Song Tianming returned to his residence and tried to practice the Hundred Refining Puppet Sutra.

The steps for refining the immortal puppet are extremely complicated, and the materials required are numerous.

If Song Tianming had not plundered the Li family's secret library, there were countless ordinary and mysterious materials, otherwise it would not be possible to meet the conditions for refining the immortal puppet.

The seven-color treasure gourd tilted, and the colorful flames fell like a waterfall, igniting hundreds of top-level minerals.

Song Tianming used the exquisite skills described in the Hundred Refining Puppet Sutra to control the colorful flames, forge the minerals, and continuously shape them.

Puppet making is a branch of forging. Song Tianming knows nothing about it, and the failure rate is extremely high. Ten immortal puppets in a row were directly scrapped.

"Fortunately, I have a golden giant tripod, otherwise I can't refine a single immortal puppet even if I spend all the wealth of the Li family."

Song Tianming summoned the golden giant tripod and began the long-awaited synthesis.

Abandoned Immortal Puppet + Abandoned Immortal Puppet = Mortal Grade Lower Grade Immortal Puppet

The two broken Immortal Puppet gradually glowed under the tempering of the golden Immortal Cauldron's internal brilliance, and finally synthesized into an Immortal Sword Puppet holding two swords.

Song Tianming tested the combat power of the Mortal Grade Lower Grade Immortal Sword Puppet.

The result was unexpected. The Immortal Sword Puppet was very strong. Only the Mortal Grade Lower Grade could match the cultivators in the late Mortal Realm.

"If I add the preset instructions of the Green Lotus Sword Art, the combat power should be able to go up one more grade."

Song Tianming was confident and continued to synthesize.

After consuming nearly half of the materials in the Seven-Colored Treasure Gourd, Song Tianming refined nearly a hundred Immortal Sword Puppets. Although none of them succeeded, he also accumulated a huge amount of experience.

And the hundred Immortal Sword Puppets finally synthesized three Mortal Grade Upper Grade Immortal Sword Puppets and one Mortal Grade Top Grade Immortal Sword Puppet.

To be honest, the success rate of this synthesis is very low, so low that Song Tianming trembled.

"The cost of making immortal puppets is too terrifying. It took more than half of the wealth of a century-old clan to make four immortal puppets, and the highest one is only the best of the ordinary level."

Song Tianming continued to test the various characteristics of these immortal sword puppets.

The immortal sword puppet of the upper level of the ordinary level can already rival the cultivators of the quasi-profound realm, and the immortal sword puppet of the best level of the ordinary level is enough to rival the cultivators of the early stage of the profound realm.

Song Tianming wiped the sweat from his forehead. The immortal sword puppet's invincible combat power was worth the materials he lost.

The process of making puppets gave Song Tianming a deeper understanding of the structure of immortal puppets. He thought about it and took the initiative to return to the Tongxian Ancient Tower.

Song Tianming stood at the two immortal monuments, stepped forward, and prepared to challenge the trial for the third time.

This time, Song Tianming faced an eight-armed immortal sword puppet of the ordinary level of heaven. Its combat power was terrifying, and its power output was even comparable to that of ordinary cultivators in the middle stage of the profound realm, directly surpassing Song Tianming by one body position.

This battle was very difficult, and it could even be called the most difficult battle since Song Tianming debuted. He gave his all, with three energies surging and three extraordinary qualifications shining, but he could only remain undefeated.

Under the test of life and death and extreme pressure, Song Tianming continued to seek the Three Yuan Immortal Art and gained a new understanding.

"The Three Yuan Immortal Art is a general outline and a template, and the three martial arts, body, and spirit are the content."

"Just putting the three martial arts, body, and spirit into the framework without planning and integration, the result can be run, but it cannot maximize efficiency."

"This process is like building a human body. The immortal art is the bones and veins, and the martial arts, body, and spirit are the flesh and blood. viscera."

"It is not enough to just make this human body move, but it should be fine-tuned to give it extraordinary qualifications and unparalleled talents!"

Song Tianming muttered to himself and suddenly realized on the spot, and thoroughly understood the mystery of the Three Yuan Immortal Art.

Immediately, Song Tianming began to integrate and plan the martial arts, body, and spirit techniques in the Three Yuan Immortal Technique to achieve a balance and maximize efficiency.

This process was difficult, but under the pressure of the ordinary-grade Tianpin Immortal Sword Puppet, Song Tianming made rapid progress. In a moment, the Three Yuan Immortal Technique Refining Qi Chapter was a minor success.


With a roar, Song Tianming's body transformed, and a rosy glow of immortal energy burst out from his body. Various exquisite runes floated in the air and struck his body, making it ethereal and close to immortality.

At the same time, Song Tianming's three extraordinary qualifications of sword demon bloodline, lightning body, and golden Dao seed awakened, and then unified, making his body pure and flawless, translucent, and internal immortal essence running through, and immortal energy steaming.

Wisps of immortal energy turned into gauze mist, like a Taoist robe, draped over the body, making it invulnerable to all methods.

At this moment, Song Tianming's three extraordinary qualifications seemed to be integrated into one immortal qualification. The power generated by the superposition was incomparable, making him feel omnipotent.


Song Tianming stepped into the air and pressed his palm forward. Immediately, the palm was filled with immortal mist and secret patterns. His power was like a river and waves pouring down. With just one palm, he penetrated the core of the ordinary heavenly immortal sword puppet and killed it.

Song Tianming was stunned, and his heart was in turmoil. After the minor success of the Three Yuan Immortal Art, he could integrate three extraordinary qualifications, just like awakening the immortal body, and instantly burst out with terrifying power.

But the price was also great. Just a moment of integration almost emptied Song Tianming's energy and extraordinary potential.

Song Tianming practiced three ways at the same time, and his foundation was nearly ten times that of ordinary cultivators, but he could only support the immortal body for a few moments, which showed how terrible his consumption was.

"With another trump card, I have a better chance of making it to the Falling Stars Realm this time."

At this time, golden fairy talismans fell into the void and formed a pattern.

"Congratulations on breaking through the first level of the Tongxian Ancient Tower, passing the entry test of the Qi Refining Realm, and receiving a special reward."


A stream of golden fairy mist fell from the sky, like a golden waterfall, washing Song Tianming's flesh and blood body.

Song Tianming's body, spirit bones, and soul were all siphoning the golden fairy mist, replenishing their extraordinary potential and covering themselves with a hazy fairy color.

The Wanwu Ding Seal was undergoing a great transformation. The fairy patterns on the body of the cauldron were clanging, and the runes inside the cauldron were steaming, rising several grades to the level of the ordinary heavenly grade.

At this time, the golden fairy rune was speaking again.

"Please go to the second floor and accept the trial of ascending to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm."

Song Tianming shook his head frantically, took the Five Elements Escape Technique and ran away.

After leaving the Tongxian Ancient Tower, the black countdown in Song Tianming's mind was refreshed, and thirty days were added to the original time.

"Five days at most, and I have to go back to the Tongxian Ancient Tower again. This time is too tight!"

The Five Elements Escape Technique was an escape technique from the ancient immortal era. It was of extremely high grade, exquisite, and complex, and it was extremely difficult to practice.

However, after being infused with the golden fairy mist, Song Tianming had a higher level of understanding of the fairy text, and practicing it was easier than the escape technique of the world.

The Five Elements Escape Technique must first be practiced individually for Gold Escape, Wood Escape, Water Escape, Fire Escape, and Earth Escape, and then combined to eventually form the endless Five Elements Escape Technique.

One night later, Song Tianming entered the Earth Escape Technique. Now when he stepped on the ground, rich earth-path extraordinary particles would condense under his feet, as if a pair of invisible hands were holding him up, which not only saved effort, but was also faster.

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