"Hehe... Reincarnation in one lifetime... You have completely forgotten..."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Elder Qingxue showed a sad smile on his beautiful face.

Immediately, she raised her plain hand, and behind her, a magic weapon flew out.

"I didn't want you to die in an unclear way."

Elder Qingxue said:

"This is a debt you owed me in your previous life, and you will never pay it off in your whole life—!"

"Past life?!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but look speechless, he had just traveled to this world, and had a hairy past life——! ! !

Moreover, once entering reincarnation, the past will be forgotten. As a cultivator of immortals, you don't know this kind of thing, right? ! !

Some people don't know whether they were male or female, human or beast in the previous life.

"Uncle Qingxue, although I don't know what relationship Ye Xuan has with you in his previous life, even if he really did something in his previous life, it has nothing to do with him now——!"

Yu Linger quickly said:

"Once you enter reincarnation, the past is never the same. If everyone pursues the karma of the previous life, then in this world, doesn't everyone have karma?!"


Hearing Yu Linger's words, Qingxue sneered and said:

"But, in his previous life, he was the same person as him?!"


Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being shocked, and looked at Ye Xuan:

"How could a person be the same person in his previous life?!"

"Because he didn't enter reincarnation at all, and he didn't wash away the karma of his previous life."

Fairy Qingxue looked at Ye Xuan and said:

"Forget it, it seems that you won't understand and feel aggrieved just by telling me, so I'll let you know what you've done to me---!!!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand, and the magic weapon behind her flew in front of Ye Xuan.

That is a mirror.

Driven by Qingxue's spiritual power, the mirror instantly became larger, turning into a huge aura mirror, and the mirror surface always illuminated Ye Xuan's location.

Looking at Ye Xuan and Yu Linger, Qingxue sneered and said:

"This treasure, called the Mirror of the Past, can look after a person's past, after you read it, you will understand.

Also, don't try to procrastinate until someone comes to save you, because when I came, I had already cast the Heaven Cave technique on you.

Even if we have spent a few days inside, to the outside, it is only a short while. "

The Qianchen Mirror is a unique treasure of the Taihua Immortal Sect. It is said that it is bestowed by the gods. The power of this mirror goes straight to the wheel of fate. Everything that can be seen with the Qianchen Mirror is the truth, and there is no mistake.

At the beginning, she also joined the Taihua Xianmen in order to obtain the Qianchen mirror and use the Qianchen mirror to pursue Ye Xuan's whereabouts.

Unfortunately, this mirror has never had a chance to be used.

Now is the time to use this treasure.

"Front mirror?!"

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but change her expression.

She once heard her mother say that there are many treasures in Taihua Immortal Sect, among which Qianchen Mirror is the most powerful treasure.

No matter what it is, it can look after the past, which is amazing.

Even a stone on the side of the road, with the front dust mirror, you can see a lot about the past of this stone.

Unexpectedly, such a treasure was actually in the hands of Elder Qingxue.

Could it be that Brother Ye Xuan really did something too much to Elder Qingxue? ! !

Thinking of this, Yu Linger turned her eyes to Ye Xuan...

According to Elder Qingxue, Ye Xuan did not enter reincarnation in his previous life, and he was actually the same person as him in his previous life.

What's going on here? ! !

Facing Yu Linger's gaze, Ye Xuan also felt a little helpless.

Although he already guessed that the other party is also a heroine, and, in her script, he must be a big villain.

It's normal for her to kill herself...

However, I didn't even get the script now.

"Ding, the script of the second heroine has been detected, may I ask the host, do you want to check the script of the heroine?!"

At this moment, the system sound rang.

At the same time, the world in front of Ye Xuan's eyes seemed to have stopped.


The system is finally here...

From the looks of it, I guessed right.

Alright, let's see what kind of villain I am this time—! ! !


Following Ye Xuan's thought, a message appeared in his mind the next moment.

It was about the second heroine, Mo Qingxue's script.

After reading the content of the script, Ye Xuan's expression became strange.

What the hell, according to the heroine's script, this time I'm not only a villain, but also a scumbag.

No wonder Elder Qingxue hated him so much, even though he was also a Taihua disciple, he was going to kill him in Taihua territory.

The protagonist of the script, Mo Qingxue, is the Elder Qingxue in front of her. She was originally a very kind, gentle and beautiful girl.

However, she was spotted by the unscrupulous villain.

The big villain is himself.

He calculated her body and forced her to marry him. Although after a series of events, she also fell in love with him, but he was a scumbag. After getting married, he got tired of playing and wanted to divorce her.

Not only that, but he even made her beat the child. When she didn't want to, he made some calculations and made her miscarry...

Finally, she despaired.

In order to start her ruthless revenge against herself, she began to practice immortality.

However, when she succeeded in cultivating immortals and wanted to find herself.

However, she had already been reborn by some special means, and she could no longer find her trace, so naturally she had no way of taking revenge.

However, this period of hatred was deeply buried in her heart...

Of course, there is still a lot of plot content in it, but this is the part that concerns me.

After all, this is a script with Mo Qingxue as the heroine, so it must not only be about herself as the villain, but also about the hero and supporting roles.

From the heroine's point of view, she is not only a big villain, but also a shameless scum villain! ! !

To be honest, if I were the heroine, I would kill myself. How could there be such a ruthless person in this world? ! !

There is such a scumbag in this world?

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its babies——! ! !

"It's really a villain script... Besides, this happened hundreds of years ago, so it's not easy to wash it?!"

At this moment, Ye Xuan was a little speechless.

You know, the content of the script is related to the fate of this world.

And the things about Mo Qingxue all happened hundreds of years ago in this world.

Things in the past are things that have already happened. Even if you use a script, you can't change it, right? ! !

In other words, this villain, is he determined to be himself?

"Ding, that's right, the host is that shameless villain."

The system replied:

"Please accept your fate calmly, the host."

"What if I don't accept it?"

Ye Xuan asked.


"Because it is a thing in the past, it has already happened. If the host does not fulfill this fate, the world will collapse hundreds of years ago, and the host himself will be submerged by the long river of time—!"

"Let me be a scum villain who robs civilian women and throws his wife and son..."

Ye Xuan had no choice but to smile wryly, and then, excitement appeared in his eyes:

"This is too exciting——!"

Hehe, do you really think that such a trivial matter will rarely upset me?

What happened to the scum villain?

Watch me clean myself——! ! !

As for Fairy Qingxue, now you are aloof and ruthless and want to kill me.

When I come back from time travel, I will make you cry and beg me to forgive you——! ! !


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