Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 879: Make a fire

"The secret technique that the kid showed was not a firebird that was urged by the power of the Changli family's bloodline. It has its shape and no god." Su Wu said in a bad mood:

"I guess he got some kind of token from the Changli clan back then, which gave birth to the secret technique of Changli clan's natal life."

He paused, then said:

"I sensed the smell on him. Although it is very weak, it should belong to the Changli family."

He doesn't have a good impression of everything related to the Changli family, and he said too much today, reminding him of the past, eager to be quiet for a moment:

"This person should have a relationship with the Changli clan. The person in his mouth may be the one who gave him a certain token. If you want to know, you can ask your soul and ask, naturally it will be clear."

After saying this, his tone became colder:

"As for the people of Changli Clan who want to be resurrected, there are too many."

The genius of the long-departed family who was once damaged by the blood talent is unknown, but the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the strong man who has been half-stepped thousands of years ago.

For thousands of years, the long-life family has also thought of many ways to make this strong man die and regenerate, with the intention of reproducing the time when Long-li was dominating the sky.

It is said that the Long Li Family retained a trace of the soul of the ancestor for this reason, and also left a precious bloodline for research purposes.

Since then, many experiments have been done, and many rumors sounded as if they were evil.

Trying to regenerate the dead sounds incredible, but the long-departed family is rumored to have the blood of the phoenix, and there is a legend of Nirvana rebirth, and the reason for the long-departed family not to give up for thousands of years.

The ‘that person’ mentioned on the 4th asked him to search for the chaotic blue light, and it’s not a rare thing to use this light to hear about the desire to resurrect a person.

There are too many rumors about the long-departed family. After Su Wu slaughtered the entire family, it seemed that everything disappeared because of the death.

The mention of this clan obviously made him extremely depressed. After he said this, he went into hiding again and stopped speaking.

Ignoring the obvious sarcasm that he said last, Song Qingxiao moved in his heart about the part of No.4.

She remembered one thing, the blue feather that came out of her mouth on the number four.

This cyan feather was vomited out once by No. 4 during the Battle of Ogg Village.

That feather exploded with a powerful fire element spiritual power at that time, obviously surpassing the strength of No. 4, and it also attracted her attention.

However, at that time, No. 4 wanted to hide his strength, and after getting out of trouble with feathers, he did not perform any big moves, so he failed to attract Su Wu's attention at that time.

If No. 4 really got the Changli clan's token, which gave birth to the natal secret technique that belongs to Changli clan alone, then this token should be the blue feather.

It's not a good time to ask No.4 at this time, wait until you find the pure heart, then find a chance to ask him.

I hope that No. 4 will be more acquainted, and don't force her to do it.

Sitting not far from Song Qingxiao, No. 4 didn't know her inner thoughts, but at this moment, there was a chill rising above his spine, even if he was using his spiritual power to adjust his breath, he couldn't help but shiver.

After everyone rested for an hour, the spiritual power consumed in Song Qing's body had almost recovered.

Forget the time, the Taoist priest and others should have also escaped from the blue demon lizard group.

As a saint, the monk can remember the legend of the Dark River Forest, and the people of the ‘dark’ faction should also know that Song Qingxiao will rush ahead of them to reach the abyss territory.

After she was with her, No.4 quickly followed her to collect her spiritual breath.

After waking up the monks and others one by one, everyone decided to continue on their way.

After more than an hour's rest, everyone's energy recovered a little. After the eyes were used to the dark night, Song Qingxiao took the lead. After the fourth break, a line of people lined up in a long line and walked upstream along the river bank.

This dark river seems to have no end. After leaving the range of the previous grottoes, there are no landmark buildings around the river bank.

After walking for several hours, it still gave everyone a feeling as if they had been walking in place.

But the willpower of the saints and believers is extremely strong. Maybe it was in the grotto. Song Qingxiao brought light to everyone and brought them out of the grotto by the way. Everyone seemed to trust her very much. People made a sound at this time, even if the team slowed down, no one complained.

"Let's rest for a while." Song Qingxiao suddenly spoke amidst the people's wheezing.

The monk and Edward could hardly walk anymore, relying on strong swordsmen to carry them.

The two saints who had lost their magical protection were weaker than strangers at this time.

Even if the swordsman is strong, he himself has been mentally tense all the way, and at the same time carrying two companions to walk, the reason why he can persist until now is supported by a will.

At this moment, hearing Song Qingxiao's words, the swordsman's legs shook, and the two old mages fell together with them.

Everyone is tired and hungry, almost like a fish lacking water, breathing desperately with its mouth wide open.

They are not cultivators. From the time the magic train accident happened, no one knows how many hours they haven't eaten.



The sound from the belly showed the hunger of everyone, and the monks began to worry-they had no food.

To be precise, the monk had actually predicted this from the beginning. Before he set off, he had already made sufficient preparations. The train had prepared enough food to support the believers.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky, the train was destroyed, and everyone was forced to separate. There were too many things that happened afterwards. The monks wanted to hurry, and they simply left the food issue behind.

As saints with extraordinary strength, supported by the power of faith, they had already got rid of the need for food many years ago, so the monks did not realize the seriousness of the problem for the first time.

After entering the Dark River Forest with limited magic power, the power of the saints was completely suppressed and was no different from ordinary people without the slightest magic power, the monks also felt the long-lost hunger.

His stomach and intestines squirmed frantically, making a thunderous ‘guckling’ sound that was too loud to suppress.

The dizziness and vertigo caused by extreme hunger made his consciousness a little fuzzy.

No. 4 can't help.

He has reached the remote valley and there is no food on his body. Seeing these saints and believers who have slept on the ground, he feels that these people should not be able to hold on for long.

Song Qingxiao glanced around and ordered number four:

"Make a fire."

"??" No.4 went in unclearly, and was a little confused about what she said, but found that Song Qingxiao had turned over his wrist and had already carried something in his hand.


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