Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 292 Final Chapter New World, New Beginning

"Huh? Where is this..."

As soon as he entered the new world, Ye Xuan felt a familiar feeling.

This feeling is really too familiar...

Looking around, there are reinforced concrete buildings all around, full of traffic and people coming and going.

"This is...Earth?"

The next moment, Ye Xuan was sure that he must be on Earth.

"Hey, why are you still in a daze, are you ready--!!!"

While Ye Xuan was still looking around, suddenly, a voice rang in his ear.

Turning his head to look, he saw a young girl with a graceful figure and a very pleasant appearance looking at him with a bit of anger.


Facing the girl's anger, Ye Xuan was somewhat puzzled:

"Are you talking to me?"

"Nonsense, not with you, but with whom."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the girl said:

"I said, are you ready? We are going to set off when we are ready."

"It's over... This newcomer seems to be a bit difficult to guide, he must not have entered the state yet.

At this moment, a young man's voice sounded from the other side, and Ye Xuan turned his head to look. It was a young man in his twenties, with a slightly handsome appearance. He looked at Ye Xuan with a bit of disappointment in his eyes. .

"Eight Nine Zero" "Uh... what's going on?"

Seeing these two people whom he didn't know at all talking to him on their own, Ye Xuan looked puzzled.

"Well, it looks like you really haven't entered the state."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the girl said helplessly:

"Listen well, you are dead, here is the infinite world, it should have told you everything in your mind, think about it carefully."

"Infinite world?"

Ye Xuan frowned, why does this name sound so familiar.

According to the girl's words, Ye Xuan thought carefully in his mind.

Immediately, he felt that there was indeed a lot of information in his mind

This is an infinite world. The so-called infinite world does not refer to any world, but a special power. This special power will resurrect people who have just died on the earth to this world, form adventure teams one by one, and let these adventure teams complete various tasks in the infinite world.


At this moment, Ye Xuan couldn't help but look weird.

The new world I came to was actually this kind of world.

Could it be that because I was originally an Earthling, so I entered the new world and came to an infinite world very close to the earth?

Or is it that I am not originally from this world, so when I came to this world, I was in a state of death by default, and only then did I enter the infinite world?

Forget it, don’t care, since you’ve come to the new world, follow the rules of the new world.

The rule of the infinite world is that people in a small team complete the same task together, and then score points according to the degree of completion of the task. The higher the degree of completion, the more rewards.

The world in front of us is a world called Madman City. The task of the team is to keep up with the protagonist Xiao Fei, and help Xiao Fei find his girlfriend without dying, and save his girlfriend to escape from Madman City.

After receiving all this information, Ye Xuan turned his gaze to the man and woman in front of him.

"I see."

He said: "Since we are going to act together, let me introduce myself first. My name is Ye Xuan, and I am a writer."

"Writer, hehe, so that's the case. No wonder you didn't scream out of fear. I heard that you writers have rich imaginations. You have already seen this kind of infinite flow world in your novels."

The young man said: "Calm down, it will indeed make you live longer, which is an advantage, but don't be too self-righteous, the reality is different from the novel, the next scene may scare you to pee your pants, don't blame me for not reminding you.

By the way, my name is Feng.

"My name is Zhao Xiaoyi."

The girl said on the side: "Remind you, reality is not a novel, no matter how lucky and capable the protagonist in your novel is in facing danger, in reality, people will die if they are killed.

So, don't think that you are special, follow us when you have the opportunity, we can't protect you for the sake of the same team.

But if you make trouble for us, I don't mind abandoning you. "

"Although that's what he said, but judging by his appearance, he probably won't be able to live in this world.

Qi Feng on the side looked at Ye Xuan, and said casually: "After all, in Madman City, it is already very difficult for ordinary people to survive, not to mention the need to complete the task, and more importantly, he has no enhancement at all."

"Take it."

After Qi Feng's voice fell, Zhao Xiaoyi took out a pistol and a Tang knife, and handed them to Ye Xuan:

"Although they are just ordinary goods, they may not be incapable of emergency when necessary."

Seeing the weapon handed to him, Ye Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect this beauty to take good care of him.


As he spoke, he took both the gun and the knife.

"The preparation time is over, and the task is forced to start.

At this moment, a mysterious voice sounded in the sky.

Ye Xuan knew that that voice was the reminder of the infinite world.

"Time is running out, the person in front is the protagonist Xiao Fei, let's follow him."

Zhao Xiaoyi said to Ye Xuan and Qi Feng.


Ye Xuan can just take this time to analyze the laws of this world. Although this world is not dangerous to him at all, he should be prepared. The stronger his strength, the better.


Just then, there was an explosion in the distance.

Then, there was a burst of noise and screams from the crowd, coming from afar.

"'s a zombie, it's a zombie, the zombie from the movie appeared."

People on the road were screaming and running away, and the protagonist Xiao Fei finally realized something was wrong at this time, he quickly took out his mobile phone, and said something to his girlfriend in the mobile phone:

"Ami, it seems that there are zombies now, it's so scary, you wait for me at home, don't be afraid that I will save you."

With that said, he turned around and hurried towards his girlfriend's house.

And Zhao Xiaoyi and Qi Feng also chased after Xiao Fei.

"Newcomer, get along, don't die so fast-!!!"

Qi Feng also turned his head and shouted at Ye Xuan.

But in the next moment, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, what the hell——!!!"

Because, at this moment, countless zombies appeared around.

The setting of zombies in Madman City is different from ordinary zombies. The zombies here run much faster than normal people. They are almost the desperate version of ordinary people, and they are not afraid of getting tired.

Even if the problem of infection is not considered, two normal people may not be able to defeat a zombie...

In the original book, Xiao Fei can save his girlfriend, the protagonist's halo is very important......

And the most important point is that there are not so many infected people in the early stage of infection.

However, now that the mission has just started, there are zombies like corpses, how can people play with this?

This level of difficulty, I'm afraid it's at the level of hell——!!!


Seeing this scene, Zhao Xiaoyi couldn't help but gasped.

Surrounded by zombies in all directions, it was as if a group of them and the protagonist Xiao Fei rushed into the encirclement of corpses.

"This is impossible, how could it be so difficult, this is not the difficulty of three people-!!!"

Zhao Xiaoyi said to Qi Feng beside him with an expression of disbelief: "Don't say it's three people, even if a hundred people come, the group will be wiped out——!!!"

"This is the difficulty of having a high-level enhancer——!!!"

Qi Feng looked at the wave of zombies getting closer and closer, and his eyes showed despair.

"Even if we have low-level enhancements [pistols with unlimited bullets... it is impossible to survive!!!"

"This is too exaggerated, the three of us, why did we encounter such a difficult wave of corpses at the beginning.

Qi Feng said helplessly: "It seems that we are dead this time."

While talking, the zombies have already rushed towards this side.

Not to mention them, even the protagonist Xiao Fei was forced to come back here at this moment, looking at the countless zombies around him, his eyes were full of despair.


Zhao Xiaoyi took out a pistol with unlimited bullets, and started shooting at the zombies rushing around.

And Qi Feng didn't want to sit still and shoot with a pistol.

Both of them are strengthened people, it is not a problem to kill one or two zombies in a second, but there are hundreds of thousands of zombies around, and they have no ability to resist when they swarm up

"Haha, newcomer, did you see it? This is the infinite world - we are dead."

Qi Feng smiled at Ye Xuan in despair.

Before he died, he wanted to see the performance of Ye Xuan, a newcomer. At this time, can Ye Xuan still be as calm as before? 2.3

"All return to the Tao——Jian Chaozong!!!"

However, just when he thought Ye Xuan would be so flustered that he wanted to cry, he saw Ye Xuan throwing the sword in his hand towards the sky.

In an instant, sword energy shot down from the sky, flying towards the zombies around.

But in an instant, hundreds of thousands of zombies on the ground were turned into ashes, but the ground was not damaged at all, and only four people were left standing around.


Everyone who was waiting to die couldn't help being dumbfounded. Zhao Xiaoyi, Qi Feng, and the protagonist of this world, Xiao Fei, were all staring at Ye Xuan in a daze.

"What's happening here?"

Xiao Fei widened his eyes, looked at Ye Xuan, and asked in shock: "God... God?!!!"

But Zhao Xiaoyi and Qi Feng looked at each other, but they both instantly understood why this task was so difficult.

It turns out that a big boss has sneaked into their team?!!

Isn't he a rookie, why is he so strong——!!!

This is not scientific.

And Ye Xuan, after unleashing that sword, looked at the Tang Dao in his hand, but couldn't help showing a smile:

"It seems that this world allows me to use my laws."

His new world experience, from this moment, officially begins.

The book is over. .

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