Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,468 There is no end in the present and past!

Hunyuan Jiuzhen Feixiao Golden Tower Formation is activated!

Luo Li began to cast spells and chant:

"In the early days of Hunyuan, the three scenes were enlightened. Among the nine mysteries, the clear sun was shining, the eight scenes were combined, and the six gods emerged. The heaven and the earth are so big. The strongest is the suppressor, and the most fierce is the suppressor. It suppresses the four seas and crushes everything. This is incomparable. The way to go!

The light is bright and purple, the jade essence is flowing, separated and dispersed. On the sixtieth day, the five elements are condensed, and the nine palaces are illuminated. Metal, wood, water, fire and earth, go out of the profound and into the subtle, reach to the infinite, the air encompasses the heaven and the earth, the essence crowns the space, can separate and combine. , can be yin and yang, can go up and down, can die and live, can exist and not exist, can succeed or fail, this is the way to control!


Following Luo Li's spell, the one thousand and one immortal stones all glowed with brilliance, each one was lit up and emitted colorful light!

In an instant, all the seven-colored rays of light converged into one, injected into Luo Li's Hunyuan power, and then everything disappeared. ~

At this point, the formation, Luo Li's Hunyuan Avenue, everything disappeared, never to be seen again.

The endless calamity in the sky seemed to be unable to find its target. They were extremely angry and searched endlessly, but they couldn't find it. In the end, they could only disperse silently and unwillingly.

Luo Li smiled, now he has mastered the Hunyuan Avenue, the True Fire Avenue has evolved into the Hunyuan Avenue, and the True Fire has evolved into the power of Hunyuan!

When the heavenly tribulation disappeared, Luo Li smiled, feeling excited. He stretched out his hand and quietly released his own Hunyuan power!

Then Luo Li was stunned and yelled: "Asshole!"

Luo Li was extremely angry. The power of Hunyuan appeared. It was Luo Li's original power of true fire. He wasted countless efforts and consumed countless fairy beads. In the end, he was completely destitute. In the end, there was no change at all, or The power of true fire.

Luo Li was furious, but he looked at his true fire. Luo Li frowned and said, "No, no!"

This real fire is completely different from before!

Compared with the original real fire, this power is both in nature and power. Improved by tens of millions of times!

It turns out that true fire is only the source of the world, but now it is the pinnacle of the universe!

It becomes more powerful, more tolerant, and more powerful!

It can accommodate everything, can refine everything, and can transform everything!

This is actually Luo Li's power of Hunyuan, and it is also Luo Li's true fire. After nineteen failures, Luo Li finally got his own power!

Thousands of twists and turns. Finally get back to your roots!

Back to Basics!

The real fire changed and turned into endless divine power, which was Shen Ning. Then it changed into endless corrosion, which was Yin Sha. Then it changed again and turned into bloody true Gang. It’s Xue Gang!

Shen Ning, An Sha, Lan Qi, True Yang, Life Source, Jin Hui, Xue Gang!

Luo Li can drive everything at his fingertips and change it at will!

It's not just that. The same is true for the power of the Origin and the Supreme Power. It can also be transformed at will. It is no longer so fixed on the left and right hands.

and. From then on, the conflict between the original power and the supreme power completely disappeared, and the power of Hunyuan became the central axis. As the core, Luo Li can easily drive them. They are like Luo Li's left and right hands, doing whatever he wants!

This power of Hunyuan has been cultivated, and it is as powerful as the power of the beginning and the power of the Supreme!

Luo Li was overjoyed, Hunyuan Dao was now complete!

And this is the supreme pursuit of the Hunyuan Sword Sect for thousands of years, but they have not mastered it!

Because they don’t have the original power, the supreme power!

After Luo Li's breakthrough in training, he completed the tens of millions of years of pursuit of the Hunyuan Sword Sect. With the help of the seven kinds of Hunyuan power of Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal Gu Beichen, plus his own Yuanshi Supreme Power, he obtained In the universe, the power of Hunyuan at the peak of the universe.

Of course, this peak is just in terms of nature, but it is still insufficient in terms of quantity, because Luo Li cannot reach the Hedao realm.

It can be said that Luo Li perfectly inherited the Hunyuan Sword Sect!

However, Luo Li completely gave up the swords of the original Hunyuan Sword Sect, leaving only the Qi training method. Now it can only be said that Luo Li's Hunyuan Sect is the Hunyuan Qi Sect!

Luo Li suddenly stretched out his hand, and his own Hunyuan power immediately split into fifty-one branches, and in an instant, it fell on the fifty-one disciples of the Hunyuan Sect.

Luo Li said: "Cultivation silently, integrate this power into your own origin, and get your own Hunyuan power!"

Many disciples immediately started cultivating, and all of them looked excited. They began to refine their own Hunyuan power.

At this point, Hunyuan Sect has completely changed and its own foundation has been born, which is the power of Hunyuan.

In the future, when Hunyuan disciples enter the sect again, they will first be given the power of Hunyuan and give birth to their own Hunyuan power, and then they can learn all the Dharma in the world!

Like the Three Great Evil Corpses and the Twelve True Spirits, the magic abilities they originally mastered can be counted as one side after obtaining the power of Hunyuan. Then they can practice other immortal arts and once again form their own magic system. , and it has no impact.

This is the great thing about Hunyuan Sect. With the power of Hunyuan as its core, it can practice a variety of spell systems. Unlike other sects, they can only practice one spell system of their own sect.

You can have ice in your left hand, fire in your right hand, thunder and lightning in your mouth, and landslides at your feet...

Moreover, this kind of spell system is not limited to two sets. Gu Beichen has seven kinds of Hunyuan power, and he has seven sets of spell systems.

This is the true way in which one breath creates all things!

Along with the fifty rays of true qi released just now, Luo Li also released seven rays of true qi.

Those were Gu Beichen's seven Hunyuan powers. These seven Hunyuan powers were not suitable for Luo Li. Luo Li had the power of the Supreme Primordial, which he looked down upon.

In addition, Luo Li can't keep them. If he keeps them, they will eventually be crushed and invaded by the power of the Yuanshi Supreme. Only power of the same nature can exist!

Therefore, he gave these seven powers to his disciples. At this point, Luo Li completely lost these seven powers!

Shen Ning was given to Xiao Bai, An Sha was given to Xiao Hui, Lan Xi was given to Xiao Sha, Zhen Yang was given to Xiao Hong, Life Source was given to Xiao Xue, Jin Huo was immortal, and Xue Gang was given to Qingzhumei!

The reason for this is that this is the power that is most suitable for them. Little Gray Hades is the weakest, so he will be given Ansha.

The source of life is most suitable for Xiaoxue. She is the god of life and is consistent with this power.

Xiaoshaxiao likes to fight, so he gives Lan Yan to him, and the True Yang helps the fire burn, so he gives it to Xiaohong.

The old immortal was fighting in front, so Jin Hui was given to him. Qingzhumei transformed endlessly and turned into a giant beast, so Xuegang was the most suitable for him!

In fact, Shen Ning was not suitable for Xiaobai, but Xiaobai was the first to follow Luo Li and it gave him emotional points, so she gave it to him.

As for Xiaojin, Xiaohei, Xiaoshi, Xiaoqing, Xiaoshan, and Xiaohua, Luo Li had confidence in them and gave them this power, but it disrupted their own cultivation.

Only Xiaosun and the middleman did not gain strength and had to make up for it later.

After everything was completed, Hunyuan Sect now had its own cultivation foundation, and Luo Li had a feeling that he would be able to easily advance to Mahayana soon!

Promotion to Mahayana, immortality is in sight!

Luo Li was so happy that he couldn't help but roar.

Before yelling, he looked at the sky. Under the power of Hunyuan, Luo Li suddenly discovered that his divine eyes could see through the sky and up to the sky.

Suddenly, Luo Li saw a person in the sky!

That person is located above the nine heavens. It can be said that he is not a human, but an immortal!

There is only one immortal that can exist in this ancient world of spiritual earth, and that is the guardian earth immortal. When the Barefoot Immortal left, this immortal succeeded the Barefoot Immortal.

Luo Li couldn't yell anymore. He looked at the immortal, what is this guy doing?

The immortal thought that he was covered by the magic and other people couldn't see him at all. Even if they saw him, he didn't care. In his eyes, the existences in this spiritual earth and wild world were all ants, so why bother.

He was looking around, as if looking for something.

Luo Li immediately knew that he was attracted by the abnormal catastrophe and was exploring the cause.

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he stopped early. This guy shouldn't be able to see the problem!

Sure enough, the immortal couldn't find any problem after looking at it for a long time. He couldn't see the problem, but Luo Li saw the problem.

This immortal has a strange aura about him, a bit like Xiao Shi!

Suddenly, Luo Li was shocked!

Dragon spirit!

This immortal is an immortal from the Dragon God Sect. The Barefoot Immortal from Yuxiao Sect left, and this guy came to take over.

The immortal suddenly looked towards Li Kong Island. He seemed to have thought of something when he looked at this place. Luo Li immediately felt a kind of coldness. Luo Li shook his head. It seemed that the tree was trying to be quiet but the wind was not stopping!

After taking advantage of the Barefoot Immortal, he naturally offended his successor, the Immortal of the Dragon God Sect. It seemed that the other party would not let it go, and a wave was about to appear! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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