Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 30 Yu Ling'er Died Of Embarrassment

"Why did you kill me——!!!"

"Don't think that I will forgive you, I will never forgive you in my life——!!!"

"I already know what you have done to me, ha ha, don't try to hide it from me."


At this moment, in front of Yu Linger's eyes, there are countless Ye Xuan looking at her with indifferent eyes.

The way he looked at her was no longer as affectionate as Yu Ling'er had seen before.

In addition to indifference, it is ruthless ridicule.

"You also look down on me because I don't have spiritual roots, right?!"

"I knew it--!"

"No, I didn't, I... I didn't..."

"You have, you have."


With a scream, Yu Ling'er was awakened from the daze.

Only then did she suddenly realize that she seemed to be in someone's arms.

She instinctively felt that this was a man.


Although she had relived her first life and even almost walked into the auditorium with someone in her previous life, she had never had any contact with the opposite sex.

Except for being hugged by my father when I was a child...

Therefore, her instinct made her act defensively.

Boom—! ! !

The man who was holding her was sent flying by her palm, and hit the ice wall heavily.


At this moment, Ye Xuan couldn't help but let out a hissing sound.

Hitting the hard ice wall is really painful.


It wasn't until this moment that Yu Ling'er realized that the person she was flying was Ye Xuan.

Is the person who hugged me just now Ye Xuan?

At this moment, Yu Linger was inexplicably happy.

However, she immediately realized that now was not the time to think about these things.

She rushed forward to treat Ye Xuan's injury.

Fortunately, in addition to swordsmanship, she also learned some Taihua spells in her previous life, so it is not a problem to treat some minor injuries.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Ye... Xuan... I didn't know it was you... If I knew it was you, I wouldn't..."

While treating Ye Xuan, she apologized.

"You won't be merciful, will you?"

Ye Xuan accepted Yu Linger's treatment calmly and said to her.


Yu Ling'er was about to explain, but she stopped abruptly.

At this time, she finally understood.

Sometimes, as long as one thing happens, any language of explanation is feeble.

Just like when Ye Xuan faced her back then, no matter what Ye Xuan explained, she would not believe it.

She only believed in what she saw.

What she saw was everything Ye Xuan did...

At this time, she wanted Ye Xuan to forgive her with a few simple explanations.

In this world, where is there such a good thing?

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er could only take a deep breath to stabilize her mind.

She raised her head, and although her complexion was pale, she bravely looked into Ye Xuan's eyes now.

Because, she understands.

If I don't re-establish a good relationship with Ye Xuan now, I'm afraid she will never have a chance in the future.

At least, we can't let Ye Xuan really feel disheartened towards her because of what happened before.

But, at this time, what should she do? ! !

No matter what she said, it couldn't change it. Because she was hostile to Ye Xuan, she looked down on Ye Xuan and said disdainful words. It couldn't change the fact that she was going to kill Ye Xuan just now.

Even, compared to the former Ye Xuan, she has no right to explain.

At least, once Ye Xuan, if she is willing to believe him, he is innocent.

But she, the more she really wanted to kill Ye Xuan just now, how can this be explained? ! !

She's not innocent—! ! !

Even if there are tens of thousands of reasons, whether it is a misunderstanding or the arrangement of fate...

Nothing can change this fact.

How to do how to do? ! !

At this moment, Yu Linger panicked like never before.

She really couldn't find a reason, so she explained to Ye Xuan what happened just now.

If Ye Xuan knew that she really wanted to kill him, then Ye Xuan could fall in love with her again, that would be a ghost.

After all, Ye Xuan explained to her that she didn't believe it, but what Ye Xuan said was more reasonable and reliable.

How did she explain it to Ye Xuan?

Said that she was a reborn person and misunderstood Ye Xuan, so she wanted to kill him, but because of the moment just now, the misunderstanding was resolved, and she fell in love with him again?

Who will believe this——! ! !


Seeing Yu Linger's stupid look, Ye Xuan was speechless.


I've given you so much time to prepare, but you haven't figured out how to explain what you just did?

Is it true that you have been cultivating immortals for decades? ! !

Forget it, since you're not ready, let me do it.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan pretended to be indifferent, and said:

"Let me tell you in advance that I just held you in my arms because I was afraid that you would freeze to death. I didn't do anything to you. I'm not interested in a little girl like you."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately, her face turned red.

She really hugged her just now, maybe for a long time.

There is some inexplicable joy in my heart, what is going on.

Feeling like never before...

He's just getting started now, and he doesn't know how powerful the Yuwu stage monks are, so he thinks he will be frozen to death.

He was indeed a kind person, even though he was going to kill him just now, he didn't just leave him alone because of this.

How could such a kind person abandon himself in danger and escape.

In the previous life, I must have believed his escape because I was deceived by lard.

But, compared to this, I really still care more... He is willing to hug me.

In other words, he actually didn't hate himself as much as he imagined.

After all, I finally rescued him.

Thinking of this, Yu Linger quickly waved her hands and said:

"'s okay...I...I'd love to..."


At this moment, the scene suddenly became quiet.

A gust of cold wind blew across the iceberg, making the atmosphere present suddenly awkward.

Ye Xuan: I would love to be what the hell? ! !

I know you are already moved by my affectionate acting skills, but please, can you figure out what kind of character you are.

What script did you take...

You wanted to kill me just now, please, you didn't explain it clearly to me, come and tell me now that you are willing.

Don't you feel embarrassed? ! !

Don't be embarrassed, I don't even know how to start a conversation——! ! !

Yu Linger: ...

I am willing to?

I am willing to? ! !

Wow--! ! ! !

Yu Ling'er, what did you say just now, don't you feel embarrassed? ! !

At this moment, Yu Ling'er also felt that she was too embarrassed, and really wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was still looking at him indifferently, and said that he was not interested in him.

However, I suddenly said that I am very willing.

Boom—! ! !

Yu Ling'er's face turned red all of a sudden, and she was so embarrassed that she almost fainted again.


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