Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 668: No one has ever died since ancient times!

Master Zang Xiang looked at Luo Li and no longer spoke in Nuonuo's voice, but the old lady said:

"You kid, why don't you have any sympathy at all!"

Luo Li smiled and said, "Senior, actually you..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Li raised his hand and struck with a blow. The East China Sea was vast, and the sea of ​​colored glaze was blasted towards Master Zang Xiang. Let’s talk nonsense with him after the fight!

The East China Sea was vast, with a roar, and thirteen beams of light rising from the sky and the earth, centered on Luo Li, at the same time!

The shining light shines on the entire sky. Among all the Jindan Daoist present, there is only the endless majestic and proud bright beam of light! Thirteen light pillars, with Luo Li as the center, collided together violently, and a huge sea of ​​dazzling white light that penetrated the sky and the earth for more than ten miles rose up. In the sea of ​​light, everything was purified to its purest form at this moment. of white light.

But Master Zangxiang just smiled and said: "Yes, yes, this glazed sea is very pure!"

As he spoke, he moved gracefully in this sea of ​​light, like wind and lightning, relaxed and at ease. This sea of ​​glazed light did no harm to him.

Seeing his footsteps, Luo Li immediately knew what kind of spell it was. It was the 46th Herring Killer in the Glazed Sea. Of course, it was a mutation spell that allowed Zangxiang Zhenren to move with ease in this sea of ​​light. At ease; leisurely.

Luo Li snorted coldly, and the vast sea of ​​light changed, instantly turning into a turbulent South China Sea!

The sea is like a whirlpool, confusing everything! Storm, whirlpool, tornado, chaos, tsunami, undercurrent, tide, huge wave...

In an instant, the surrounding world was in chaos, with countless whirlpools and tsunamis coming one after another. I didn't know the east, west, north, west, or all directions. Countless death waves roared around the world!

But Master Zang Xiang moved his steps, and in this endless sea of ​​chaotic light, he turned into an undercurrent, moving with the turbulence of the sea, like a blue smoke, a spring breeze, calm and unscathed.

This is the thirtieth undercurrent invisible kill, and of course it is also a mutation spell!

Then he pointed at Luo Li, and a ray of light flew out. The brilliance was like a colorful butterfly, floating in the wind, flying towards Luo Li. Seeing this brilliance, Luo Li felt an incomparable familiarity.

In an instant, the brilliance accelerated, transformed, and turned into a black dragon head, biting Luo Li's Jin Chenxi, but under the protection of Jin Chenxi outside, it was unscathed.

Luo Li was stunned for a moment. He was very familiar with this spell. It was the Butterfly Sea Explosive Kill, the Glazed Sea killing move invented by Luo Li himself.

Master Zangxiang smiled and said: "How does it taste? You seem to have invented this Butterfly Dragon Sea Explosive Kill. I like it very much. Last year, I used this spell to kill three Golden Core Masters of the Holy Armor Sect alive. Attacking thick-shelled, hard-covered golden bumps like yours is most effective!

However, there is an indescribable sense of joy in using it to hit you. Luo Li, will you regret devoting this spell to you? "

Luo Li took a long breath, and suddenly the sky-filled sea of ​​glazed glass dissipated. Luo Li looked at Master Zang Xiang and suddenly sighed: "Alas!"

With a long sigh, Master Zangxiang suddenly felt a sad feeling. He laughed and said:

"Don't worry, in fact, for those of you Jindan Daoist who have been cultivating elixir for less than a hundred years, you are already very good!"

While he was speaking, dots of starlight appeared behind him, turning into endless colorful butterflies. This Butterfly Dragon Sea Explosion was also a mutated spell. Luo Li could only emit a thousand rays of light at most. He had more than ten thousand here, covering the sky and the earth. !

But Luo Li still sighed: "Alas!"

This sigh seemed to be filled with endless sorrow. Master Zangxiang couldn't help but said: "Okay, okay, I'll be gentler and let you lose earlier..."

Having said this, Master Zangxiang suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why did he feel this way? What was he worried about?

In an instant, Zangxiang Zhenren felt as if he heard a tragic poem in his ears!

“Once we have experienced hardships, only the stars around us are scattered.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind flutters and the catkins float, and the life experience is ups and downs.

Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean.


Master Zangxiang let out a scream: "There are only a few from all over the world..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Li pointed his finger, and a ray of glazed light emitted, like a beam of light, straight forward, instantly hitting Zang Xiang Zhenren.

He screamed and turned into thousands of fragments, dying!

This is the power of the Lingding Ocean from all over the world. With one blow, it is as powerful as Zangxiang Zhenren and can be destroyed!

After this blow was issued, someone seemed to be surprised and said:

"There are so many oceans all over the world!"

"How is it possible? He is only in the realm of the golden elixir. How can he be able to refine it into all the world's few lakes and seas?"

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense!"

"Luo Li is the golden elixir, and why do I feel that there is something wrong with this world of scattered seas?"

"Tianya, why do I feel that his world is completely different from yours?"

"Yes, yes, Tianya, why do we feel completely different when we are all over the world?"

These are all discussions among the Hunshen Zhenzun of the Hunyuan Sect, and they all asked the Tianya Zhenzun.

Zhenzun Tianya didn't speak for a long time, and finally said:

"It's different. The Lingdingyang all over the world that I practice is the Lingdingyang from all over the world that has been adapted countless times by countless seniors after the ancestors who have understood the meaning of the law in order to use this method. The five monks of the Hunyuan Sect have mastered this method. They are all the same as me!

And his is to understand the founder's teachings, the original and authentic version from all over the world! "

As soon as he said this, everyone was speechless!

Luo Li defeated Master Zang Xiang with one blow, ended the battle, breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to the branch team. Fan Wujie, who was secretly peeping at him from a distance, frowned and began to think hard!

Returning to Tianqing Peak, Tiandu, Sankuang, Wuren and others immediately surrounded Luo Li and asked one by one:

"That was just a vast ocean. Is it true?"

"Junior brother Luo Li, have you really become a person from all over the world?"

Luo Li smiled and said, "Yes, otherwise I wouldn't dare sign up for the Golden Elixir Competition!"

Master Jiuxiang said: "I didn't expect you to be able to practice this method from all over the world. In our Hunyuan Sect, there are only five people who can practice this method, and you are the sixth person!"

Master Jing Ren looked at Luo Li, took a long breath and said, "Okay, with this great method, you should participate in this Golden Elixir Competition!"

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "Good boy, you have never used this method. Are you planning to catch me off guard?"

Luo Li said: "No, no, senior brother, I only learned this method the night before the competition!"

Lord Huchan nodded and said: "Okay, okay, okay!

Luo Li, do you know? The method I taught you from all over the world is actually not the method practiced by the monks of our Hunyuan Sect who have mastered this method, but the original method taught by the founder of Zhongxing.

No one has practiced it for eighteen thousand years. I think you can do it, so I teach you the righteous method. You can indeed do it, yes, yes! "

Luo Li was speechless. He didn't expect someone else to say such a thing.

The competition continues. In this round, many Jindan masters are fighting to the death. There is a battlefield that takes a lot of time. It will officially end after three days. The losers will continue to fight, and the top ten can enter the third round.

The monks who participated in the third round, a total of 276, continued to draw lots and fight in these sixteen arenas!

Luo Li was drawn to Arena No. 1 this time, the third match.

None of the Jindan masters in the third round were easy, and the battle was even more intense.

After Luo Li came on stage, he frowned when he saw the other person. He knew this person was Daoyu Zhenren. Daoyu Zhenren participated in the Changzhou War. He had the Tianqing Immortal Body of the Twelve Immortal Bodies and had magical power reaching the sky.

Seeing Master Daoyu come on stage, Luo Li immediately cast a spell, Jin Chenxi, Chongsheng Magical Power, Shape and Shadow Magical Power!

"My name is invincible, I am God, I am Saint, I am myself, I control everything, I own everything, my power is endless, my Qi is boundless..."

This time, Chongsheng's magical power exploded three times, and the magical power of form and shadow was no more than that. Two shadows rose up, and in an instant, three triple golden morning rays covered Luo Li's body!

Jin Chenxi covers his body. This method has unlimited defense and is invulnerable to all means. Luo Li is immediately in an invincible position!

Seeing Luo Li's shameless defense, Master Dao Yu just smiled and said slowly:

"Asura's body is as large as Sumeru, and the passage into the lotus root thread is unknown. His body is limited, and he is boundless in the courtyard of fire. He ages in an instant.

Thinking about life is like a candle in the wind, half a piece of paper, a piece of piano, sleeping peacefully on the earth couch, tightly tethering the horse of mind, don't teach to fight and disturb the body and mind. When the sword of wisdom is wielded, it will slay the demons and bring peace to all the gods. "

Following his words, his body changed and disappeared instantly, and a majestic troll appeared on the ring!

This giant monster is a thousand feet tall, towering over the sky and the earth, and is extremely terrifying!

The giant demon stepped out towards Luo Li. This kick contained endless power and was about to crush Luo Li. Only a pop was heard as Luo Li penetrated its feet and continued to stand proudly on the earth!

But with this blow, Luo Li immediately felt that the outermost Jin Chenxi's light was weakened by one-third, with nine times the defense, and eight times left!

The troll's kick was ineffective, and with a loud roar, its body split apart, and in an instant, terrifying demon heads appeared one after another!

Heavenly demon, fire demon, wind demon, ice demon, death demon, shadow demon, inner demon, thunder demon, light demon, dark demon...

All over the sky and the earth, endless, far more than a thousand and one, over ten thousand!

Seeing so many demons, Luo Li immediately knew that this was the path of all living beings Lin Wan Mo!

When the ten thousand demons appeared, Luo Li took a long breath and sighed: "Alas!" His face was filled with sadness!

Then he sighed again, looking miserable, as if someone owed him a million dollars, and he would feel bad if he didn't come back.

Then there was another conversation, alas!

At the same time, a voice appeared between heaven and earth!

“Once we have experienced hardships, only the stars around us are scattered.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind flutters and the catkins float, and the life experience is ups and downs.

Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean.


With these words, those ten thousand demons began to dissipate, but there were nearly a hundred heavenly demons among them, unscathed. Among them, Daoyu sneered, even if there are only a few oceans in the world, it is nothing more than this. He, the forest of ten thousand demons among all living beings, cannot be broken by any method!

But Master Daoyu didn't know that Luo Li, a man from all over the world, was the real method left by the ancestor, not the later adaptation of the Hunyuan Sect. There is one difference between the genuine version and the pirated version, and that is the meaning of this method!

The reason why everyone hears the first three lines of this poem but not the last line is because the last line is the only place where all corners of the country are isolated, the true power of the law!

That sentence is:

"Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history!"

Under the will of the law from all over the world, no one in the world, no creature, no one can escape death. Only the core of the golden elixir will be left behind and given to Luo Li as a trophy!

If Wang Yangming had not created such a powerful, perverted and shameless magic, how could he have escaped from the Dead Sea despite being surrounded by thousands of people!

Suddenly, Luo Li used all his powers to attack the entire world! Life-threatening beams of light shot out one after another, filling the sky and the earth, passing through tens of thousands of demons, hitting all of them without missing a single one!

Thousands of light pillars gathered together, and a huge light pillar that spanned the sky and the earth fell from the sky with a majestic and irresistible attitude. At this moment, everything in the world was shrouded in this glazed light, and there was a roaring sound between the heaven and the earth. This sound seemed to be far away in the horizon. It seems so close!

With one blow, all demons are destroyed, Luo Li wins! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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