Warhammer Throne

Chapter 72: , Sea Breeze and Waves (Part 2)

The five days at sea is indeed a bit long and boring. Returning to his room at night, Ryan noticed that Teresa was reading, so the man went up and sat next to the woman: "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at something left over from the Wizarding Empire." Teresa saw Ryan coming, so she deliberately leaned into his arms. Ryan neither actively refused nor accepted, but let her. It made Teresa very happy, so the Sorceress simply leaned her entire body in his arms: "Are you interested in learning about it? There is a reward!"

"What reward?" Ryan asked curiously.

"...Go and wash yourself, and then I'll tell you." Teresa motioned for the man to take a bath in the cubicle.

Fresh water and hot water are precious resources in the ocean, but it is not difficult for Ryan and Teresa to obtain fresh water. After Ryan cleaned himself up, she found Teresa sitting on her bed, the woman After opening the cabin window, seeing Ryan coming out of the inside, there were bursts of light in the woman's eyes. She motioned Ryan to sit down beside her: "Come and sit."

The woman’s purple high heels were placed under the bed, and the man sat on the bed: "What about the reward?"

"Don't worry..." Teresa got into the man's arms and sat on his lap: "Do you like it? This is the reward."

"I don't think I can say that I don't like it." Ryan hugged her gently, and the two of them leaned against the window like this, watching the waves rolling in the night.

After a while, Teresa said leisurely: "Exploring the ruins is very important to me. This involves my father's business."

"Your father?"

"Well, my father." There was a scent of lavender, Teresa sighed: "My father... just disappeared into the ruins."

"I'm sad." Ryan expressed his sadness.

"This matter has nothing to do with you... Even though many years have passed, my mother and I still hope that our father is still alive. We all believe that a person as strong as him is not so easy to die." The female warlock shrank into the man's arms. Shrunk, as if to absorb some warmth: "So, the exploration of Polis must continue."

Polis, located in the desert of Tazier, was once the capital of the human wizarding empire, and now all its former glory is buried under the ruins, whether it is the Garland Council, the Imperial Royal Wizarding Academy, or another major spellcaster in the mainland The organization of wizards, the Alliance of Wizards, is trying to unearth the mystery and wealth remaining in it, but the ruins under the ruins are extremely dangerous. All kinds of terrifying evil creations and alchemy corruption are saturated with terrible ruins, and there are serious magical imbalances. In that magical place, sometimes a blast of chaotic wind can instantly annihilate a large army, and it is possible to instantly restore all the physical strength and magic power to desperate travelers.

"How long has your father... disappeared in the ruins?" Ryan thought about it, or took the initiative to speak.

"Twenty years." Teresa sighed deeply, this time is indeed too long.

"Then I have to tell the truth, unless your father has lost his memory or just ran away and didn't go home, otherwise, even if he is still alive, he will not be your father anymore...he has become something else. Now." Ryan said without hesitation.

Logically speaking, at this time, he should comfort the female warlock and say something like "Your father must be fine" or "You will definitely meet again", but he didn't think it was necessary. The female warlock was not a fool.

"I know, but if you want to see people in life, and the corpse in death, even if he becomes something else, my mother and I will personally end his pain."

"You know the best."

"Okay, rest, Ryan, I won't go anywhere here tonight, but you are not allowed to do anything else." Teresa took out a pillow.

"You bother me even more, Teresa."

"Um... well, you can touch what you like..., but you are not allowed to do anything else..." The voice became smaller and smaller, until it was inaudible.

"It's almost..."

Then there was the sound of two people being covered by the quilt, and the sound of breathing thinly covered by the waves.

Early the next morning, Ryan stood on the deck, enjoying the blowing of the sea breeze. A lot of acquaintances came. The half-elf ranger Estelle, Alfred, Lopus and several others he knew were all on the deck. superior.

The half-elf was obviously not very comfortable with the boat. Ryan saw that he looked very bad, so he took the initiative to talk to him: "Ace, don't you continue to be Mr. Matz's guard?"

"That was originally a deal, my friend, the forest told us not to stay in one place for too long. Nord is too cold. If it weren’t for Mr. Matz’s high price, I would definitely not choose to go with you. Such a dangerous journey." The half-elf covered himself with a hood. It was winter and it was very cold.

Due to the constant divine power of Poseidon Mannan, the ocean will not freeze until December. The current time is early November, and shipping can still operate. After it freezes in December, you will have to wait until Nord’s in February of the following year. The coastline will thaw.

"It was indeed a very dangerous journey. We almost died in those battles. After that, I met the four-armed bull demon alone, and the journey ended. We encountered this terrible encounter again. ." Ryan spread his hands, this series of battles put him to a great test, but it also made Ryan a great harvest.

In any case, Nord’s journey is over, and the next destination is Marienburg. Ryan has four gold coins of the gods alone. He is thinking that he may need a foothold in Marienburg and one to cover himself. The identity of the true purpose.

Ester looked up at Ryan and suddenly whispered: "I admit that you are a warrior, Ryan, I admire you for your combat power and willpower. The forest brings us sharp vision and excellent shooter instinct, but Take away our wrist strength and powerful magic."

Ryan sat next to Estelle: "There is always something to be gained."

"Mr. Lane, are you planning to go to Marienburg?" Lopus is boring by himself. He is not Alfred, the paladin who can kill the day with a book of scriptures, young wandering. The knight likes lively activities and various activities. After hearing that there was a passenger ship going to Marienburg, this cargo was forcibly squeezed up and said that I would also go to Marienburg together.

"If I don't go to Marienburg, what am I doing on this passenger ship?" Ryan thought to himself that the young man's speaking skills were really lame, so he relentlessly complained.

"Hey, I just want to know if you need to obey." Lopus touched the back of his head and sneered.

"No need for the time being, by the way, Ester, do you know who the current Elf King is?" Ryan still asked Ester.

"I don't understand which one you are talking about? The King of the Forest? The Phoenix King? Or the disgusting Witch King?" Estel said puzzledly.

"Hey, have the king of the forest and the king of witches changed in the time since the establishment of the empire? I must ask you the king of phoenix." The kings of wood elves and dark elves will never change, only the phoenix king will Change.

"You said the words of the Phoenix King... Actually, our forest had nothing to do with Azul, but now we all know that the Phoenix King is called Finnuba." Estel nodded: "He was in two or three hundred I visited our forest years ago. At that time, the king of the forest, Olain, gave the most warm reception to this friend from afar, but our king refused the request to return. Later, the Phoenix Lord named Finnuba He will become the next Phoenix King."

"'One Piece' Finnuba?" Teresa appeared next to Ryan, and the sorcerer took Ryan's arm very naturally: "He has a lot of news. The great jihad happened 150 years ago. In the middle, it was the Phoenix King who made contact with His Majesty Ludwig. He sent the High Elf Grand Mage Taigris to lead a team of high Elf Mage and a team of Sword Masters of Hors to assist the Empire. They played an extremely important role in the Battle of Sand. The meteorite summoned by Targris alone destroyed several groups of Chaos Demons."

"After the war, the empire and the high elves concluded a trade agreement, and Targris officially stayed in the capital of the empire. It took more than 20 years to establish the Imperial Royal Wizarding Academy before returning to Osuan." The sorcerer said this. History speaks out.

High elves are the crown princes on the continent in terms of their soldier quality, naval level, or caster profile, but their low fertility rate and long time of success have restricted their ability to dispatch troops and military strength, especially with the dark elves for thousands of years. In the War of Despair, the warfare and population of the high elves have fallen into a severe decline.

Their army is still the strongest in the world, but it is no longer invincible. Their navy is still running rampant on the sea, but it can no longer easily divide forces to conduct dual or even multi-line operations at the same time.

With the economy and productivity declining and not expanding, one of the pillars supporting the high elves economy has become trade with humans. Humans like high elves and various luxury crafts, spices, high-end foods and various magical items. The elves need to obtain a large amount of raw materials and ore from humans.

"By the way, Ryan, what do you know about this?" The sorcerer asked curiously: "High elves are not easy to deal with. Except for a few strong humans, they don't treat us as human beings."

"Marinburg is the most important trading point between the empire and the high elves. We will definitely deal with the high elves when we get there." Ryan shook his head. He was thinking, how can he obtain the right to investigate in Marienburg?

In Nord, he is a knight of the kingdom and can investigate more freely, but not in Marienburg. It is a very chaotic territory. His knighthood is useless, but his power and reputation are useful.

Can only wait until then to watch again.

"Afu is with me...In short, when we arrive at Marienburg, we will first find a place to live, and then slowly start to investigate." Looking at the vast expanse of blue sea, Ryan made a summary for the time being.


At the same time, news of the victory of the championship match spread throughout the continent.

Marimburg, the largest trading center and the largest port in the old world, every year a huge amount of gold and currency flows into this port terminal, but rarely flows out. Countless young people who yearn for opportunities and wealth continue to come to this place.

The entire city has several districts, each of which is comparable to an independent city. The deep-water wharf that can carry millions of tons of displacement is constantly in and out of large ships. The city is located in the cursed marshland at the mouth of the Rick River. The city built on the island in the middle of the Rick River delta was connected to the coastal road, allowing its merchants to enter the empire by land.

People who have seen Marienburg say that this is a giant beast that swallows gold and sea water.

The resident population of Marienburg is about 150,000, but in fact the population of the city may be 500,000 or more. Since the "Savior" Ludwig allowed Marienburg to become independent 150 years ago, The city is like getting rid of its shackles, and it is developing very rapidly in a crazy and pathological way. Every day, more buildings are rising from the ground, built on top of existing buildings, and even on bridges. In the shallow water area, criminals dig deeper tunnels every day, hoping to smuggle precious items through it. The city’s originally planned blocks have become blurred, and the influx of more people gradually makes Marienburg not Just a city, it is more like a large city circle.

The nobleman who now rules Marienburg is the "lender" Van der Guber-Schultz, the Grand Duke of Marienburg. This nobleman in his fifties may be the richest person in the world, and his blood It is also very peculiar. In essence, he is an empire, but his family crest is the iris flower that has a deep connection with Bretania.

On the high castle, the Grand Duke of Marienburg Van der Guber-Schultz, who was in his fifties, was sitting in his magnificent office, carefully examining the IOUs.

You can see the names of many great nobles in the world on the IOUs, especially the IOUs of the Dukes of Brittany. The IOUs in this world cannot be denied, because every IOU in Schultz’s hand carries No nobleman can't deny the divine power that has been justified by the **** of justice.

"His Excellency Berhemond still owes me ten carts of golden marks, Mueller, do you have any news?" Schultz rubbed his brows. The scrolls were filled with the power of the gods and seemed to make him Some dazzled.

The courtier named Muller immediately stepped forward and told the Duke: "Your Excellency Bohemond said that you need some grace from you."

"All right, tell him to settle the balance before the Feast of Winter Veil, but if the Feast of Winter Veil is delayed, I will charge additional interest."

"Understood, Your Excellency, the empire is urging this year's defense expenses." Courtier Muller immediately took down the Duke's instructions.

"This money must be given. Please inform His Majesty Karl-Franz as soon as possible to send an army to collect it." The Duke also nodded. Marienburg must pay a "protection fee" to the Empire every year to guarantee his own money. Independence and security, in exchange, if encountering an unfaced enemy, the empire will send troops to protect the city.

"Also, according to the news from the front line, the bear tribe that raged in Nord territory was defeated. The reason for the defeat was that a young white wolf knight killed the famous bear tribe chief, chaos champion Biri in the championship duel. Grid." Muller pulled out a new record.

"Championship duel? Interesting, does Nord have this kind of warrior?" Schultz touched his chin with interest, his thick beard was carefully taken care of by the Duke, smooth and beautiful: "Young White Wolf Knight? Could it be that big one? Hammer or something?"

"Yes, Duke, that young man is Sledgehammer Lane. According to our sources, he is taking a boat to Marienburg."

"He's coming to me? It's strange, to win the championship match, don't Nord or the Empire reward him with a knighthood or something? Such a person who can fight is not a serf. There is no reason why no one would invite him." strangeness.

"Ryan is a white wolf knight, and... The Holy Motherhood has issued a statement that he is now the **** of choice for the lady in the lake." Courtier Muller called up Ryan's detailed file: "The major forces should have invited him in the preparation position. Yes, but there must be some action, it should be after the Winter Veil Festival."

"Then this is very interesting. All the strengths are competing for this newly rising star...Interesting, you said, what if I recruit him as another guardian of this city during this period of time?"

"What?" WeChat searched the public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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