Not far away, a red-faced strong man in a green robe, dragging a heavy knife with one hand, was galloping towards the center.

Like lightning and flint.

When Yu Jin and Li Qian were dealing with Zhang Fei, they were distracted by the speeding figure, and their expressions changed drastically.

The one who was closer in that direction was Yu Jin, and he made a gesture to Li Qian beside him.

The latter understood it and immediately used 12% of his strength to hold Zhang Fei by himself.

When Yu Jin took advantage of the situation and had some respite, he raised his gun and quickly planned to deal with Guan Yu who was speeding over.

However, in a hurry, there can be no more preparations.

The spear in his hand was swept across, and the green-robed figure dragging a heavy sword in the distance appeared in front of him the next moment.

Guan Yu frowned, and a cold light seemed to flash in his slender Danfeng eyes.

The Qinglong Yanyue Sword that was originally dragged behind him seemed to have crossed a full moon.

The huge blade actually slashed straight at Yu Jin's head.

This blow was powerful and heavy, but Yu Jin reacted quickly. When he set up his spear to resist, he deflected slightly.

The Qinglong Yanyue Sword slashed at the gun body, and Yu Jin only felt a huge force spreading along the gun body to his arms.

Before he could react, his whole figure couldn't help but dwarf.

The war horse beneath him seemed unable to withstand such gravity. When it collapsed, Yu Jin used the force to fly out with his whole figure.

It hit the ground with a bang.

At this moment, the whole surrounding seemed to be suddenly stunned.

And all of this happened in the blink of an eye. Yu Jin, who had not yet recovered, had no time to get up and saw the green-robed figure once again dragging a heavy knife towards him.

"Big red face, your opponent is me!"

When Guan Yu was about to kill Jin Ou with a sword, a shout suddenly sounded in his ear.

He subconsciously turned his head, and in front of him, a strong man who looked very similar to his third brother appeared in front of him, holding a pair of halberds.

The Qinglong Yanyue Sword that was about to slash at Yu Jin was withdrawn in vain. Guan Yu had no intention of slashing Yu Jin to death.

After holding up Dian and Wei's halberds, the two rode their horses and moved to the side.

"Yun Changguo is really amazing!"

Cao Cao, who saw the scene just now, couldn't help but sigh subconsciously.

Guan Yu's timing for going into battle just now was really not too good.

With just one blow, Yu Jin was completely destroyed, and Yu Jin was almost killed.

Cao Cao ordered his soldiers to quickly bring him back from Jin.

At this time, another general came out to help Li Qian fight Zhang Fei.

The entire field was divided into two battlefields for a while.

Guan and Zhang supported each other from time to time, and Cao Jun also cooperated with each other in fighting.

In such a situation, it seems that there is no winner at all in a short period of time.

At this moment, Cao Cao couldn't help but glance at Xi Yu.

Xi Yu was naturally aware of the eyes staring at him. When he turned around and saw Boss Cao looking at him, he couldn't help but frown.

What does Lao Cao see me doing?

This guy wants me to fight?

In just a moment, Xi Yu understood the meaning in Cao Cao's eyes.

The two sides in the center of the field seem to have a hard time deciding the outcome. If the fight continues like this, I don’t know how long it will last.

However, Xi Yu had no idea about going into battle on his own.

He just came to deliver food this time, and he had already done everything he needed to do.

Boss Cao himself discussed the matter of fighting generals with Liu Bei, so what does it have to do with him.

If I have to say it, what I insist on saying now is not considered a subordinate of Cao Cao.

The other party is not qualified to force him to fight.

Xi Yu, who knew this very well in his heart, didn't pay attention to Cao Cao's eyes at all and continued to watch the situation on the field.

During this time, Dian Wei held a double halberd and fought with Guan Yu back and forth.

Li Qian and another general were pretty good at dealing with Zhang Fei.

With the match seemingly evenly matched, there really was no winner in a short period of time.

the other side.

Looking at his second brother, the third brother seemed to have grasped the situation on the field, and Liu Bei was in a good mood.

He held two swords in his hands and rode his horse closer to Cao Jun.

"Mengde, are there any generals left to fight?"

Liu Bei grinned softly, and his generous face seemed to be full of wisdom.

In Liu Bei's view, after Yu Jin on Cao Cao's side was dismissed, it was already a little difficult for the newly dispatched generals and the original Li Gan to deal with his third brother.

Come to think of it, Cao Cao has no generals he can send.

And I have a strong general like Zhao Yun under my command. One is going down, the other is going up, the advantage lies with me!

Liu Bei was determined, and his tone became a little more high-spirited when he shouted to Cao Cao across the battle formation.

Such a voice sounded like a mockery to Cao Cao's ears.

The other party only dispatched Guan and Zhang, but the generals under his command were unable to deal with it.

It's a pity that his brother is not here. Now he feels a bit like when Yuan Shao lamented that Yan Liangwen was no longer ugly when they first formed an alliance.

If Shuang Xiahou and Cao Ren were here, how could he be affected by Liu Bei's anger?

Although he thought so in his heart, Cao Cao's expression did not change at all.

What's more, Yu Jin was almost killed by Guan Yu just now. Even if the Xiahou brothers and Cao Ren were there, Cao Cao would not let them fight.

If he loses one person, he will regret it too late.

However, Fengyi is different.

In his opinion, even Lu Bu fell short of Fengyi's bravery.

If Xi Yu can fight, Liu Bei's son will definitely not be able to laugh even if he is there!

Thinking like this, Cao Cao looked at Xi Yu again.

Xiyu beside him looked at his nose and nose, not caring about Cao Cao's eyes at all.

The scene seemed to be at a standstill.

Xi Yu was just thinking about whether to call Dian Wei back, but now that he was about to fight, he no longer had much interest.

However, just as he was riding his horse to call Dian Wei back, someone suddenly shouted in the military camp.

"General Xi is about to go into battle!"

This voice was extremely loud, and Xi Yu was still a little dazed.

Who is General Xi? However, before he could react, the voice of General Xi began to resound throughout the entire military formation.

"Are you going to fight for justice?"

Xi Yu turned around, and Cao Cao, who was not far away from him, looked at him with a happy face. The nobleman who originally helped him hold the tiger-headed golden gun had already appeared in front of him with the gun in hand.

"Follow justice and go make a name for yourself!"

Cao Cao laughed. He was just thinking about how to get Xi Yu to fight, but he never thought that his younger brother Cao Chun would shout from the crowd.

Seeing that Xi Yu seemed to be trapped, Cao Cao looked at him expectantly.

Xi Yu was a little helpless, as the voices calling his name in the military formation seemed to resound through the sky.

At this moment, I think the military formation on the opposite side also heard it.

He glanced at Cao Cao with some resentment, and then helplessly lifted the Tiger Head Zhan Golden Spear.

Maybe he shouldn't come over and join in the fun.

If he hadn't come, I don't think Cao Cao would have made any agreement with Liu Bei about fighting generals.

At that time, Cao Jun's army directly attacked the city, and Liu Bei could not resist it.

However, it is too late to think about this now.

Holding the tiger-headed golden gun in his hand, Xi Yu had no choice but to instigate Jueying to walk slowly towards the center of the battle.

At the same time, when Xi Yu's name rang out from Cao Jun's camp, Liu Bei on the opposite side naturally heard it too.

When he first heard about Xi Yu, he was a little surprised.

"Xi Yu, Cao Cao wants to send Xi Yu to fight?"

Liu Bei's eyes widened, and even Cao Bao and Tian Kai beside him were a little stunned.

Xi Yu, isn’t that a scribe?

Now that he is a fighting general, Cao Cao would choose to send Xi Yu out. Isn't this asking someone to die?

Or is Cao Cao planning to retreat?

Take this to find a step?

When Tian Kai and Cao Bao were thinking about it, they saw a black knight slowly coming out of Cao Jun's camp.

Seeing the opponent's figure from a distance, Cao Bao frowned.

A scribe, how about he go out to fight and defeat the opponent?

When Cao Bao was thinking this, Tian Kai beside him also thought, isn't this kind of soft persimmon easy to pinch?

When Liu Bei saw that the person coming out of the battle was indeed Xi Yu whom he had just seen, and when he saw Tian Kai and Cao Bao eager to try, he couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart.

If a scribe goes out to fight, Cao Cao has already given up.

In this case, he might as well give the other party a step up.

What's more, with a talent like Xi Yu, he didn't want him to get hurt.

Cao Cao didn't pay attention to the other party, but he paid great attention to him.

If you can let it follow you, then...

Liu Bei felt a little hot in his heart. Before Tian Kai and Cao Bao could speak, he turned his head and glanced at Zhao Yun beside him.

"Zilong, go and fight. Xiyu is Cao Cao's counselor. Zilong must not harm his life!"

"It would be great if we could persuade him to capture him!"

Liu Bei was delighted that Zhao Yun was as powerful as his second and third brothers.

This battle will definitely be a sure win.

Zhao Yun nodded when he heard this.

As for Xi Yu, he had also heard of his reputation.

He already admired the other party for inventing an instrument like the Quyuan plow that was beneficial to the people of the world.

Although it is unclear why Cao Jun sent the opponent to fight this time, Zhao Yun has already made his decision.

If possible, we must persuade Xi Yu.

With this thought in his mind, Zhao Yun followed and rode out.

With a white robe and a white horse and a silver spear, Zhao Yun rode out from Liu Bei's army formation, his playful eyes fell on him.

Before, he had thought that Zhao Yun should be by Liu Bei's side during this time.

He was still wondering why he didn't see Zhao Yun go into battle, but he never thought that due to his own reasons, Liu Bei actually sent Zhao Yun out.


The tiger-headed golden gun was slightly tightened, and the wind around him whistled in his ears.

Xi Yu didn't care about Dian Wei, Guan Yu and others who were fighting beside him, and his eyes fell directly on Zhao Yun.

Neither of them was running fast, and there was only a few feet of distance between them.

Zhao Yun held the silver gentian gun and raised his hand towards Xi Yu, who was the first to take the lead: "I've seen you, sir!"

After saying hello, Zhao Yun's eyes subconsciously fell on the tiger-headed golden gun held by Xi Yu.

He is an expert with guns, and he can tell at just one glance that the Tiger Head Zhan Golden Spear is a divine weapon, no worse than the gentian bright silver spear in his hand.

Even more dangerous.

And being able to hold such a magical weapon, Xi Yu cannot be the simple scribe he imagined.

"I didn't expect that my husband is both civil and military!"

Zhao Yun had no doubts about Xi Yu's strength. The moment he saw the tiger-headed golden spear, he became a little wary.

However, he, who was outstanding in self-control and martial arts, did not take Xi Yu too seriously.

Even if the other party is both civilized and military, in the final analysis, Xi Yu is just a scribe.

Even if the other party has outstanding military strength, he must be a second-rate or third-rate person!

Seeing the confidence in Zhao Yun's eyes, Xi Yu could not help but chuckle: "Changshan Zhao Zilong, come on!"

Xi Yu was quite interested in facing off against Zhao Yun, and his body seemed to be instinctively eager.

When Zhao Yun heard that Xi Yu had no intention of saying anything, he laughed and reminded: "Sir, pay attention!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gendan's bright silver spear pierced towards Xi Yu.

When the gun body shook, it was like a hundred flowers blooming.

It looks dazzling.

Xi Yu swung his tiger-headed golden spear and blocked a blow. Feeling the good power from it, he smiled and said, "Do it again!"

Zhao Yun, whose own attack was blocked by Xi Yu, frowned visibly.

He didn't expect that his attack would be blocked by Xi Yu so lightly.

Subconsciously, he became more serious.

Hundreds of birds flew toward the phoenix spear like silver snakes dancing wildly, and Xi Yu felt as if countless spear flowers appeared in front of his eyes.

Each flower has the power to kill people.

He casually blocked all the guns and flowers in front of him again. After three or five rounds of fighting with Zhao Yun, he had almost felt Zhao Yun's strength.

Compared to Zhao Yun, Xi Yu does not have any outstanding marksmanship, and to him, the so-called marksmanship is no longer important.

In the face of absolute power, marksmanship can only be an embellishment, and sometimes even a drag for Xi Yu.

At this moment, Zhao Yun also noticed the clumsiness in Xi Yu's marksmanship.

What was puzzling to him was that there were countless loopholes in front of him, but he couldn't penetrate them at all.

Xi Yu's seemingly clumsy swing of the gun was able to change the original trajectory of his gun.

This made Zhao Yun feel a little bad for a moment.

The opponent's strength seemed to be much stronger than his own.

As his mind was racing, the attack of Gendan's bright silver gun became even more erratic.

Having seen through the showmanship of Zhao Yun's marksmanship, he has lost much interest in this skill.

He looked at Zhao Yun.

He is wearing a white robe and a white horse. He is 1.89 meters tall and has a dignified face with a straight Chinese character.

Speaking of handsomeness, Zhao Yun does look good, but such handsomeness is not something that will be passed down from later generations.

It is indeed a pity to let the other party follow Liu Bei!

Thinking that Zhao Yun had rarely had the opportunity to lead troops in battle in his life, and he just acted as a bodyguard for Liu Bei, Xi Yu couldn't help but have an idea.

Otherwise, bring the other party under your control.

Thinking like this, the attack of the Tiger Head Zhan Golden Spear in Xi Yu's hand suddenly became fierce.

When the huge force collided with the gentian silver spear, Zhao Yun was stunned.

However, before he could react, the golden gun body had already hit him, and before he could react, a pair of hands grabbed his back.


Zhao Yun was a little dazed. The force of the blow just now made him feel dizzy. By the time he reacted, he had already been grabbed by Xi Yu and returned to Cao Jun's camp.

This change happened so quickly.

It's so fast that it's shocking!

After noticing this scene, the expressions of Guan and Zhang changed at the same time.

"Zi Long!"

Guan Yu yelled, slashed Dian Wei back in front of him with a sharp knife, turned around, rode his horse, and chased after Xi Yu.

At the same time, Zhang Fei on the other side also escaped and chased after him.

Xi Yu couldn't rush back quickly, and his subordinate Zhao Yun wanted to struggle when he came to his senses.

He never expected that he would be captured by the opponent all of a sudden. At this moment, his whole face was already turning red.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

"It is indeed a service of righteousness!"

Seeing the changes in the scene, after Xi Yu captured Liu Bei's white-robed general in an instant, Cao Cao seemed to grin to the back of his head.

When he saw Guan and Zhang chasing Xi Yu, Cao Cao quickly shouted.

"Fengyi, be careful!"

Xiyu naturally noticed the movement behind him.

He turned his horse around and saw Guan Yu and Zhang Fei rushing towards him with his sword.

Seeing the worried looks in their eyes about Zhao Yun, Xi Yu was not in a hurry.

"Put down Zilong!"

"Who is that? Put Zilong down quickly!"

When Guan and Zhang spoke at the same time, the two of them were already in front of Xi Yu.

Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and came towards Xi Yu, followed closely by Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear.

At this moment, Guan Yu did not dare to be careless at all.

He was really shocked when he saw Xi Yu casually capturing Zhao Yun.

Guan Yu, who had fought against Zhao Yun many times, was naturally very aware of Zhao Yun's force.

The sword was drawn out now, more or less to force Xi Yu to let go of Zhao Yun.

However, when the Qinglong Yanyue Sword was swung over, Xi Yu's expression did not change at all, and he waved the tiger-headed golden gun in his hand.

With just one blow, it hit Qinglong Yanyue Dao directly, and the sound of golden swords was heard.

There seemed to be sparks flashing before his eyes.

However, the next moment, the shadow under Xi Yu only sank slightly, while Guan Yu and his men who were riding in front of him crazily stepped back three to five feet.

At this time, Zhang Fei also came closer, seemingly wanting to take advantage of Xi Yu's opportunity to resist the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and stab him.

However, Xi Yu just pulled the tiger-headed golden spear down casually, and then picked it up, and the zhangba snake spear in Zhang Fei's hand flew out.

This situation made Zhang Fei's eyes look like they were about to pop out.

The repulsed Guan Yu was still comforting his horse.

Xi Yu glanced at Zhao Yun who was holding it in his hand. The latter had stopped struggling when he saw Guan and Zhang approaching.

It didn't hinder him, and his character was pretty good.

"Zilong, come back with me as a guest!"

Zhao Yun muttered something casually, and upon hearing this, Zhao Yun's face turned from red to black.

The struggle just now was just an instinctive action. After Zhao Yun regained consciousness, he stopped.

At this time, no one has the nerve to say anything.

Being taken down so easily was something that only happened when he went up the mountain to learn skills from his master in his early years.

And this feeling of powerlessness was even worse than when he faced his master.


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