We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 90 Lu Bu: Why do you think I messed with this food transporter?

When marching and fighting, it is most taboo to focus on one thing and lose another.

At this moment, although there is civil strife in Yanzhou in the rear, the entire main force of Cao's army is now in Xuzhou.

Now, most of Xuzhou is under the control of Cao Jun.

Although Cao Jun and Xuzhou are in a stalemate to contain each other, on the surface, Cao Jun still has the upper hand.

If the turmoil in Yanzhou hadn't made Cao Ying's people unstable, Xuzhou would be more anxious at this moment.

Xi Zhicai looked at Cao Cao in front of him.

If the general is in a panic, it will naturally lead to instability in the morale of the entire army.

In times of crisis, he and Cao Cao must stabilize the morale of the Cao camp.

As for Xuzhou, there can be no chaos!

"Zhicai, don't worry, I will understand!"

After hearing Xi Zhicai's advice, Cao Cao grinned and laughed softly.

As a general, he naturally knows what he should do now.

So what if Yanzhou is in chaos? Now hundreds of thousands of people in Cao's camp are relying on him, so naturally he can't be in chaos.

Yanzhou is nothing.

At worst, he just needs to fight back with his men.

"Gather the generals together to discuss matters in the tent!"

He nodded towards Xi Zhicai. At present, Cao Cao had to settle Xuzhou first before he could lead his people back to Yanzhou.

As for Xuzhou right now, he doesn't have anything to worry about.

He left some of his troops with Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren and others, and then personally took some of them back to Yanzhou to take a look.

This is more secure.

The tenth day of May.

Only one day had passed since Lu Bu led the Xiliang army to attack the supply camp led by Xi Yu.

After a brief pause for a day, the baggage camp escorting grain and grass regrouped and set off.

Throughout the entire supply camp, following this encounter, Xi Yu arranged for the lightly injured soldiers to escort the seriously injured soldiers to find a temporary resettlement place.

The remaining soldiers continued to go to Xuzhou to transport grain.

That day, the wind was light and the clouds were light.

On the gallop behind them, the smell of blood blowing in the wind began to gradually dissipate.

Xi Yu sat on top of Jueying and moved forward with the baggage camp at a still unhurried pace.

Dian Wei, who had already fought once, no longer had the excitement of going to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

At this time, he was much more stable.

The generals in the transport camp were aroused with a lot of enthusiasm at this time. While marching along the road, they could hear endless comments about yesterday.

After Lu Bu's attack on grain and grass failed, he led his army to retreat.

Xi Yu didn't pay much attention to it. Whether Lu Bu turned his horse around and attacked Yanzhou's towns again, or made other choices, Xi Yu didn't care.

The news from Yanzhou was successfully delivered to him.

According to Xun Yu's letter, Juancheng was impregnable, and there was no movement from Xiahou Dun who was stationed in Puyang.

However, Zhao Yun sent a letter telling him that everything went well with his previous arrangements.

Juancheng was safe and sound, and Xi Yu felt a lot more relaxed.

Now, all we need to do is deliver grain and grass to Xuzhou step by step. At that time, only Cao Cao had to bring some of his troops back to Yanzhou.

This so-called rebellion can be eliminated overnight.

In the final analysis, these Yanzhou nobles who are currently rebelling are not worth Xi Yu's heart at all.

If these people can jump out at this time, it will be better if they defect in times of crisis.

After Yanzhou is re-pacified this time, Yanzhou will have no worries in the future.

When Xi Yu was moving forward with the heavy baggage camp, Lu Bu, who had failed in the attack on the other side, had already gathered the Xiliang soldiers together again the next day.

Because of Lu Bu's own power in the Xiliang army, although yesterday's attack failed, the Xiliang army still has the same trust in Lu Bu as before.

After this defeat, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry who had reunited did not suffer much loss.

The sun was shining brightly, and all the Xiliang troops gathered in a mountain pass looked at the leader Lu Bu.

At this moment, Lu Bu felt a little tired.

Hou Cheng beside him took the initiative to help Lu Bu hold Red Rabbit.

Lu Bu was sitting upright on a boulder, and his originally shiny tiger-head armor seemed to become dimmer at this time.

The purple gold crown with tied hair was hanging slightly, and the flower brocade robe covered Lu Bu's back.

"Jun Hou, what should we do now?"

Hao Meng, who was standing next to him, glanced at Lu Bu. They only had seven or eight hundred soldiers left.

This time Lu Bu led his army to attack, and the Xiliang cavalry only carried enough food and grass for three days.

After finishing today's meals, they had 700 to 800 people, and there was nothing left to fill their stomachs.

Lu Bu had a gloomy face.

Until now, it was hard for him to believe that there was someone stronger than him in the world.

Meeting Xi Yu made him slightly excited.

However, no one will feel better when faced with defeat.

This time he led the army to plunder food and grass, which was full of confidence.

Now, all the Xiliang soldiers under his command are waiting for him, Lu Bu, to bring back Cao's army's food and grass.

But now, what about food and grass?

Ensuring food for the current seven to eight hundred people has become a problem.

He went back to find Chen Gong and others in such despair, expecting Zhang Miao and Chen Gong to ask the Yanzhou nobles to provide him with military supplies?

Although he, Lu Bu, was arrogant, he was not a fool.

Although Chen Gong and Zhang Miao intended to cooperate with him, there were some things that Lu Bu could still see clearly.

After his arrogance was suppressed, Lu Bu, who was able to calm down, would naturally start to think more.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Gong and others only proposed to cooperate with him, not to submit to him.

If he had to rely on Chen Gong and Zhang Miao for food and grass.

Isn't it equivalent to a tiger being restrained by its throat and a beast being collared?

He himself didn't want to do anything with the swords in Chen Gong and Zhang Miao's hands.

Ever since he defected from Ding Yuan's subordinates to Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu had sworn in his heart that he would stand higher.

When he counterattacked to kill Dong Zhuo, his mentality had already changed.

In today's world, the Han Dynasty is no longer the powerful court it once was.

From Xiliang to Luoyang and Chang'an.

From being a frontier general, he saw the prosperity of this world.

He was no longer willing to be driven by others.

Just as he said to Xi Yu yesterday, why should the other party succumb to Cao Cao's men if they have such force.

These words were spoken to Xi Yu, but they were also a reflection of Lu Bu's heart.

A man born in heaven and earth, how can he live in a state of depression for a long time?

Nowadays, the world of Han Dynasty is in chaos.

Among the princes, no one wanted to create a career, and so did Lu Bu.

He also wanted to be a powerful prince.

It is precisely because of this that the Yuan brothers are afraid of him, and precisely because of this.

When Chen Gong mentioned that they would plot to capture Yanzhou with him, Lu Bu opened his mouth and agreed.

In fact, having a piece of your own territory is a very obvious help to whether you can become a prince.

Now, Yanzhou is not in control yet.

Chen Gong and others did not obey him. It was still unclear who was strong and who was weak, who was the host and who was the guest.

The thoughts in Lu Bu's mind were a little confused.

But he knew that if he returned to find Chen Gong and others at this time, his authority in the future would be somewhat restricted.

So, naturally he doesn't want to.

Hearing Hao Meng's question beside him, Lu Bu looked up leisurely and glanced at him.

At this time, all the Xiliang troops were looking at Lu Bu.

Lu Bu raised his eyes, stood up from the boulder under him, and began to look in the direction not far away.

In the distance, endless fields of wheat are swaying in the wind.

Yanzhou is a big place, and there are many places where you can get food and grass.

Lu Bu looked at the wheat within his sight as if he were seeing patches of grain.

"Treat the grass and get grain!"

When he was at the border, he often led his Xiliang army to gallop on the grassland.

At that time, they would sometimes imitate the Huns and in turn do what they did to thresh grass and grain.

And his reputation as a flying general began to grow from that time on.

Since leaving the border, he has almost forgotten that time in the past.

Nowadays, food is the top priority.

"Getting food?"

Hao Meng was stunned for a moment, but then he understood what Lu Bu meant.

Now the military rations they carry cannot last until tomorrow. They must find a way to get food today.

As for Dacaogu, the Xiliang soldiers under his command would naturally understand.

Hou Cheng also nodded at this time: "Jun Hou is right, hit the grass and valley!"

"I heard that Yanzhou has had a bumper harvest since last year. Compared to other states, Yanzhou is now much more prosperous than other areas."

"Think about it, those nearby small villages and towns must have stored up food!"

As Hou Cheng spoke, Lu Bu nodded beside him.

After he jumped on the red rabbit again, he touched the red rabbit's mane and immediately became serious.

"This time, we only need to get food, which is a little different from the previous threshing of grain!"

"These Yanzhou people are of the same ancestry as me after all, they are not the Huns who we can slaughter at will!"

"Please remember, if it is not necessary, do not hurt anyone's life!"

Lu Bu casually told him that he was not someone who liked to bully the weak.

Lu Bu had no interest in massacring some civilians.

As he spoke, a group of Xiliang soldiers under his command echoed.

Not long after, Lu Bu reorganized his troops and horses. Between the mountain passes, seven or eight hundred Xiliang cavalry quickly began to move along the road towards the villages and towns in the distance.

"No news from the Lord?"

After starting to break camp in Junxian County, Zhang Liao, Wei Xulian, Chen Gong and his party followed the direction of the avenue and began to collect the town while beginning to inquire about Lu Bu's news.

Until now, Tan Ma has not received any message from Lu Bu for more than two days.

Chen Gong and others had no idea whether the looting of grain and grass was successful or not.

However, these people have great trust in Lu Bu's force itself.

At present, there is no news from Lu Bu, but it makes Chen Gong and others have some doubts.

At this moment, Zhang Liao felt slightly frightened!

I don’t know why, but I always feel like something is wrong!

With Lu Bu's ability, it shouldn't take long to plunder food and grass. Even if it's a bit troublesome, it's time to pass the information back.

Now, there is no news at all, which is somewhat different from the results they expected.

Zhang Liao felt uneasy, while Gao Shun beside him kept his face paralyzed.

He has a reticent nature and rarely expresses his opinions among the Xiliang army.

What's more, since Lu Bu was away this time, Wei Xu's status in the Xiliang army was much higher than his.

"Is Junhou in trouble?"

Wei Xu couldn't help but feel worried.

Those eyes glanced at Chen Gong on the side. The other party proposed to break camp, but the entire Xiliang army did not stop in any town.

Along the road, except for the traces of Lu Bu at the beginning, now for more than a day, Lu Bu seemed to have suddenly evaporated.

Wei Xu always felt that something was wrong.

Could it be said that Lu Bu fell into the trap of those in Yanzhou?

"I'm worried that Junhou is in danger!"

Wei Xu spoke out. Lu Bu was the only person he could rely on. If Lu Bu was in danger this time, the entire Xiliang army would probably disperse.

Chen Gong was also a little worried.

Logically speaking, with Lu Bu's ability, Yanzhou as a whole should not encounter any trouble.

But now two days have indeed passed, and Lu Bu has not sent back even a trace of news.

The point is, this time Lu Bu went to plunder grain and grass with only a thousand Xiliang soldiers. If he really encountered an ambush by Xun Yu and others.

Even though Lu Bu had outstanding military strength, how could he escape from the siege without any damage?

If someone like Xun Yu really set up an ambush, he would never let Lu Bu escape easily.

Now, having reached this point, Chen Gong and Zhang Miao still cannot escape from Lu Bu.

The entire Yanzhou gentry could easily rebel. Although he and Zhang Miao played a role in it, Lu Bu's figure could not be ignored.

What they relied on more was Lu Bu's prestige.

Without Lu Bu, they might not be able to control the huge Yanzhou.

If you really face Cao Cao then, what will you do to resist?

Chen Gong felt a little irritable.

When Lu Bu proposed leading troops to plunder, although he agreed in his heart, the other party was a little arrogant after all.

A thousand Xiliang cavalry were missing after all.

Chen Gong ignored the possible ambush by Xun Yu and others.

Thinking about it now, it's already a bit late.

"Jun Hou may be restricted. Now, we can only speed up and follow Jun Hou's trajectory along the way!"

"I think with Junhou's ability, even if it is limited, I am afraid that Xun Yu and others will not be able to capture Junhou in a short time!"

"So, I still have time!"

Chen Gong made a deep voice, and when his eyes turned to Wei Xuzhi beside him again, he quickly told the results of his analysis.

Hearing this, Wei Xu frowned subconsciously.

"In this case, the army speeds up and along the Chi Road, we must support Junhou as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Wei Xu felt that what Chen Gong said was correct.

So far, there is still no news about Lu Bu. It is possible that he was ambushed by the tricks of those guys in Yanzhou.

The top priority is to support Lu Bu as quickly as possible.

Not far away from the Xiliang army, Zhao Yun led a group of local warriors and fell far behind the Xiliang army.

Seeing that the other party suddenly started to move forward at a faster speed, Zhao Yun and all the local warriors were a little surprised.

"Zilong, these Xiliang soldiers are starting to speed up. Do we want to follow them?"

Seeing the Xiliang army speeding up, if they didn't speed up this time, they would probably be thrown away by these people.

But if we follow the Xiliang army to speed up, we will probably be discovered by the opponent.

Hearing the question from the person next to him, Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Follow me!"

The Xiliang army couldn't speed up for no reason. The other party must have discovered something or had something important to do.

And they themselves were responsible for harassing these Xiliang troops, so even if they were discovered, it wouldn't be a big deal.

No matter what these Xiliang troops want to do.

As long as these Xiliang troops can be contained, there will be no problem.

As the Xiliang army began to speed up, Zhao Yun led hundreds of people to gradually speed up.

The people and horses on both sides always kept a close distance.

The breeze was gentle, and on the road to Xuzhou, the atmosphere in the transport camp was peaceful.

Dian Wei followed Xi Yu closely, looking at the fields not far away on both sides of the road.

"Sir, do you think there will be another bumper harvest this year?"

Seemingly noticing the swaying wheat, Dian Wei subconsciously asked casually.

This question was asked very casually.

After Xi Yu heard this, he subconsciously looked at the fields on both sides.

It's early summer now.

The entire spring this year had significantly less rainfall than last year.

According to the situation in his memory, if he remembered correctly, this year, the food everywhere in the Han Dynasty was poor.

To be precise, since this year, droughts have occurred frequently throughout the Han Dynasty in the next few years.

The wars among the princes coincided with continuous natural disasters.

For these princes, although the food and grass are not good enough.

But for the current Han people, this is indeed like a disaster.

Natural disasters damaged food harvests, and fewer and fewer people survived the war.

In just a few years, the population of the entire Han Dynasty began to plummet like a cliff.

With the shortage of population, the progress of the entire era has also slowed down.

Xiyu frowned.

Dian Wei beside him was still waiting for his response.


"The rainfall this year is somewhat lacking, and it has been so since spring. I predict that there will be a severe drought throughout the following summer!"

"These wheats that are growing well in front of us may not even be able to harvest even half of them during the autumn harvest!"

Although now there are many fortifications such as waterwheels being built throughout Yanzhou.

There are many rivers throughout Yanzhou, but when there is a severe drought, it is not surprising that the riverbeds are exposed.

If the drought really gets that bad, we want to have a bumper harvest like last year throughout the autumn.

Naturally it is extremely difficult.


Dian Wei was a little puzzled. How did he know that there would not be a good harvest this year?

What does rainfall mean?

Also, the gentleman said that in a few days, there will be a severe drought?

is this real?

As Xi Yu opened his mouth, not only Dian Wei, but also the soldiers in the entire supply camp pricked their ears.

After hearing Xi Yu's words, the atmosphere in the entire supply camp seemed to sink in an instant.


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