Virus Throne

Chapter 186. A golden thigh

This time the start was not fantastic enough, and the flying sword sneak attack did not play a crucial role.

Most of the attacks fell on Xu Youran. She knew that Xu Youran had thick skin and flesh, and she could not be killed by cutting anyway, so she just used it to vent her anger.

Xu Youran took the double attack of the mountain lion and the tigress, and stood at the forefront, creating a chance for other comrades to kill.

In less than three minutes, the second mountain lion, under the "cooperation" and "tacit cooperation" of the six little strong men, finally fell to the ground after a wail, and completely lost its vitality.

"Ding, ding, ding..." The last burst of intensive cutting sounds actually came from Xu Youran.

Lianna, who had caused a big disaster, hurried forward to pull her. If this girl went crazy again, Xu Youran would spank her again.

Xu Youran spread his hands helplessly and looked at other teammates.

Although others didn't understand, they knew that Xu Youran must have done something wrong.

Maybe he was still angry after the spanking, and maybe he wanted to experience it again.

Everyone was looking up at the stars, looking down at the earth, or lighting cigars. In short, no one helped.

"Harvest the spoils and go back to grill the puma." Xu Youran squatted down first and began to harvest the spoils, not daring to even look at it.

"Humph!" Lianna wanted to go crazy, of course, but she couldn't stop him, but she finally gave her a way out.

She didn't want to be spanked again after being spanked once.

She knew the little thoughts of these stinky men too well, and they were all waiting to watch the fun.

Holding Lianna's hand, the culprit, they flew to the corpse of the first puma.

The materials of the gold-level mutant beast must be harvested immediately, in case they are accidentally taken away by the mutant beast.

One hundred points of merit, it's too late to cry.

When the six people returned to the campfire again, there was already an extra puma thigh.

Grilling fish and thighs at the same time, the white garlic meat of the grilled fish is fragrant, and the greasy lion meat of the grilled thighs is mouth-watering.

The ancients were not deceiving me, there is nothing that a small barbecue can't solve.

Xu Youran was drenched in blood and had to wash again.

Just as she stood up, she also stood up. Xu Youran looked at her blankly, "I'm going to take a shower."

"I'll go see." With his hands on his chest, he looked as if it was a matter of course.

"Fuck! "A cry of surprise rang out. Is this still the arrogant one?

This is simply destroying my worldview. You who are called the goddess of the training camp, you have fallen!

"If you go to see it, I will watch you again next time you take a shower..." Before she finished speaking, Xu Youran knew that she had said the wrong thing and quickly covered her mouth.

Except for Lianna, the other three people actually didn't know what happened between them.

But now everyone knows.

It turned out that Xu Youran had peeped at her while she was taking a shower just now, so she was so angry.

But Xu Youran has been with them all the time, how did she peek?

Any secrets?

Can you share it?

The whole pretty face flushed instantly, "Huh! "With a coquettish voice, she turned and ran towards the stream.

Liana was afraid of getting angry again, so she could only pull Xu Youran's sleeve and point at the stream.

"Look if you want to, I'm not afraid..." Xu Youran roared, and threw himself into the stream with his clothes on.

"Plop..." A huge splash of water was aroused.

Looking at Xu Youran playing in the stream with anger and amusement, she squatted down and began to wash the blood off her face and hands.

This team gave her a feeling of not only being powerful, but also fun.

She went in and out of the jungle more than a dozen times, from the initial trembling, to the later big team work Fight.

She chewed on compressed food, kept driving away mosquitoes, and had to be on guard against mutant beasts that could attack at any time.

Even though she was getting stronger and stronger, her sensitive nerves were always tense after entering the jungle.

In this jungle, she had seen too many separations of life and death, and too many bloody killings.

Not to mention the students around her, she even saw the instructor die in battle here.

She had gone through more than a dozen jungle adventures, and each time she was almost dead, she barely gained a few hundred points of military merit.

When she saw Xu Youran's military merit for the first time, she didn't believe it.

How could a student Gaining so many military merits in one training?

This is unscientific!

She thought Xu Youran must have faked it, but it was soon confirmed that it was not faked.

She began to doubt whether Xu Youran had any tricks.

As for Xu Youran's strength, she looked down on it.

But the spanking in Manaus made her completely sober.

This man is so strong after three awakenings, it's ridiculous!

There must be a secret, a big secret!

She admired her uncle, the powerful Magellan, who was the protector of the whole family.

The deterrent power even spread throughout South America. Lu, she wanted to be as strong as her uncle, so she called herself.

So she needed to know the secret of Xu Youran's strength, so she followed into the jungle with a thick face.

The strength of this team was imaginable, but it still exceeded her imagination.

From that valley to the Amazon River, it was a run of hundreds of kilometers.

It only brought her surprise. This team seemed to have opened the eyes of heaven, as if it had its own radar.

Crazy harvest of military merits, avoiding cliffs and choosing the best route forward.

After running for hundreds of kilometers, it was unexpected that more than a hundred military merits were earned in such a confused way.

There were no attrition, no injuries, and not much fatigue, which is amazing.

In a bloody battle by the Amazon River, more than a hundred mutant beasts were killed in less than half an hour.

Camping, bonfires, barbecues, and parties, in five minutes, two gold-level mutant beasts were easily killed, and another two hundred points of combat merit were recorded.

Calculated, if the battle in the evening can harvest spoils, this day is equivalent to running hundreds of kilometers and harvesting almost 500 points of military merit.

After seven days, at least 3,500 points of combat merit will be accumulated, and more than 600 points of combat merit can be divided among each person.

When all the students entered the jungle, there was no one who was not trembling with fear, except this team.

There was singing, dancing, and bathing.

Hmm... singing, laughing, singing and dancing, it should be that I have been scolding him and chasing him.

Think of a bath, Farke!

He went up again, raised his hand and threw out a series of cuts.

"Ding, ding, ding..." Dense sparks flashed across Xu Youran's body.

"Fake! You're crazy again!" The startled Xu Youran roared angrily.

Fortunately, in order to save his mental energy, he never removed the ice armor after it was condensed.

Otherwise, these few blows might disembowel him.

Several other teammates looked up towards the creek and found that the happy enemies were still alive. They lowered their heads and continued to eat meat as if they were not seeing anything.

This place is close to the Amazon River, and two more gold-level mutant beasts have appeared, which shows how dangerous this place is.

Xu Youran didn't dare to sleep this time. He chose to keep vigil by himself while everyone else rested.

Seeing Liana take out two sleeping bags and blankets from two backpacks, everyone collapsed again.

Look at Xu Youran and then Liana, are you two really here for camping?

She leaned forward with a playful smile, "Nana, isn't it bad for girls' health if they sleep on the grass?"

Of course Liana understood what she meant, and generously gave her a sleeping bag and a blanket, "Women, be kind to yourself!"

"Nana is so good!" He hugged Liana and kissed her on the head. This experience was a pleasure.

The relationship between women is so strange. Yesterday they were fighting to death, today they are scowling, and at night they can hug and kiss.

Several grown men were stunned and found a piece of dry grass and lay down in their clothes.

Each person lights a cigar, smokes and farts at the same time.

The one who just lay down was still a little nervous. This is the Amazon jungle. Is it too bold and unrestrained?

But when she saw Liana, she quickly fell asleep and fell into a deep sleep.

She finally felt confident and began to sleep peacefully.

After running for hundreds of kilometers and encountering a series of bloody battles, she was indeed exhausted.

Starlight fell, and the breeze rustled the leaves.

Amidst the howls of mutated beasts and the chirping of countless frogs in the distance, a huge bonfire burned brightly, seeming to light up the boundless night.

It seems that in this tragic and bloody apocalyptic world, a fire of hope has been ignited, and human civilization has been passed on with difficulty.

Xu Youran was sitting cross-legged on the treetop, holding the golden holy sword in his arms, looking up at the endless starry sky, silently guarding his teammates who were gradually falling into sleep.

Within the coverage of the divine consciousness, a flying sword, like a ghost in the night, is constantly harvesting the evil lives of the mutated beasts.

There is tranquility and peace amidst the chaos, and there is a bloody ferocity of hope in the dead silence in the midst of a catastrophe. It is like a beautiful picture, contradictory yet harmonious.

At dawn, the sun climbed onto the branches, and the bright light woke up the team.

He also opened his sleepy eyes, yawned and stretched.

The sleep was sound, deep and comfortable.

He turned his head and looked around, then suddenly woke up.


Where am I?

This is the Amazon jungle, what am I doing?

Why do you sleep so soundly?

Somewhat disbelievingly, he got out of the sleeping bag and watched several other teammates wake up from their slumber one after another.

Except for Balikaka, everyone seemed to have a very happy and comfortable sleep.

It was simply better than sleeping at home in Rio de Janeiro.

I was shocked again by this magical team. The thrilling experience of narrow escape was completely thrown off the rhythm by this team.

Eat well, sleep soundly, get a lot of military exploits, and there is no danger.

Next time, would you like to call uncle here?

He also seems to be lacking in military exploits...

Xu Youran floated down from the treetops, and she didn't look tired at all.

He glanced at everyone and found that everyone was resting well. "Okay, hurry up and start working. I probably killed more than a hundred mutant beasts last night and harvest the materials separately."

"Fake! Are you kidding me?" Finally I couldn't help it anymore.

I slept all night, and you told me that there are still more than a hundred points of military merit to be obtained!

I bought it! I hugged a golden thigh!

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