Virus Throne

Chapter 582. Big Reward

As soon as Nüba spoke, the Golden Palace fell into absolute silence. Read М

The Void Emperor stood in front of the throne with his hands behind his back.

Looking around, Lei Zu looked up at the Emperor with concern.

Concubine Tongyu half-knelt on the edge of the throne. The tears on her face had long dried up, but her eyes were red, as if she could cry again at any time.

Shaohao knelt on the ground, also looking at the Emperor with burning eyes.

Although he was the one who fanned the flames behind the scenes, he just wanted to give Nüba a small blow and curb her growth rate, and never thought of killing her.

However, seeing the power of Nüba's promotion today, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and a hint of murderous intent emerged.

They were not concerned about Xu Youran, the little slave, but his master Nüba behind him.

Crying, making a fuss, and drinking medicine, if Nüba's request could not be agreed, it was really hard to imagine what else Nüba could do.

Now, if it is said that Nüba suddenly took out a doomsday virus reagent and drank it immediately, no one would be surprised.

Nüba is indeed extremely talented, but if she drinks the doomsday reagent now, she will definitely die, and even the Void Emperor cannot save her.

These relatives of Nüba never thought that Nüba, who has always been well-behaved and cute, would be so strong.

Although she occasionally has some girlish naughtiness, that is just her nature.

Today, for a slave, it has come to this.

They all want the emperor to give up. It’s just a few servants who died, which is not a big deal.

The Void Emperor looked at the three officials, the Grand Marshal Jiang Shang, with a smile on his face, which seemed to be full of deep meaning, but it seemed that he did not express any emotions.

This Grand Marshal has a long life of more than ten thousand years, and has seen too many, too many life and death, ups and downs.

It seems that he has long seen through the world, but he is rolling on the cusp of the world.

Although Grand Tutor Xuan Ce was calm on the surface, the Void Emperor could see the ecstasy in his eyes.

The Xuan Ce family had two Seventh Awakeners in one family. Now his granddaughter would soon become a Seventh Awakener, and the old man was overjoyed.

As for that little slave, he didn't care whether he was dead or alive, as long as his granddaughter behaved well and didn't make trouble.

Even if Nüba couldn't achieve the supreme position in the future, three Doomsday Monarch-level strongmen in one family would be enough to shock this starry sky and ensure the prosperity of the family for thousands of years.

Grand Sima Sun Wu was overjoyed and couldn't hold back his excitement.

Sun Wu was in charge of the national military dispatch and war arrangements. Every Seventh Awakener in the empire meant that the empire's strength would be strengthened by one point.

Defending the country and expanding the territory were all the responsibilities of the Grand Sima.

He was also very excited that the Gongsun family had a successor.

As for Nüba's request, he didn't listen at all.

The Void Emperor seemed to understand something, and looked at the Nüba standing proudly at the bottom of the steps.

She was wearing dark red flame armor, and her long red hair had long since returned to its original black color. She was heroic and graceful.

Her beautiful face and firm eyes showed her unshakable determination.

The Void Emperor sighed secretly, his daughter had grown up after all.

This is the pride and helplessness of every parent. They hope to see the young eagle spread its wings and fly in the blue sky, but they also lament the passing of time and separation.

It is not just a separation in physical distance, but also a separation in the heart. The young eagle began to have its own ideas and pursuits, and would not always move forward according to his will.

The Void Emperor nodded slightly, "Announce my decree, Princess Nvba has practiced diligently and has been promoted to the sixth awakener, which is a cause for celebration. Reward her with one million spirit stones, one Ghost God Flame, 10,000 Nether Spring Essences, a set of prehistoric battle armor, and a Blade of Destruction."


A sound of people sucking in air came from the Golden Palace. This reward was too heavy.

Shaohao's face did not change, but his heart was immediately sour.

He had not received so many rewards when he was promoted to the seventh awakener.

Compared with Nvba, he seemed to be a child picked up.

One million spirit stones were nothing, but the other rewards were indeed too valuable.

Ghost God Flame was a treasure that could only be obtained by destroying a white dwarf.

Nvba was a fire awakener, and getting this treasure was like adding wings to a tiger, and the fire lethality would definitely be three times stronger.

Although the power of the flame will be gradually weakened when practicing with this kind of flame, it can double the speed of practice for the awakened fire type.

The Nether Spring Essence comes from the bottom of the Nether Spring Glacier, and is a rare treasure of extreme coldness.

In the future, Nv Ba does not even need to go deep into the Nether Spring Glacier to practice, as long as she consumes the Nether Spring Essence.

Free from the restrictions of the environment, she can quickly improve her mental power anytime and anywhere.

Of course, if the environment allows, she will definitely practice in the Nether Spring Glacier, which is more cost-effective.

The prehistoric armor is made of doomsday-grade materials, and its defense is the pinnacle of conventional equipment in the technological civilization camp.

The armor made of a strange memory alloy can be adjusted according to the size of the body.

The smaller the body, the stronger the defense, and the larger the body, the weaker the defense.

This is the armor specially designated by the Void Emperor for Nv Ba, which is prepared for her body of the goddess of fire.

Although life and death are the first priority in battle.

But Nv Ba is an imperial princess after all, so she has to pay more attention to her manners.

What if she was wearing ordinary armor, when she transformed into the body of the Fire Goddess, wouldn't it be the same as being naked, which would be too unsightly.

Besides, when she transformed into the body of the goddess of fire, her strength also skyrocketed. The body of the fire element originally did not care much about physical damage, and the existence of the armor was mainly to protect the body.

If she encountered a strong enemy when she was alone, the defense of the doomsday-level material would be enough to greatly increase her defense.

As for the Blade of Destruction, it was even more exaggerated.

It was a giant two-handed sword that was more than two meters long, with a sharp blade on one side and jagged wolf teeth on the other side.

It is said that this long sword had killed several top strong men and was made by the top great power of the cultivation civilization camp.

The quality of the material is even higher than the doomsday level, and it can be called a peerless fierce weapon.

The Blade of Destruction was made in imitation of the Sword of Rebellion. Although it is not as good as the Sword of Rebellion, it is not far behind.

You know, the Sword of Rebellion is one of the seven divine weapons of the Star Sea Divine Kingdom, and it is definitely the top treasure of the Star Sea Divine Kingdom.

Everyone was stunned by the generous reward from the Void Emperor, only Nüba was extremely nervous.

The reward was so heavy that it seemed to be a disguised compensation.

Compensation for what?

Nüba felt sad for a while, but she still knelt on her knees and kowtowed to thank him.

Now that the Void Emperor knew that his daughter had the Void Ring, weapons like the giant sword could be easily carried with her.

When Nüba fought at her normal size, the Blade of Destruction could be used as a two-handed sword.

After transforming into the body of the Goddess of Fire, the Blade of Destruction could be used as a one-handed sword.

For Nüba's training, safety and combat effectiveness, the Void Emperor also took great pains and spent a lot of money.

In his eyes, he seemed to be able to see it in the near future.

Nüba transformed into the Goddess of Fire, holding the Blade of Destruction and wearing the prehistoric armor. Wherever she went, even the void of the universe was burned into nothingness by her flames.

Flying swords, magic weapons, fusion stage, Mahayana stage, want to get close?

All of them turned into nothingness under the burning sky and boiling sea.

The guards of Houde Palace filed in and presented the rewards one by one.

As soon as the huge and ferocious Blade of Destruction entered the Golden Palace, the temperature of the entire palace seemed to drop by several degrees.

The dark blade flashed with a touch of coldness, and the monstrous bloodthirsty killing intent seemed to seal a violent beast.

Nvba had no intention of studying these rewards at all. With a wave of her hand, she put all of them into the Void Ring.

Xu Youran was completely petrified from the moment the Void Emperor announced the rewards.

He was completely stunned. One million spirit stones, the essence of the Nether Spring, the flame of ghosts and gods, and the prehistoric battle armor.

What kind of weapon is that Blade of Destruction?

This kind of private exclusive weapon is also a collection of the royal family of the Void Mountain Empire. Naturally, the Kingdom of God system will not introduce it.

When Xu Youran saw the Blade of Destruction that had drunk countless blood, he felt his hair stand on end.


Too rich!

Nvba has made a fortune!

Seeing the piles and piles of spiritual stones, and thinking about how I had fought hard to get such a small amount, I suddenly felt that it was not so good.

Suddenly I thought of my identity. I was still waiting for the verdict. Why did I get greedy again?

I just thought that Nvba was a very good person. It didn't matter whether she had money or not.

"Father..." Nvba knelt on the ground, looked up, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Emperor Void.

"Slave Ghost Destroyer led the crowd to attack the Silent Security Headquarters. It caused a large number of casualties and robbed a large amount of property. The crime was extremely serious..." The majestic voice of Emperor Void sounded, and he was about to make the final judgment on Xu Youran.

The development of this matter to this point actually has little to do with national laws.

National laws were also formulated by the Gongsun family, and Silent Security Technology Co., Ltd. is also an industry of the Gongsun family.

Logically speaking, this matter is not that serious.

It's just that Princess Nvba is behind the murderer, and Prince Shaohao is behind the victim.

Strictly speaking, this is the family affair of the royal family.

The Void Emperor needs to treat everyone equally, so that the future Seventh Awakener Nüba can accept it, but he cannot let down the current Seventh Awakener Shaohao.

As for his use of eyes to seek the opinions of the three officials, it was only out of respect. These three are the pillars of the Void Mountain Empire.

What he really needs to care about is the attitude of Leizu, Tongyu, and Shaohao.

Maybe these people are too good at acting, or maybe the Void Emperor understood it, but pretended not to understand it.

Anyway, you all act very loving, that's good.

Xu Youran knelt on the ground, listening attentively to every word of the Void Emperor, which was every word related to his life and death.

However, Nüba was a little impatient. If she continued to speak according to the Void Emperor's meaning, she would definitely be cut into pieces.

She opened her mouth several times to interrupt the Void Emperor's judgment, but forced herself to endure it.

The conflict just now actually originated from her impulse.

This time she was not impulsive. They had died once before, so what was there to fear?

If I was not satisfied with the result, I could just keep making trouble.

The Void Emperor continued, "He should have been cut into pieces, sentenced to death, thrown into the endless purgatory, tortured until his soul was destroyed. That was his best fate."

When the Emperor said this, Nüba's heart finally slowly settled down.

The meaning of "should have" was the original plan.

Since the Emperor said this, it meant that there was a new plan.

As long as he was not dead, he should still be able to be rescued.

Xu Youran was about to cry, and his heart was beating wildly.

He also understood what the Emperor said, and it seemed that he could save his life.

Comrade Nüba played a great role in my escape from death this time. I will definitely practice dual cultivation with her a few times when I return to express my sincere gratitude.


That's not right. Why is this word so awkward?

Dual cultivation?

Dual cultivation...

Why does this word feel so evil?

It seems to be some kind of evil sect, which is not like the behavior of a decent person like me.

The cold voice of the Void Emperor echoed in the Golden Palace, "The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped..."

Damn it!

Are you still going to mess with me?

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