Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,419 Thousands of thunders ripple, and thousands of shores are destroyed by light!

After taking the identity plate, Luo Li touched it gently with a smile, but he was not in a hurry to refine it and first explored it.

Under Luo Li's investigation, no problems were found, and then Luo Li refined it gently.

Suddenly the nameplate disappeared, and a poem number sounded in Luo Li's ears:

"After his calamity fire hole burned, his divine light was as bright as a red lotus."

At this point, Luo Li's identity has been completely stabilized and he has become an official member of the Spiritual Earth Prehistoric Realm.

After his identity was confirmed, Luo Li smiled and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help!"

Qin Zhaoyi said: "It's also Yun Qi, but remember, this identity plate is only a false name, not a real identity. After one year, the other party will expel you from the sect, but the identity plate remains unchanged.

Although this title is false, in our Thirty-nine Prefectures of Nine Counties on the North Coast, the status of this outer disciple of the Red Lotus Sect is still very respectable.

At least those disciples of the Immortal Cultivation Family cannot figure out your details and dare not touch you easily. "

Luo Li nodded, took out 6,000 fairy beads, and left 1,200 fairy beads, then said goodbye and left here.

Luo Li didn't buy anything else here. If he bought too much, it would be easy for him to be exposed. He just bought an identity, and that was enough.

In this city, Luo Li walked around casually, checking behind him, but no one was following him. Then he boarded a carriage and headed to Tai'an Mansion.

This place has a radius of thousands of miles. Whether it is Xiaoxian Village or Chuqinfang City, they are under the jurisdiction of Tai'an Prefecture. Tai'an Prefecture is the most prosperous place here, so Luo Li aims there.

In the evening, the carriage arrived at Tai'an Mansion, which was a prosperous fairy city with a majestic city shrouded in clouds and mist.

Luo Li glanced at it. When I saw the majestic big city, my eyes lit up and my heart felt very comfortable.

Fully half a million people gathered in this city, covering a hundred miles in radius. The outer walls of this majestic giant city were made of huge basalt rocks. The city wall built of purple-red basalt is more than 40 feet high and is majestic. The buildings inside are also tall and magnificent, with strange styles.

The magnificent palace, exquisite cornices, antique style, majestic and magnificent. The tall and wide city gate was bustling with people coming and going.

As the sun sets in the west. It was almost dusk, but in front of the city gate covered by clouds and mist, it was still bustling with people coming and going. Luo Li entered the city and strolled through the streets. From time to time, several sword lights flew by in the sky. They were all the lights emitted by someone flying with a sword.

Luo Li passed through the clouds and mist outside the city. The clouds and mist were actually defensive formations, similar to the moats of human cities, and then came to the city gate.

In front of the city gate, twelve Red Sky Sword Sect Huixu Zhenyi are guarding here. Anyone who enters the city must pay an entrance fee of one fairy bead.

Luo Li came here and took out a fairy bead. Just entering, when passing by, the city gate flashed with light. Luo Li can enter the city after passing the identity verification.

Luo Li smiled, these six thousand fairy beads were not in vain, they have entered the city now.

At this time, night falls, and the fairy lanterns on countless stone pillars erected everywhere in the city shine. Suddenly the night was no longer dark, and the city was in light.

In the flower street brothel in the city. Elegant or vulgar music plays, and then the beautiful singing begins. People here started having fun at night.

Luo Li nodded, okay, this is it. You can stay here for a while to check out the treasures of the world that he brought from the human world.

Entering the city and looking around, the city was very big. Luo Li didn't know which inn to stay at, and couldn't help but miss his power of rewarding good and punishing evil.

Just then, someone asked:

"Senior, do you need someone to show you the way?"

"Senior, I am a native of this place. There is no shop in Tai'an City that I don't know about!"

"Senior, it's getting late. Do you want to stay overnight? I'm the most familiar with Tai'an City!"

Around Luo Li, more than a dozen young monks gathered around, all of whom were in the realm of god transformation, vying to promote themselves.

Some of them are women, beautiful and beautiful, and some are old men, with simple and honest faces, and they are guides in the city. There are such people in that city, and they earn some fairy beads by guiding the way!

Luo Li looked over and saw a little boy. This boy had a spiritual energy in his body, and he had a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain!

Seeing Luo Li looking at him, the young man said hurriedly:

"Senior, there is nothing I don't know about here. I only need two spirit beads a day. If it is late today, it will be counted as daytime tomorrow!"

"Actually, senior, in addition to earning your spirit beads, in addition, if you buy goods in any store or sell good things to them, they will give me some benefits. Don't worry, I will never do it. I'll take you to the black shop, otherwise, senior, you'll beat me to death and I won't even cry out for injustice!"

The young man spoke and moved very quickly. Luo Li thought about it. He still had 1,200 spirit beads, and he also needed such a familiar person to guide him. Otherwise, if he searched slowly, it would be dark already!

Luo Li said: "Okay, it's just you. By the way, what's your name?"

Luo Li chose him. Of course, he still had to listen to his words and watch his actions along the way. People's hearts are separated from each other!

The young man replied happily: "My name is Liu Yu, senior, just call me Xiao Liu. I don't know if senior wants to find a place to rest? Or do you want to practice here for a while?"

"Senior, if you just want to rest, you can stay in Suiyang Tower, Tongfu Inn, and Yao Family Old Inn. If you need a good environment to practice, you should go to the Immortal Cultivation Cave of the Chixiao Sword Sect. That’s the place to cultivate immortality!

But it's very expensive there, ranging from thirty to three hundred spirit beads a day! "

Luo Li asked: "Chixiao Sword Sect? What's going on?"

Liu Yu replied: "Chixiao Sword Sect, that is a branch sect of the fairy world's big sect Jingxian Sword Sect. Among the lower world sects in our Lingtu Honghuang Realm, it ranks 196th and enjoys the treatment of a second-level lower world sect.

Poem in the sect: Swords soar in the Chixiao dusk, purple palaces produce night frost. Ten thousand chariots move thunder, thousands of shores extinguish flowing light.

This city is the immortal city built by Tai Anzi, who ascended to the immortal world from the Chixiao Sword Sect. He ascended to the immortal world and left this immortal city to his younger disciples, because the controller of this city is the Chixiao Sword Sect. "

Luo Li nodded. He said: "Just rest today, and decide whether to practice in Tai'an City tomorrow!"

Liu Yu chuckled and said: "Senior, in our Qingzhou County, Tai'an City is the most suitable place for practice. Other Kunyun City. The lands of the six cities, such as Qingyu City, are either occupied by some immortal cultivation families and outsiders are not allowed to go up, or there are many robbery cultivators, which are extremely dangerous and only suitable for earning some spiritual stones. In addition. Several other cities also provide cave cultivation, but they are chaotic places, and there are often reports of cultivators being attacked and killed. "

While talking, the two came to an inn. The front of this inn is a restaurant. The name of the inn is Suiyang Building. Luo Li took a few glances and secretly learned from his experience in the Zhongtian main world that this place looks clean, but there are many people and it is a bit chaotic.

He shook his head and said, "Let's go to the next one!"

Liu Yu said, "Okay. The next one, Tongfu Inn!"

When he arrived at Tongfu Inn, Luo Li was very satisfied. Unfortunately, there are no berths in it today. They are all full, so he can only go to the next one.

Luo Li frowned and said, "There are so many guests here!"

Liu Yu said, "Senior, don't you know?

Three days later is the Mahayana Grand Ceremony of Ning Daoren, the leader of the Chixiao Sword Sect. Ning Daoren has practiced for three thousand years and promoted to the Mahayana realm. You should know that being promoted to the Mahayana realm is almost half a step to becoming an immortal. So the Chixiao Sword Sect just widely sent out invitations to heroes and celebrated. A flowing banquet! So many cultivators came here to celebrate, causing the inn to be full! "Luo Li nodded, and they came to the next inn, the Yao Family Old Store. After taking a look, Luo Li was stunned. Luo Li had seen this layout before. In the Chongxuan Sect, there was an old Yao Family store, where Luo Li stayed. The old Yao Family store here is inexplicably similar to that old Yao Family store. Is there any connection between the two? Suddenly a question arose in Luo Li's mind. Luo Li decided to stay here. Entering the old Yao Family store and coming to the front desk, Luo Li booked an upper room, ten immortal beads a day, and Liu Yu was about to leave without collecting money. He will continue to guide tomorrow and collect money after a successful day. Luo Li smiled and said, "Let's go, we haven't eaten yet, let's eat something! "

During this period of time, Luo Li has been eating military rations, and he has long been tired of the taste of immortal rice. Now there is a big restaurant here, how can he not try the delicious food.

Liu Yu was stunned and said: "Senior, I am just a guide..."

Luo Li said: "Meeting is fate, let's go, you are not a big mouth!"

Speaking of this, he took Liu Yu to the restaurant of the old Yao family restaurant and ordered a few signature dishes.

Braised bear belly, stewed purple carp, stir-fried tea tree mushrooms, braised golden armor pork, plus a jade bean sprout soup.

These signature dishes are all immortal food containing spiritual energy, containing endless immortal energy. When Liu Yu saw it, his saliva was immediately left.

The two began to eat. It was indeed an old restaurant, and it was really delicious. The two finished eating for a long time. Luo Li paid the bill. This meal was not cheap, a full twenty spirit beads!

Liu Yu stood up and said goodbye. When he left, he suddenly bowed deeply to Luo Li and said:

"Thank you, senior. Others have never treated us servants as human beings. Only seniors..., thank you! "

Liu Yu's eyes were filled with hot tears, and then he turned and walked away quickly. Luo Li smiled, it was nothing to him!

After entering the backyard, he went all the way to the left, and soon he came to a secluded courtyard. The waiter pointed to the courtyard and said to Shi Xuan: "Sir, this is it, please go in."

Stepping into the courtyard, it was not big, about 70 or 80 feet square, and very clean.

Luo Li nodded, this place is not bad.

Just after entering the house to tidy up, there was a knock on the door.

Luo Li frowned and wondered who this person was. Luo Li carefully went to the door and asked:

"Excuse me, who is it?"

Immediately, a voice said: "Daoyou, please come. I am your neighbor next to you. I came here to have a small chat. I wonder if Daoyou will honor me! ”


Today there is only one chapter. I wrote until the evening these two days and felt dizzy. My left temple felt tight, as if someone was pressing it. The second chapter was almost a hundred words long. I had to lie down for ten minutes before I could recover.

I started to feel a little dizzy today. It took me almost four hours to write one chapter. I really don’t dare to write the second chapter. I will go to the hospital tomorrow to see if it is a precursor to cerebral thrombosis. That would be stupid. I am very worried.

I was just about to cheer up and get a little better, but this happened. I am really depressed.

If it is nothing, it is just a minor problem. It will continue to break out tomorrow. May Guanyin Bodhisattva bless you! (Want to know more exciting news about "The Great Way Alone"? Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign in the upper right corner, select Add a public account in Add Friends, search for "wang", follow the public account, and you will never miss any updates!) (To be continued)



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