Village Doctor.

Chapter 277

Chapter 277 Entering the bridal chamber! I’m going to enter the bridal chamber now

After the two of them ran a long way out, Liu Hongxiu smiled and said, “Husband! You’re a little bit too obvious, right? Why don’t I have a Body Tempering Dan?”

“Hehehe… At that time, my Cultivation Base was not as high as it is now, and there was no way to refine a real spirit pill at that time! Besides, it is useless to eat that Medicine Pill at all! It may even be possible. It will also bring bad side effects!”

“Oh? How to say?”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “Maybe you didn’t listen carefully. When I said about the effect of Body Tempering Pill, I already clarified the purpose of the Medicine Pill, that is, the Medicine Pill that is easy to cut the muscles and strengthen the bones!”

“Do you know what the supreme realm of Body Tempering is? It’s shampooing tendons, cutting the marrow and reborn! These two names sound similar, but the effects are very different!”

“At the beginning, I was in order to achieve this ultimate Body Tempering Realm, so I did not dare to take you down! Because the reincarnation process must save the boy’s body!”

“I don’t know by what means other people achieve reincarnation. But I have to do this!”

“Because at that time, I didn’t have that special grade of Medicine Pill at all. I could only rely on absorbing the energy of the natural world, supplemented by the energy from the heaven and blessings, little by little cultivation.”

“Remember the scene when you were trying to do something with me overtly and secretly, but I shirk in every way? That’s why! It’s not that I hesitate about your love, in fact I really want it too! But, hey! Those are all forced to do it. Hehehe…”

“Oh? That’s the case! I didn’t fully understand it until today! Yeah! So, my husband! You have completed the process of washing your muscles and marrow and reborn?”

Liu Hongxiu asked loudly in surprise.

Zhang Tianzong nodded and said, “Yes! It’s done long ago, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to talk to you… My body has been tempered to the extreme, and the next next step must be a process of tempering and further strengthening! This is a long process and cannot be completed overnight…”

“Oh, oh, that’s it… Then why can’t I eat that second-rank Body Tempering? It’s not that I’m jealous, I’m just curious! Hee hee hee…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “Let’s tell you more bluntly. The biggest effect of Body Tempering is just to cleanse their bodies!”

“Both of them started to practice again with a solid foundation. This is tantamount to learning the arts for the second time!”

“I have to completely reverse and change their original foundation! Otherwise they can only stop moving forever!”

“And you did the cultivation step by step and started from scratch. There is no need to re-training! If you take the Body Tempering pill at this time, then the previous cultivation skills will be lost, and you have to start all over again! This is not enough! It’s superfluous.””The so-called easy tendon cutting, this is the first step, mainly focused on’yi’ and’cutting’! Yi means change, cutting means cutting down and removing! Then it is the consolidation of strong muscles and bones. Let them run hard, that is to completely absorb the effect of the medicine.”

“Hiss…” Liu Hongxiu thought for a moment and said, “Can I understand that they are like the ones in the game… After eating the Body Tempering pills, they are equivalent to being in the’refining attribute point’?”

“Uh… Have you played a game recently? You still know the attribute points?”

“Hehehe…Isn’t it Li Tingting? From time to time, I send out invitations to accompany her to play games. Sometimes to change my mind and distract fatigue, I just play for a while… hehehe…”

“Yeah! Zhang Tianzong nodded and said: “Although the description is a little bit inaccurate, it also has that meaning! In fact, the real explanation should be that proper modification and correction on the basis of retaining the original skill is of the nature of axe! This is also a way of strengthening and fine-tuning! ”

“And you, there is no cultivation before, so how can you talk about modification and correction? As long as you have the characteristic of strong physique, it is enough! The rest can be cultivation! No matter how good Medicine Pill is, it can only be an auxiliary. That’s it!”

“Oh oh oh! Got it! This time I completely understand it!”

“Hey hey… just get it! Don’t say that I am partial! My daughter-in-law, my skills, Realm and Cultivation Base have been completely smoothed! Now I can help you complete the ultimate breakthrough! You cooperate with me to complete the combined double exercise, and promise to make you soar through the breakthrough Realm like riding a rocket!”

“Complete the ultimate breakthrough? Soaring Realm? Hiss…how much will it soar?”

“Hey! According to Yingying’s classification, it is absolutely no problem for you to reach S-level! If you work hard, reaching 2S-level is not impossible!”

“As for the future…hehehe…we sleep in the same bed every day, do you still worry about the growth of the Cultivation Base? But, regarding the Martial Skill, you have to practice hard by yourself! Otherwise, it will be successful. I have a Cultivation Base and I can’t use it. Do you understand?”

“Hehehe…Of course I understand! We are both old and old, and I know what you are doing when you look at it!”

“Husband, should we study the seventh set of illustrations? If everything goes well…the eighth set is not impossible, right?”

“That is to say! As long as I complete the seventh group of cultivation process, I can reach S level! If I complete the eighth group in one go, I can reach 2S level!”

“That’s right! Hehehe… then let’s start…”

“Wait a minute! Take a shower first! Your black and gray suit really affects the mood of doing that! Your head shape must also be handled properly, and your hair is scorched…”

“Hey! It’s okay, use the spring water to make sure you are a beautiful man again! This hair can recover instantly! It’s really not a big deal, shave a bald, and then slowly grow new hair! What’s the big deal!”

“Puff…hahaha…shave your bald man? You thought it out!”

“Hehehe…Speaking of which, I haven’t cut my hair for a long time, so I have to cut my hair when I go out!”

“Okay, okay! I’ll help you choose a very nice and handsome hairstyle then!”

The night of the twelfth day of Dongtianfudi time.

Lin Yingying and Tian Jinhua ran for a day and night! Finally met the expectations and achieved the set goal!

As soon as they stopped, they slept in bed all day long!

No, Lin Yingying just woke up, she was shocked to find that Liu Hongxiu had broken through to the 2S level!

At this moment, Tian Jinhua also walked out of the law enforcement hall.

Since she took over as the master of the Law Enforcement Hall, it has become her exclusive territory!

Vajra, Jinwu, and Flame, who originally lived there, asked the three wood elves to build three wooden houses on the edge of the animal garden for them. They have already looked for another place to live.

“Wow! Hongxiu Big sis! I’m not mistaken, did you? You…you actually reached the 2S level? It’s only two days and one night, how did you do it!”

Liu Hongxiu’s face was reddish and whispered: “I practiced with my husband in the body cultivator, and then… I am confused and breakthrough Realm.”

“Huh? I made a breakthrough Realm in a silly way? It’s a body cultivator? What do you mean?”

“Oh! Just… just do that thing!”

“What the hell? Do…that you can still breakthrough Realm? Or is it silly breakthrough? Don’t you know how to breakthrough Realm?”

“Nonsense! I’m so overwhelmed and drunk by him…how do I know when breakthrough Realm was…”

“Sigh…Tianzong Big Brother! I won’t do it! Why can Hongxiu Big sis cultivate while being cool? Why do I have to run all day and night! Enter the bridal chamber! Now I will enter the bridal chamber!”

Lin Yingying ran up to Zhang Tianzong, holding his arm and swaying like a baby…

Zhang Tianzong Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and said: “Didn’t I say it, I’m not ready yet!”

“Um… Then when will you be ready!”

Tian Jinhua smiled and walked over and said: “Tianzong, Hongxiu and I are fully supporting this matter, so don’t have any worries! Since Yingying has been given the title of’Mrs.’, I don’t like it…”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said: “Mother-in-law! I have to thank you and Hongxiu! To be honest, this is definitely not my intention! However, since I have reached this point, I will not disappoint Yingying!”

“The reason why I can’t agree to enter the bridal chamber now is not just a matter of my thoughts, it is also related to Yingying’s physique cultivation! I won’t mention other things, but! We have all overlooked one of the most important links! ”

“Oh? What link is it?”

“Yingying’s mother! I’ve been thinking… if we can get the blessing of another mother-in-law about our affairs, that would be the most fulfilling thing! What do you think?”

“Even if you don’t consider this matter, at least you have to wait for Yingying’s Cultivation Base to consolidate, otherwise you will run away all day and night, and you will be in vain!”

“This… So you are thinking about it out of this aspect! I understand!”

“Heh…Tianzong Big Brother, so you think so! Hmm! It’s easy to do! I’ll tell my mother! Anyway, whether she agrees or not, my heart is set! Even if I want to regret it, it’s impossible. That’s it!”

“There is no need to discuss this matter! It has been so many years, which matter is not my own decision? Who has made ideas for me and discussed with me! When my mother called again in a few days, I Just let her know!”

“Hey…” Zhang Tianzong sighed and said: “Yingying, in fact…I just wanted to find an excuse to let you communicate with your mother! If you are stuck in such a stalemate, it won’t be good for me to be caught in the middle. Be a human! Isn’t it?”

“You and I are both aware of the current situation, no matter how opposed by others, it cannot change the fact that we are together! But after all, that is your biological mother! The mother-daughter relationship between you can still be eased. .”

“Uh…well! Then listen to the Big Brother of Tianzong! Huh? By the way! Didn’t you say that you want to teach us three cultivation? Is it all right now?”

As expected, Lin Yingying is a career-type girl, she changed the subject in the blink of an eye and started talking about cultivation!

“Of course! Let’s start by practicing Hidden Weapons!”

“Okay, okay! I like practicing this the most, it’s too practical for me! Hehehe…”

——To be continued——

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