On the second day, as expected, the barbarians pretended to attack the city in the morning, scaring off some people in the Iron Wall City who were ready to move.

Then they abandoned a large amount of baggage and retreated at lightning speed.

Only Derek led an elite force to hang far away, as if monitoring the other side's exit.

It's not that no barbarians tried to retaliate, but if there were too many people, Derek would turn around and leave immediately, and if there were too few people, there would not be enough for him to charge.

The main strategy was a sticky tactic.

The barbarian commander had been paying attention to this difficult enemy and found that this time the defeat was not unfair.

There can be all kinds of accidents and luck on the battlefield, but there is absolutely no such thing in this kind of battle command.

Not every general can grasp the size, and hanging not far away makes the barbarians very uncomfortable.

If you care, it will waste time.

If you don't care, it's like a lump in your throat.

If you want to do something during the retreat, forget it.

"He's a tough guy. We must find out his origins. I have a feeling... he may be a big trouble for us going south."

The barbarian commander sighed. Could it be that the Rock people's fate has not yet ended?

At the same time, Derek also frowned.

What he saw along the way, he saw that the barbarians plundered a large amount of population and wealth, and did not kill indiscriminately.

This means that the barbarians have a clear-headed decision-making layer, and they are not thinking of grabbing a handful and running away.

He even suspected that such a coincidental lightning attack was not a coincidence.

If it is really a plan for the Rock Kingdom's northern expedition, there should be more than these means.

"I hope... the nobles above can see through the barbarians' plan, otherwise there may be trouble."


In the second legion, Count Pereira is still worried about how to break the barbarians' tricks. He doesn't know if Derek can pin it down and attract part of the barbarians' troops.

"If we can hold back some of the barbarian troops, whether I take the opportunity to encircle and suppress them or the barbarian army comes to rescue them, the crisis of Tiebi City will be resolved."

Count Pereira's plan still has merits. He doesn't know what it means to besiege Wei to save Zhao, but the experience brought by his many years of military career still makes him do so.

This is also the reason why the First Legion is willing to cooperate with him.

Prestige is accumulated little by little. It is not felt at ordinary times, but it can make people trust it at critical moments.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the tent, which was very unpleasant for the usually strict earl.

He even stood up and interrupted his thoughts.

But before he had time to ask the reason, he saw Cesar stumbling in with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Could it be that Derek was in trouble?

Although this is bad news, there is no need to panic.


Cesar certainly knew that such embarrassment would make the earl unhappy, but he had no time to consider these.

In fact, he even thought it was fake news, but the messengers came from two places, and he rushed in in a daze after confirming it was true.

"You need to be calm when encountering things. Have you forgotten what I told you?"

"Count," Cesar squeezed out a twisted smile, and it was hard to tell whether it was joy or dullness: "Great victory, great victory!

Knight Derek defeated the barbarians yesterday, not only captured more than 10,000, but now has forced the barbarian army to retreat."


Count Pereira thought he had heard it wrong because of his old age, but Cesar repeated it again.

This time, he was sure.

Although it was certain that this was not a misunderstanding, the news was too shocking.

The crisis of Iron Wall City, and even the crisis of the northern province, ended just like that?

Then what was he thinking about every day?

"Good boy, really a good boy."

The count swayed back and forth, but he couldn't calm down.

"Count, we have to set off as soon as possible," Cesar reminded.

Although Derek was the first to achieve the first success, Count Pereira could not escape the credit for leadership.

If they were too far away, it was inevitable that someone would gossip about them in the future. The best plan now was to ride lightly and fast, at least to reach the Iron Wall City first.

But the Count was thinking about something else.

"No hurry, no hurry.

Cesar, I remember you and Derek had some friendship?"

"Yes, we are quite compatible, after all, we are both from the Knights.

Do you want me to be an envoy to comfort you?"

"Consolation, you! You seem to be quite smart at ordinary times, but why did you get confused at the critical moment?

Now, you set off immediately and go to the Ferreira family, and say that I have a granddaughter of the right age, and I am optimistic about Derek, and I will marry him, and give him a dowry... a knight's collar, how about it?"

Cesar didn't understand at first, but he reacted immediately.

"Great! The old ones are the best."

This move is really great. Seeing that Derek is about to rise to prominence, he will at least be a hereditary baron, and his future achievements are unknown.

While he is not married yet, hurry up and make a reservation first.

At this time, everyone wants to make friends with Derek himself, but the earl takes a different approach and finalizes the marriage first.

What relationship is stronger than kinship?

You laugh at me for being slow, and I laugh at you for not understanding the world.

"Hurry up, hurry up, what are you still standing there for? When this marriage is done, you will also be half a matchmaker for that boy, isn't it much better than others rushing to curry favor with him?"

The old earl kicked Cesar on the butt, not knowing how to be smart at the critical moment.

Cesar was not dissatisfied at all, this was an opportunity.

He rolled and crawled, rushed out of the camp and galloped away.

Count Pereira certainly would not sit idle, and ordered to set off directly.

He left the main army behind and rushed with the Knights, and arrived at the Iron Wall City in just one day.

When he saw the ruins of the South Camp and the tall head of Ma, he was sure that the news was true.

When he asked again, he knew that Derek was monitoring the retreat of the barbarians, and he had to sigh that the skill was bold.

"What a hero!"

In front of the governor, the old earl praised Derek, wishing to praise Derek to the sky.

"Governor Jeffrey, we jointly commend the heroes of this battle, especially Knight Derek. I think it is not too much to confer a viscount and two baronies."

The governor naturally felt that Derek had made great contributions, but the old earl was too hard-working.

He worked so hard to promote the younger generation? This old guy has big plans.

He had learned in advance that Derek was from the Earl's Knights, but this kind of knight who simply completed the knight training did not have a dependent relationship.

Which noble family did not do this?

It was normal for the old earl to be close to the other party, but it was abnormal to work so hard.

However, the old earl was right in one sentence. Knight Derek should be the first credit, and it was a great credit, which no one could erase.

So he nodded and agreed: "There is no hurry to show your credit, you can wait for Knight Derek to come back."

"No need to wait, anyway, the overall situation has been decided, give him a surprise, so that it seems to take care of the meritorious official!" How could the old earl not be anxious?

To work hard before the marriage is settled is called selflessness.

To work hard after the marriage is settled is called forming a clique for personal gain.

He made a clear distinction.

The governor had no choice but to agree to write a brief letter of credit first and talk about it later.

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