Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 775: Don't rob it, it's all my master's

For mirrors of the same size and packaging quality of the same grade, the products of Zhaoqing Glass Factory are often only about 70% or 80% of that of European mirrors!

And this alone makes the mirrors produced by Zhaoqing Glass Factory quickly seize the market.

And there is one more thing that European mirrors can't match, and that is size!

Although both European-style mirrors and Zhaoqing Glass Factory can produce larger mirrors, Zhaoqing Glass Factory is local production, which is more convenient to transport. It does not need to travel tens of thousands of miles by sea like European mirrors, and it is not easy to break, so it can be used in Local launch of large-area mirrors.

And this is the incomparable advantage of European mirrors!

It's not that they don't have large-area mirrors, but they can't be transported, or they can be transported, but the cost of transportation and packaging is also staggering.

Because of the low-cost sales to seize the market, after the glass of Zhaoqing Glass Factory was listed, although the goods just launched were not too many, it was still sold out. Many merchants were waving the check of the Royal Bank to buy Zhaoqing glass. Factory mirror!

Zhaoqing Glass Factory is located in the offices of Guangzhou Business District!

A crowd of businessmen crowded around several glass factory salesmen

What, no more mirrors?

How much is left, I have it all covered, come on, check next!

Oops, whoever robs me is not allowed to rob, it's all mine, damn, don't take his check, take mine, take mine!

What, the stock has been sold out, it's okay, your glass factory will continue to produce, how much will you produce in the next month, this master has it all!

What? Your output is so large, what the hell, who said all-inclusive just now, I didn't say it anyway, I only need one-third, no, one-tenth of the output!

What? You bastards, you have already booked all the production for the previous month. Well, you are ruthless enough, Master Rongben take a breath first!

Well, it's alright now, let me tell you, it's not a problem, push their list back, give me the output of next month first, and I will increase the price!

What? They have already increased the price, what a joke, who is richer than this master, this master has nothing but more money, no matter how much they add, this master will always be 10% more than them, no, half!

Once the glass was launched on the market, it caused a rush. To be honest, the output of the Zhaoqing Glass Factory is actually not low. The output in one month is comparable to the output shipped by Europeans to East Asia in ten years, but the price is cheap, and Production is sufficient.

Countless people have seen business opportunities from it and want to use it to become rich!

And this has also brought huge profits to Zhaoqing Glass Factory. Their cost and transportation cost are low, but the price is only 20 to 30% cheaper than European mirrors that have been transported tens of thousands of miles by sea to East Asia. , and what does this represent? Represents profiteering!

Its profit rate is so high that it is even higher than that of Zhaoqing Soap Company!

Although the mirror cannot directly promote the national defense of Datang, but as a commodity that can earn a lot of profits and pay a lot of taxes at the same time, it can still contribute to the national defense of the Tang Dynasty and the Li Family Dynasty. Domination plays a positive role.

Most of the taxes it creates and pays will eventually be turned into military expenses, and then into guns and ammunition, and military salaries for soldiers.

And this is not just the role of a commodity such as a mirror. In fact, most products, whether they are traditional commodities or emerging commodities that have emerged in recent years, are mostly like this!

They create jobs, increase people's income, and create taxes!

And this is their greatest contribution to the Tang Dynasty!

The surging development of industry and commerce is bringing huge tax revenue to the Tang Dynasty. In the four years of Xuanping, the proportion of tax contributed by industry and commerce in the fiscal revenue budget has increased to 30%. Although this proportion is It is still not as good as the agricultural tax, but it is almost the same.

And this does not include the two major taxes of tariffs and salt taxes!

If you add them, the proportion of taxes contributed by industry and commerce is even greater!

Thanks to the explosive growth of industry and commerce, it also brought the two local agricultural provinces of Huguang and Jiangxi under its control. It also made the Ministry of Taxation shout that until next year, that is, the fifth year of Xuanping, the existing control According to district calculations, the central government revenue budget will likely exceed 20 million taels of silver.

If the per capita tax figures are used to calculate, the average tax per person is a little more than one tael!

And you have to know that the current population under Datang’s rule is not too large. Adding all the current control areas together, the total population estimated by the Ministry of Households is about 20 million to 30 million. Of course, this figure is definitely inaccurate, otherwise, it would not give a fluctuating figure with a gap of 10 million people.

Because so far, the Tang Dynasty has not conducted a complete census, and the population data in many places are very different. To a certain extent, it also refers to the official data of the former Ming Dynasty, but the official data of the Ming Dynasty can be trusted. One or two achievements are not bad, but it would be foolish to believe all of them.

Therefore, it is unknown how many people there are now under the rule of the Tang Dynasty. The Ministry of Household estimates that it is between 20 million and 30 million. I don’t understand. To be able to get this data, it is still a combination of various data. For example, the salt sales of Datang Salt Industry Company is a very important reference data. This approximate figure is obtained.

If you want to know how many people there are under the Tang Dynasty, you can only find out after the regime is stabilized and a census is conducted.

More than 20 million people, providing more than 20 million taels in tax revenue, this ratio is actually relatively high, compared with the financial revenue of the Ming Dynasty... Well, forget it, people only have a few million taels a year, so there is no way For comparison, it is more appropriate to take the Qing Dynasty, which everyone is more familiar with.

In the early stage of the Qing Dynasty, it was about 30 to 40 million taels, and in the later stage, it reached more than 100 million taels. This figure was basically about two or three times the population at that time. In the early stage, the population was small, and the tax was also small. In the later stage, the population was large, but the tax also increased.

But it is worth noting that the taxation of the Qing Dynasty is not only the normal tax, but also the additional miscellaneous taxes reserved by various messy local governments, and the amount of this part is actually quite huge.

Well, it is also worth noting that when the government collects these additional taxes, if the government receives 1 million taels, then the actual burden of the people may reach 2 million or even 3 million taels, so discussing the public burden At that time, you can’t just look at how much money the state collects on the surface, but how much money the people donate.

If you add all these messy miscellaneous taxes, in fact, the per capita tax burden of the Qing Dynasty will not be lower than that of the Tang Dynasty, or even higher!

As for the people at the bottom, that is, peasants, Li Xuan can proudly say that the peasants in the Tang Dynasty had a lighter burden than the peasants in any feudal dynasty.

The various extortionate and miscellaneous taxes levied against the people at the bottom, and the officials and tax collectors who appeared in the process of collecting these extortionate and miscellaneous taxes privately levied it, this is the real yoke on the peasants of the feudal dynasties of the past dynasties!

But now, Li Xuan broke the shackles!

So even though the agricultural tax levied by the Tang Dynasty was higher than that of any feudal dynasty, the peasants were willing and happy. Why? It's because they only need to pay the agricultural tax, and they don't have to pay all kinds of messy extortionate and miscellaneous taxes.

Reducing the burden on farmers is what Li Xuan has been doing all the time, and this is also one of the most important policies that Li Xuan has promoted in recent years for people's livelihood. Those who dare to make apportionments in any name, collect miscellaneous taxes, etc. Local officials or officials of the Ministry of Taxation, once found, will all impose the strictest punishment of looting and genocide!

As an official, he wants to make money to support his family. Although Li Xuan doesn’t say it on the surface, it is understandable. After all, everyone followed him to rebel, greedy for some money to improve their lives, and marry more concubines. Li Xuan also thinks it is reasonable, after all When the water is clear, there are no fish.

But greed for money is greedy, but it is to find the right direction to start. You think that those businessmen will squeeze some money occasionally to make some money, and Li Xuan will turn a blind eye, but if you dare to If you want to start with those peasants who are already bitter, then don't blame Li Xuan's knife for being too sharp!

In fact, Li Xuan really doesn't understand You are an official who uses a lot of methods to make money. Why do you have to deal with those farmers who are bitter, haha, and have no oil and water? You squeeze thousands of farmers, it's better You directly find a big businessman to squeeze more money.

But there are such stupid sluts, and they still don't kill them. Li Xuan's attitude is firm.

Once these officials who dare to think of bitter peasants are caught, it is impossible to behead their heads, and it is impossible in this life. They must raid their families and exterminate their families, otherwise they will not be able to shock the latecomers.

Speaking of which, many of the laws of the Tang Dynasty were clearly marked, and if someone violated a certain law, they would raid their homes and exterminate their families. Of course, innocent people would be implicated in this process, but when these so-called innocent people enjoy the benefits of their father, brother and others The glory and wealth brought by breaking the law, then when their father and brother are caught, don't say they are innocent.

It's impossible for an official to be caught and shot for embezzlement, but his family still takes a lot of money to go abroad. It's impossible in Datang, because in Datang, I am Lingchi or something, and my wife, daughter and sister are all charged. After entering the Ministry of Education, all children, grandchildren and brothers will be beheaded.

He can still leave a trace of blood under the search of Hantong's eagle dogs. If he is so awesome, Hantong will write a big word on his grave!

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