Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 521 Little White Tiger, Si Yingshi

Everyone looked at each other. They didn't know Song Jie's methods, so they needed to think about it carefully.

However, Nanjue made a choice quickly.

"Song Jie and I." Nan Jue stood next to Song Jie. She knew this guy very well and he would not do anything he was not sure about.

Ai Tutu and Jiang Yu looked at each other and said, "We will follow you too."

"Can you come back to pick me up then?" Guan Yu didn't want to take risks, so he chose to stay.

Seeing this, Song Jie nodded and didn't say anything. Anyway, he would regret it later.

Seeing Song Jie nodding, Guan Yu breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he came to pick him up when the time came, there would be no problem.

Of these people, only Guan Yu didn't go with them, so they got on the back of Ice Emperor Wind Eagle again.

Guan Yu looked at it from a distance. He felt that it was too dangerous to go to the lair of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagle, and there was another question as to whether there was any treasure!

Therefore, he had no intention of tagging along.


The Ice Emperor Wind Eagle arrived near the lair of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagle.

At this moment, the Arctic Ancient Eagles seemed to be alarmed and flew out of their nests one after another.

"Ice King Wind Eagle, Apasi, tell them to be quiet." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, one person and one beast suddenly released a terrifying pressure.

The realms of Apasi and Ice Emperor Wind Eagle have been upgraded to the emperor level.

Therefore, their pressure is a great threat to these extremely cold ancient eagles!

Just when they took action, the arctic ancient eagle nobles who originally wanted to rush out immediately retreated! !

The leaders of the Extreme Cold Ancient Eagles are at most the monarch level. Although they also have many commanders, they pose no threat to the emperor level at all.

And the reason why they can become the overlords in the air is entirely because their race is relatively large.

Even powerful monarchs don’t dare to fight them!

However, people like Song Jie were different. They directly used their strength to crush the Extreme Cold Ancient Eagle, making them afraid to even come out.

Ai Jiangtu, Jiang Yu and others were more or less surprised when they saw this scene.

There were so many extremely cold ancient eagles, but they didn't even have the courage to come up, and they all huddled in their nests.

Jiang Shaoxu was very calm. She asked Song Jie, "Song Jie, where is the treasure here?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Jie looked in the direction of the ancient eagle's nest.

There is a glacier!

I don’t know how many years it has been silent!

Song Jie completed a Explosive Glory and threw it over. In an instant, the entire glacier trembled and cracked open! !

They kept staring until the glacier cracked, and when those spirit seeds and soul seeds appeared, they suddenly showed expressions of disbelief!


Jiang Yu was originally gentle, but when he saw this scene, he said something about the quintessence of the Chinese nation.

Because the scene at the moment is really spectacular, there are so many damn soul seeds! !

Especially the spiritual seed fragments! !

I can’t even count them! !

If they hadn't been able to get it, Jiang Shaoxu, Jiang Yu and others would have wanted to rush over! !

Tens of millions of spiritual seeds!

Even if it is a spiritual seed fragment, it only costs a few million to start with!

Not to mention soul seeds, if you can get one soul seed, you can achieve several small goals! !

Jiang Shaoxu said excitedly: "Song Jie, can you go down? I can't wait!"

"I'll send you down."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he asked Ice Emperor Wind Eagle to take them down.

When everyone saw the spiritual seeds and soul seeds at their fingertips, their hands were trembling with excitement.

Nan Jue asked: "Can we take these too?"

If Song Jie hadn't brought them here with him, they might not have had such an opportunity.

Song Jie nodded.

"We'll just take a little, and we'll help you pick up the rest." Ai Jiangtu said with a smile.

A random number here is a spiritual seed. In this situation, it is like stepping on the God of Wealth Mountain, with gold everywhere! !

"You guys are searching here, I'll go in and take a look." Song Jie said.


Jiang Shaoxu was stunned, "What did you do in there?"

Song Jie smiled and said, "Maybe there are other treasures inside."

Jiang Shaoxu worriedly asked: "Isn't it too dangerous to do this? After all, we have already appeared outside their lair in a big way. Isn't it too..."

"It's not a big problem." Song Jie patted Jiang Shaoxu on the shoulder.

Jiang Shaoxu saw this and said nothing more.

Under the gaze of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagle, Song Jie approached their nest step by step.

When Jihan Ancient Eagle looked at this human being, the ferocious look in his eyes was suddenly revealed.

Although they are afraid of Apasi and Ice Emperor Wind Eagle, they are not afraid of the human in front of them! !

As long as he dares to come in! !

They dare to tear this human being into pieces! !

"Are you really okay?" Jiang Yu also asked worriedly.

Jiang Shaoxu shook his head, "It's okay if he says it's okay."

No one said anything more, because the spiritual seeds and soul seeds here were too tempting.

After Song Jie entered the lair of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagles, those Extremely Cold Ancient Eagles immediately pounced on them.

However, before he could come over, he was directly strangled by Song Jie, and his remains fell into the bracelet.

But how could they stop like this and then attack again, but they couldn't even touch Song Jie.

In an instant, the entire lair was filled with densely packed corpses of extremely cold ancient eagles!

Everywhere Song Jie went, the place would be filled with the corpses of the ancient arctic eagles.


Those extremely cold ancient eagles are scared!

They all know that if they rush over, they will die. If it is an air battle, they are not afraid at all!

However, their advantages cannot be used in this narrow space, so they are constantly giving in, not daring to move forward.


A monarch couldn't bear it any longer!

This is trampling on the dignity of their ancient arctic eagles. As a noble, it cannot allow humans to be so arrogant!

Just the next second, Song Jie immediately collected its essence, and also gave those extremely cold ancient eagles a powerful start!

Song Jie used the power of space to gain insight into the movements of the extremely cold ancient eagle's nest.


He settled on a location.

Song Jie stepped away, but Jihan Ancient Eagle didn't dare to follow him, and just watched him swaggering in.

After a while, he came to another cave. As soon as he entered, he saw many young children of the Extremely Cold Ancient Eagle.

Song Jie felt that he should have found the right place, so he walked in.


He locked his gaze in one direction and used his telekinesis to pull out a small white tiger.

The little white tiger wanted to resist, but in front of Song Jie, it didn't even have the strength to resist.

Song Jie walked over and happened to see it holding something in its mouth.

He showed a smile, this was Si Yingshi who could trade with the Dark King.

Song Jie took Si Yingshi away from the little white tiger's mouth. The little white tiger looked at him angrily. It had been using this thing as a pacifier!

How could the little white tiger be afraid of giving up after being robbed suddenly?

However, Song Jie gave it a head-on blow, causing the little white tiger to scream in pain.

...(End of chapter)

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