Virus Throne

Chapter 44. Rumors

When the military jeep was driving on the expressway on the east side of the inner ring road, Xu Youran suddenly thought of Li Xuan of the Seventh Regiment.

He raised his hand and made a phone call, and made an appointment to pick up Li Xuan in front of the gate of the Seventh Regiment.

Xu Youran clicked on the artificial intelligence option, "Go to the seventh regiment's station."

The military jeep turned a corner and soon came to the gate of the seventh regiment's station.

Li Xuan, wearing her usual black combat uniform, opened the car door and jumped out.

After looking him up and down, he said, "Young man, it's okay. He's quite handsome. Isn't it so formal to get a certificate?"

Xu Youran smiled strangely, "Watch your words. Fortunately, it's just the two of us now, otherwise others would think we were going to get some certificates."

"What kind of certificate can we two get?" Li Xuan saw Xu Youran's evil smile and suddenly reacted, "If you want to get it, I'll go home and get the household registration book."

"You have a beautiful idea. I will be a lieutenant officer soon. You want to get in touch with me? No way..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Xuan pinched him, causing him to grin.

The two chatted and laughed and soon arrived at No. 700 Yanjing West Road.

Li Xuan said he wanted to go to the office hall, and Xu Youran came to Commander Zou's office alone and knocked on the door.

The confidential secretary opened the door. In addition to Commander Zou, a major officer was also there.

When Xu Youran saw the major officer, he was slightly startled. He knew this officer.

The battalion commander Zhang Jikun whom I met at the gate of the zoo a few days ago.

Commander Zou saw him walking in, waved his hand and said, "You must have met Battalion Commander Zhang Jikun. He has been transferred to the newly formed Watcher Corps. You will belong to his battalion from now on."

Xu Youran said hello to Battalion Commander Zhang again. Zhang Jikun smiled and nodded. He was also very satisfied with this capable young man.

Not many people are willing to give up the generous benefits of other departments and stay in the military.

And Xu Youran is probably the only one in the entire army who is willing to use ten precious silver merits to improve his military rank.

Silver meritorious deeds are very valuable in the eyes of many people and are very difficult to obtain. At least for most awakened people, silver-level mutant beasts are still a nightmare.

But in Xu Youran's opinion, silver-level mutant beasts are just that.

He has fought against the strongest silver-level kings in single combat, but he really doesn't take the other silver-level mutant beasts seriously.

Give him a chance and enough time, and he is confident that he can kill any silver-level mutant beast at will, even though he is only a second awakener.

If he were asked to improve the quality of his ice armor to diamond quality, he would dare to challenge a gold-level boss.

Commander Zou didn't waste any time. He picked up a brand new military certificate from his desk and walked to Xu Youran.

Xu Youran stood at attention, saluted, took the brand new military document with both hands, and returned his previous military document to Commander Zou.

Commander Zou picked up the epaulettes of the two lieutenants, helped Xu Youran take off the second lieutenant's epaulettes, and put on the lieutenant's epaulettes.

Xu Youran stood at attention and saluted again, and Commander Zou also stood at attention and returned the salute.

Even though the awarding was over, Xu Youran was still very excited.

In just a few months, he surpassed the restriction that others could only be promoted once every four years and was promoted to lieutenant officer.

As he said goodbye and came out, he looked at the military documents in his hand.

It still had gold characters on a black background, but instead of a shield, it was a steel gun with a pair of wings spread out on both sides.

The following two lines of fine print:

First row: Great Qin People’s Watcher Corps

Second row: Wartime Committee of the Great Qin Military Department

Opening it, his photo is posted on the left side.

Other content:

Name: Xu Youran

Sex: Male

Date of birth: September 29, 2012, Earth Star Era

ID number: xxxxxx201209295014

Position: 0086QG025 Base Awakener Unit First Platoon Leader

Rank: Lieutenant

Xu Youran closed the ID and carefully put it in his pocket.

Suddenly I thought of my father and wondered what he would think when he saw this certificate.

Zhang Jikun, who came out next to him, saw Xu Youran's expression and movements and secretly admired in his heart, this is a real warrior.

I feel that Xu Youran cherishes being able to become a soldier and an officer.

"Xiao Xu." Zhang Jikun patted Xu Youran's shoulder, "I verified your record for you. I was surprised to see those battle marks."

"Thank you, Battalion Commander Zhang, what will be the next mission for our troops?" Xu Youran wanted to know the next mission.

"Don't worry. Starting next month, our country will successively begin to carry out precise attacks on designated targets. We will strive to eliminate those powerful mutant beasts in the shortest possible time. We will summon all members of our army to join the team and we will notify you."

"I'm still in the original unit for the time being, helping the local garrison with defense?"

"Yes, everyone is temporarily responsible for helping with defense. After we start precise strikes, there will be tasks more suitable for us."

When they walked downstairs, the two separated and watched Battalion Commander Zhang get into the military jeep. Xu Youran saluted and said goodbye.

When he arrived at the building where the Council of Awakeners worked, Xu Youran saw Li Xuan sitting alone in the corner, dazed.

He walked over and patted Li Xuan on the shoulder and said, "Silly girl, what are you thinking about? Do you want to go to the city for a walk?"

Li Xuan was seen saying angrily: "I'm going to turn around, I'm so angry."

"What's the matter? Is it so serious? Aren't you the one who always makes others angry?" Xu Youran was a little curious and thought about the honorary committee member. "By the way, I still need some documents, please wait for me."

Xu Youran just thought the little girl was having a tantrum, so she didn't pay much attention and came to the service window.

"I'm here to get my ID." Xu Youran said to the girl in the window.

"What certificate?"

"Honorary Committee member, you told me to come and collect it at any time. I just happened to come here today."

"Honorary member?" The clerk was a little surprised. There is still the position of honorary member in the Council?

After a quick check through the light curtain on the side, there was indeed a certificate of honorary committee member.

After checking his identity, the clerk handed the honorary committee member's ID card to Xu Youran.

Before Xu Youran could take a closer look at the certificate, he seemed to hear someone talking and pointing at him not far away.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear Li Xuan's name.

He frowned slightly, and when he turned his head to look over, those people closed their mouths one after another.

He became even more strange and walked to Li Xuan, "By the way, I haven't said why you are angry yet?"

"Why am I angry?" Li Xuan pointed at the few awakened people gathered in the distance and raised her voice, "I just had a quarrel with them."

"What happened to them?" Xu Youran was even more confused.

"Your heroic deeds are now on the military intranet, don't you know?" Li Xuan said angrily.

"I don't know, what does that have to do with the quarrel?" As Xu Youran spoke, he opened the light screen and started checking the recent news. The latest headline was about him.

News headline: A lone hero goes deep into a tiger's den, hunting down silver-level players like he's searching for something in a bag!

Serving in the army wholeheartedly to protect the family and the country, he can be regarded as a true role model for our country!

Xu Youran didn't need to read the content to know that it was about hunting mutant beasts, rejecting a stable job, and joining the army.

"Just now those people said that you had falsified your military achievements, that our team led you to kill those silver-level mutant beasts, and then the two of us conspired to kill my teammates..." At this point, Li Xuan's eyes turned red. "I took a look at the base forum just now, and many people were saying this..."

Xu Youran frowned and turned to look at the awakened ones in the distance. Some were wearing combat uniforms, some were wearing casual clothes, and some were wearing suits.

He frowned tightly and stared at those people with squinted eyes, an invisible murderous aura spreading out.

Li Xuan was also frightened. She knew very well how powerful Xu Youran was.

Killing a second-awakened person is like killing a dog. She is afraid that Xu Youran will go crazy and start killing here.

In that case, the two of them would have no choice but to fight their way out and live on the run.

She quickly took Xu Youran's hand and said, "Don't be impulsive. This is all on the forum now. It's useless if you kill these people."

Xu Youran seemed to squeeze out a few words from between his teeth, "Play soft violence with me on the Internet!"

He wanted to break free from Li Xuan's hand, but Li Xuan held it tightly.

He had no choice but to drag Li Xuan to the front of those people.

"What did you guys just say? Tell me again." Xu Youran has killed too many mutant beasts, including more than a dozen silver-level ones, and he also killed many people.

The murderous aura naturally revealed on his body made those people seem to be suffocated.

My heart was beating wildly, my hands and feet were so weak that I almost couldn't stand still.

Finally, someone with a little more courage stammered: "It's all... it's all said on the Internet, not us..."

"I'm too lazy to read. Please repeat it to me." Xu Youran said coldly.

"It's really not what I said. It is said on the Internet that you two killed your teammates and took the materials to lie about your military exploits..." Although the man's legs were frightened by Xu Youran's aura, but this was the Awakened Council, and he didn't I believe that Xu Youran dares to do something outrageous here.

Xu Youran gritted his teeth. He wanted to know who was so shameless and could create such rumors.

"Bangdang" the door was pushed open, and Inspector Zhao, whom I had seen last time, walked in with a few people in suits.

Someone must have noticed that the atmosphere here was a little tense and reported secretly.

"It's you again! Xu Youran, why do you make trouble every time you come here? Where is this place and who are you? Think about it clearly!" That Inspector Zhao shouted angrily.

"Where is this place? Who am I?" Xu Youran looked at Inspector Zhao coldly, "I am an active-duty officer, a lieutenant platoon leader! Someone has spread rumors about an active-duty officer. I am conducting verification. Do you have any opinions?"

" are so presumptuous!" Inspector Zhao was also completely angered. He had also seen the rumors about Xu Youran on the Internet.

He originally didn't believe that such a young man could kill so many silver-level mutant beasts by himself, and after reading so many similar rumors, he hated Xu Youran even more for lying about his military exploits.

"This is the Council of Awakened People. As an awakened person, you should accept the management of the Council!"

Inspector Zhao thought to himself that as a second-time awakener, even if he was not so leisurely, he would not be too far behind, not to mention there were two other second-time awakeners around him.

He pointed at Xu Youran and shouted angrily: "You want to rebel, right? Get it for me!"

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