Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1432 Just because I bought Qingshan!

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On a sea rock, Luo Li punched down and a small platform was born. Luo Li landed on the platform and waited silently!

This kind of thing of exterminating families and confiscating houses is naturally done by the younger brother.

About an hour later, a loud roaring sound was heard in the distant sea, and then a whirlpool appeared on the sea surface, and three figures flew out of the whirlpool.

It was the three old and immortal people who came to Luo Li and saluted and said: "Sir, everything is completed. Now there is no more Yinlong Palace in the world. Seventy-three thousand six hundred people are just one living being. Not a single living person has been spared. All of them will be destroyed." kill!"

Qingzhumei stretched out her hand and immediately released a sea boat. The three-foot-long body of this sea boat exuded a powerful dragon power. It had a streamlined hull, a purple-gold hull, and exquisitely carved rails. It was extremely luxurious.

Qingzhumei introduced: "The Cloud-Piercing Wave Boat is a high-level immortal weapon refined by Feiyu Sect. With this flying boat, you can cross the ocean!"

Luo Li boarded the sea boat. As expected, the boat was much more comfortable than the old broken boat. He no longer had to ride on that bone boat raft. He went back to upgrade and start taking the boat.

Sure enough, the gold belt was obtained by killing people and selling goods!

After boarding the boat, Qingzhumei drove the boat back to Void Island.

Luo Li said: "How was the harvest?"

The middleman replied: "We have seized a lot of fairy beads, thirty-nine fairy weapons, thirty thousand kilograms of fairy ancients, and various resources, but the most valuable ones are two spiritual buildings!"

After saying that, he began to take out the harvest and various fairy weapons. However, there are not many used in battles. They are all mid-level immortal weapons. This flying boat is the high-level immortal weapon.

There are no living people in Yin Long Palace, they are all sea snakes, so Yin Long does not seek to make progress. Without becoming immortals, they rely on their own bodies to fight, so they don't pay attention to any immortal weapons at all, so naturally they don't have anything good.

Those fairy beads were also taken out, box after box, and stacked on the ship, a total of one hundred and sixty-seven boxes.

Luo Li opened a box and gently grabbed a handful of fairy beads. He immediately knew that this box contained ten thousand immortal beads, in other words, one immortal stone. These were one hundred and sixty-seven immortal stones.

Seeing these fairy beads, fairy weapons, and the three corpses were all very happy. This was a huge wealth in the wild world of spiritual land.

But Luo Li made an estimate. The total of these harvests is more than two hundred immortal stones. I couldn't help but feel cold in my heart.

If Yin Long Palace is like this, growing up from a small age, then other forces, even if they are ten times richer than Yin Long Palace, that is, with a family fortune of 2,000 immortal stones, it is still impossible. Their power is equal, and their wealth should not be much different.

In other words, he will wipe out all the forces in the South China Sea and collect their wealth. There is not enough 10,000 immortal stones, let alone 100,000 immortal stones for two secret books.

Luo Li sighed and canceled his idea of ​​robbing all the forces in the South China Sea and collecting fairy stones to buy secret books.

"It seems that there is only one last resort!"

Luo Li asked: "Who among the three of you is the best at managing money?"

The three of them looked at each other. Lao Immortal and Qing Zhu Mei looked at the middleman together!

Luo Li said: "As the middleman, you are responsible for the financial affairs of the sect. You are in charge of these things!"

The middleman immediately replied: "Yes, follow the order!"

After seven hundred miles of sea journey, they finally returned. Everyone returned to the island and landed on the island. Qingzhumei put away the flying boat.

At this time, a bright red sun jumped out of the sea in the east. Thousands of golden lights from the rising sun rolled and shimmered in the waves of the sea. It was difficult to tell where the light was and where the water was. There was only brilliance!

The four of them looked at the sunrise scenery, it was so beautiful!

Luo Li said: "We have the opportunity to come to this fairyland!

Life is once, don't spend it in a daze, live it like a human being, the future of this fairyland is ours! "

Suddenly the three evil corpses cheered together!

Returning to the island, the three evil corpses continued to clean up the environment. Luo Li came to the altar, reconnected to the altar, and instantly arrived at the Jade Sky Hall.

Picking up the jade lamp, Luo Li found the two holy scriptures again and called for the old man to appear.

The old man looked at Luo Li and said, "Boy, have you collected enough fairy stones? Just call me if you have nothing to do. I don't have free time to accompany you."

Luo Li said: "Master Immortal, I didn't gather enough immortal stones!"

The old man's face suddenly became gloomy.

But Luo Li said: "But, I have another thing!"

After saying that, he took out the fairy shop contract!

He handed it to the old man!

The old man was stunned and said: "Good guy, there is so much information. Is this a store contract?"

He took it and took a look at it, and read slowly: "There is a shop at No. 457, Langling Mansion, the great sage of the Red Sky, Zhutian Realm, Jinqueyao Ziyu!"

"The shop is located in the sixth room on the left at the entrance of Jiuwuxing Street in the Great Sage Langling Mansion. There are four immortal buildings inside and a set of defensive arrays..."

Then he stared at Luo Li and said, "Good stuff, bought in a good shop, valuable, very valuable!

It’s worth at least 70,000 to 80,000 immortal stones, and you can exchange it for one of these two sacred scriptures! "

This was Luo Li's last resort, to exchange the shop contract for the Immortal Stone and purchase the holy book.

Luo Li inquired about this shop and found out that it could sell about 70,000 to 80,000 immortal stones, but he had to advance to the Immortal Realm before he could inherit the shop.

It will be many years before he is promoted to Void Immortal. Instead of keeping it and creating wealth in the future, it is better to use it now to solve the current problem.

Give it up now to be stronger in the future!

Luo Li firmly believes that with his own strength, one shop, ten shops, or even a hundred shops will not be a problem in the future!

Luo Li shook his head and said: "No, Immortal Chief, you are wrong, it is not one holy scripture, but two!"

The old man immediately said: "How is it possible? This holy book only has 50,000 immortal stones, but this shop only has 70,000 to 80,000 immortal stones. It's not enough at all!"

Luo Li shook his head again and said: "The holy scripture is dead, and it is useless if it is left here with you!

Apart from me, I am afraid that no other person will buy the so-called holy book.

But my shop is alive. I can take it out and exchange it for fairy stones wherever I go, but it won’t be sold. I will run it in the future. Those are also countless fairy stones.

Therefore, for this contract, you have to pay me 100,000 immortal stones! "

The old man shook his head, he didn't want to agree!

Luo Li said again: "Besides, this is not enough, you must also give me a nod!

I have three men. Each person also needs a magic secret book! "

The old man said: "Impossible, you are dreaming!"

Luo Li said: "Yes, that's it, this is my condition!

Since you don’t agree, Immortal Chief, forget it, excuse me, I’ll go find someone else! "

After saying that, Luo Li pretended to put down the oil lamp and leave here!

The old man immediately said: "Slow. Slow! Alas, since you introduced me barefoot, it's easy to talk, easy to talk..."

These two sacred scriptures cannot be sold here at all, they are worthless. This contract is worth 70,000 to 80,000 immortal stones, which can be said to the old man. It is a business without capital. Even fools know how to choose!

Luo Li smiled, success!

The old man said: "Okay. Okay, let's change it. A shop contract, priced at 100,000 immortal stones, and I will give you three immortal magic secret books!"

Luo Li said: "Thank you very much! A shop contract is priced at 100,000 immortal stones!"

This is the deal. In an instant, the Yuanshi Dao and Taishang Supreme turned into two spiritual thoughts and injected them into Luo Li's mind.

At the same time, three evil corpses contacted here. Start picking out tips that work for them.

Soon, all three of them had options.

To Luo Li's surprise, they did not choose those spells that were suitable for their Heavenly Evil Corpse. The old man chose "Tai Lingxu Huang Zhen Sutra", the middleman chose "Tai Hua Infinite Heart Technique", and Qing Zhu Mei I chose "Tao Miao Zhi Dao Lun".

These three secret books can all be used to cultivate to the realm of true immortals. Although they only have the method of cultivating to the realm of virtual immortals, the corresponding prices are very expensive. They are all secret books worth 1,200 immortal stones. It can be said that among these secret books, except Luo Li chose the most expensive one!

Luo Li couldn't understand the choice of the three evil corpses, but it was their own choice, so Luo Li didn't care.

After making the selection, Luo Li traded the house deed to the old man. The old man was very happy and was about to leave. Luo Li suddenly said:

"Chief Immortal, you haven't asked me for two thousand immortal stones yet?"

The old man was stunned and said, "What two thousand immortal stones?"

Luo Li said: "Two holy scriptures, Yuanshi Dao Fifty Thousand Immortal Stones, Supreme Supreme Fifty Thousand Immortal Stones!

You give you a 92% discount!

A total of ninety-eight thousand immortal stones! I'll give you the deed to the house, priced at 100,000 immortal stones, but you still have to ask me for 2,000 immortal stones! "

The old man said: "Didn't I give you a head start? That is a secret book worth 3,600 immortal stones!"

Luo Li said: "Tian Tou is Tai Tou, we agreed!

But this discount is a discount. We are talking about a price of 100,000 spirit stones, not two cheat books. I bought the cheat books with 100,000 spirit stones. You won't default on the payment, right?

Would such a big Yuxiao Chamber of Commerce rely on me for a mere two thousand immortal stones? "

The old man couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Okay, okay, I've got you!

Even if you are in our Chamber of Commerce, you still have a deposit of two thousand immortal stones!

You can use these two thousand Immortal Stones to purchase other secret books from my Chamber of Commerce. Do you think that’s okay? "

Luo Li was overjoyed. Although he didn't get the two thousand immortal stones, he at least got a few secret books!

Luo Li saluted and said: "Thank you, Immortal! I have just arrived in the Immortal Realm. I have no choice but to save as much as I can and earn as much as I can. Please forgive me!"

The old man smiled and said: "I have convinced you, and you and I are destined to be together, and it will be easier for you."

After saying that, the old man disappeared. After disappearing, the old man smiled. After Luo Li refined the secret book of this place, only Luo Li could master it and could not pass it on to others.

Even though he had a deposit of two thousand fairy stones, the old man was sure that Luo Li would come again to buy the secret book. As long as he came to buy it, he would just separate a piece of spiritual thought, and he would make a profit if he came to buy it.

The two thousand immortal stones were stored there by Luo Li first, and now the two holy scriptures are enough.

Luo Li began to meditate on the two sacred scriptures. The more he meditated, the more he understood the secrets. He also had a deeper understanding of his Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Shou and Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Shou. , the power of both hands gradually increases.

At this point, Luo Li started practicing. Three days later, he slowly opened his eyes and gained endlessly.

After he finished practicing, he really benefited a lot.

Then I heard Qingzhumei say:

"Sect Master, it's successful, it's successful!"

Luo Li looked at Qing Zhumei and asked, "What succeeded?"

Qingzhumei said: "The transplantation of the spirit building is successful, and we also have our own specialties!" (The novel "A Alone on the Road" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Now Just open WeChat, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner and "Add Friend", search for the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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