron Sand Palm are different. The Prajna Gong cultivates the lower dantian and focuses on refining essence, while the Iron Sand Palm emphasizes the transformation of qi."

"If I cultivate the lower dantian, will it affect my future cultivation of Qi Refining?"

"No, the Qi Refining method is more advanced and can directly cover the Refining Essence into Qi technique. That's why, after confirming that you truly have immortal roots, I didn't refuse to teach you the Prajna Gong."

Da Congming shook his head. "But the methods of the Prajna Gong and the Iron Sand Palm for circulating qi are different. Young Master, if you practice both, you still need to be careful not to mix them up."


Song Shi began to listen as Da Congming explained the basics of cultivation, familiarizing himself with the meridians, acupoints, and bones of his whole body.

His strong comprehension allowed him to easily grasp the knowledge, and he immediately entered the stage of cultivating inner energy techniques.

With the guidance of Da Congming on the side, Song Shi himself had gained experience in practicing the internal martial arts of Iron Sand Palm.

In the practice of this Prajna Gong, there were basically no problems encountered, and he successfully entered the door. His whole body was filled with energy, and his abdomen was burning hot.

Da Congming saw that Song Shi achieved in half a day what took him ten days back then, and he felt a bit sour.

"So this is the true immortal seed, there's no way to compare."

At this moment, Song Shi opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of hot air. "Let's go, let's go to the Inviting Moon Tower."

After practicing for a few weeks, he still felt a burning sensation all over his body, and it was a bit unbearable.

"See, I told you it's not suitable for you, Young Master."

Da Congming was speechless. "In practicing this Buddhist Gate martial arts, one must abstain from lust and purify the six senses."

"I'm not a disciple of the Buddhist Gate, there's no need to pay attention to so much. Forget it, forget that you said it's not suitable for me to go to the Inviting Moon Tower, I'll go by myself."

Song Shi stood up. "As for my safety, don't worry, I may not have as much combat experience as you, but I still have some brute strength. Ordinary people can't bully me."

"Thank you for your understanding, Old Liu. I fought with that strange creature today and gained something. I really want to go into seclusion and cultivate."

Da Congming politely said, "I wish you a happy time, Young Master!"


Song Shi couldn't wait and left!

This time, the practice of Prajna Gong was done in a proper and orderly manner, and it took a lot of time. It was already sunset when he secretly left through a side door.

When the carriage arrived at the Inviting Moon Tower, the moon was already rising. Song Shi entered and immediately said, "I'm looking for Xue'er!"

There was a flash of surprise in Meiniang's eyes. She didn't expect that in less than a day, this kid would be so lively.

Young people have such vigorous energy. Even if they were drained by Xue'er, that greedy girl, they could recover so quickly.

She walked over with cat-like steps and smiled, "Young Master, please wait in the Eyebrow Moon Elegant Room. I'll go inquire."

"Bring me some food and drinks first!"

Song Shi was hungry and ordered the maid to prepare some food to fill his stomach.

"Oh, Song Laoqi, even your dead dog is pretending to be alive. Do you still have the mood to come here and look for Xue'er?"

A fat-faced young man appeared upstairs, teasing Song Shi, "Tonight, Miss Xue'er belongs to me, Sun Xuan!"

This person was the illegitimate son of the Sun family, a prominent family in Jinxiu City. Similar to him, he liked to visit brothels, but his tastes were heavy. He often harmed married women, causing many families to be ruined. Song Shi despised him and, coupled with their occasional competition for girls, their relationship was a bit strained.

"Since Xue'er came here, she has always been with me. Do you really like taking advantage of others?" Song Shi sneered. This guy especially liked to harm married women, which made him look down on him from the bottom of his heart.

"The girls here belong to whoever has money. Even if she has been with you all this time, so what? Don't you know that I did it on purpose, so that she can gain some experience and be comfortable when serving me later, haha."

Sun Xuan laughed triumphantly, causing many people to follow suit with lewd laughter.

Song Shi frowned, feeling quite unhappy.

Men have possessiveness. Although he knew that Xue'er deliberately absorbed his yang energy and he didn't have much affection for her anymore, this guy's words still made him uncomfortable.

"Song Laoqi, be sensible and get lost. Go back and deal with your dead dog playing dead, haha!"

Sun Xuan laughed arrogantly. He saw that Song Shi didn't even bring any guards today, so even if he bullied him a little, what could he do?

Song Shi rubbed his palms.

A gentleman uses his mouth, not his hands. He considered himself not a gentleman, so he walked upstairs confidently.

"What's wrong, getting angry and wanting to fight?"

Sun Xuan saw Song Shi approaching and sneered, "Just you alone, dare to? Come and hit me then?"

Note: The translation provided is a direct translation and may not fully capture the nuances and cultural references present in the original Chinese text.

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