Hearing this voice, Gu Yan turned his head to look.

He saw Shen Wan'er walking over with a smile on her face. She was wearing an elegant dress today, with her hair tied up behind her head, which made her already beautiful look even more dazzling.

Leng Ling'er also looked up, and when she saw that it was Shen Wan'er, she immediately felt as if she was facing a great enemy. She was a little flustered, Shen Wan'er?! What was she doing here?

Gu Yan was naturally confused as to why the other party came here.

Didn't he cut off ties with her a long time ago?

However, based on his relationship as a kind young man, he smiled and greeted:"Good evening, Mr. Shen."

Mr. Shen?...

Shen Wan'er felt a pain in her heart. You always called me baby before.

But her purpose was not to reconcile. She just wanted to clarify some things.

By the way, she used the illusion of chatting with Gu Yan to get some partners.

Although she was very unwilling, Shen Wan'er found that after Gu Yan was gone, she repeatedly hit a wall in the business world:"Good evening, I didn't expect to meet you here"

"Because you didn't like coming to this kind of occasion before."

Gu Yan couldn't deny it. He rubbed Leng Ling'er's head with a helpless smile and said to Shen Wan'er,"I don't like it, but who made my sister-in-law here?"


Fortunately , I came at the right time, otherwise I would have been bullied....Sister-in-law...

Shen Wan'er felt a pain in her heart, even though she had guessed it a long time ago.

But when she heard Gu Yan say it himself, she still couldn't accept it, and even her face turned a little pale.

She looked at Leng Ling'er.

The other party's face was flushed, as if she was very excited because Gu Yan announced this matter in public.

Shen Wan'er clenched her fists and greeted Leng Ling'er:"Hello, sister Ling'er, so, your sister is Gu Yan's girlfriend?"

Leng Ling'er came back to her senses, she quickly stood up and hugged Gu Yan's arm, looking at Shen Wan'er vigilantly:"No! That's right! I advise you not to think about reconciling with my brother-in-law!"

Although it was very subtle, Gu Yan still saw that the corners of Shen Wan'er's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Tsk tsk, she is really a willful kid.

Gu Yan smiled lightly and tapped Leng Ling'er's head:"Ling'er, stop joking. What man can't find a strong woman like President Shen? I believe she won't set her sights on the past."

Leng Ling'er covered her head and glared at Gu Yan with dissatisfaction. What a bastard, I helped you deal with that stinky woman and you still spoke for her!

Shen Wan'er laughed dryly. After getting the accurate reply, to be honest, she felt a little empty in her heart.

It was the kind of feeling that all the efforts of so many years seemed to have gone down the drain.

Shen Wan'er still didn't give up. She looked at Gu Yan and asked,"Are you really with......."

Before he finished speaking,

Gu Yan nodded:"Leng Qingqiu is my lover and the only love of my life."

Leng Ling'er was immediately happy.

Shen Wan'er felt empty in her heart, and she forced a smile:"Okay....Now that you understand, I won't bother you anymore."

Leng Linger nodded repeatedly, thinking to herself,"You better leave quickly.

"Gu Yan?!"

A voice of surprise and shock came over.

Gu Yan looked over, and Shen Wan'er also looked over.

Xiao Lin looked at Gu Yan in disbelief:"Why are you here?!"

Gu Yan had already noticed the other party, but now he pretended to have just seen him, and asked in surprise:"Xiao Lin? I should be the one asking you this question. Aren't you....."

He stopped talking appropriately.

Xiao Lin's expression also became somewhat unnatural and guilty.

Shen Wan'er was stunned when she saw this scene:"You two know each other?


"Ling Er Sister~!"

A cheerful voice came over.

Leng Linger looked over, and when she saw Bai Qionglan dressed gorgeously, she was shocked:"Qionglan?! Why are you dressed so strangely!"

"Hey!! I should be the one saying this!"

Bai Qionglan's mouth twitched.

Along with him came Bai Jun, who was wearing glasses and smiling.

He walked up to Gu Yan and stretched out his hand:"Hello, my name is Bai Jun. I heard that you saved my sister."

When he said this, he noticed Xiao Lin's unnatural expression.

This was something he didn't expect, that he would meet Xiao Lin here.

Gu Yan looked at Bai Jun, and his information emerged in his mind.

A strong man of the [Sun Level] of the ancient warrior department, with the strength of the early grandmaster. He is a talented warrior of the [Peace Faction] in the department, and he also became the brother of the protagonist Xiao Lin in the plot.

It's just that it doesn't look like that now. Thinking of this, Gu Yan stretched out his hand and smiled:"It's just a piece of cake. After all, my sister-in-law is there too."

Bai Jun smiled and let go of his hand:"Although I really want to get to know you more, but before that......"

He looked at Shen Wan'er with a cold expression, and the latter felt a little cold under the stare.

Xiao Lin sensed this and immediately stood in front of Shen Wan'er:"What do you want to do?"

Shen Wan'er looked at Xiao Lin who stood in front of her without hesitation, and her heart warmed up, but she did not show it.

Bai Jun did not change at all, but looked at Shen Wan'er and said:"Shen Tian is your brother?"

""Yes... so what?"

Shen Wan'er seemed to have thought of something, and her heart was in a panic. She remembered that she had met Gu Yan and her brother, as well as Leng Ling'er and other girls in a KTV box a long time ago.

Combined with what Bai Jun said, Gu Yan saved his sister. Speaking of sisters, she seemed to have some impression of this girl named Qiong Lan.

No way? It can't be such a coincidence, right?

"That's right."

Bai Jun nodded. Although the person who bullied his sister was not Shen Wan'er, since it was her brother, he would naturally not look favorably upon her.

He also lost his good impression of Xiao Lin who stood in front of Shen Wan'er. He immediately said in a cold voice:"Xiao Lin, I advise you not to dream about the verbal engagement. My sister is here, and as her brother, I will tell you the truth."

"As for my sister, don't even think about it."

He glanced at Shen Wan'er, who looked a little flustered, and said,"Take good care of your brother. Don't let him commit any crime and be caught by me." As soon as the words fell,

Bai Qionglan, who was still playing with Leng Ling'er, was stunned. She looked at Xiao Lin who was standing in front of Shen Wan'er.

Is this Xiao Lin?

Disgust suddenly appeared in her eyes.

The other party actually stood in front of the sister of the person who bullied us before.

Bad guy.

This is Bai Qionglan's evaluation of the other party.

Xiao Lin also reacted. Before going down the mountain, the master told him that he had found a marriage contract for him.

And half of the Dragon King Jade is also in the hands of the Bai family's fiancé.


Xiao Lin looked at Bai Qionglan who was looking at him with disgust. She is my fiancé?

The most important thing is that half of the Dragon King Jade is on her?

For a moment, Xiao Lin's eyes looking at Bai Qionglan became much hotter.

Hey, hey, hey, although in the original book Xiao Lin is indeed a big stud who falls in love with every woman he sees.

But please don't show it in front of Shen Wan'er.

Gu Yan's mouth twitched, but........

He looked at Bai Jun with interest, and the other party's eyes looked at Xiao Lin even more unfriendly.

I really look forward to what will happen next.

Just as he was thinking this.

Bai Jun and Xiao Lin's faces changed at the same time, and they looked to the side. They saw two figures walking over.

Gu Yan looked over and his eyes condensed. Ah........Why are they here? Did they hide their presence on purpose?

Wow~ handsome guy~

Bai Lian saw Bai Jun, a handsome guy with glasses and an abstinence style.

No, no, no, now is not the time to look at handsome guys. She grabbed Murong Ci's clothes and tried to drag him away.

At the same time, she was dragged by him and came to Gu Yan and others.

In desperation, she showed Gu Yan a smile that she thought was the most beautiful:"Good evening, little brother, we meet again."

Leng Ling'er suddenly became alert.

Leng Qingqiu also suddenly became alert.


Gu Yan nodded, and then asked in confusion,"What's the matter?"

Leng Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief.

Leng Qingqiu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Jun and Xiao Lin stared at Murong Ci, their bodies tensed up involuntarily.

In their perception, this person.....Very dangerous.

He only replied with a"hmm"? ?

Bai Lian smiled on the surface, but actually cursed in his heart. Just when he was about to speak.

Murong Ci took a step forward and stared at Gu Yan. A creepy breath rushed to his face.!!

Bai Jun's eyes changed and he immediately clenched his fists.

Xiao Lin also took a posture ready to attack at any time.

Gu Yan looked at Murong Ci who was staring at him in front of him in confusion. Hey, hey, hey, I don't remember provoking this guy.

"What happened to you guys?"

Leng Ling'er and the others were confused. Why did the atmosphere seem to become so weird?

On the other side,

Leng Qingqiu in the corner also sensed the situation. She didn't know what Murong Ci was going to do, but to prevent any accidents, she immediately said to Mei Xue,"Stop Murong Ci."

The latter nodded, and just when she was about to leave, the next second,

Murong Ci stretched out his hand to Gu Yan and said lightly,"I am Murong Ci."

This is normal.

Gu Yan also stretched out his hand,"Hello, I am Gu Yan."

Then, just when Bai Jun and the others held their breath and thought that the other party was going to take action,

Murong Ci took a deep breath, quickly pulled his hand away, and then ran away.

""Hey! Wait for me!"

Bai Lian shouted hurriedly, then gave Gu Yan a dry laugh and chased after him, leaving everyone confused.

"What's going on?" Gu

Yan looked puzzled.

Bai Jun and Xiao Lin looked at each other, and cold sweat broke out on their backs....So strong!

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