What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 129 The Gale Swordsman Returns Home In Seconds

One day later, Song Shi clapped his hands and said, "The cost of this fixed formation has been reduced by half, and there are enough spirit stones left to activate the killing formation twice!"

He felt a sense of accomplishment because it was a matter of using his brain, not brute force.

After doing this, he made a few moves, and a set of flexible formation flags inserted on the surrounding stone walls and ground by Green Moon Perfected Being were removed.

There are two types of formations: fixed formations and portable formations. The former is not movable and requires the formation base to be made on the ground or in the void. The process is complicated, but the deployed formations cover a wide area and are powerful.

The latter is movable and uses a formation plate or formation flag to carry formation patterns and spirit stones. The advantage is that it is flexible and can be carried around and arranged when you want to use it.

The ice and fire array composed of the Green Moon Perfected Being flags is a portable formation. It reaches Third Grade and can trap and kill Gold Core monks. There are a total of seventy-two formation flags, which can be divided into two small formations to trap him. The one who killed him belonged to the Ice Formation, and the one who killed him was the Fire Formation.

Compared with the formation disk of his Yin-Yang Inversion Formation, the formation flags of this formation are simpler to make. The formation itself is more complicated and more powerful, but it also takes more time to arrange.

With this new set of portable formations, he has an extra layer of protection when traveling outside.

After getting the benefits, Song Shi was not in a hurry to go out, and just started practicing the Thousand Transformations Technique here.

This spell is divided into three realms, namely skin transformation, bone transformation, and breath transformation, corresponding to changes in fur, bones, and breath.

With strong understanding, Song Shi reached the first level in just three days.

"Who will he become?"

Song Shi rubbed his chin and thought about it. After much deliberation, he felt that it would be best to become a person he only knew.

"Thousands of Skin Changes!"

Song Shi drank in a low voice, the flesh on his face squirmed, his eyebrows became thicker, and he immediately changed from a suave young master to a somewhat vicissitudes of middle age.

He tied his hair together with a rope, then transformed his cassock into a set of blue robes, and took out a long sword and hung it on his waist.

"Face the blast, Hazagei!"

Song Shi drew his sword and stabbed him, transforming into a prodigal swordsman.

"From today on, I am the Swift Sword Master Yasuo!"

He laughed and thought it was interesting to become a character in the game.

Thinking of the swordsmanship given to him by Mr. Qin, he stabbed out with his sword.

The strong wind roared, and a deep sword hole was instantly pierced into the stone wall.

He looked around and saw that there was basically no problem, so he turned on the system.

Race: Human race

Spirit: 2021/2022

Physique: 3064/3064

Comprehension: 1812

Energy: Nine Yang Origin Force (7980/8000)

Free attribute points: 340

Lucky Draw Chances: 3

Talents: Supreme Grade Fire Spirit Root, Supreme Grade Golden Spirit Root, Spirit Communication Dao Body, Supreme Grade Diamond Body

Abilities: Nine Yang Magic (Level 3), Innate Pure Yang Technique (Level 16), Immortal Golden Body (Primordial Origin) Taiyin Concept (Xiao Cheng), Formation (Third Grade), Qingfeng Sword Technique (Dacheng) ), Yin Yang Secret Technique (Dacheng), Yiqi Doppelganger Technique (Xiao Cheng) Dragon Elephant Technique (Perfect), Xiaoyao Shou (Perfect), Phantom Step (Perfect),

Comprehensive evaluation: Your realm is Foundation Building Late Stage, and your true strength can compete with Gold Core mid-stage!

"Hey, I can actually match the mid-game of Gold Core. No wonder I can beat Green Moon's Perfected Being."

Song Shi saw the system evaluation and suddenly realized that she seemed to be very powerful.

It would be even more unsuitable to show up and let people know that he was so powerful in less than half a year, which would easily arouse suspicion.

"The One-Qi Doppelganger Technique is a bit difficult. I have just started to practice it in my spare time. The Immortal Golden Body is too neglected, so I have to practice it hard. When my physical body becomes Primordial Origin, I will see who can plant a tree on me next time."

Song Shi snorted, finished summarizing, and glanced at the lottery.

During this period, including the reward for completing the Dragon Elephant Technique, plus the chance to kill the Green Moon Perfected Being just now and the lucky draw opportunity saved last time, he could already draw three times in a row.

It can be a blast.

Song Shi spends it directly.

"Ding, congratulations on winning the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra!"

"Ding, congratulations on winning the Peiyuan Pill!"

"Ding, congratulations on winning a piece of volcanic iron!"

There were four items left on the wheel, and the two known ones were drawn.

What is unknown is a piece of artifact refining material, which he has to process himself before he can use it, or sell it directly.

"The Dragon Subduing Mahamudra... combined with the Dragon Elephant Technique and the Diamond Dharma Body, the power is definitely not bad."

Song Shi clicked his tongue, he now lacked a powerful explosive method, otherwise why would he waste the Fire Python Talisman before?

He also initially learned the Dragon Subduing Mahamudra, and the Song Shi seal opened an exit and came to the Gobi.


Song Shi looked at the world outside and was in a good mood.

He glanced around and saw that everything in the southeast, northwest and northwest was deserted, with not even a single hair in sight. His expression twitched: "Where the hell is this?"

He thought about it, felt the direction of the wind, and smiled: "Just go with the wind!"

Taking one step forward, Song Shi left an afterimage behind and advanced on the Gobi with a sword.

He combined the phantom step with the violent wind sword, whipping up a violent wind that blew away the stones in the Gobi Desert.

"Tori has dental pain!"

Song Shi shouted, and instantly ejected, slashing wildly with his sword. The stone immediately fell into pieces, and the cross section was as smooth as a mirror.

"It's fun, haha, it's so fun."

Song Shi kept blowing rocks away with his hands and then slashed wildly, having a great time.

Mr. Qin taught him the Guangfeng Yi Sword, plus the Phantom Step, and he combined it to create a set of combined sword moves.

After playing for a long time, Song Shicai stopped still and muttered in his heart: "System, let's put some game skills into the lottery later."

"Ding, request received, game skills will be provided appropriately in the next refresh."

The system reply appeared in his ears. Song Shi called him a good guy. Unexpectedly, the system actually gave him face.

"Since game skills are regular abilities, the probability of being refreshed into game skills is low, so please be mentally prepared."

The system gave another prompt, Song Shi didn't mind, as long as there was a chance.

Glancing at the long sword that was full of cracks after being damaged by him, Song Shi murmured: "Ordinary swords are really not enough. Take the time to refine the volcanic flame iron into it."

The long sword returned to its sheath, and with a thought, he took out the flying sword and used the Qingfeng Sword Controlling Technique to turn it into a breeze and go away.

Continuing to travel thousands of miles, when it was getting dark, Song Shi came out of the Gobi Desert and came to a lush green grassland.

"The direction seems wrong."

Song Shi recalled the map of Daqian. There was no grassland in Jinzhou or Jinzhou.

"Find a human gathering area and ask."

The thoughts spread rapidly forward. His consciousness could already spread to ten miles away, and he soon discovered a small tribe.

After asking in the past, Song Shi found out that he had arrived in Muzhou between the Tianying Mountains and the Tianyue Mountains, more than four thousand miles away from Jinzhou.

"It's a bit far. The way back is mostly desert areas, which is boring."

He thought about it, committed suicide on the spot, chose an alternative point to resurrect, and returned to his hometown instantly.

Fairview City.

The Song Mansion was in ruins, with cobwebs and dust everywhere, and crows occasionally flying down.

In the dry well in the backyard, a female ghost in white floats in the well water. She is the new ghost hiding here recently.

Suddenly, there was a burst of warmth under her body, and a man appeared out of thin air. By coincidence, she happened to be riding on his head.

One person and one ghost looked at each other, both in a daze.

ps: Thanks to Erdai hdggc for the reward!

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