Weak Mechanics? Dominate The Universe From Skynet

218: Are Mechanics Really That Strong?

Experienced countless life and death crises.

The fighting instinct is almost engraved into the genes of many reincarnated people.

In fact, at the moment when the law force field rises.

Let's all enter the battle state!!

They are well aware of the disadvantages of being trapped in a small area to fight.

Therefore, the two teams immediately took countermeasures!!

Space Teleportation!

Law Blast!

Force Field Disintegration!

In less than 10 seconds, they changed six or seven means of breaking out.

As a result, all failed!!

Seeing this situation, everyone began to panic.

"what happened??"

"I don't know!!"


"It's absolutely impossible, I can clearly perceive energy reactions and law fluctuations."

"No illusion can imitate those reactions so realistically!!"

"Unless the other party has all our information, using illusion is the most stupid way!!"

"Then how to explain this situation?"


In full view.

All attacks fall on the surrounding law force field, like a stone entering the sea.

Disappeared without a trace!!

Not even the slightest ripple??

This performance is beyond the scope of everyone's cognition.

As a high-level reincarnation person, he is naturally no stranger to such things as law force fields.

But the law force field is after being attacked.

It shouldn't behave like this!!

No matter how powerful the law force field is, it is impossible to have no reaction in the face of external attacks.

Energy hedging, law collision, space distortion, etc.

The higher the attack intensity, the more obvious the reaction.

This is the most basic law.

It's like adding cold water to boiling water.

The temperature drop is inevitable!!

The problem is, now no matter how much cold water is added, the water temperature does not change!!

Obviously not normal!!

Could it be...

Isn't this a law force field??

Such an idea popped up in everyone's mind instantly.

This seems to be the only explanation that makes sense!!


Thinking of this, the reincarnated people's expressions became serious.

Don't be afraid of the enemy's strength, but be afraid of the enemy's strangeness.

No matter how strong the defense is, the law force field.

As long as you find the right direction, you can break it.

Vigorously miracle!!

But if it wasn't for the force field of laws, then everything would be uncertain.

Special means of defense with lawful participation.

It cannot be judged by conventional thinking mode.

Some even have special mechanics.

It will accumulate the enemy's attack and return it to the opponent at the last breath!!

In the command cabin.

Xia Feng looked at some of the targets of the mouse.

Secretly sneered.

Of course he knew what the other party was afraid of.

"You guys react quickly!!"

The reality is the same as the other party thinks.

If Xia Feng wanted to, he could indeed accumulate the opponent's attacks.

Wait until a certain limit.

Return it to the other party!!

But there's no need to do that.

The reason is simple: look down!!

Direct attack can achieve the same effect, so what do you do with so much trouble?

The law force field that besieged the opponent was very special.

Xia Feng added some technologies that only 8-star peak civilizations can master.

The law of time!!

Maybe it's because of lack of strength.

The reincarnations and Tongtian messengers who came to this world seem to be unaware of the preciousness of the Time Stone.

In other words, after they fought against the Ancient One mage.

I didn't think about the law of time at all.

There are many kinds of abilities that can restore state.

Not to mention recovering energy.

Rebirth from a drop of blood is not uncommon in the universe of the heavens!!

As one of the ultimate laws of the universe.

Under normal circumstances, only 9-star bosses are qualified to study the law of time in depth.

The 8-star peak has just been eligible for contact.

There are even rumors that the outside world thinks.

If you can thoroughly grasp the law of time, you can definitely transcend the 9-star category!!

To achieve true detachment!!

With Xia Feng's technology level, of course he is not eligible to touch the law of time under normal conditions.

He doesn't even have the ability to detect.

The river of time is the same as the river of fate.

They all belong to the existence that only hears its name but does not see its shape!!

However, there are cosmic wonders like the Time Stone.

That's a different story!!

Strictly speaking, the force field of law that besieges the reincarnation should be called the force field of space-time law!!

It has a special ability:

With the help of time and space, dissipate the enemy's attack invisible!!

This is a method that relies solely on time and space to defend against attacks from others.

Wide applicability!

Unless the enemy's attack strength exceeds the limit that can be endured after the fusion of the two laws.

Otherwise there is no weakness.

"Just keep those two 7-star late-stage existences, and the rest are worthless!" [!"

"The law of launch cracks the ray!!"

Xia Feng's eyes were indifferent.

He knows the urine of the reincarnation team.

Strength determines everything!

Including the right to know!

If even the two 7-star late-stage players don’t know Edward’s position, the others won’t know 100% either!!

Add to that his distaste for nightmare spaces.

And the hatred of the other party and other Tongtian messengers.

In reason and reason, everyone should be killed!!

greatly greatly

Deep Space War Fortress.

Received an order from Xia Feng.

Accompanied by a huge roar.

The entire fortress began to deform.

In the case where real space battleships cannot be used.

Xia Feng simply changed his mind.

Remove a certain module on the space battleship and use it separately.

After testing, the law does not limit this!!

In addition to the basic functions of the deep space war fortress.

The biggest function is to transform into the main gun form!!

[Weapon name]: Law cracking ray

[Power limit]: 7-star initial stage

[Evaluation]: One of the main guns of the law battleship, it has a certain restraint ability against high-level powerhouses, and can perform superimposed shooting!!

"Target locked, launch!!"

In the Star Age, there is a weapon called "God's Rod"!

Special tungsten alloy metal rods were dropped from low earth orbit.

Under the acceleration of gravity, the speed reaches 39,000 kilometers per hour.

A special tungsten alloy metal rod wrapped in a hot flame.

Falling from the sky like a flaming sword.

Destroy the target completely!!

The visual effect of the Law Disintegration Ray is similar.

But faster and more powerful.

After the Deep Space War Fortress completed its transformation and launched an attack.

Dozens of beams of light were seen falling from a height of several thousand meters.

Before those reincarnations reacted.

Instantly fell on them!!

Just for a moment.

There are 6 reincarnators with insufficient strength and slow response turned into coke in the wailing!!

In front of the cracking rays of the law.

Their strong vitality has no effect!!

And the remaining 5 reincarnators rely on their spiritual sense.

Respond promptly though.

But also at stake!!

A law cracking ray specially designed for high-level powerhouses.

Can easily disintegrate everyone's defense.

If other regions.

Faced with this clumsy form of attack, the reincarnations cannot rely on quick maneuvers to evade.

Just a second to breathe.

They will be much better off!

However, under the limitation of the space-time law force field.

Don't talk about avoiding.

They don't even have a place to run!

In this case, there is no choice but to carry it hard!!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The condition of the surviving reincarnations is getting worse and worse.

Even through the monitor, all the Tongtian envoys in the command cabin can feel their pain and suffering.

While everyone was amazed, they were once again secretly startled by Xia Feng's strength.

The strength of those reincarnations is beyond doubt.

In fact, Tongtian envoys who have dealt with high-level reincarnators know it.

In the case of one-on-one singles.

Tongtian envoy's winning rate is less than 30%.

If you count the sneak attack and other factors.

The mortality rate is as high as 40%!!

Do not underestimate this number.

As high-ranking powerhouses, Tongtian envoys can also teleport back to Tongtian Tower at any time.

In this case, the mortality rate is as high as 40%.

It is already a very scary data!!

In the past few years of confrontation, everyone has also experienced the opponent's methods.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

If those reincarnations themselves are not strong enough.

Even with the assistance of the undead army, it is impossible to kill their two companions!!

However, it is such a powerful team of reincarnators.

How long did you last in front of Xia Feng??

5 minutes, or 10 minutes?

Everyone still hasn't realized what's going on.

Two reincarnation squads, 11 targets.

Only 5 left.....

No, it should be 4 now.

One just didn't hold up!!

There is no push assist.

There is no strong support (well, well).

Under their noses, Xia Feng did everything alone!!

`々How strong is this guy??」

I thought that being able to fight against the undead army was already the opponent's full combat power.

Unexpectedly, it was just the tip of the iceberg hidden on the surface of the sea!!

Mysterious law force field, special ray attack from the sky, suffocating calculation ability...

All of this proves one thing.

The opponent didn't show his full strength!!

"Going back, someone must restart the mechanic training program!!"

The facts speak for themselves.

The existence of Xia Feng is the most powerful rebuttal to the theory that "mechanics are useless"!!

If only his subordinates or heirs could be as powerful as Xia Feng.

I don't know if I can hope for 9 stars!!

Thinking of this, Rao is the mind of many Tongtian envoys.

Can't help but get excited!!

Xia Feng didn't know the complicated thoughts of everyone.

At this moment, all his attention was on the rear of the undead army.

Edward is the strongest in the reincarnated camp this time.

It is absolutely impossible to watch all of his subordinates die.

The identity and pride of the other party cannot allow this to happen!!

The facts are just as Xia Feng deduced.

Just when there were only 3 reincarnators left in the force field of law.

A loud shout suddenly appeared above the target! Ya!

"You are looking for death!!".

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