Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 893: swamp

The direction of finger number four is at the top of that weird towering ‘giant tree’.

I saw the large black branches spread out on the top of the ‘Giant Tree’, revealing the head of a man wrapped in the branch core.

Large silver crystal beads floated around the'giant tree', and the refracted halo illuminated the man's face clearly.

"'Moon'...'Moon' sage?"

The elves couldn't help screaming as soon as they could see the face of the man appearing in the'giant tree'.

This is the realm of the abyss, and the sage of the ‘Moon’ was sealed here.

According to the speculation of the big prophecy and the loss of control of the dark and devilish energy in the misty forest, everyone had long guessed that the consciousness of the sage of the "Moon" being sealed had awakened.

At this time, there is a high possibility that the face of the man appearing in the "giant tree" is the "moon" sage, and everyone should not be surprised.

But the moment the elves called out the identity of the ‘Moon’ sage, they seemed hesitant and uncertain.

Logically speaking, the Thirteen Saints have followed the two great sages for many years, and jointly participated in expelling evil dragons, forming federations, and founding the court. They should be very familiar with each other's appearance.

But at this time the elves acted as if they were quite unfamiliar with the appearance of the "Moon" sage, which was very suspicious.

"Could there be something wrong?"

Song Qing turned his head and asked.

"It's the sage of the month." When the monk heard her question, he guessed the doubt in her heart.

But when he said this, his tone was a bit hesitant:

"However, he seems to have changed a little—"

"After all, more than 300 years have passed, so it's not uncommon to feel strange."

Although No. 4 said this, he narrowed his eyes and threatened:

"Look at it a few more times, find your feelings, and make sure if you are a sage of the month. Don't recognize the wrong person, and eventually something will happen."

"It's him!"

Hearing what he said, the six saints nodded together without hesitation.

Mage Edward watched for a long while, as if finally remembering something, suddenly realized:

"His hair has changed."

After hearing this, Song Qingxiao went to look at the face of the sage ‘Moon’.

According to speculation, the age of the ‘Moon’ sage should not be young anymore.

But he seemed to be only in his thirties. He closed his eyes at this time, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep and had not yet awakened.

His facial features are extremely deep, his complexion is white, and his golden hair is falling down, making him look gentle and peaceful, and he can't see the rumor. He leads the undead army and brings a black calamity.

"His hair was originally black, like night!"

After Edward's reminder, the monk quickly remembered:


Before he could finish his words, Song Qing's spirit sensed a force approaching, as if he was about to break into this world.

She turned her head away and reminded:

"someone is coming."

This invisibly interrupted what the monk was about to say, he was taken aback for a moment, and swallowed the remaining half of the sentence back into his stomach.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to follow Song Qingxiao's gaze, but there were so many black clouds in the sky that there was nothing strange.

Number Four was about to speak, and the next moment, the dense clouds in the sky were torn apart, and a huge gap appeared out of thin air.


The gusty wind poured in, mixed with two low and long roars of fierce beasts.

A strong slaughter gas rushed towards the face, and in the dark night, two black shadows passed through the torn space-time crack at a thunder-like speed, and got into the abyss territory.

‘Wow! ’

Under the half moon, two fierce beasts spread their huge wings, dragged their long tails, and soared under the moon. The howling sound resounded throughout the world, as if they were patrolling their own territory.

"Evil, evil dragon!"

"The evil dragon is here!"

"Two-headed dragon!"


On the ice dragon's back, not only the saints were shocked when they saw the evil dragon appear.

Even the other believers who had been guarded in the Holy Light Shield and prayed with peace of mind lost their peace.

The roar of the evil dragon has disappeared from the mainland for more than three hundred years. The residents of the Federation finally had a peaceful life for hundreds of years. At this time, they heard the roar of the evil dragon that had been extinct for hundreds of years. Quickly recall the dark period when the ancestors were ruled by evil dragons.

"Why can the dragon leave the Canyon of the Dead?"

"Has the power of the ‘Japanese’ sage lost its suppressive effect?"

"How is the situation outside?"

"Is my family in danger?"


These sages who voluntarily participated in the action to seal the ‘Moon’ have been calm believers all the way from the magic train incident to the present. At this moment, the moment they saw the appearance of the two dragons, the psychological defense line quickly collapsed.

For believers, the fear of being ruled by evil dragons four hundred years ago is far deeper than being attacked by dark creatures in the misty forest.

"Everyone is quiet, nothing will happen..."

After the monk's initial panic, he was quickly awakened by the exclamation of the believers one after another.

He pacified the crowd loudly, trying to ease everyone's emotions, but the monk's words were soon overwhelmed by the more frightened screams of the crowd.

"Did the great prophecy of the sage ‘Japanese’ failed?"

"Are we going to return to the dark age of the year?"

At this time, every word the people said was negative and fearful, and these negative emotions were absorbed little by little by the black air around them, and turned into the nutrients of the giant trees.

The two giant dragons entrenched in the sky revolved around the half moon for a few times, and made a long roar. After they had exhausted their power, they finally moved downward along the moonlight.


In the gusty wind, the wings flapped the air of death, and the believers above the ice dragon panicked. When the shadows above their heads fell, many people subconsciously chose to jump off the ice dragon to avoid the two giants. The dragon's approach.

‘Huh—’ The headed dark brown dragon opened its mouth and spit out a big dragon breath when it was ten feet away from everyone.

The dragon's breath turned into a billowing flame, sweeping across everyone.


As soon as No. 4 saw the flame, he scolded.

He himself is playing with fire, and he cultivates the spiritual power of the fire element himself, and he has reached the pinnacle of flame control.

It's a pity that all of this place was the sea before, affected by the power of the water system, so that his power did not show any useful leeway. Not to mention the restraint of his cultivation, he also suffered some injuries and destroyed a magic weapon.

At this time, this giant dragon's act of breathing fire at the crowd was tantamount to a serious provocation in the eyes of No.4.

Taoist priest and No.1 dodge quickly, and behind Song Qingxiao and No.4 are the saints and believers.

At this time, the saints who have recovered their strength are enough to protect themselves, but once the believers who do not have magical power are exposed to the dragon, there is only a dead end.

In the roar of ‘Boom Rumble’, the flames rolled down, and Song Qingxiao’s hands were sealed:

"Draw the ground as a prison, sleepy!"

As Song Qingxiao's first nine-character secret order, the power of "Lin" is beyond doubt.

When the Taoist priest heard her recite this secret spell, his eyes widened:

"How can it be?"

He was so surprised that he even slowed down half a step in his avoidance action. The flames rolled over his side, burning a corner of his robe, and even scorching a strand of hair on his side.

Perhaps it was Song Qingxiao's possession of the "Three Nine-Character Secret Order" that made the Taoist priest too surprised. His hair was burned on this side, and he couldn't even bother to get angry right away.

"There is also the word'pro'?"

As soon as the Taoist priest's voice fell, the realm took shape in an instant.

The turbulent flame seemed to hit an invisible ‘wall’, trapped inside, and instantly formed an incomparable fireball, which was suppressed in the field, making it difficult to break through.


The believers screamed in confusion, and the huge blue butterfly flapped its wings to protect the believers tighter.

A little blue light powder spilled from the huge butterfly wings, trying to calm the hearts of believers and calm them.

But under the deterrence brought by the dragon, this little comfort was obviously of no avail.

The believer who had fallen into the memory saw the emergence of the evil dragon, as if they had abandoned their faith.

Just amid the screams, the pain that everyone thought was about to come did not come.

Except for a few people who jumped off the ice dragon's back because of fear and fell to the bottom of the abyss, the rest were not harmed.

The flame was trapped by the invisible prohibition, and it did not harm everyone.

Song Qing Xiaojieyin's hands were squeezed, the area was quickly tightened, and finally turned into a red bead about the size of a longan, flying into her palm.

The two giant dragons fell down and stopped ten feet away from everyone.

Two people stood on each of the dragon's backs, and riding on the leading dragon was a long-haired man in a black robe.

The direction of finger number four is at the top of that weird towering ‘giant tree’.

I saw the large black branches spread out on the top of the ‘Giant Tree’, revealing the head of a man wrapped in the branch core.

Large silver crystal beads floated around the'giant tree', and the refracted halo illuminated the man's face clearly.

"'Moon'...'Moon' sage?"

The elves couldn't help screaming as soon as they could see the face of the man appearing in the'giant tree'.

This is the realm of the abyss, and the sage of the ‘Moon’ was sealed here.

According to the speculation of the big prophecy and the loss of control of the dark and devilish energy in the misty forest, everyone had long guessed that the consciousness of the sage of the "Moon" being sealed had awakened.

At this time, there is a high possibility that the face of the man appearing in the "giant tree" is the "moon" sage, and everyone should not be surprised.

But the moment the elves called out the identity of the ‘Moon’ sage, they seemed hesitant and uncertain.

Logically speaking, the Thirteen Saints have followed the two great sages for many years, and jointly participated in expelling evil dragons, forming federations, and founding the court. They should be very familiar with each other's appearance.

But at this time the elves acted as if they were quite unfamiliar with the appearance of the "Moon" sage, which was very suspicious.

"Could there be something wrong?"

Song Qing turned his head and asked.

"It's the sage of the month." When the monk heard her question, he guessed the doubt in her heart.

But when he said this, his tone was a bit hesitant:

"However, he seems to have changed a little—"

"After all, more than 300 years have passed, so it's not uncommon to feel strange."

Although No. 4 said this, he narrowed his eyes and threatened:

"Look at it a few more times, find your feelings, and make sure if you are a sage of the month. Don't recognize the wrong person, and eventually something will happen."

"It's him!"

Hearing what he said, the six saints nodded together without hesitation.

Mage Edward watched for a long while, as if finally remembering something, suddenly realized:

"His hair has changed."

After hearing this, Song Qingxiao went to look at the face of the sage ‘Moon’.

According to speculation, the age of the ‘Moon’ sage should not be young anymore.

But he seemed to be only in his thirties. He closed his eyes at this time, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep and had not yet awakened.

His facial features are extremely deep, his complexion is white, and his golden hair is falling down, making him look gentle and peaceful, and he can't see the rumor. He leads the undead army and brings a black calamity.

"His hair was originally black, like night!"

After Edward's reminder, the monk quickly remembered:


Before he could finish his words, Song Qing's spirit sensed a force approaching, as if he was about to break into this world.

She turned her head away and reminded:

"someone is coming."

This invisibly interrupted what the monk was about to say, he was taken aback for a moment, and swallowed the remaining half of the sentence back into his stomach.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to follow Song Qingxiao's gaze, but there were so many black clouds in the sky that there was nothing strange.

Number Four was about to speak, the next moment the dense clouds in the sky were torn apart, and a huge gap appeared out of thin air.


The gusty wind poured in, mixed with two low and long roars of fierce beasts.

A strong slaughter gas rushed towards the face, and in the dark night, two black shadows passed through the torn space-time crack at a thunder-like speed, and got into the abyss territory.

‘Wow! ’

Under the half moon, two fierce beasts spread their huge wings, dragged their long tails, and soared under the moon. The howling sound resounded throughout the world, as if they were patrolling their own territory.

"Evil, evil dragon!"

"The evil dragon is here!"

"Two-headed dragon!"


On the ice dragon's back, not only the saints were shocked when they saw the evil dragon appear.

Even the other believers who had been guarded in the Holy Light Shield and prayed with peace of mind lost their peace.

The roar of the evil dragon has disappeared from the mainland for more than three hundred years. The residents of the Federation finally had a peaceful life for hundreds of years. At this time, they heard the roar of the evil dragon that had been extinct for hundreds of years. Quickly recall the dark period when the ancestors were ruled by evil dragons.

"Why can the dragon leave the Canyon of the Dead?"

"Has the power of the ‘Japanese’ sage lost its suppressive effect?"

"How is the situation outside?"

"Is my family in danger?"


These sages who voluntarily participated in the action to seal the ‘Moon’ have been calm believers all the way from the magic train incident to the present. At this moment, the moment they saw the appearance of the two dragons, the psychological defense line quickly collapsed.

For believers, the fear of being ruled by evil dragons four hundred years ago is far deeper than being attacked by dark creatures in the misty forest.


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