Virus Throne

Chapter 569. P added

After a few days, it seemed that even the Void Emperor was a little tired of these rumors, or maybe he also wanted to meet these daring slaves. Read

The decree came from Houde Palace, and the three dukes, six ministries, and nine temples will be summoned today to discuss the case together.

This decree was like a thunder, shaking the entire court.

Many people were very puzzled. Why would a small case of revenge in the rivers and lakes alarm the supreme?

There were also many people who had a hint of gloating in their hearts. The Grand Tutor was powerful in the court, his daughter Tongyu was the only one who was favored, and Princess Nvba was talented.

Seeing such people in trouble, even if they didn't get a penny of benefit, they were still secretly happy in their hearts.

There were also some people who had been secretly fanning the flames for a long time, and when they saw that the emperor finally took action, they jumped up and down even more happily.

But this decree was not good news for Nvba, Tongyu, and Xuan Ce.

If Xuan Ce's thinking could be followed, the case should have been closed long ago, the people who should be killed would have been killed, and the rumors would slowly subside.

But now it is obvious that things are going against their wishes, and things have finally reached the point they least want to see.

If only a few natural disaster gods died and the murderer had surrendered, Emperor Void would definitely not have the leisure to continue to inquire about the matter.

Now that the Golden Palace trial is required, it is obvious that the emperor also has some grudges about the content of the rumors.

At least after so many days, he has never summoned Nüba, which is already a very obvious signal.

Maybe the emperor is also thinking, if it is really his daughter, and wants to deal with his son, what should he do?

In fact, from his point of view, he really wants to smooth things over. The palm of the hand is flesh, and the back of the hand is also flesh.

What's more, he loves the flesh of the palm of the hand more.

However, the Censorate repeatedly wrote to the court, and the officials headed by the Minister of Personnel, who had lost their relatives, always chattered.

Emperor Void Xuanyuan was also very angry.

The murderer has been caught by you, why do you have to hold on to him?

Do you have to laugh at me, do you have to let me open my door to the world?

Since you want to see, I will show you!

I also want to see if my daughter is really such an idiot!

Yes, an idiot.

Emperor Void defined his daughter in this way.

It is good that Nüba and Wujiang went to disturb the Three-Body Star, which is right, and a great contribution.

It is nothing to buy a slave. The slaves of the Gongsun family are counted in billions.

But letting the slave's temper cause trouble is an idiocy.

Without understanding all the details and social relations of this slave, you can boldly treat him as a confidant, which is also an idiocy.

After such a thing happened, you don't come to me, a father, to cry and wash away your grievances. You are simply an idiot.

Are you still waiting for me to beg you to beg me?

I am wise and powerful, why do I have such an idiot daughter?

For this trial, all parties took action.

All kinds of evidence were sorted out again, and we tried to make it an ironclad case, but there were still some people who left some vague clues, pointing to certain directions.

Officials whose relatives died seemed to be free to bleed, and they wrote more and more blood letters, and the words became bigger and bigger.

Whether it was someone who instructed them or someone who hinted, these people were very confident.

Someone died in our family, we are the weak, we stand on the moral high ground, and it’s okay to make a fuss.

As for those who spread rumors and threw dirty water, they were even more excited.

Was it someone who instructed them, or was it simply led astray? The law does not hold everyone responsible. Even if I was wrong, I was just deceived.

We are just spectators, we are the most innocent.

All kinds of black and white trolls emerged one after another, and each of them was like a detective, not letting go of any clues.

The motives, starting points, where the intelligence came from, and what cruel methods these thugs used were all analyzed in detail.

"There is something wrong with this case. Didn't you see that the emperor personally inquired about it?"

"The leading slave is called Demon Slayer and comes from an inconspicuous indigenous planet."

"When he was on the Fortress Star of the Three-Body System, I heard that he often fooled around with the mistresses and slaves of the Black Blood Manor."

"What mistress?"

"Black Blood's wives and daughters! Don't you know this?"

"Ah... a slave who can take care of both young and old, doesn't Black Blood have a green planet on his head?"

"Maybe Black Blood is with him... hehe, you know..."

"Princess Nüba..."

"Want to die? Don't talk nonsense!"

"As soon as Princess Nüba's discussion meeting was held, he went there immediately. He committed a crime. When he was needed, he happened to return from the crime. Isn't this time too coincidental? "

"I heard that he defeated the Saint Son Qi Shaoshang with one sword. With such strong strength, the princess didn't find any problems at all?"

"Alas, there are doubts everywhere..."

"So few people killed so many strong men in less than five minutes. Could there be a ghost?"

"Poor Prince Shaohao, such a good person, has to take the blame, alas..."

"The prince is kind and merciful, and he defended her, really..."

"Have you seen the announcement of the Patrol Department?"

"It's all to fool us ordinary people, specially for us to see, there must be inside information."

All kinds of remarks and attacks came overwhelmingly.

Tongyu was afraid of affecting Nuba's mood, so she didn't dare to mention it to Nuba at all.

But because of these rumors, I secretly cry every day and can't sleep at night.

If the emperor also saw these remarks, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But the female tycoon didn't seem to care at all. If she wanted to go to court, she could go to court.

Anyway, let’s make a statement according to the rhetoric everyone has formulated.

If you kneel down in front of your father and cry, and ask Brother Shaohao to say a few nice words, there should be no big problem.

It's a pity that that guy may be dead after such a long time...

It's better to die, once and for all, it will save you from having to blow him up yourself if you make him unhappy.

In the exquisite wing of Xuanxiao Mansion, Daji could not walk out of the room, but she still dressed herself up extremely delicately and beautifully.

This was not her first time coming to Void Mountain, and she had also heard about the deeds of the female demon princess.

But when she saw the female demon princess on the fortress planet, she pretended not to recognize her at all.

Daji has mastered many people's secrets, and she also has many secrets herself.

Those secrets are her trump cards. Only the trump cards that no one knows can be called trump cards.

Everyone in the world knows your cards, and they will only be restrained to death.

She has never mentioned to anyone that she also knows Prince Shaohao, and not just.

This handsome, doomsday-level powerhouse had already successfully captured her heart.

Every once in a while, she would come to Void Mountain to cover up her connections and have secret meetings with Shaohao.

But now, no matter how stunningly she dressed, Shaohao never looked at her.

Shaohao has come here several times in the past few days, but he always leaves after sitting for a while.

From Shaohao's cold eyes, Daji could tell that once a man changed his heart, none of the nine dragons could hold him back.

At the same time, she also realized something deeply.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain.

Shaohao didn't talk to her about the conspiracy at all. The power that the Seventh Awakened One could use was too powerful.

Daji looked at the red sun star that was gradually setting in the west, and another day passed.

She knew nothing about the situation in the outside world. When Shaohao came occasionally, he would talk to her in a few words.

But she knew that there must be a big problem outside, a big and earth-shaking problem.

Shaohao is not the kind of person who hides his beauty in a golden house, and his attitude towards her is not the kind of person who hides his beauty in a golden house.

"Whoa!" The door opened gently, and Shaohao, dressed in a brocade robe, walked in gracefully and calmly.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work." Daji jumped up happily and poured Shaohao a cup of tea.

Shaohao sat down with a smile on his face, "Daji, are you still used to the life here?"

"I've been here for many days, and I'm already used to it. Drinking wine, sipping tea, it's very quiet." Daji said with a smile and sat down on the chair next to Shaohao. There was no trace of unhappiness at all.

"That's good." Shaohao looked at Daji's beautiful face while drinking tea, "You have suffered a lot in Zhenhun Street over the years, and you should have taken a rest long ago."

"Oh, Daji was born to have a hard life, what's the point of suffering?" Daji sighed softly, "Kukluoluo saved me several times. If it weren't for repaying his life-saving grace, I would have been with the prince all the time. around."

Daji's words are pure nonsense. What is her origin, and what is Shaohao's origin.

Even if she could stay with Shaohao for a long time one day, she would be nothing more than a slave girl at best.

How could the dignified prince of the Void Mountain Empire marry a woman like her?

Even the lowest concubine cannot have her turn.

Daji clearly understood this, so she did not want to stay in Void Mountain for a long time.

No matter how good Shaohao is, he is still a man...

"By the way, it seems that your companions will say goodbye to you tomorrow." Shaohao said casually.

Daji's heart dropped, and she finally got down to business.

"I don't quite understand what the prince means..." Daji said timidly.

"Tomorrow my father will convene the Three Dukes, Six Ministries, Nine Temples, and the Golden Palace for a trial. If nothing unexpected happens..." Shaohao sneered, "It's just a few ants, so there shouldn't be any surprises."

"Golden Palace Trial? We don't seem to have that much energy to alarm His Majesty, right?" Daji also didn't expect that this matter would become so big.

"You are just star thieves, taking people's money to ward off disasters. But the people behind you are so powerful." Shaohao glanced at Daji, "Is that Demon Slayer someone from Zhenlong Mansion?"


Daji, who was as smart as ice and snow, immediately understood what Shaohao meant.

It turns out that Shaohao is waiting for her here!

"People's girls are stupid, please let me know for sure." Daji asked softly.

"Hehe! You are very smart, why bother pretending to be confused with me. If these people did something bad to me under the instruction of my good girl, wouldn't it be interesting?" Shaohao said with a smile, " Wouldn’t it be more interesting if there was a middleman?”

"My lord, you... do you want me to die?" Daji's face turned slightly pale.

"Are you still afraid that I can't protect you? I'm still reluctant to let you die." Shaohao gently touched Daji's face, "You should think about it. If you think about it, we will enter the palace together tomorrow morning. You know , with my strength, whether you are willing or unwilling, I can make you say what I want you to say. "

After Shaohao finished speaking, he stood up, smoothed Daji's hair, and kissed her forehead gently.

Until Shaohao left for a long time, Daji sat on the chair without moving.

The sunset slowly sets, and the darkness of Void Mountain finally falls.

Daji did not turn on the light, but sat alone in the darkness, like a black silhouette.

Daji, who was extremely beautiful, thought that she had also entered Shaohao's heart.

Only now did I realize that I was just a joke.

At this moment, Daji felt extremely cold and lonely, and her whole body seemed to be paralyzed.

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