Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 25 Another Truth Revealed, Yu Linger Burst Into Tears

【"Yu Xuan——!!!"

At this moment, a group of monsters attacked Taihua Mountain, and the whole Taihua Mountain was in chaos.

However, Yu Ling'er, who was supposed to be a bride, came to Ye Xuan holding a fairy sword at this moment.

Her eyes were full of anger:

"Damn you-!!!

Killed my parents, killed my senior brother, and now, you killed senior brother Qin——! ! ! !

He also brought these countless demons to attack Mount Taihua.

Just because I don't like you, you've done so many outrageous things.

very good--! ! !

Today, if I don’t kill you, I, Yu Linger, will commit suicide on the spot——! ! ! "

While speaking, Yu Ling'er's body was already filled with the power of a fairy.

In just a few short decades, she has already cultivated into a fairy body.

"Your cultivation has progressed so fast..."

Seeing Yu Ling'er's fairy power exuding from her whole body, Ye Xuan was a little surprised.

"Over the years, I have been thinking about revenge on you day and night."

Yu Linger said:

"Yuxuan, you have done a lot of evil, today, you must die——!!!"

"Hehe, let me see what you have cultivated these years.

After all, I love you so much... Maybe I would love you even more if you acted better. "

Ye Xuan sneered:

"At that time, I might let you kill me."

"Hey, shameless person, die——!"

With a movement of Yu Ling'er's figure, she came to Ye Xuan in an instant, the fairy sword in her hand was shining brightly, and the sword light danced like a dance, showing thousands of swords.

Taihua Sword Jue is divided into Qi Sword and Holding Sword. Qi Sword mainly uses Qi to condense the sword to arouse the power of the sword, while Holding Sword is to hold the sword with the hand. The power of the spell is added to the power of the person, and the power is even stronger.

Generally speaking, disciples with relatively low cultivation levels will choose to only practice Qi sword or only hold sword.

But if the cultivation base is as strong as an immortal, he can operate the two sets of mental methods freely.

After being approached by Yu Linger, Ye Xuan instantly felt the strong pressure from Yu Linger.

However, he wasn't in a hurry, he was just going back and forth with Yu Ling'er.

In my mind, the original...

When he and Yu Ling'er first met, they practiced sword together.

It was a happy day that he will never forget in his life.

Unfortunately, that period of time was really too short.

If God can give him another chance, he must appreciate that period of time well.

Keep the feeling of that time in your heart forever. 】

Looking at Ye Xuan in the picture, he is reminiscing about the good old days, but outside the picture, Yu Linger has already burst into tears.

Yes, that period of time, what a happy day.

However, God gave him another chance.

I wanted to kill him...

Yu Ling'er only felt that she was so sinful.

I have let down my sincerity.

But, everything is about to end.

Ye Xuan in the previous life has been possessed by demons, so he can't die.

Let me free him from my previous life...

In this life, I will do my best to compensate him.

[Yu Linger's battle with Ye Xuan has entered the most intense level from the very beginning.

For both sides, it is a life-and-death battle, and it seems that no one has reservations.

Finally, at a certain moment in the battle, Ye Xuan froze, as if unable to react in time, and was stabbed in the heart by Yu Linger's sword.

"Yuxuan, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, you are insane, and death by my hands today is your retribution-!!!"

Yu Ling'er said angrily at Ye Xuan.

However, at this moment, Ye Xuan just looked at her quietly with a gratified smile on his face.

This smile, in Yu Linger's eyes, looked so weird.

This is a smile that shouldn't appear on Ye Xuan's face, which makes Yu Ling'er feel a little terrified.

"Damn it, brat, you actually let her kill you on purpose-!!!"

At this time, the heart demon said to Ye Xuan furiously:

"Your body is a treasure I found with great difficulty, how can you destroy it at will——!"

Ye Xuan didn't listen to what the demon said to Ye Xuan.

And Yu Ling'er couldn't hear it, let alone the people around her. 】

However, Yu Ling'er, who was outside the screen, couldn't help but widen her eyes.

What? ! !

Ye Xuan hadn't been fully controlled by the demon yet, did he die by his own hands on purpose? ! !

This, how is this possible——! ! !

If he was not controlled by the inner demon, then why did he lead a group of demons to attack the mountain? ! !

Did he still do this wrong thing for himself?

it must be so...

At this moment, Yu Ling'er only felt that she owed Ye Xuan more.

However, the picture is not over yet.

[Yu Ling'er killed Ye Xuan with a sword, so she was naturally extremely excited.

Seeing Ye Xuan's eyes gradually lose their brilliance, Yu Ling'er at this moment can only be filled with emotion.

"Father, Mother... Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother... Senior Brother Qin, I have avenged you... You are alive in the sky, you can rest in peace..."

"Anxie? Hehe..."

Looking at this scene, Yu Ling'er only felt that she should slap herself.

If they are really alive in the sky, I am afraid that my parents and two senior brothers will not be able to help but slap me a few times.

Perhaps, Qin Yushou, who is not as good as an animal, will applaud.

I will kill the person who treats me sincerely.

Loved ones are hurt, enemies are quickened. In my last life, I did such ridiculous things.

Next, you will be reborn yourself.

nothing left……

[In the picture, the heart demon saw Ye Xuan die, turned into a cloud of demonic energy, and was about to escape from Taihua Mountain quietly.

However, at this moment, a piano sound resounded.

Immediately, countless streams of sword energy condensed and flew from the sky, and thousands of sword shadows flew in the air, binding the demons who were about to escape.

This is the real master of Taihua, Daoqin and a group of elders.

I saw all the masters of Taihua standing in the sky, looking like a cloud-top fairy.

The real person in charge caressed the long qin in his hand, and wherever the sound of the qin passed, all monsters were trapped.

The originally chaotic scene suddenly calmed down.

"Great, the master is here——!"

"None of these monsters can escape——!"

"Yeah, hahaha——!!!"

Looking at the scene, Daoqin couldn't help but frowned:

"Sure enough, there are monsters attacking the mountain. Fortunately, someone tipped me off."

"It's just, who is the person who tipped off the news?"

Another elder pointed his finger, and countless Qi swords flew down from the air, and those demons who were still resisting were blocked by the Qi swords.

They will never know that the person who reported to them is Ye Xuan himself.

"Damn it, Ye Xuan, you brat, I was tricked by you——!!!"

At this time, the heart demon trapped in the shackles of Daoqin Daoist suddenly shouted out angrily:

"It must be you kid... notified Daoqin in advance, I didn't expect that my majestic heart demon was plotted by the possessed human kid, and I was so pissed——!"

"Ye Xuan?"

In Daoqin's mind, he recalled a disciple who once worshiped at the mountain gate, although his grades were the first, but he had no spiritual roots.

Later, he killed his master and his wife, his fellow disciples, and defected down the mountain.

Her gaze turned to Ye Xuan who was being pierced by Yu Linger's sword below:

"He tipped the news? So that's it...

This kid, in order to deal with the inner demon, even calculated his own life.

If it wasn't when the heart demon was fully possessed and was injured by others, I couldn't easily catch it.

From the looks of it, there must be some inside story for him to defect and go down the mountain. "

"It's a pity...he's probably dead."

Another elder shook his head and sighed. 】

Outside the screen, Yu Linger only felt dizzy for a while.

I guessed wrong again...

Ye Xuan was not controlled by the inner demon at all, he would lead a group of demons to attack the mountain in order to deal with the inner demon.

He had already secretly notified Daoqin, the leader of the sect.

No wonder, no wonder, he only killed Yu Shou, and he was very measured in his attacks on the others, and no one was seriously injured.

And the monsters he led up the mountain were quickly settled down.

Taihua Mountain seems to have been on guard for a long time.

In other words, I misunderstood Ye Xuan again, and, moreover, killed him when the truth was about to be revealed, letting him die at the moment closest to dawn? ! !

God -! ! !

Yu Ling'er, you really deserve to die—! ! !

Even if you die 10,000 times, you can't make up for the damage you caused to Ye Xuan——! ! !

At this moment, Yu Linger's tears rolled down again.


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