Warning : Providence the Beauty is Driven to Villainy

Chapter 1103: I was getting divorced as soon as I opened my eyes (49)

Fu Yue: "..."

If someone else said this, she would definitely laugh at him first without saying a word.

But when Xie Shen said it, Fu Yue couldn't make it ironic.

Because what this person said... Quante is true!

Xie Shen is fully aware of the fact that he is handsome and rich.

Fu Yue: "...Xie Shen, I think I need to correct your thoughts."

"Didn't you just say to give me two hours to consider, then no matter if I refuse or agree, shouldn't you accept it?"

Xie Shen helped his glasses.

"No, of course your promise is the best result. If you refuse... I'm sorry, I don't accept this answer."

Fu Yue: "You are robber logic!"

Xie Shen just looked at her with a smile, and didn't say much.

In order to achieve his goal, he has always been unscrupulous.

"I used to be a businessman, so I would naturally choose what is most beneficial to me...my wife."

"Moreover, my wife doesn't hate me, why don't you try it with me?"

Fu Yue smiled without a smile, and showed him neat white teeth: "Because I hold grudges, I was very dissatisfied with your attitude towards me at first!"

Xie Shen: "..."

Xie Shen: "How can the wife calm down?"

Fu Yue was silent for a moment: "I haven't figured it out yet."

Xie Shen lowered his eyelashes. After a long time, he opened his lips and said, "I understand."

Fu Yue: "???"

What do you unserstand?

She didn't even understand it!

"My wife is not satisfied with my initial attitude, I will change it."

Fu Yue raised her eyebrows: "Oh?"

Xie Shen's thin lips lightly said, "I have never had any contact with girls, so please be tolerant of my wife."

Fu Yue asked: "Then how are you going to change it?"

The man raised his beautiful eyes and stared at her, then suddenly smiled.

"Everything, respect the lady."

Fu Yue: "!"

She missed a beat with a fierce heartbeat.

Hiss, the ten thousand-year-old straight man picks up people is terrible!

Seeing that Fu Yue's attitude had loosened a little, Xie Shen took advantage of the victory and took the initiative to propose conditions.

"In three months, my wife will try to get along with me. How about making a decision after three months?"

Fu Yue really thought about it.

"All right, I reluctantly agreed."

Xie Shen finally showed his happiest smile so far.

Fu Yuezuiqian asked, "What if I still think it's inappropriate for you after three months? You let me go."

Xie Shen's long eyelashes drooped, covering the dim light under his eyes.

"Three months later, if my wife accepts me, I will take my wife's hand to the wedding scene."

"If the wife still doesn't accept me..."

"Xie had to tie his wife to the wedding scene."

Fu Yue: "...! You're crazy!"

This Xiao Tiantian is definitely the one she has seen so many inside, but the most unremarkable but frantic!

He looked like a gentle and polite gentleman.

It is actually a well-dressed beast!


Anyway, the agreement was reached so vaguely.

Xie Shen moved back promptly, at an incredible speed, and Fu Yue didn't have time to refuse.

Fu Yue: "..."


Before going to bed at night.

Xie Shen stood at Fu Yue's door and rubbed her head, his eyes soft and gentle.

"Is my wife an actor before? It seems that I have encountered some bad things in the entertainment industry. Don't worry, I will help my wife to solve it."

Fu Yue: "...Ah, I almost forgot."

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