What is a destructive midfielder?

Chapter 50 Is this the improved Catenaccio?

Leverkusen has the ball.

Kiesling passes the ball back to Li Kang.

The Roma players did not press any pressure.

Pjanic and Dzeko kept moving backwards.

Li Kang knocked the ball to Son Heung-min.

The latter took a few steps with the ball, looked up and observed, and then knocked the ball to Hilbert who came in from the wing.

The football began to pass back and forth horizontally on the green field.

The speed of advancement was extremely slow.

From the perspective of God.

Roma's formation formed two "chains".

De Rossi, Nainggolan, Pjanic, and Keita formed the first central line of defense.

The four players on the back line formed the second line of defense.

Dzeko, the top shooter, was active at the forefront of the defense.

Salah kept wandering around the center circle.

They ran in unison as the line of the football changed.

There was a very subtle distance between every two Roma players.

"The game is slow, but not boring!"

"Since the development of modern football, Simeone has led the discussion of defensive layers in European football for a period of time!"

"From the perspective of the Roma team's formation, it has nothing to do with the word layer!"

"Chain defense! Garcia has carried forward this ancient tactic in today's Champions League!"

"Watch the changes in their two lines of defense!"

Brandt and Son Heung-min advanced at high speed on the two sides.

Kisling passed the ball back to Li Kang again.

From the perspective of God!

The "first chain" of the Roma formation began to converge! The "second chain" began to spread.

The spacing between the players.

There has been a significant change!

Li Kang couldn't find the space to pass the ball forward from a medium or long distance for a while.

He tried to advance with the ball.

Dzeko and Salah quickly came to interfere!

Salah, who has not yet grown into a complete body, is not to be feared.

But Dzeko's "forward" ability is a bit abnormal.

Li Kang decisively passed the ball to Borges who came in from the right.

The latter started to advance frantically after receiving the ball!

There was no confusion in Roma's formation.

Salah turned back and chased.

The "first chain" began to tilt!

Nainglang and Keita blocked the Leverkusen full-back's advancement route!

At the same time, he locked his forward space to pass the ball!

"There is no way, there is another Salah behind him, Borges can only pass the ball back to Kramer who is in place."

"Roma achieved good results in Serie A last season with this tactical style!"

"Garcia preferred offensive football when he coached in Ligue 1. After coming to Roma, his coaching staff and players went through a season of running-in before creating this retro defensive system."

Longguo Live Room.

The barrage gradually became less.


[Too boring! What is this kick? Leverkusen is attacking fast! Dawdling! Forward! Push! 】


[In the past two seasons, Roma only needs to use this main lineup! Even if they play against the Universe Team, they can maintain a 50-50 split for a period of time! Too cowardly! 】


[The nickname "Luo Xiaoping" is not for nothing! Pay attention to the positions of the midfielders and defenders! They change as different Leverkusen players hold the ball! One loose and one tight, which stifles Leverkusen's forward runs and through passes. 】


[The defense of Roma and Atletico Madrid is two extremes, one focuses on width running, and the other focuses on deep pressure. Roma is holding a non-stick pan for various pick-and-rolls, while Atletico Madrid is holding a kitchen knife to block a few moves and then slash you madly. 】


[I vomited blood! Watching this kind of game is a waste of time! A waste of life! 】

The dullness did not last too long.

The 6th minute of the game.

Li Kang received a return pass from Kramer in the 40-meter area of ​​Roma's half.

A strong orange-clad figure suddenly bumped over!


Dzeko had already retreated to the midfield position, releasing this good boy who likes smoking, tattoos and perming his hair!

A strong body.

A fierce appearance.


This Roma midfielder exudes a wild boar-like aura!

He ran straight into Li Kang!

At the same time, he poked the football with his right foot!

"A duel between the Roma warrior and the Leverkusen genius!"

"Too fierce!"

"Leverkusen may lose this ball!"


The advanced close-up sound equipment transmitted the sound of a physical fight to the ears of the audience in front of the TV!

Old man Top had a solemn expression.

Garcia crossed his hands in front of his chest, looking relaxed, rubbing his thumb and index finger gently, ready for the team to counterattack at any time!

Olympic Stadium.

The Roma fans also burst into deafening cheers!

Leverkusen fans couldn't help but worry:

Although Li Kang's physical confrontation ability is not bad!

But the opponent is Nainggolan, who is a circle stronger!

It's not surprising to be able to overturn the skinny little Japanese, but do you want to overturn this European tough guy?

There was no expected fall!

Li Kang leaned back!

Knees slightly bent!

He held the Roma strongman!

He pushed hard with the arch of his left foot!

The football stuck to the grass and instantly penetrated Roma's midfield defense!

The "first chain" broke!

The breakthrough point was Dzeko who had not yet fully landed!

Son Heung-min penetrated into the 30-meter area of ​​Roma!

After receiving the ball, he shook off Keita!

Go outside!

Run at high speed on the right side!


"I really can't see how Li Kang can carry Nainggolan who is much bigger than him?"

"Morata was hit by the Roma midfielder last season and called the team doctor on the spot!"

Nainggolan smoothes the colorful cock head.

His eyes swept over Li Kang's feet.

Is this kid balanced on both feet?

No wonder the center of gravity adjusts so quickly?


The head coaches of both sides had no intention of taking into account the confrontation just now!

Constantly directing their respective team members!

Son Heung-min dribbled the ball on the right wing and pushed forward crazily!

Roma's defensive formation quickly returned to its original state!

The right ends of the "two chains" pinched Son Heung-min at the same time!

Like a pair of pliers!

You need to take advantage of the Korean winger!

Florenzi, De Rossi, and Keita, the three of them double-teamed and moved in perfect harmony!

One goes outside.

One takes the inside route.

One puts the shovel directly.

Keesling pulls out on the left!

Brandt switched positions to the middle, and he raised his right hand high!

Son Heung-min picked the ball decisively!

The moment the three-person double team was completed!

Picked the ball to the front of the penalty area!



"Single sword!"


The linesman raised his finger flag!

The referee blows the whistle.

Signaling Brandt to be offside!

Son Heung-min shook his head and gave a thumbs up to Li Kang.

Brandt wanted to argue with the linesman, but Keesling hugged him away.

Li Kang was startled.

He mastered all the information in the offensive stage from a God's perspective.

Roma's defensive system.

Even harder to deal with than in the video.

No wonder they can create a record of nine consecutive draws.


Old Man Top looked at the Roma coach in the distance and said angrily: "This guy is so disgusting and insignificant! Does he want a draw at the Olympic Stadium?"

Dino looked at the well-dressed Garcia carefully and said blankly: "Boss, are you talking about the fighting style?"

Thanks to Blank for the lucky 5000 starting coin reward.

Thanks to Niangmiya Haruhi’s Melancholy for the 1,500 starting coin reward. Thanks to Sanmiao, who loves to eat Douhua, for the 1,500 starting coin reward. Thanks to Lanheqiao for the 500 starting coin reward.

Thanks to mfive for the tip.

Thanks to the Zhenyuan ship that has never set sail for the reward.

Thanks to citizen Lao He for the reward.

Thanks to Xu Jian for the reward and monthly ticket.

Thanks, cigarette tips and monthly passes.

Thank you Suanran for your tips and monthly votes.

Thanks to book friend 20180526204449678 for the reward and monthly

Thanks for the rewards and monthly tickets in that era of fluttering white clothes.

Thanks to book friend 20171031222737140 for the reward and monthly

Thanks to TOPJAYCE for your tips and monthly votes.

Thank you for the rewards and monthly votes.

Thanks to Weilai (sorry I can’t type that word) for the reward and monthly pass.

There may be some omissions and they will be added when updating.


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