Wasteland Echoer

Chapter 328 Meteor Shower at Linta (Part 2) (High-energy Chapter Please Subscribe)


Meteor shower.

Just like in a dream!

The heinous pure black fog that looked like it came from hell was instantly lit up by countless weak spark aggregates that were extremely expandable.

They were at first a few independent star points, like the almost eternal stars and celestial bodies hanging high in the great, vast, boundless and mysterious universe.

They rise slowly under the predetermined orbit, explode suddenly under the endless, long, gloomy, and silent "black sky", and extend almost infinitely toward countless points below, turning into an upside-down flower. The other side of the sky is a sea of ​​flowers and stars.

At the same time, the thunderous and thunderous sounds of classical musical instruments were unrhythmically transmitted through the periosteum of several people present to the nerves in the ears. They then invaded the brains, completely controlling and shaking their battle-hardened thinking and spirits. .

As the "flowers from the other side" bloom, fall, bloom and fall again like the traditional fireworks of the Fire Empire, those who witness all this must have forgotten life, danger, reason, filth and existence, including those who have already gathered. , using the cover of darkness and yellow sand, they arrived at several forward strongholds outside Xinfeng Town, including the "unintentional people" and the lost people who controlled them behind the scenes.

Such a scene can no longer be described by any words created by human beings. It is as if an ancient god has come to the world in person, and it is also like a fanatical mental patient encountering something he has never seen before, unfathomable, indescribable but real. oracle".

In just a few seconds, as the remaining federal [soldiers] withdrew from the temporary trenches belonging to the "X-01" and "X-02" defense lines in the north, countless fireballs caused by aluminum explosions descended. among those inhuman monsters.

Suddenly, countless flames instantly surrounded all the "unintentional people" gathered here. As the "flowers on the other side" quickly withered, the fireworks poured down, and bright, beautiful, gorgeous, and wonderful light spots surrounded them, as sad as foxes. The roars of hares, hares and young animals like being attacked continued to be heard.

Indeed, the "Wuxin Man" belongs to pre-human beings who have lost most of their sensory abilities. It is precisely because their sense of pain and touch are very weak that they can unswervingly execute any attack order of the Lost One like a machine.

However, the "inhumane" "thermite incendiary bombs" that have been commonly equipped since the Second Era of the Crusad Empire were mistakenly thought by the Zine Empire to be made with the addition of magic power. They were called "thermite bombs". As long as the weapon of "Final Silence" touches the skin, it will burn quickly and invade any part of the body, including the bone marrow.

If any part of the body is subjected to the erosion and burning of severe high temperature, even if only 1% of the feeling is retained, it will be like falling into a hell filled with raging fire, and eternally unable to obtain the right to enter a new reincarnation.

"They are humans who were bewitched by Satan but ultimately failed to complete the true redemption. Now, I am just punishing them on behalf of humans and the 'rightful master'." Molun was unusually calm and composed, but said as if he was shouting loudly.

Dak, who was standing behind him, tilted his head and looked up at him. Under the countless sparks shining, the sky was increasingly occupied by the holy white light. Molun, the most trusted chief of Xinfeng Town, was like a sword-wielding man. God.

His forehead seemed to be wrapped in a layer of indifferent halo, and two white feather wings seemed to grow behind him. At this moment, he became a "real" god, a great man who attempted to contribute to the continuation of human civilization. .

Even during the gap between the release of "thermite incendiary bombs", the surrounding space briefly darkened, but Dark's brain had completely become rigid, like a machine with insufficient energy supply, and the perceptual part stayed at the command to escape. The rational part is leading him to escape himself and enter a state of lethargy.

However, he could not escape or fall into a coma. His body seemed to be stared at by Medusa's eyes, and he could not even complete the most basic human movements of moving and breathing.

As a new round of "Flowers of the Other Side" rose, bloomed, fell, exploded and set off, violent thunder struck, and hysterical wails and howls like beasts came one after another from the position that had been covered in flames.

The "unintentional people" who were walking at the forefront and were directly hit by the spark instantly turned into steel and coke, until they completely lost their pitiful and pathetic lives. Their blood-filled eyes were still staring straight ahead at the tower standing on the ice and snow plain. The "Lin Tower" seems to be eternal.

It's a pity that their bodies have been broken into pieces, and the spirits they carried have also disappeared. What follows is only final relief and endless and eternal emptiness.

"Brother Morun." After the sound of artillery fire subsided for a while, Wofya woke up from the psychedelic shock, deliberately walked behind him, lowered his head, stared at the ground and said:

"This reminds me of the Khitanris people who lived in Binglin City a few years ago and were unable to return to the east via the 'Great Railway'. They had the habit of setting off fireworks during the 'Fire New Year'. Even if the Federal Council does this Several of them have been arrested, but one night from the end of January to the beginning of February every year, such a gorgeous and wonderful scene still appears in the sky.

"I feel that this is like looking at a real epic picture, more like a sacred dream that can be encountered but not sought. I have never seen such a colorful scene before, except for those books with interruptions, It’s in a torn book describing the rituals performed by the ‘Saiichi Order’ of the old empire.”

"'Caiyi Religion'?" Mo Lun still kept looking up, admiring the "wonderful" "picture", and replied:

"Indeed, many of them will pray to the gods in charge of fire and machinery, claiming to use extraordinary items to perform extremely hidden rituals under their guidance. They are even more sophisticated than the Lost Ones organization named by the prologue card. It's scary, but most of the members in the organization are from the Flame Empire, especially from Japan, so they aren't too aggressive.

"However, it is said that their ancestors were a combination of the god Dipsel and humans under the old god system. They have been trying to find his power in order to take over and succeed the gods, so as to face the Creator. And 'Thermite Burning' The many inspirations of "Dancing" are one of the many colorful rituals from the 'Caiyi Order'."

"So, Molun. Look at this, if I remember correctly, the 'thermite incendiary bombs' will completely destroy their bodies, every aspect. In this way, we can declare this battle soon. It must be a victory." Wulfya raised his head, looked at the distant position of fire, and speculated.

"It's hard to say." Molun shook his head abnormally, "Judging from past experience, even under such a heavy blow, there will still be 'alien unintentional people' who survive by chance. And this time our opponent is the 'Corona Association' ’ of ‘Xizhi’.”

"'Xizhi'? It sounds a bit like the title of the leader of the 'Order Society'. Who is he? Why don't I have any news?" Wofya asked, with an expression of shock that was difficult to hide on his face inadvertently. .

"Of course you can't know." Molun said with a confident smile:

"This is the message the Federal Council notified the Strategic Group to send to several of our strongholds last night. Of course, he is only the person in charge of the enemy's two fronts. The real person behind the scenes is still a mystery. But according to reliable information, at the end of December last year He was responsible for the several "waves of unintentional people" targeting Mayan City in January this year. If our [soldiers] hadn't fought tooth and nail to resist, I'm afraid the entire Nankarlov Prefecture would have completely fallen.

"In addition, he is a formidable but respectable opponent. Rumor has it that he is accustomed to wearing masks depicting Khitanris-style devils on the battlefield. He may be a human magician from the previous era, or a fanatical believer in ancient Eastern religions. It's just that in this day and age, this kind of thing is considered curious at best, not scary.

"What I marvel at is his offensive ideas. He will not often lead the 'unintentional people' to attack our nearest stronghold in order to satisfy the desire to kill condensed in his blood. Instead, he will first find scattered and spontaneously created by human beings. Settlement, first expand the size of the 'Heartless', and then guide them to devour each other, evolve 'Xenomorphs' and then attack the weak parts of our defense."

"It's a relatively normal decision. If I were to take command, the result would be almost the same." Wulfya said disdainfully. He was disgusted by someone deliberately praising the abilities of the enemy Lost One.

"But can you accurately obtain any information you want?" Molun asked.

Wulfya was suddenly startled and wanted to retort, but kept moving and immediately closed his mouth.

"There is no other way." Molun smiled and said:

"He may have the ability to 'seduce', maybe he is a [Seducer] or a [Deceiver] profession. He can control 'unintentional people' to disguise themselves as normal humans and enter our stronghold to inquire about information. According to the regulations of the Federal Council, unless it is Forward strongholds or separate orders, no cities or towns can be under martial law.

"He perfectly exploited the loopholes in the existing rules and was able to completely destroy several towns in the North Karloff Region. Didn't you notice, Brother Wovya, few people talk about the war there now."

"I originally thought the situation was stable, but I didn't expect it to completely collapse." Wofya lamented.

"Yes." Morun nodded and said:

"That's why 'Xizhi' was able to attack the target of Ice Lin Province unscrupulously. He calculated that the 'Order Society' was now gradually beginning to be inseparable from the Federal Council, and my new transfer would inevitably lead to conflicts with the 'Wind Mine' that had half control here. If there is a conflict, the combat effectiveness and defense should not be strong.

"And I have been observing his offensive line and speculating on possible defensive directions. We are like the Pope in chess, crucial but unable to determine the victory, but once we meet, the one who strikes first can often defeat the opponent."

"So you asked your masters in the Strategic Regiment for these weapons?" Wofya said, pointing to the sea of ​​fire outside the window.

"That's right, and..." Mo Lun said with a sullen face, as if he was the real devil who manipulated "unintentional people":

"This is all done in secret. 'Xizhi' probably won't understand that when he is trying to hunt, there are hunters observing him in the dark. Human beings are the most spiritual and psychic species in the world, but Our opponent is not stupid, look at it, Wulfya, Dak, soon he will start to 'counterattack' meaninglessly."

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