Village Doctor.

Chapter 256

Chapter 256: Can I Take the Initiative to Dedicate myself for nothing?

Around 8:30 in the morning, Zhang Tianzong, Wang Hui and others finished their breakfast together.

While chatting, Wang Hui answered a call and hurriedly returned to the data transfer room.

About half an hour later, he walked out with a folder.

“Everyone! Please keep quiet and listen to me announce a few instructions and orders from the headquarters!”


Yuan Zhiqiang and Fang Long stood up immediately, and stood upright with their pens in a standard posture of a military posture!

Zhang Tianzong and Gao Jichen looked at each other, and then stood up. They couldn’t talk about military posture or military posture, but they also respected their attitude…

“The first order is announced! The special advisory team is formally established! Comrade Zhang Tianzong is appointed as the team leader!”

“No! What does this mean? I…”

“You shut up! This is an appointment from the headquarters, an order, not a negotiation! If you have any opinions, wait until I have announced them! You can put forward different opinions, but the order must be implemented!”

“Uh…then give me a fart opinion!”

Zhang Tianzong shook his head helplessly, and the others secretly laughed…

“Continue reading! Appoint Comrade Lin Yingying as the deputy leader of the special advisory team, with the first-ranked coordinating deputy leader of the position and authority! Mainly responsible for the coordination and communication between the special operations team and the advisory team, and cooperate with the team leader to complete the superior arrangement Mission!”

“Because Deputy Team Leader Lin is injured, it is not very convenient to move temporarily, so I have already called her in advance! After you officially meet, I will introduce each other in detail!”

“The appointment of Comrade Fang Long as the deputy team leader! The rank of authority is the second-ranked executive deputy team leader! Mainly responsible for assisting the team leader and the first deputy team leader to complete the tasks assigned by their superiors!”

“Yes! Guarantee to complete the task!”

“Okay! Continue reading. After discussion and resolution at the higher-level meeting, I officially accepted Comrade Gao Jichen’s application and approved him to join the special operations team! And appointed Comrade Gao Jichen as the deputy leader of the special advisory group! The level of authority is the coordination deputy leader! No! Enjoy the rank authority.”

“Huh? Me? I am very grateful to the leader for agreeing to my application, but letting me be the deputy team leader is not a bullshit! It is enough for me, an old man, to use his remaining heat…”

Wang Hui waved his hand, interrupted him and said, “Deputy Team Leader Gao, listen to me to finish. Your job authority is responsible for coordinating with Team Leader Zhang to coordinate social relations matters!”

“The higher-level leaders mean that although Team Leader Zhang is young and promising, after all, he has just walked out of the university campus and his social experience is not rich enough!”

“Leaders are a little worried that he is prone to impulsive mentality of young people in the face of complex changes in the situation, so there must be a veteran like you to sit in and check it out for him!”

“Oh oh oh! It turns out that there is such a meaning! That’s okay! I dare not say anything else. When it comes to playing the social intrigue, I still have a little experience! I have to take this job! ”

“Yeah! That’s good! Now let’s talk about the responsibilities, scope of authority, and staffing of the special advisory team!”

“Responsibility and obligation: The special advisory group is not affiliated with three agencies! It belongs to a separate voluntary cooperation group, which is a non-staff expansion staff in form!”

“The tasks assigned by the superiors should be completed actively and effectively! Before the execution of the operational tasks, it is the obligation to report the general direction and goals of the operation!”

“Scope of authority: You can directly submit an application to the special operations team without going through the three agencies! Have the right to independently determine the timing of the action, and can review and arrest mission targets in accordance with the law! There are those who use firearms and cold weapons in accordance with the law. that power!”

“Staffing establishment: This establishment is a non-staff expansion, not a formal job establishment! Except for the appointed team leader and deputy team leader! Ten team members can be added by themselves!”

“Qualification requirements, first, loyal to the country and people. Second, have certain special professional talents or special skills. Third, have excellent ideological quality!”

“After being submitted for review and passing the review, you can become a formal non-staff expansion team member! It is recommended that all five team members led by Fang Long be included in the special advisory group! Please review and decide by team leader Zhang Tianzong! The appointment and the spirit of the instructions are announced. !”

Wang Hui looked at Zhang Tianzong with a smile and said, “I can say if you have any opinions or thoughts this time!”

“Ahem! It’s already decided, so let’s say a shit! I agree to let Long Er and the others join in!”

Zhang Tianzong really didn’t care about other things, he really took things to his heart about Longer!

With the result of this appointment, it also means that Long Er’s affairs can be forgiven in a disguised form!

In fact, there is a deeper meaning in it. Long Er now has the mark from Dongtianfudi, so he will be his own helper in the future!

After passing this incident, Zhang Tianzong suddenly had the idea of ​​forming his own forces! The establishment of this special advisory group also coincided with his wishes!

So, I half-pushed and agreed…

“That’s good! I will formally archive and edit it later! A special confidential file will be formed! Let’s discuss the tasks issued by the superior in groups, and then formulate an action plan based on the materials reported by Team Leader Zhang!”

“Wait!” Zhang Tianzong said suddenly: “What did you just say? You need to discuss in groups, right? That means there is nothing wrong with me! Then I will go home!”

“You kid! Okay! Let me talk about you first! Since now you and Lao Yuan and I are already at the same level… No! Strictly speaking, you are half a level higher than us! ”

“Because you are a consultant group directly under the headquarters! I have to consult with some things, so I can ask you for advice! Hahaha…”

“You can pull it down, I’m just a plate of pickles! I can’t make it to the main seat at all!”

Wang Hui waved his hand and said, “It’s boring to be scornful like this. Everyone knows your ability, and it has been fully recognized and clearly affirmed by your superiors! Otherwise, it is impossible to set up a special advisory group for you!”

“Because of this, there must be an independent office belonging to you! Here! This is the key to the office! Room A5258! It’s next door to me!”

“Although the furnishings and layout in each office are the same, the feeling of belonging to own is different after all.”

“Um… please explain to me first, what does that series of numbers mean?”

“Didn’t I tell you? Read it backwards! They represent floors, rooms, and levels!”

“I know this! But what does the 5A that belong to me mean?”

“That’s your current level! It corresponds to the position of the leader of the special advisory group! This level is determined entirely on the basis of the position, and has nothing to do with the abilities of other aspects!”

“Let me tell you that, like Fang Long and Lin Yingying, fighters with outstanding abilities do not even have an office! It is not that they are not qualified to hold positions. It is related to the special tasks they undertake, and they can only give silently… ”

“Oh! Then… whose office are the four rooms in front?”

“Um… well! Now you are at this level, so it is okay to tell you! Your next door, that is, the third room is also a 5A level person, he is the military representative of the special operations team! The specifics are I don’t know anyone, and I used a special password communication system for single-line contact!”

“The third room is a 1S-level person. You have seen the person who belongs to this office! That is Director Liu’s office! The second is a 2S-level person and is the leader of the military operations department!”

“Although they have set up their offices here, they all have their own work to do. If there are no special major events or major meetings, they will not come here to work.”

“Oh! Then I understand! That means that you don’t check in at work and work at home. What, if that’s the case… I’ll keep one of this key, and give Lin Yingying another one, and let her work here in the future. , I don’t come often!”

“Well… it’s okay! Comrade Lin Yingying is responsible for the coordination between the special operations team and the special advisory team. This arrangement is also appropriate! As the first co-ordinating deputy team leader, working in the team leader’s office is not considered cross-border! Your proposal can be implemented!”

“Yeah!” Zhang Tianzong nodded gently, and suddenly remembered and said: “That’s right! Who owns the first office over there?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Hui immediately showed a look of admiration and said: “He is God of War! Let me tell you this, many special departments across the country have his offices! But unfortunately, few people have actually seen him. !”

“For the legend of God of War, you should ask Fang Long more or Lin Yingying. Both of them are disciples of God of War!”

Fang Long shook his head and said, “I’m just a registered disciple! I have been lucky enough to follow the teacher for a few years! Let’s ask Lin Yingying, she is the teacher’s beginner disciple, and she knows more about the details than I do!”

“Also, I have heard! Lin Yingying is your sister-in-law! You are a family, you will ask slowly after you close the door. Hehehe…”

“Damn! Founder Dage, you guys have learned badly! Ask and talk. Why do you have to close the door and ask?”

“Hey hey… Don’t you always say that my sister-in-law has half a brother-in-law. Besides, even if I really do not learn, I will learn from you!”

“Damn! You have to learn fast, right? When you look back, remember to call me the tuition!”

“Huh? Tuition? Now my brothers and I are all under yours. It is against the rules to exploit the private property of yours!”

“Fuck! You are a poor life! Don’t you know that investment will pay off? Yesterday I just gave a few pointers, and Lin Yingying immediately broke through to the 3S early stage! Otherwise, she would have suffered such a serious injury. It’s impossible to recover so quickly! How about? Are you greedy?”

“What the hell? What you said is true? Tianzong, from now on you will be my boss! I will give you as much tuition as you said! It’s really not good, can I take the initiative to dedicate myself for nothing?”

“Get out! As the saying goes, you can’t lose your chance, and you don’t want to lose it again! Want to learn from me? Let’s wait for my mood to get better!”

“No one like this! Boss…”

“Fuck away! The more you look at you now, the more disgusting you are! Why are you still planning to dedicate yourself for nothing? It’s really hard for your beard-filled virtue, how can you say it?”

“Don’t say I didn’t remind you, if you really feel that way, you’d better go for the operation quickly! If I react, I will dislike you!”

“Me! I won’t learn from you! Cut!”


——To be continued——

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