Gu Yan's face twitched for a moment:"This...How does this involve Shen Wan'er?"

"Oh, you feel guilty."

"Hiss, I really didn't say that. I only said these words to you, Qingqiu."


"You believe me!"

Feeling Gu Yan's panic, Leng Qingqiu felt much better.

Very good, this rhythm is right.

But.....Will you still like me no matter what I become?...

Leng Qingqiu felt a little complicated. Would you still like me even if you knew what I did behind the scenes?

Would you still like me even if you knew how I practiced?

Would you still like me even if my hands were covered in blood?

Leng Qingqiu was not sure, and she did not dare to think about what kind of expression Gu Yan would show after knowing her true face.

Would it be because of this ?.....

Leng Qingqiu didn't know why, but when he thought of that scene, his heart ached.

Leng Ling'er looked at the two people playing and the light in her eyes became brighter.

Oh oh....The warm interaction between my sister and my brother-in-law is really...It's really delicious!

Ahem, of course, the premise is that my brother-in-law doesn't get angry anymore, it's too scary!

My brother-in-law didn't mention my romance novels, so is this matter over?

Hehe, although he said he would confiscate them, he was just trying to scare me, right? He is such a hypocritical brother-in-law~~

The next second.

It was as if he had heard Leng Ling'er's inner voice.

Gu Yan said:"By the way, Qingqiu, I want to discuss something with you. The college entrance examination will be soon. Those romance novels in Ling'er's bedside table are really affecting her studies."

"So I plan to confiscate it first and return it to her after she finishes the exam. What do you think?"

Leng Qingqiu came back to his senses and was a little confused when he heard this. Romance novel? Romance novel....

She kindly turned to the pale, trembling Leng Ling'er:"Ling'er, what romance novel? Why haven't I heard you talk about it?"

Leng Ling'er felt her eyes go dark when she saw Gu Yan's devilish smile.

It's over! Brother-in-law, you are too vindictive!

There are still several months before the college entrance examination, aren't you trying to kill me?!! After simply cleaning up the dishes, Gu Yan left.

On the way back, a smile appeared in his eyes.

This kind of life is quite interesting.

The day after tomorrow, he will attend the banquet held by the King of Hell. According to his guess, most of the family representatives in Jianghai City will probably go there.

The security personnel must be well prepared. They won't encounter the kind of plot that can only be encountered in novels, right?

The plot where the protagonist pretends to be cool and gets slapped in the face?

Gu Yan felt a little interesting in his heart, although according to the plot, it should be the villains like them who are blind and launch a mocking attack on the protagonist.

Then the protagonist directly showed his strength and blasted the villain rich second generation.

Hehehe~~ I really want to see this plot with my own eyes...............

Shen's house.

Shen Wan'er was lost in thought as she stared at the clothes in the closet:"Hmm...Are you going to attend the banquet held by Yanxing Group the day after tomorrow? Which dress should I wear?"

She was a little nervous and excited. This was an opportunity. Although the Shen family's pharmaceutical company had resumed normal operation, a large number of partners and market credit had been lost due to Gu Yan's operation.

The banquet held by Yanxing Group the day after tomorrow was an important opportunity for her. After all, the people who participated in the banquet would definitely be rich or noble.

She must find new partners there to take the company to a higher level.


Shen Wan'er showed a trace of hesitation in her eyes. Would Gu Yan go too?

After thinking about it, she shook her head. No, it didn't matter even if Gu Yan went.

Anyway, there was nothing between the two of them, so she shouldn't think too much.

At this time.


Her phone vibrated, and Shen Wan'er took it out and looked at it.

【Mr. Shen, are you asleep? 】

She saw that it was a message from Xiao Lin, and a trace of helplessness appeared in her eyes.

She was drunk because of the wine that Gu Yan gave her, and she was so dizzy that she asked Xiao Lin to send her back to the company. She also gave him a mobile phone and added him as a friend.

As a result, the other party thought that she seemed to be interested in him or something, and kept sending her messages.

He didn't even think about it, how could he fall in love with a security guard?


Shen Wan'er thought about it and thought that Xiao Lin was quite capable. She might as well arrange for him to be her personal bodyguard at the banquet the day after tomorrow, so that some ignorant people would not bother her. It would be a good opportunity to use him as a shield.

With this in mind, Shen Wan'er started chatting with Xiao Lin.

In a rented house,

Xiao Lin lay on the wooden bed, holding his mobile phone in his hand, looking at the chat window expectantly.

The next second

【I haven't slept yet.】

I saw Shen Wan'er sent a message, and Xiao Lin was trembling with excitement.

Shen Wan'er replied, and she hasn't slept yet. Does she like me?

I immediately started chatting with her............

Bai family.

Bang! Bang!

"Qiong Lan! Come out! Don’t be so willful! You have to see Xiao Lin even if you don’t want to!!"

Outside Bai Qiong Lan’s door, her father Bai Tiangang was banging on the door vigorously.

His expression was very angry. This child was obviously very obedient when he was young.

Why is he so naughty when he grows up? Is it because of the rebellious period? Or is it the problem of the school teacher? Otherwise, transfer to another school.....

No, just drop out of school and learn how to manage a family business.

"Qiong Lan! I'll tell you one last time! You must go meet that Xiao Lin!"

"No matter what the result is! I must go to see her!"

Bai Tiangang shouted loudly, then shook his head and left.

Inside the room, Bai Qionglan huddled in the quilt, tears in her eyes.

She held a half jade pendant tightly in her hand, muttering and sobbing:"Mom,...."


Bai Jun looked at his father who had just finished yelling and went downstairs, and said lightly:"Dad, I've seen Xiao Lin, he is not good, don't let my little sister meet him."

Bai Tiangang shook his head and sighed:"Xiaojun, you don't understand, this person is the one who was personally cared for by the former Dragon King in a handwritten letter, do you think I dare to neglect him?"

He patted Bai Jun on the shoulder and said:"Who dares to bet whether the former Dragon King will come out again to protect the next heir to the Dragon King Palace that he has chosen?"

Bai Jun did not speak, he clenched his fists tightly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

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