Those two supreme monarch creatures are too strong, and the elders of the Mu family are no match for them.

"What are you still doing? Come here and help!"

The two elders said angrily.

After everyone heard this, they all came to help.

But the space power of the Vine Snake is so powerful.

They were helpless against Baxia's defense.

There is nothing they can do!

The two elders left the battlefield and vomited blood.

They are now.

Already seriously injured! !

"What should we do? Should we invite that guy out?" Another elder asked.

"Please!!" the white-bearded veteran said immediately.

The other party is bullying others too much!

Do you really think it’s great to have two supreme monarchs?

"But if you ask for this thing, I'm afraid..." The Scar veteran hesitated.

It would cost too much to ask this thing to come out.

"No matter how big the price is, I will bear it!!" said the white-bearded elder.

The chairman of the Mu family is his son, and he is still in Song Jie's hands.


He wants to save his son.

Elder Scar was helpless. Since someone was taking the blame, it was hard for him to say anything.

He said: "Then ask her to come out!"

The next moment, the two of them seemed to be chanting a spell.

A huge circular white pattern suddenly appeared in the sky above the Mu family.

It instantly covered the entire Mu family villa area.

The pattern depicts a slender figure, but Song Jie hasn't seen the pattern clearly yet.

Snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky.

The temperature dropped suddenly.

"It seems like this is about to launch a big move!" Song Jie knew that the Mu family would not be able to sit still.


He has no fear!

"What's happening here?"

Even the Mu family.

They don't know what their elders are doing either.

This is a forbidden technique of the Mu family.

Only the older generation know this forbidden technique.


A beautiful shadow emerged from the formation pattern in the sky.

She looks like someone who stepped out of a comic book, and looks like a fairy.

Just take a look.

Everyone showed fear.

More of a fear.

This woman's aura seems to be a bit more terrifying than Vine Snake and Ba Xia! !

Song Jie narrowed his eyes.

Although he knew that the Mu family had more than that, he was a little surprised when he saw this woman.

"I didn't expect that your Mu family still has this kind of forbidden technique, okay!" Song Jie said with a smile.

Speaker Mu sneered.

This is the family!

How else would they have stood for so long!

Teng She and Ba Xia also stopped moving and returned to Song Jie at the same time.

at the same time.

They also sent a message to Song Jie.

Said this guy is very strong!

Song Jie frowned, "Is it the Ya Emperor?!"

The opponent that even Teng She and Ba Xia are afraid of is probably close to Ya Diwang, right?

"This is the god worshiped by our Mu family!!" The Mu family chairman said with a smile.

"A god?" Song Jie raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Then I will kill the gods today!!"

Killing God?

The Speaker of the Mu family sneered again in his heart.

And he said before that even if Song Jie brought the Supreme Monarch, he would still be able to kill him.

It's also because their Mu family has such a trump card.

Supreme monarch?

In front of their goddess!

But that's it!

At this time, the Ice Goddess was hanging in the air, and there was suddenly more and more falling snow.

"kill him!"

The white-bearded veteran pointed in the direction of Song Jie.

The Ice Goddess looked down at Song Jie on the roof, and then slowly raised her slender hands.

In an instant, the nearby snowflakes suddenly froze, as if they were nailed in mid-air.

The Ice Goddess stared at Song Jie for a moment, and the snowflakes in the sky continued to gather!


She moved her palm slightly, and a tornado of snowflakes instantly swooped down, heading straight for Song Jie.

Song Jie smiled and said: "You two old guys, you don't want them to live, right?"

He smiled and said, "Then I'm leaving. Can you stop me?"

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he noticed the surge of space power around him.

"I still want to use this trick."

You want to take advantage of him to deal with the Ice Goddess and then save people, right?

That being the case!

Then, I will teach you a lesson! !

Song Jie raised his head, raised his arms slightly, and aimed at the oncoming tornado.

Then pinched hard!

The snow tornado exploded instantly under the strangulation of space force, and snowflakes flew all over the sky.

Song Jie turned his head and looked at the door to space, and threw several explosive lasers in.

This is twelve times the explosive laser!

He used the power of space to lock the opponent's position, and then sent the blast laser to that person's position.

"Boom" suddenly sounded!

It seems to be behind a villa.

Song Jie didn't pay attention, his eyes fell on the Ice Goddess above.

This guy is tough!

But that's all.

"Watch them, I'm going to kill the gods!"

Song Jie finished speaking.

Demonization is activated.

In an instant, his strength continued to rise, as if he had reached a new level.


Speaker Mu and others saw Song Jie transforming into a demon, and they suddenly panicked.

What kind of monster did they mess with! !

Mu Hu sighed, they shouldn't mess with Song Jie.

However, the Speaker of the Mu family still refused to give up. He did not believe that Song Jie could kill their goddess! !

Song Jie raised his head, and his figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he was already behind the Ice Goddess.

The Ice Goddess also seemed to notice it. With just a look, an ice surface instantly formed behind her!

Song Jie punched down, and with a "bang" sound, the ice surface suddenly shattered.

However, the Ice Goddess had disappeared and appeared opposite Song Jie.

She slowly raised her arms to the top of her head. The snowflakes were pulled by her and turned into sharp blades, sweeping towards Song Jie like a tornado.

Song Jie calmly watched the snowflakes flying around him, and golden light shields appeared one after another around him.

In an instant, a storm of snowflakes engulfed Song Jie, and no one could see his condition.

"Condensation!" The Ice Goddess spoke again, and the flying snow in the sky turned into an ice cage.

It seems that he wants to freeze Song Jie forever!

"He's finished!"

The Speaker of the Mu family felt very happy. This is the strength of their Mu family!

However, just when he was so happy and selfless, the ice cage suddenly collapsed.

"How can it be!"

At this time, Song Jie was no longer alone, there was an identical demon beside him.

"Two demons!!"

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but be startled.

"I told you, today I will kill the gods!"

Song Jie locked the position of the Ice Goddess and strangled her in space.

But the other party has surpassed the level of the Supreme Monarch after all.

Faced with Song Jie's strangulation.

Can handle it too.

However, now there is not only one Song Jie, but two Song Jie!

Song Jie's other clone had quietly disappeared, and when it appeared, it was already in the sky above the Ice Goddess.

In the blink of an eye.

Countless lights appeared behind the clone, and the next moment it was aimed at the Ice Goddess and covered it.

The Ice Goddess was originally able to cope with it with ease, but the sudden brilliance disrupted her rhythm in the blink of an eye.

Her beautiful eyes were slightly angry, her eyes glared at Song Jie, and then she let out a crisp singing voice! !

Song Jie suddenly stopped, feeling that the fairy was about to unleash her ultimate move!

...(End of chapter)

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