Weird Resurrection: I Ate a God

Chapter 81 A giant lotus with human faces

Elevator! ?

"There is an elevator in this Gobi Desert?" Lang Ren felt stupid.

For a moment, he doubted whether this Gobi Desert had once been a city.

"This should be an elevator shaft. It looks like this elevator is different from the usual ones..." Lang Ren's expression changed, and he found that this elevator was different from the regular elevator. Although it was an elevator, there were not many buttons on it.

This aroused his curiosity. The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared from the original place.

When he reappeared, he appeared inside the elevator.

If these tungsten steels were not elevators, he might have to spend some time to break them open, but now he didn't dare to use violence, in case it was damaged.

The elevator was very clean inside. The surroundings were not made of tungsten steel, but transparent glass. You can see the elevator shaft outside the glass. There are many steel cables in the elevator shaft, stretched straight.

"The mysterious egg is below... and there is an elevator here. There must be a lot of humans here, and there may even be humans below!" Lang Ren's eyes flickered and he analyzed.

Thinking that he might meet strangers from the outside world next, he was both excited and nervous.

"The red button should be the alarm button?"

There are two buttons on the central control wall of the elevator, one blue and one red. Lang Ren tried to press the blue button to see if there was any response.


Suddenly, the elevator sank suddenly. There was no light above his head, but an incandescent light was on, as if some high-tech light was hidden inside these irons.

The next second, the elevator started to start and fell, and the surrounding scenery flashed by quickly.

What a fast speed.

Lang Ren was shocked. It was the first time for him to ride a high-tech product in this world. He was shocked by the speed. Conservatively estimated, he fell at least dozens of meters in these few seconds!

Gradually, Lang Ren felt that his center of gravity became stable, and he was somewhat adapted to the fast-falling elevator, but he still felt some discomfort, just like the unbalanced feeling of falling quickly on a plane and about to land.

Fortunately, he didn't have a heart, otherwise his heart would probably be in his throat.

"It's so deep... My goodness, if there was no elevator, Mao Shenli would have dug his hands off." Lang Ren opened his eyes wide and looked out of the elevator with curiosity.

He counted the time in his mind. As one minute passed, the speed of the elevator gradually slowed down.

Gradually, the speed of the elevator falling became slower and slower until it stopped completely. A dug hole appeared outside the glass, just aligned with the elevator.


The light above his head turned red, indicating that he had reached the destination. The elevator door slowly opened and aimed at the dark hole, like a giant mouth that was waiting for Lang Ren to enter and swallow him.

This must be hundreds or thousands of meters, right?

While making an astonishing estimate in his mind, Lang Ren walked out of the elevator and stepped into the hole vigilantly.

"Swish swish swish!"

As he stepped in, lights suddenly lit up deep in the cave, illuminating the surroundings.

"Identity recognition failed, laser activated, please check the password."

A cold and ruthless voice came from the front, causing Lang Ren to pause and frown.


It seems that it is not all smooth sailing.

"We can only force our way in." Lang Ren looked at the empty front. Although it seemed that there was nothing, in his holographic perception, red lasers filled the passage and intertwined with each other.

The next second, his body disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, his body was already 20 meters away, and he made a strange movement, motionless.

Then, his body disappeared again, and then went 20 meters deeper again, lying on the ground.

After three consecutive times, he successfully passed all the lasers and entered the interior of the passage.

"The consumption is quite high." Lang Ren took a breath. Since entering the underground, he has used Bubble Shadow five times in a row. The energy in his body has been consumed completely, and he is a little overwhelmed.

The original consumption of Bubble Shadow is very terrifying, especially after Bubble Shadow becomes the second-level mystery, the consumption is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, he took out a black core from his arms, put it on his forehead and began to replenish energy.

Previously, he had hunted some cores of evolutionary beasts for backup while bathing by the lake, in order to prevent any unexpected situations. It really came in handy now.

"I will always have some cores with me in the future. I have to develop this habit." Soon, Lang Ren felt that his body's energy had recovered a lot. Then he turned his head and looked around, and found that it was pitch black inside. It should be that he didn't notice that humans had come in here, and he didn't open the permission, so there was no electricity here.

However, the darkness had no effect on him at all.

The Holy Light Domain only works in the strange night, but he awakened his senses and could see clearly.

At the end of this passage is a door. Behind the door, there must be secrets that these humans have dug here.

"This door is very thick, but it doesn't bother me." Lang Ren found that his holographic perception was greatly limited here. For some reason, he couldn't expand it on a large scale, but he could still see some things behind the door.

He was sure that there was a corpse inside.

[Hint: There is a mysterious egg in front. If you get it, you will awaken new blood power, but it is protected by powerful evolution grass, and you are likely to encounter danger. 】

The system's prompt sounded, and Lang Ren confirmed that his target was behind this door. Without hesitation, he used Bubble Shadow again and penetrated through the heavy stone door.

Inside the stone gate, it was pitch black, and the air was filled with the stench of corpses, full of death and coldness.

This is a huge cave. A large number of spider webs cover the cave wall. Fishing is in the air. There are dried corpses lying on the ground. These corpses have their mouths wide open, as if they have experienced something terrible during their lives. They look miserable. .

However, in this place filled with deathly energy, a huge lotus appeared that almost filled the entire cave.

Different from ordinary lotus flowers, this lotus flower is purple in color, and each blooming petal is covered with human faces. These human faces have their eyes closed tightly, as if they are sleeping.

What's even more terrifying is that the rhizome tentacles of this lotus are connected to the corpses on the ground, as if their bodies are used as nourishment.

The lotus stem of the human-faced lotus flower is like a thick giant pillar, and tentacles grow out of the lotus stem, piercing into the earth wall of the cave like chains, crossing each other in a vertical direction.

A kind of terror filled Langren's heart.

This was the first time he had seen such huge flowers and plants, and in such a terrifying form.

Each petal is covered with a human face. Just looking at it makes people feel troubled and develop trypophobia.

At a rough count, there are at least a thousand people here, like a huge exploration team. Many people are wearing white coats and construction clothes, and there are some large instruments covered with spider silk around them.

"The egg should be here, why didn't you see it?" Langren looked solemnly and scanned the surroundings carefully, but did not find the target.

This place is strange and eerie, with corpses and instruments everywhere, as well as the huge lotus, and no trace of the egg at all.

But the system's prompts were unmistakable. The egg must be in this cave.

"These people look like they have been dead for decades, with only a layer of dry skin left. The strange thing is that they have not rotted into bones." Langren began to search the cave carefully, not daring to make any sound.

He avoided the humans and lotus root tentacles, which gave him a very ominous feeling.

For some reason, his holographic perception was suppressed here, and he could only see a rough outline, so he could only observe carefully along the way, stepping on the open space to prevent encountering these corpses, and see if there was anything missing.

"There is an elevator here." In the darkness, Langren noticed an elevator shaft ahead, in which an elevator surrounded by glass stood quietly.

However, the glass of this elevator is covered with dried blue blood, and there are some bloody palms. Different from the previous elevator, this elevator can be seen from the elevator shaft that its top is closed, and its bottom is closed. It's hollow, like it's leading deeper underground.

But why is there blood everywhere in this elevator leading to the underground? Could it be that there is some danger down there?

With a shiver in his heart, Lang Ren looked at the huge lotus in front of him and made a guess.

Could it be that this evolutionary grass is an underground creature that came up from under the elevator and killed everyone?

But how can such a small elevator accommodate this giant lotus?

Lang Ren withdrew his gaze and did not continue to think deeply. He has not yet figured out the situation and it is difficult to judge.

"This thing should be alive." He thought to himself, while walking very lightly, as if in slow motion, very cautiously.

Since the system said that this egg was protected by evolutionary grass, it was very likely that the other party was alive.

But this big guy is actually a grass, which is too scary.

The donkeys in the production team don't dare to be so long.

I'm afraid you didn't grow up eating feed, right?

"Are these weapons also made of tungsten steel?" Suddenly, Langren noticed that there were several weapons on the ground around some corpses, including swords and spears, which were covered with dust.

Based on the principle that he would rather take it away than miss it, he cautiously stepped forward and picked up a large sword with a scabbard from the ground.

There was a lot of dust on it, and Lang Ren was shocked when he picked it up.

So heavy?

It must weigh about five to six hundred kilograms.

Although he was able to pick it up, it was difficult for him to use it like an arm.

"What kind of state were these human beings in when they were alive? They actually carried swords weighing five to six hundred kilograms with them..." Lang Ren felt a little frightened and became more and more careful in his actions.

There are not many corpses with weapons around here, and the clothes on the people with weapons look more casual. Unlike the corpses in white coats and construction clothes, they should be more important people.

This made him more and more certain that these weapons were treasures.

In addition to the long sword, there was also a spear held in the hand of a corpse. He hesitated for a moment, and finally carefully stepped forward and slowly took the spear out of the opponent's hand.

The whole process was very light, and fortunately no accidents occurred, which made him relieved.

This spear is also very heavy like the big sword. It is conservatively estimated to weigh five to six hundred kilograms. I don't know if it is made of tungsten steel, because the weight is obviously several times heavier than his tungsten knife.

Lang Ren held two weapons in one hand and felt a little strenuous, but he was full of excitement.

Suddenly, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and then his body stiffened suddenly, and his heart was shocked.

Because, he saw a human face petal on the lotus next to him, and he opened his eyes at some point.

He was staring hard at him, making his hair stand on end.

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