Archduke Fernandez traveled with great fanfare, and tens of thousands of troops opened the way to protect him. This time he learned his lesson and never gave the opponent a chance to shoot him.

Although he has not yet captured the province of Saint Maitreya, he has begun to assign officials and nobles to govern various places.

It was also a political act, asserting dominance over the reconquered lands.

Of course, that's what it looks like on the surface.

As the army marches out, there will naturally be no one who is short-sighted to cause trouble.

Archduke Fernandez sat in a huge open carriage with eight horses, chatting cordially with the nobles who supported him.

"I heard that the current commander of the Augusta Territory is a pariah named Simon?"

"Yes, it is said that the freeman in the territory of Viscount Derek's family made some small achievements and was appointed as an officer.

Viscount Derek was surrounded by us at White Birch Castle, and he should be commanding the nearby armies. "

Grand Duke Fernandez was lying comfortably on the cushions. The huge open carriage was large enough for several nobles to sit. At this time, they all quietly moved back to make room for His Excellency the Grand Duke.

"He is brave and foolhardy. Although this Simon has caused me some trouble, he is like a bird in a cage that cannot flutter.

Therefore, the noble bloodline must have a reason, and it cannot be challenged by some lowly people by chance. "

Archduke Fernandez despised aristocrats like Simon. As a beneficiary of bloodline theory, he had lived in the atmosphere of bloodline theory since childhood, and it was difficult not to be affected by it.

But he does have some wisdom, like now.

It seems that the purpose of going out on patrol with a group of nobles is to establish authority, but in fact it has another purpose.

His Excellency the Grand Duke's car directly crossed the tacitly agreed boundary line between the two parties, and Rockman's Rangers followed suit as expected.

However, such a huge army, even the entire Augusta Territory army combined could not do it.

Archduke Fernandez suddenly stood up from the carriage and climbed onto the high platform of the carriage with the help of the nobles around him.

The holy feather flag representing the Grand Duke was making a sound. Looking from a distance, His Excellency the Grand Duke could barely see scattered black spots.

"Send someone to drive away these annoying flies. I'm going to camp here today."

"Your Excellency, this is the front line and it is dangerous."

The nobles were shocked, they didn't want any surprises to happen.

But Archduke Fernandez obviously had an idea and said firmly: "This is the territory of the Holy Cross Kingdom. I am the Grand Duke of Holy Light. There is no place where I cannot stay."

The will of His Excellency the Duke is the absolute authority here.

The nobles could only arrange camps and arrange guards anxiously.

This Grand Duke really stayed.

We agreed that we were here for inspection, but why did we stop when we got there?

If they knew he was so bold, these nobles would never agree to set off together.

But it's too late now. No one here can drag Fernandez away.

If Earl Connoll were here, he could still check and balance this willful Grand Duke, but now... it's better to go back and wash up and sleep.

Such a bold act by Archduke Fernandez certainly aroused a strong reaction from Mega Man.

Soon a Rockman army set up camp on a high ground opposite.

The Holy Cross army tried to drive them away, but was severely punished.

Archduke Fernandez's attitude was also very ambiguous. He just held the army motionless and waited for the other party to gather their troops.

Everyone is speculating whether His Excellency the Grand Duke is preparing to launch a battle to defeat the Rockman's rebels in one fell swoop.

However, there are about 50,000 troops here now, but they may not be able to defeat the opponent in a real fight.

Increase troops?

As long as Mega Man isn't stupid, he won't confront him again.

Sure enough, when Rock Man gathered an army of about 20,000 people, even though there were a large number of recruits who had been trained for several months, they still stood firm.

Archduke Fernandez stood still, but the other party became very arrogant and began to send people to challenge him in turn.

After waiting for a few days, the army of Holy Cross Kingdom was also a little impetuous.

Seeing this, they all asked for a fight.

On the temporary tower, Archduke Fernandez and a group of officers and nobles were watching the battle.

Simon, the knight with the square flag, was provoking, and Archduke Fernandez was dissatisfied.

"Where is my knight?"

Upon seeing this, the nobles below immediately sent people to fight.

But the result was very ugly. Three knights were picked off by Simon in a row.

Rockman's cheers came one after another, making Archduke Fernandez look even more ugly.

The noble officers below were even more panicked and hurriedly sent a team of thousands, and the Rockman side also sent a corresponding army.


"Barbarians, reckless men, a bunch of idiots."

Duke Fernandez cursed angrily, and he didn't know who he was scolding in the last sentence. Anyway, the nobles all shrank their heads and did not dare to say a word.

At this time, breathing is wrong.

Archduke Fernandez adjusted his mentality and forced a smile: "This Simon is indeed from a humble background and does not know strategy.

The gathering of an army of 20,000 people is certainly majestic, but do the Rockmen still have an army around them?

I'm afraid even the militias from all over the country have been pulled over. As long as we fight, we will be defeated, and then everything east of Pulan City will fall into my hands. "

Grand Duke Fernandez has a lot of wisdom, but there is one thing that no one dares to say. Are you sure you can win against him?

He really lacks confidence. Since he entered the Holy Maitreya Province, he has rarely won small-scale battles.

Although a lot of territory was recovered, they all relied on numerical superiority.

Twice the number of people is not very safe, especially the one named Simon looks very fierce.

However, Archduke Fernandez's command in the past few months is remarkable. Although he suffered a series of setbacks in small battles, he won strategically.

The recaptured territory will not be fake, so these nobles are willing to listen to him.

Next, knowing that he can't beat the other side, Archduke Fernandez stayed indoors.

No matter how the other side provokes, he just doesn't show his head.

And the Rockman is also very wicked. Not to mention the challenge during the day, he also beats gongs and drums at night, and it doesn't stop all night.

Although no battle broke out, the Holy Cross Kingdom was tossed up and down.

And what is Archduke Fernandez waiting for?

Of course, it is to verify the intelligence of the allies.

The intelligence from Count Lovett is his secret weapon to defeat the enemy.

When the scout who was lurking for reconnaissance came back, he brought exciting news.

"Good! Count Lovett really didn't lie to me."

Although the possibility of Rockman uniting as one is very low, Fernandez still cautiously chooses to verify it himself.

Now that the troops near Rockman are under our noses, key places like granaries must be empty, which is a good opportunity to attack.

After this battle, the name of Archduke Fernandez will surely be known throughout the three southern countries.

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