Although I know that these things have nothing to do with me, they are things from my previous life.

However, at this moment, Hu Qianzao was still a little uncomfortable.

My biological father in the previous life was a big villain.

Forget it, he deserved to be killed now, but he was taken away by even worse people.

Then, what will happen to me next?

After all, it was her previous life, so she still cared a little bit.

"This method of seizing the body is really rare even among the evil sect's exercises."

Looking at the scene in the picture, the female fairy of Jade Fox Palace said:

"I just hope that this kind of practice will no longer be passed on in this world. Otherwise, if one day, your closest person is suddenly taken away by others, it will be too terrible."


Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Everyone then turned their gazes to - the picture.....

For what happened to Ye Xuan, some people have already developed sympathy at this time.

It's really pitiful, the master who was rescued with all his might, never thought that he would be worse than his uncle.

At least my master doesn’t want his life——!!!

What will Ye Xuan do next?

"I didn't expect that Master has always treated me like this..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan was hiding behind the shade of a tree, quietly looking at the iron mountain in front of him, who was adapting to his new body.

He didn't dare to act rashly, because the means used by the master before had exceeded his cognition.

At this time, calmness is the best choice.

"The method of seizing the house.....

If I'm not mistaken, it's the master's spell now occupying the master's body. If he can cast this kind of black magic again in a short time, then I'm done.

What I have to do now is to immediately escape from his sight, and from now on, I will never appear in front of him again

But, after I leave, what will Linger do?

Anyway, he is the daughter of the master, but.

Ye Xuan thought to himself:

"The master took away the uncle, so what will Hu Qian'er do?

She didn't know it yet, she was once an innocent person.

If I leave everything behind and ignore it, can I really feel at ease from now on?!"

"It's just a gamble."

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan strengthened his determination, he must go back.



Hearing Ye Xuan's voice, everyone present couldn't help being a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan would still care about Hu Qianer?

You know, Hu Qian'er is Hu Wanquan's daughter, and she did those things to Ye Xuan later.

In theory, Hu Qianer is also Ye Xuan's enemy.

It seems that the current Ye Xuan is not a heartless person.

Perhaps, they did have some misunderstandings about Ye Xuan before...

Just because of Ye Xuan's previous experience, some people already unconsciously feel that Ye Xuan is very pitiful.

Under such circumstances, seeing Ye Xuan is so humane, they naturally can't help but empathize with him.

Just when Ye Xuan made up his mind that he must go back.

On the other side, Yu Tieshan has completely adapted to Hu Wanquan's body.

He looked at his hands and said to himself:

"This blood soul seizing technique can only be performed once every fifty years... This body seems to be able to last for less than fifty years, so what should I do... Anyway, let me replace senior brother and enjoy the glory and wealth of the world——!"

As he spoke, he turned around and headed towards Jianghua City.

But in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared thousands of feet away.

After Yu Tieshan, who had captured Hu Wanquan, left, everyone outside the screen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief for Ye Xuan. .

After all, there is something wrong with Ye Xuan's current hiding place. If Yu Tieshan finds out, he may be dead now.

Fortunately, Yu Tieshan didn't notice Ye...

But Ye Xuan, at this time, was still hiding in the hiding place, and had no intention of coming out. 】

Seeing Ye Xuan like that, someone said:

"Haha... It seems that Ye Xuan was frightened, and he didn't plan to come out at this time."

"It looks like he doesn't plan to come out until dawn."

"Isn't he too timid? People have gone so far!"

The people in Jade Fox Palace said so, however.

[The next moment, I saw a figure descending from the sky and landed in the previous place.

Isn't it who Yu Tieshan is?

In other words, it was Hu Wanquan's Jade Tieshan that was taken away—!

He scanned the surrounding situation with his eyes, and said with some doubts:

...asking for flowers......

"It seems that Ye Xuan didn't think he was smart this time. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Now that he's gone, I won't go after him anymore for the sake of master and apprentice."

With that, he turned and left. 】


Seeing the Jade Iron Mountain disappearing from the screen, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace felt awkward.

Good guy, he will come back?!!

If Ye Xuan hadn't been able to hide just now, I'm afraid Ye Xuan would be dead by now—!

The Jade Fox Palace man who said Ye Xuan was cowardly before, now he can't wait to reach out and slap himself hard on the face.

After being slapped so many faces, he dared to underestimate Ye Xuan, he really didn't learn a lesson.

But this time, Ye Xuan should come out, right?!

Thinking in this way, everyone turned their eyes to the picture.

[In the picture, Ye Xuan is still hiding in the hiding place, and has no plans to come out.

He even held his own breath, as if his whole body had completely merged into the shade of the trees in the night.


Seeing Ye Xuan being so cautious, everyone in Jade Fox Palace couldn't help but twitch.

No way?

Still hiding, can the Jade Tieshan come back? !!

[The next moment, I saw a figure flashing past, appearing in another place on the top of the mountain, quietly looking down the mountain.

Although he looked very carefully, he didn't see any figure.

This person is Yushan.

Using Hu Wanquan's body, his eyes were like lightning, and after scanning the forest in the mountain back and forth many times, he sighed helplessly.

"It seems that Ye Xuan has escaped...Since he didn't hear what I said just now, and doesn't know that I have taken away my brother, then let him go."

After finishing speaking, Yu Tieshan's figure flashed and left again.



Until this moment, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace finally understood what it means to be sinister.

Although they live longer than Ye Xuan, their cultivation base is higher than Ye Xuan.

But if they encountered such a situation, I am afraid they would have died several times long ago.

But Ye Xuan, is living well......

All of a sudden, the disciples of Jade Fox Palace felt as if they had learned a lot and grown a lot.

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