Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 633: hunt plan

"The flesh and blood essence of the Balor Fire Demon!"

Athena's eyes were blank, she didn't react for a while, how to use this thing to advance to the holy rank? Immediately, Huo Ran got up and looked at Izt, thinking that he was a minion of the abyss.

Not many people know about demon hunters these days, and even fewer among the giants.

"Athena, don't get me wrong, Izt is a demon hunter," Raistlin explained indifferently.

This time, it was Izzet's turn to be surprised. The dark face of the drow elf froze, his eyes widened, and he said in surprise: "You actually know?"

"Haha..." Raistlin laughed noncommittally.

Izzet's expression became wonderful.

He had lived on the surface for decades, disguised himself as a ranger to meet people and fight side by side, only two or three of his closest and most reliable friends knew he was a demon hunter. He had wanted to wait until after he had revealed his plan to explain the secret to the two of them.

Unexpectedly, Raistlin seemed to have seen through it long ago.

This made Izzt secretly startle, wondering if there was something wrong with his disguise, or if Raistlin's perception was far beyond ordinary.

However, the stronger Raistlin's strength, the better, and it would be more helpful to his plan.

"Demon hunter?" Athena was surprised.

The giantess grew up in the Temple of Storms and has read many books, but only a few words about demon hunters are mentioned in the giant's collection, and the giants don't care much about elves, so her knowledge of demon hunters is limited to knowing , but not in depth.

Izzet explained: "When I escaped from Menzoberran and fled in the Underdark, I met a high elf. He saved my life, taught me fighting skills, and guided me to become a demon hunter. Follow the path of faith in Eluna."

"I've been with my teacher for a few years, and without his guidance, I couldn't have survived in the Underdark, let alone the surface."


The dark elf's mood went down, and there was sadness in his eyes, "I have known the teacher too late, I have only been with him for a few years, and he has left many old wounds on his body from hunting demons all year round, which cannot be healed, and even his soul has been destroyed. Injured, exhausted and died."

"I'm sorry." Athena whispered.

Raistlin's face was expressionless.

"It doesn't matter, the teacher is Eluna's most devout believer. She has protected so many people in her life and killed countless demons. She must have ascended to the goddess' kingdom of God. Maybe I will have the opportunity to see him again in the future." Izt did not indulge in sorrow , but somewhat fascinated.

What a sentimental elf, Raistlin complained.

"Tell me about your plan."

"it is good."

Izt was shaken and said with a serious face: "I have been stuck at the peak of legend for 20 years, and I need the flesh and blood essence of a demon lord to break through the bottleneck. For this, I searched for seven years before I found a suitable target. The Balor of Dunmorpher."


Athena recalled, "Isn't that in the hinterland of the New World?"

"Ms. Athena is not mistaken." Izt laughed: "If you want to find a demon lord, the easiest place is to enter the abyss. But hunting demon lords in the abyss is too dangerous, and I dare not alone. Deep, so it can only be found in the New World."

Raistlin had already opened the New World map in the mobile interface.

Dunmoor is located in the south-central part of the New World, slightly westward, about one-third of the way, and separated from the Gulf of Albert by two mountain ranges, about three thousand miles away.

The overall terrain of the New World is northwest-southeast. The north is a vast frozen wasteland; the west is full of mountains and plateaus, and the terrain is higher;

During the third era, dwarves and elves divided the New World, just as the dwarves liked to live in high mountains and dangerous peaks, and landed from the west coast, so they occupied about one-third of the area from the west coast to the hinterland, and the remaining eastern plains were all elves territory.

Mountains and plains have become the natural dividing line between the two ethnic groups.

Dunmorpher is right on this dividing line, at the foot of the "Rokkis Mountains" that runs through the entire continent from north to south, where the dwarves once built a city.

In the middle of the third era, after the relationship between the two tribes eased slightly, due to its superior geographical location and on the main road of traffic, Dunmoor became a trade transit point for the two tribes, and gradually developed into one of the most prosperous cities of the dwarves in the New World. First, population and economy can rank in the top five.

At the end of the era, the abyss invaded.

Dunmover was one of the first cities to be destroyed by an army of demons, almost completely destroyed by the war, and few of the city's inhabitants escaped alive. In the "Great Earthquake" that followed, Dunmorfer was closer to the epicenter, and the ruins of the entire city sank into the ground, and have since disappeared into the long river of history.

Today's Dunmover is just a geographical term, referring to the once prosperous plateau area.

After the earthquake, the New World was completely reduced to the domain of the devil.

The gates of the abyss stand on the ground, and endless evil energy erupts from the abyss, polluting the ground and covering the sky.

Countless beasts, spirits and races mutated and became monsters after being contaminated by fel energy.

Demon nests are formed where monsters gather and breed.

There are devil nests all over the new continent, and the deeper you go into the hinterland, the more and denser the number of monsters. They are just the vassal slaves of the demon army. The Demon Nest is centered on the gate of the abyss and forms a network of fel energy covering the new continent. The ultimate goal is to transform the new continent into a layer of the abyss.

A large number of demons are stationed around each abyss gate.

The higher the level of the gate of the abyss, the more demons guarded, and the stronger the strength.

As early as hundreds of years ago, someone infiltrated Dunmorpher and found a large abyss door, and I don't know which layer of the abyss it leads to.

Such large gates of the abyss are guarded by demon lords.

The demon lord and the demon army and monsters under his command control a large area near the gate of the abyss, which is equivalent to its territory.

Unsurprisingly, the Balor Flame Demon chosen by Izzet was the keeper of the gate of the abyss.

Raistlin shook his head slowly.

"Hunting demon lords in the new continent is not as dangerous as in the abyss, but this is a Balor flame demon, the most powerful demon in purgatory, the culmination of the evolution of the burning demon, not only powerful but also mastering many spells. With just the three of us, the risk is too great."

"Furthermore," Raistlin said lightly, "you're only leading the way in the Underdark, and it's not worth the risk we take for you."

Athena also nodded cautiously.

She came out to take risks, but not to court death.

Who hasn't heard of Balor? Since this kind of terrifying demon appeared in Alanus, for tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many killings have been made.

They were born in the elemental plane of fire and were originally just an elemental creature, the Balrog.

It is rumored that tens of thousands of years ago, the Lord of Darkness took a fancy to the Balrogs, captured them into the abyss and transformed them into the first batch of Balor Balrogs with unimaginable power, becoming one of his most loyal and powerful minions.

Any Baluo Flame Demon has the strength of the Holy Rank. The lords of several layers in the abyss are the Baluo Flame Demon. The best of them have lived for tens of thousands of years. weaker gods.

What's more, the Balor Balrog never acts alone, and there is a huge army of demons beside him.

Raistlin glanced at Athena and complimented inwardly.

She is cooperating with her bargaining.

Izt was not in a hurry, and said calmly: "If I successfully hunt down this Balor, I have a great chance of advancing to the Holy Rank. At that time, no matter what purpose you go to the city of the illithids, I will lead the way. , and promises to keep you safe."

Reis wants to look away, which is a good promise.

If what Izt said is true, there are holy-level spellcasters in the illithids, and it is true that he and Athena alone can't handle it. Although you can ask the teacher for help, and you can take risks with your own body, this is the last resort, and there are many troubles.

But he didn't make a statement right away.

Izt had to continue: "I only need the flesh and blood of the Balor, and its demon soul can be used as your trophy. However, the souls of the demons I killed will be shattered, and some of the soul fragments will remain. It dissolves with flesh and blood in the corpse, resulting in an incomplete devil soul ingested."

"I know."

Raistlin nodded, thinking in his mind.

Demons cannot be killed outside the abyss, and their souls return to the abyss to resurrect.

The New World has been occupied for more than 3,000 years. Even if there are demon hunters and human beings who keep clearing the devil's nest and destroying the fel energy network, it is only a drop in the bucket. Most of the New World is still polluted by fel energy, and the transformation has been completed.

These places are called Fel Wasteland, and only monsters can survive for a long time.

The Fel Wasteland is already a part of the abyss, and it belongs to the interior of the abyss. In the Fel Wasteland, you can really kill demons and absorb their souls.

If Izzet's plan is successful, Balor's soul intake will not be a problem.

The problem is, it becomes soul fragments.

Soul shards are an important resource for demon hunters and demon hunters. They are used to increase their strength, create alchemy bombs or potions, and at critical moments, they can also devour the shards of the demon's soul, greatly improving their combat effectiveness.

He had seen it before when he and Roger were exterminating the vampire lair.

This kind of incomplete soul will lose some elements, and the soul power contained is far less than that of the complete demon soul, so the extraordinary people generally do not choose to fuse, and the value is greatly reduced. Of course, Demon Hunters and Demon Hunters can also choose not to use the "Soul Shatter" attack and leave the Demon Soul intact, but this will make the fight more difficult.

The only ones who have no influence are the shamans of the Sigil school.

The magic seal wizard originally wanted to strip out the secret elements in the demon soul, make it into a magic seal, and then integrate it into his own soul.

As long as the required secret magic elements are still in the incomplete demon soul.

Baloo is a demon lord, and its demon soul comes with many powerful elements, of which the most attractive is naturally the "Flame Crown"!

This legendary element is the top-level fire element affinity element, which all fire elementalists dream of.

The value of a Balrog Crown Seal is immeasurable.

Raistlin is a mage and cannot fuse the Sigil, but this does not affect the use of the Balrog Crown. You can use the elements of the Balrog Crown as the main material, arrange a rune magic circle to cast a constant spell, and bless it on your body in the form of a constant spell, which is permanently effective.

This is the only way for mages to get the Affinity effect.

Wizards can also use it, and can also maintain some protection spells.

The constant affinity effect has two disadvantages compared to the wizard's direct fusion of elements. One is that there is a constant risk of failure, and the other is that it will be lifted.

Once the failed material is gone, you can only prepare another material.

There are two results for releasing the constant. If it is suppressed by an anti-magic force field or hit by an anti-magic ray, it is only temporarily invalid. After leaving the range of the force field or the spell continues to end, the constant effect will be restored; if it is released by magic, Cleavage, ruby ​​reversal ray, such spells remove the constant effect, then it cannot be restored.

The mage does not want the constant effect to be permanently removed, there is another way.

The already constant effect will form corresponding elements in the meditation space, which is different from the spell model built by the mage himself, and can be solidified and stabilized by putting in mana. Even if the constant effect is removed, as long as the cost of permanently losing this part of the mana, it can be re-constant immediately, and no materials are required.

However, the mana required to solidify the constant effect is very high, at least more than three times as much as building a spell model normally.

The stronger the constant effect, the more mana is consumed.

Each mage's mana is capped, and doing so outweighs the gains.

A small number of mages will choose to solidify one or two rare constant effects of materials. No amount can be afforded. Only those archmages who have lived for thousands of years will have a lot of solidified constant effects.

For young mages, this is an unsolvable problem that can only be solved later.

But for Raistlin, it wasn't a problem at all.

Mana is electricity, and there are as many monsters as you want in the New World. If you can get the Flame Demon Crown, you will immediately fix it on your body, and then solidify it directly.

He has mastered a lot of flame spells, but currently there is only one flame affinity, which is too shabby.

The Flame Demon Crown is bound to be won!

After thinking deeply, Raistlin decided to join Izzet's hunting plan.

He looked at the dark elf and said in a low voice, "The soul fragments of the Balor Flame Demon belong to me, but if it's just the three of us, the risk is still too great."

"Of course there are more than three people in my plan!"

Izt was extremely happy, Raistlin's words meant that he agreed, and he said quickly: "I have made a promise with a friend that his strength is no less than mine, and he will also participate in this plan."

"Isn't four people enough?" Raistlin shook his head.

"Yes." Izt was very calm, "When you enter the fel wasteland, the closer you are to the gate of the abyss, the more serious the pollution will be. Every team must have a teammate who can purify fel energy and drive away mental corrosion. Healing ability."

"My friend knows some healing techniques and can restrain demons, but he is best at hunting and tracking, so we need to find another person."

"The number of people is too large, which is not conducive to the implementation of the plan. Five people are just right."

"It is best to be a sun knight, a priest or a holy swordsman. Druids and shepherds can also be used, but they are not as reassuring as the first three occupations."

The dark elf spoke confidently, and it could be seen that he had been thinking about it for a long time.

Raistlin nodded lightly, this is all from experience. The soul hunters and mercenary groups roaming in the new continent, if there is no healer or teammates who expel and purify the evil energy, they will definitely not go far.

To hunt the Balor Flame Demon, at least the middle-level Legendary is eligible to participate, and the high-level Legendary is the best.

He had just arrived in the New World for a few days, and he didn't even know a few people. Where could he find the Sun Knights, priests, and holy swordsmen above the legendary middle rank?

Unless the Sunwalker who is training the Spearwing Knight is called to the New World~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that Tauren Atomo is a legendary middle-level Sunwalker and should be able to do it. If you are still not at ease, inform the chief of the Sunstrider tribe, Dejiko, to go.

But this is the last option.

Raistlin asked, "Do you have the right person?"

"There is one." Izzet nodded and said, "I have secretly observed a lot of strong people in Albert Bay over the years, and found that there is a legendary priest who is the best candidate. He is strong and experienced, but his temper is a little weird and not good. Contact. He left Albert Bay half a month ago and went out to hunt monsters alone."

"Half a month... It shouldn't be far." Raistlin thought for a while. The transcendents of Albert Gulf generally only operate on the west coast of the New World, and they won't go over the Rockches Mountains at the farthest.

So he asked, "Do you know where he went?"

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