We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 52 Guo Jia: Pouring wine on the grave is a good idea

To be honest, although Xi Yu traveled around the world in the past few years and was lucky enough to learn a few gun skills, they were only ordinary marksmanship.

The reason why they are strong in force is all because of their physical constitution.

The tiger-headed golden gun in his hand didn't have many tricks, it was just that the magic weapon combined with the power made it seem a bit invincible!

While he was moving, he took a glance and saw a figure standing in the corridor of the courtyard. When he looked again, he saw the figure of Gan Mei.

The other party looked at him as if he was a little dazed.

Xi Yu dropped the tiger-headed golden gun, his face turned dark, and he turned around and walked directly towards the opponent.


The Ganmei in front of her had changed her attire, not the bright red harem of yesterday, but a plain palace dress, and her hair was pulled into a woman's bun.

He wanted to be harsh, but he couldn't bear it.

Ganmei in front of him seemed to have done something wrong, his head quickly lowered.

"I, I just..."

She probably wanted to defend herself, but didn't know how to say it. Ganmei hesitated and couldn't speak.

Xi Yu shook his head: "Forget it, I'm just worried that your body won't be able to hold on!"

He somewhat ignored the fact that in this era, women like Gan Mei had the habit of staying in bed.

It is naturally a bit boring to let the other person stay in the house.

"Let me show you around the yard!"

When Xi Yu was full of affection, in the morning, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai in the side room had just woken up, rubbing their heads.

After the two stood up, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Zhicai, how long has it been since we last met? How come your drinking ability is so bad!"

Guo Jia opened his mouth and teased Xi Zhicai, who curled his lips and felt helpless. The meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"never mind!"

Guo Jia naturally understood what Xi Zhicai meant, and he didn't care. It was just that there were fewer people who could drink with him in the future.

"Fengxiao, do you really have no intention of becoming an official?"

Seeing Guo Jia's current appearance, Xi Zhicai frowned and couldn't help but ask.

As soon as he said this, Guo Jia didn't respond.

Xi Zhicai then continued: "If Fengxiao is willing to serve as an official, I can advise you, Lord, to give up my position as a wine sacrificer to you!"

Xi Zhi really wanted Guo Jia to come with him to assist Cao Cao.

In his opinion, in the world of Han Dynasty, the only one who can pacify the world is Cao Cao.

Although Yuan Shao from the north and Yuan Shu from the south are powerful, they are just relying on their reputation as the fourth generation and the third prince. These two people cannot achieve great things.

Although Jingzhou Liu Biao made a great achievement in riding into Jingzhou, in recent years he has been gradually taken hostage by the Jingzhou nobles and can only fend for himself.

Liu Zhang and his son in Shu were more than stubborn but not aggressive enough.

As for the others, it’s nothing.

However, after Xi Zhicai finished speaking, Guo Jia had already raised his head and looked at him calmly.

"Zhicai, don't say this anymore!"

In other words, they are close friends. If another person had said this, Guo Jia would have waved his sleeves and left.

Only then did Xi Zhi realize that he had been a little anxious when he spoke just now.

What kind of person is Guo Jia? The arrogance in this guy's heart is nothing less than his own.

If the other party wants to become an official, he will definitely become an official himself. Whatever Guo Jia wants, he will take it himself, and there is no need for him to be humble.


Xi Zhicai sighed and said nothing more, but subconsciously glanced out the window.

By this time, it was already dawn!

Judging from the sky, it's already past noon.

According to the usual time, Xi Yu would have pulled him out of bed early in the morning to practice, but today!


My younger brother got married yesterday!

To be honest, he had been used to practicing morning exercises during this period. Xi Yu didn't come to call him today, which made Xi Zhicai feel a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, it's time for me to do morning exercises!"

By some mistake, Xi Zhicai said something casually. Guo Jiali beside him was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered what the other party meant.

The actor brothers practiced Wu Qin Xi in their early years. As a close friend, how could he not know this?

However, after not seeing each other for more than a year, this guy Xi Zhicai can still take the initiative to practice?

This word took him by surprise.

Before Guo Jia could ask, Xi Zhicai had packed up his clothes and opened the door and walked into the yard.

Guo Jia stood up, with a smile on his lips, and followed him immediately.

Not long after, when the two arrived at the hospital, Xi Zhicai planned to start practicing Wu Qin Xi.

However, as soon as he arrived in the yard, he saw the tiger-headed golden gun thrown on the ground.

"A'yu, why is the weapon still on the ground?"

Seeing the tiger-headed golden gun, Xi Zhicai immediately recognized it as Xi Yu's weapon. However, he was a little confused as to why the tiger-headed golden gun was still on the ground.

This is a magic weapon, and those generals in Cao Ying's camp are so tight that they wouldn't envy him!

"Fengxiao, come here and help me, this thing is a bit heavy!"


Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, but he didn't hesitate. When he walked to the Hutou Zhan Golden Gun, Xi Zhicai motioned for him to help.

Guo Jia subconsciously went to grab it from behind, but as soon as he put his hand hard, his whole body shook.

The Six Arts of the Gentleman, the scribes these days are not like the scribes thousands of years later. Today's scribes all have some martial arts skills.

Let's take Cheng Yu. On the surface, he was a scribe. In the later period, he also served as a general and killed the enemy with his horse.

Even though Xun Yu was sick before, he had not mastered the six arts passed down from his family since he was a child. If he had not parted ways with Cao Cao later, he could have competed with Sima Yi to see who could live longer.

Of course, Sima Yi still has the advantage in terms of age, but if Xun Yu can live a few more years.

Cao Wei's world is probably stable.

Speaking of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, these two people also learned a thing or two in their early years.

Although the two of them are quite estranged due to their personalities, they still have some basic skills.

Because Xi Zhicai was dragged by Xi Yu to practice Wu Qin Xi, his health was relatively good, but Guo Jia felt a bit overdrawn.

At this time, Xi Zhi couldn't help but curl his lips when he saw that Guo Jia couldn't even grab a weapon.

"Look at your body, you can't even pick up anything!"

After Xi Zhicai finished speaking, Guo Jia's face turned red.

He curled his lips, reached out and grabbed the Tiger Head Zhan Golden Gun on the ground again, and Kung Fu Xi Zhicai followed suit.

The two men picked up the guns and put them on the shelf aside.

"You should also be careful. You would have died early on that day, and you still want me to pour wine on your grave!"

Xi Zhicai looked at Guo Jia's slightly sweaty forehead and couldn't help but say something worried.

Guo Jia smiled: "Pouring wine on the grave, what a good idea!"

"You, you!"

Xi Zhicai pointed at the other party. He couldn't understand Guo Jia's temper.

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