Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 394: Full army charge

The Ming army cavalry retreated, and the infantry of the new Tang army were indifferent, watching the retreat of the Ming army cavalry. It was quite good that these infantrymen could defend against the impact of the Ming army cavalry. Even so, in fact, they suffered heavy casualties.

The first infantry battalion suffered no less than fifty or sixty casualties, and this number was actually quite a heavy casualty figure for an infantry battalion of only five hundred people.

If the other three phalanxes of infantry were added, the combined casualties of the four phalanxes of the Datang New Army in the few minutes that they had just suffered the charge of the Ming army's cavalry were almost over 200.

However, even with such heavy casualties, they are still considered outstanding military exploits. You must know that they are infantry. They charged against 1,500 Ming cavalrymen, and only 200 people were killed and wounded to repel the attack of the enemy cavalry. And it also caused the casualties of no less than 200 Ming cavalry.

This kind of record can be called a big victory!

But this is only for the First Soldier and the officers and ordinary soldiers in the baggage regiment, but for Li Xuan, this is still not enough!

Because the cavalry of the Ming army is still there, they can still pose a serious threat to their own side!

The Ming cavalry that killed and wounded 200 people was still 1,300 cavalry, and they could still pose a great threat to their side on the battlefield!

Now that the cavalry of the Ming army has retreated, Li Xuan is not willing to let the cavalry of the Ming army escape safely. He wants to expand the victory, not to mention the complete defeat of the cavalry of the Ming army, at least he must take a bite. Come, so as to effectively reduce the pressure of follow-up operations.

Immediately, he was the messenger and said: "The cavalry is ordered to attack, chase and kill the fleeing enemy cavalry!"

The semaphore messenger behind Li Xuan immediately waved the flag in his hand. In the direction of the cavalry of the Datang New Army hundreds of meters away, in the place where the cavalry battalion and the cavalry team of the guard battalion are located, Cao Mingda also saw hundreds of meters away. The messenger on the hillside waved the flag. As an officer, he has no culture, but the basic semaphore still needs to be mastered.

At this time, the semaphore messengers who specially watched the semaphore of various departments on the battlefield also said loudly: "Report to the battalion commander, Your Majesty has a purpose: order the cavalry to attack and hunt down the fleeing enemy cavalry!".

When the messenger relayed the order, he did not dare to drop or add a single word, but completely relayed Li Xuan's words.

Cao Mingda immediately nodded and said, "Reply: The minister obeys the order!"

Regardless of whether the semaphore messenger behind him started waving the flag to reply, he already got on his horse, and then shouted: "Everyone has it: get on the horse!"

Because of the shortage of war horses for the new army of the Tang Dynasty, it was impossible for the cavalry to be equipped with two horses, or even three horses.

Therefore, in order to reduce the burden of war horses, in fact, cavalry will not ride war horses for a long time. Carry it yourself.

And when it comes to the battle stage, it will feed the war horses with concentrate in advance, and then try not to let the war horses perform high-intensity exercise, let alone ride a horse or the like.

And all of this is to preserve the physical fitness of the war horses to the greatest extent, so that the horses can exert their maximum combat effectiveness in the battle!

Therefore, they also fight on horses, but ordinary officers do not have so many scruples when they ride on horses. For them, it's just a means of transportation.

However, for the full-time cavalry, they need to mount war horses to charge, and the physical fitness of war horses is more important than their own physical fitness!

Therefore, even if the front line was already fighting, the cavalry of the cavalry battalion and the cavalry of the guard battalion actually led the horses slowly into the battlefield, and then just stood there waiting for Li Xuan's order.

When Li Xuan's order was issued, they finally rode on horseback for the first time in this large-scale battle!

After Cao Mingda himself got on his horse, the cavalry behind him also got on his horse!

"Draw the saber!" Cao Mingda grabbed the reins with one hand, pressed it on his saber with one hand, and then pulled out the saber, and most of the others behind him also followed the same tactical action.

Suddenly, a bright sabre appeared in this cavalry queue. The saber used by these cavalrymen was somewhat different from the cavalry of the Ming army, and was also different from the waist saber used by the infantry or the command saber of the officers.

The saber they used was decided by Li Xuan based on his impression of the saber of later generations. The body of the blade maintained an overall arc, and at the same time there was a guard. The end of the handle was curved, and the most important point was the width. The back is thin and the blade is actually heavier than the ordinary waist knife.

If you look at it from a distance, it is easy to confuse it with Japanese swords and waist swords, but in fact, these are completely different types of swords!

And this kind of knife is a typical knife used for slashing on horseback. It is the standard configuration of modern cavalry. Even in the 21st century, the saber used by cavalry is still this style of saber, at most, the details are slightly different. .

After the cavalry pulled out their sabres, they didn't waving the sabres loudly, but carried the sabres on their shoulders. Before charging with the musketeers, they didn't hold the muskets flat, but held the tails of the muskets with their hands. The gun body is placed on the shoulder, in layman's terms, it is carrying the gun!

This is conducive to saving physical strength, and at the same time, there will be no accidental injury in the process of advancing. Whether it is a saber or a bayonet on a musket, it is very sharp. That's a big hole. Of course, after entering the battle, I will definitely not care whether it will be accidentally injured.

Armed with sabers, these cavalry in leather boots trot along on horseback!

But it didn't take long for them to walk like this, because soon Cao Mingda gave the order: "Run ahead!"

In an instant, this cavalry with only 300 people picked up its speed. Although its momentum was not as big as when the Ming cavalry trotted forward, it was enough to attract the attention of most people on the battlefield, especially those who were observing the battlefield. The senior generals on both sides can see at a glance that this cavalry unit is already trotting, speeding up the final charge, and it will not be long before they can enter the final charge!

Like the other cavalry under his command, Cao Mingda sat neatly on the back of the horse carrying the saber, and his whole body swayed with the running of the horse.

After trotting, the speed of the entire cavalry unit became faster and faster, and at this time they also crossed a distance of fifty or sixty meters, and in front of them were more than a thousand Ming army cavalry retreating!

There is no doubt that Cao Mingda is preparing to lead his 300 cavalry to launch a charge against the more than 1,000 Ming cavalry, and it is the most brutal kind of melee charge!

Can you win? Cao Mingda doesn't know, will he die? He doesn't know either!

But he had no other choice, because Li Xuan had already given him an order, if he disobeyed, someone would cut off his head immediately, and then lead the cavalry to charge on his behalf!

Countless horse hooves in the cavalry of both sides trampled on the ground, so that a rumbling sound of horse hooves was heard, attracting the attention of the middle and senior generals of both sides on the entire battlefield. Then it was the battalion of several infantry battalions on the front line that were fighting fiercely with the enemy infantry. The captains and captains couldn't help but look back to the northwest, where the two cavalrymen were about to fight!

At this time, the Ming army cavalry obviously also knew that they saw the Datang new army cavalry killing from the side and rear. At this time, the defect of the Ming army cavalry lacking unified command was exposed again.

There were about a dozen or so cavalry troops with a total of 600 or 700 people leaving most of them one after another, then changed their direction and galloped away in the direction of the attack of the Datang New Army cavalry. This was to take the initiative to fight.

But the rest of the cavalry speeded up, and then headed towards their own central army without looking back. It can't be said that they were timid, but no one ordered them to meet the attacking pseudo-Tang thieves. Cavalry, they just act on instinct.

The officers who led the troops at the grassroots level did what they ordered, and the orders given by so many officers were not the, which caused the cavalry of more than 1,300 to be divided into two, and one of them took the initiative to greet them. Towards the new cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, and one continued to retreat!

This change in the Ming cavalry made Cao Mingda happy. Originally, he had the mentality of mortal death, and he had to bite off a large piece of meat from the Ming cavalry, even if it resulted in heavy casualties. no hesitation.

But now, these Ming army cavalry turned out to be divided into two, what is the situation?

I don't understand!

He didn't understand it himself. In fact, the Ming army himself didn't understand it. This is, after these Ming army cavalry was divided into two, the two waves of cavalry soon found something wrong, and immediately someone tried to make adjustments.

Some of those who continued to retreat took cavalry around the bend and tried to come back for support, but there were also some Ming cavalrymen who had gone to meet the cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army and saw that the friendly troops did not follow up, and they did not want to fight alone, so they began to evacuate.

This coming and going has made these Ming troops even more chaotic!

When the Ming army retreated from the infantry phalanx of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, it was relatively chaotic, and more than 200 people were killed and injured, so that the morale was relatively low. Now this chaos has occurred, and this Ming army cavalry It looked messy, and there was no pattern at all.

But Cao Mingda, who saw this scene, had a huge increase in confidence unknowingly. Seeing that the distance was already suitable for the final sprint, he stood up almost entirely, relying solely on the stirrups on his feet to support his body. Holding his saber aloft, he shouted: "All troops charge!"

"Come on!"

"The Tang Dynasty is invincible!"

"The Guard Battalion will never retreat!"

Various slogans sounded in this cavalry unit in an instant. At the same time, this Datang New Army cavalry burst out of the embankment like a torrent and rushed towards the opposite Ming Army cavalry!

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