Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,389 Old Stone Tablet with the Tathagata Palm!

The flame giant wreaked havoc on Landa Temple, destroying, destroying, and burning wherever it went.

In Landa Temple, countless monks rushed out to fight against the flame giants. Those monks were so powerful that Luo Li's flame giants were immediately shattered one by one.

However, the flame giants continued to fall one after another, endless and countless.

Gradually, a fire began to burn in a building in Landa Temple. During this flame, various fire spirits immediately rushed out of the flame.

Fire ape, fire horse, fire dragon, fire rabbit...

The fire burned, and the entire Landa Temple suffered a terrible disaster.

On the square, the battle continued. Luo Li fought against many eminent monks of Landa Temple alone. Under his attack, monks were killed by him from time to time.

Worlds of scattered spirits appear one after another, representing the deaths of eminent monks who have returned to the virtual realm.

At this moment, Luo Li never stopped and used his True Fire Avenue to explode with the strongest power.

Use all the four tenth-level magic weapons to kill endless lives.

All the true spirits under his command were released and mixed into the flame army, destroying and killing everywhere.

Even the three evil corpses were all dispatched to fight in all directions.

At this time, you can no longer hold back, and you have already launched your attack with all your strength, so let's fight to the fullest.

In this battle, Luo Li fought his way out of the confined space, into Landa Temple, and then into other spaces.

During this battle, powerful monks appeared one after another in Landa Temple.

These monks are unknown, and even the powerful men in Landa Temple do not know their existence. Some are sweeping monks, some are handymen, and some are even just Buddha statues.

But in this battle. They appeared one by one, and their strength far exceeded Bujie.

They fought with Luo Li. In this battle, Luo Li defeated the Seven Great Guiyuan in one breath!

The last old monk sweeping the floor. Under Luo Li's moral power, Hunyuan Golden Sword, he was cut into two pieces. So far, after this sword, he was beside Luo Li. There was no more monks left, and the remaining monks of Landa Temple could only stand around from a distance, not daring to move forward.

When the war started, Yuan Zhen took action. At this moment, he didn't know where he was going, but Master Xuanci stood motionless in the officialdom, in front of the inscription in Landa Temple.

Luo Li flashed back to the square, looked at Xuanci, and said, "Master Xuanci. Please enlighten me!"

He wants to challenge the abbot of Landa Temple. As long as he defeats him, Landa Temple will completely fail!

Master Xuanci looked at Luo Li. said:

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Luo Li was stunned and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Master Xuanci looked at the sky and said:

"Waiting for a quarter of an hour!"

Luo Li frowned and said, "A quarter of an hour?"

Master Xuanci said: "Yes, a quarter of an hour!"

Luo Li said: "Okay. I'll wait!"

While they were talking, time passed instantly!

Master Xuanci smiled. Said: "Here it comes, the time has come. They are coming!"

What's coming?

Master Xuanci suddenly knelt down to the stone tablet of Nalanda Temple and shouted:

"I respectfully ask my ancestors to grant me supreme divine power!"

In the stone stele of Nalanda Temple, a Buddha light suddenly rose, and a huge Buddha shadow appeared.

When the Buddha's shadow appeared, Luo Li suddenly remembered a legend!

Immortals from the lower realms, bodhisattvas who have descended into the world, and gods and demons who have transcended realms!

In the world of Zhongtian Lord, the most important reason for coming here is the Ascended Patriarch. One of them is that when the sect is in crisis, the Ascended Patriarch can be asked to come to the lower world for help.

Later, during the Rahu catastrophe, the immortal road was cut off. Although the immortal road was later reopened, it seemed that the passage was not smooth, and it became very difficult for the immortals to descend to the lower world.

Now, Master Xuanci seems to have summoned the Bodhisattva here!

The eminent Buddhist monk who once ascended has returned from the Buddhist world!

Luo Li suddenly felt a little nervous. He looked at Xuanci and immediately discovered that he was not the Bodhisattva from the past. The immortal path was not smooth enough. He could only ascend and not return. To be precise, it should be said that he was the Bodhisattva from the past. Law!

Xuanci seemed to be another person at this moment. He looked at Luo Li and said:

"Junior, if you destroy my ancestral temple, you will die! Take my palm!"

After saying that, he suddenly took action, and behind him, a huge Buddha's Dharma appeared.

Seeing this Dharma image, countless monks from Landa Temple suddenly said excitedly:

"Buddha's Palm!"

"It's the Tathagata Palm, the number one magical skill in Buddhism!"

After this palm was released, Luo Li immediately felt that there was a roaring and trembling between heaven and earth!

Boom, those raging flame giants in Landa Temple were all shattered in an instant under this palm.

The ignited flames were all extinguished in an instant!

This kind of destruction is not about explosion, but shattering!

At this moment, heaven and earth turned into each other's power in this palm. All Luo Li's flame giants were still fire spirits. In this palm, they were not tolerated by heaven and earth, so they were all destroyed.

Not only that, but Luo Li's Guiyuan Avenue was not tolerated or rejected by heaven and earth at this moment.

If it were an ordinary Guiyuan monk, the way of heaven would be shattered and he would die immediately.

But Luo Li's True Fire Avenue has surpassed the Zhongtian Lord World. It can be said to be the Avenue of the Universe. In this blow, he can only be injured but not killed!

Luo Li immediately opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Xuanci and said, "Tathagata's palm? The Buddha moves the mountains and rivers?"

This move is exactly the third form of Tathagata Divine Palm, Buddha Moves Mountains and Rivers!

Master Xuanci nodded and said: "Exactly, I didn't expect you to be immortal, then take another slap from me!"

After saying that, he took action again. Suddenly, endless power was born in him. This power surpassed everything. At this moment, he was the master of the universe, and he was the overlord of this world!

Palm of the Tathagata, the Eighth Form of Dharma is boundless!

Then behind Master Xuanci, Buddha's light appeared. This Buddha's light was peaceful and endless, but it dissolved all things. Everything that was invaded by this Buddha's light was immediately controlled by Xuanci.

Palm of the Tathagata, the sixth form of Buddha's light shines everywhere!

Just now, Luo Li was not killed with one palm strike. Immediately, the Bodhisattva incarnate in the world used two palm strikes in succession.

At this moment, he had no weaknesses and was exerting his strength to the limit. Terrifying yet powerful, calm yet fierce!

Luo Li took a long breath and jumped up. Thousands of flames also rose on him. The flame contained the power of creation. In an instant, a world was born, and then a world was destroyed. Life and death, the flames surged endlessly.

flame. Buddha's light suddenly collided!

Both are improving without restraint and exploding endlessly!

The square world was immediately burned and destroyed in the flames. The two people appeared in this world, and the flames and Buddha's light continued to rise and soar into the sky.

Soaring straight into the sky, rushing into the Qingming, even in the distant universe, you can feel this flame and Buddha's light!

All the returning gods of the Kansai region. Everyone looked here, they knew there was a war happening here.

Then there is the Return to the Void Shinichi from other regions, looking here. They were alarmed by this terrible collision of forces!

Then the ordinary monks, and finally the mortals, can see the terrifying light pillar millions of miles away!

The fire rose, and at this moment, Luo Li's accumulation began to explode!

Build the foundation. Golden elixir, Nascent Soul. Transform into gods and return to emptiness. Countless accumulations, at this moment, completely exploded!

With the foundation accumulated for eternity, he soars into the sky and crushes all enemies with overwhelming power!

The flames win!

The Buddha's light was immediately suppressed and destroyed by Luo Li's flames. The fiery fire rose up and surrounded Xuanci!

Luo Li shouted: "Refining!"

Xuanci will be turned into ashes!

At this moment, Xuanci put his hands together, palms facing inward, and shouted:

"Impermanence and no self!"

The seventh form of Tathagata Palm!

Suffering is caused by impermanence, and there is no self due to suffering. This is the Buddha's great way, which is carried out from beginning to end, so the seventh form of the Tathagata's divine palm is transformed.

As soon as this palm is released, the world is impermanent, there is no self in the world, and all laws of the past, future, and present can be broken!

At this point, Xuanci entered a strange state. He disappeared from this world, as if he had never appeared!

Luo Li's terrifying fire, even if it has the power to create and destroy the world, is ineffective on Xuanci, because he has transcended the world!

Luo Li withdrew the flame and looked at Xuanci. This terrible selfless state could not last forever, so when he came out, he would just give him a blow and worship him here!

Sure enough, Xuanci appeared immediately, but he pointed at the sky and the earth and shouted:

"I am the only one!"

When Lord Buddha was born, he pointed his finger at the heaven and earth and said, "I am the only one in heaven and under the world." This is the first gesture of the Tathagata's palm, "I am the only one who is the only one!"

Then he raised his hands above his head, sat in front of the stone tablet of Nalanda Temple, pushed Luo Li, and shouted:

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!"

The ninth form of the Tathagata Divine Palm is the most powerful palm!

This palm was issued, and in an instant, countless Buddha shadows appeared in Landa Temple. Each Buddha shadow represented an eminent monk who had existed in the past. Endless Buddha light appeared on their bodies and gathered into this palm. !

At this moment, all the living monks in Landa Temple, all the Buddhist power in their bodies flew out and gathered into this palm!

Then in the void, countless Buddha shadows appeared again, which were the future eminent monks. Their Buddhist power was transmitted through time and space and gathered into this palm!

Past, present, Future!

Then from nine days away, countless brilliance fell. They were eminent monks from other time and space worlds. Their Buddhist power was transmitted through time and space and gathered into this palm!

As soon as this palm comes out, all the Buddha's power that has ever appeared in the world will be gathered here and turned into one palm!

With one palm strike, ten thousand Buddhas will come to worship, invincible in the world!

What's even more frightening is that at this moment, no matter what power Luo Li activates, no matter how Luo Li moves the flames, he seems to be in a quagmire, unable to use any power, and can only wait for this palm to come!

No more time, no more space!

This moment is the biggest crisis in Luo Li's life!

Ever since Luo Li started cultivating immortality, he has never been in such a desperate situation!

At this most dangerous moment, Luo Li was suddenly in a strange state of calm. If he realized something, he stretched out his hand and took out a stone tablet!

That stone tablet is exactly the same as the stone tablet in Landuo Temple behind Xuanci, just one!

This is the stone tablet that Luo Li bought in the ghost market and has always carried it with him. When he met Xuanci, it once shimmered.

No matter how Luo Li checked later, he found nothing unusual, but today Luo Li knew about it.

Taking out the stone tablet, Luo Li looked at the old stone tablet. The inscription on the back of the stone tablet was terrible, and it seemed that there had been a heavy blow in the middle.

The heavy blow penetrated the stone several times, almost blasting through the monument. There were spider web-like cracks around it. The surface of the monument was shaken into scales and fell off. Only fragments of the originally densely packed inscriptions remained.

Overall, it makes people wonder if the monument will fall apart if it shakes just a little bit.

This stone tablet that I accidentally obtained back then is now the sacred object that can turn the tide! (To be continued)r580


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